However, only these three can be used.

As long as the bugs aren't anything outrageous above level four.

Su Yan felt that he could still handle it.

Moreover, although the Wind King Barrier seems to be just a piece of auxiliary equipment on weekdays.

But it is actually a genuine C-rank Noble Phantasm!

at this time.

Su Yan heard an exclamation from the player standing beside him.

"The Zerg, the Zerg are out!"

"Hold the grass, this bug looks too disgusting, I feel like I don't need to eat for a few days!"

"Escape button! Where's the Escape button?"

After the Zerg came out, there was a commotion in the crowd.

Many people are anxious to find where the exit button is, but after entering the Zerg battlefield.

Unless it is killed by insects, it is impossible to exit.

Su Yan also frowned and looked at the Zerg ahead.

This Zerg looks strange, even the body is very distorted.

The double pincers of some insects seem to be long and disabled. One side looks like it can pinch a "one twenty" to death with one pincer, but the other side seems to have shrunk.

There are also Zerg with eight legs that look like spiders walking on the ground.

There are even some bugs with two heads, each full of fangs.

After seeing humans.

A desire appeared on the faces of these Zerg.

Not a desire for human flesh.

But the desire to destroy all living things!

Hundreds of Zerg gathered and sprinted towards where the players were.

When they started running together, they even drove the ground under their feet to rumble!

Many newcomers retreated when they saw Chongzi's cruel and bloodthirsty eyes.

Those players who originally wanted to see how Lu Wei killed bugs and got the first place on the leaderboard.

After seeing the ferocious Zerg, I regretted why I came to join in such a fun.

Although Su Yan also felt a little uncomfortable because of the distorted appearance of the Zerg.

But he didn't have trembling legs like other rookies.

Because appearance factors are excluded, these Zerg races are only second-level strengths in his eyes.

Comparable to his strength.

Some of them are even a little weaker than him.

Immediately, the nausea in Su Yan's heart eased a lot.

There is not much fear in my heart.

After all, the source of all fear comes from insufficient firepower.

He still has at least three items that can be used on him now.

And in the game space.

Although he didn't bring in the magic circuit.

But in it, aura is a conceptual existence, and these players are inexhaustible.

Then there is nothing to worry about!

Su Yan thought of this, and directly took out Mo Xie.

With the two knives in hand, the last bit of discomfort in Su Yan's heart disappeared.

Standing next to Su Yan are some rookies who are trembling because of the Zerg.

After seeing Su Ji take out the general Mo Xie, they all froze for a moment.

It was as if he remembered that he also had a weapon in his backpack, so he quickly took the weapon in his hand.

With the weapon in hand, I also slightly recovered from the previous frightened state.

"These Zerg looks too scary!"

"Yeah, I heard them talking about the Zerg before, and I thought the Zerg looked like crayfish!"

"God damn it looks like a crayfish, what about you!"

"I was so scared that I was going to call GM just now, thanks to the little brother next to me who moved a knife when holding it, I was able to recover and remembered that I was not the only one here on the battlefield.

"By the way, who is this brother? His name is still green, and he is a newcomer like us, right?"

"However, he doesn't seem to be afraid of these bugs at all, and he seems to be quite disgusted?"

"Is this reaction really a newcomer? It can't be the trumpet opened by some big guy."

The players standing near Su Yan looked at Su Yan, who was staring at the newcomer's appellation, and whispered.

Out of all the newcomers came a cool one.

Even with them, they felt a little relieved.

As for Lu Wei, who was standing not far from Su Yan, her face was a little surprised.

"He took out his weapon and prepared to fight so quickly, this rookie's psychological quality is extraordinary!"

You must know when she first came to the Zerg battlefield.

Because I was too afraid of the Zerg, I dared not move my legs as if they were on the ground.

It was directly cut off by the Zerg with pliers.

Later, after a few more exercises, I dared to kill the Zerg alone.

Lu Wei looked at Su Yan with some appreciation.

At the same time, I was a little envious of these newcomers who regained their sanity because of Su Yan's actions.

If only she had met a calm newcomer like Su Yan.

At the beginning, there was no need to die a few times under the Zerg pincers.

With these in mind, Lu Wei lightly came to the front of the Zerg.

With a flick of the palm, several button-shaped particles appeared on the fingertips.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Wei precisely ejected the button in her hand towards the Zerg's arthropods.

The button burst into light the moment it touched the Zerg.

Immediately afterwards, several subtle explosions sounded.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Miniature explosions sounded from several large joints of the Zerg one after another.

The Zerg's pair of pincers burst out immediately.

The joints of the standing feet were also blasted.

Lost the function of standing, Zerg crooked to the ground.

Another long knife was pulled out by Lu Wei, and the sharp end was quickly inserted into the Zerg's mouthparts, and then pierced out from the skull.

After breaking my mind......

This Zerg has no vital signs.

Then it turned into a light spot and flew into Lu Weipei's light brain bracelet.

On the ranking of this area above the sky of the battlefield where everyone is.

The words that player Lu Wei added one point also appeared.

Lu Wei put away the knife and moved towards the next Zerg.

All players also reacted, the Zerg war has begun!

However, facing the menacing Zerg, they were still somewhat unable to move.

Not because of fear.

But although Lu Wei rushed out first.

But more people are still standing on the sidelines.

You look at me and I look at you.

No one dared to be the first to move.

Su Yan watched Lu Wei kill the first Zerg and frowned.

"It seems that if you want the Zerg to die completely, you have to destroy their brains."

Lu Wei's previous small bombs were only auxiliary, to make those Zerg lose their vitality.

Su Yan measured the length of his go-getter Mo Xie.

Not as long as the Zerg's head.

So it must not be stuffed into the mouthparts like Lu Wei and then worn out.

"But it should be enough to destroy the head."

Su Yan clenched the go-getter Mo Xie in his hand, and rushed out with a brisk stride.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the eyes of a Zerg.

Players nearby only feel a blur in front of their eyes.

Take a closer look.

I found out that Su Yan has jumped so far!

"That old man rushed out again!"

"This speed is too fast, I feel that in the blink of an eye, people have already arrived there!"

"I didn't say that, this old man is too impulsive, right? Just rush straight like that?!"

"Don't be fooled by Lu Wei's moves, Zerg is not so easy to deal with in 5.4!"

"Yeah, let's join forces together. It's the best choice for several people to deal with one."

"That's right, don't rush to deliver it!"

The noise behind him has been automatically ignored by Su Yan.

He concentrated on the first Zerg he encountered head-on.

Most of the Zerg are more than two meters tall.

But Su Yan is not short either.

Aiming at the head of a two-headed Zerg, Mo Xie raised the knife in his hand and chopped it horizontally towards the neck!


Gan chopped Mo Xie on the Zerg's neck, making a sound like metal colliding.

The upper and lower shells of the Zerg cannot be broken by ordinary knives and the strength of ordinary ability users.

But Su Yan didn't care.

Slightly increased the strength in the hand, and cut the Zerg's head!

The Zerg's head was chopped off by Su Yan's knife and flew hundreds of meters away before falling to the ground and rolling a few times. .

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