My Headphones Can Connect to the Future

Chapter 244: : Another traitor by your side

Seeing Jiang Pengcheng a little anxious, Xu Fan comforted him: "Wait a second, maybe he was too busy and forgot to inform us."

"Yeah, too." Jiang Pengcheng also comforted himself.

After all, the Modu Public Security Bureau is busy 24 hours a day, and everyone knows it.

As the deputy bureau, Officer Jiang was often busy hitting the back of the head, and he could understand if he didn't call in time.

"Mr. Xu, I have to say sorry to you about drinking at noon today." Jiang Pengcheng suddenly remembered the matter of drinking too much at noon.

"Why does President Jiang still remember this? I didn't worry about it." Xu Fan said indifferently when he was pressed comfortably.

"Hey, mainly I drank too much, and President Qin was also there...this is too embarrassing," Jiang Pengcheng said.

He did feel that it was not good to be like this the first time he saw Qin Xiaoyun, and Qin Xiaoyun was still a little girl.

He drank too much and didn't know if he was drunk crazy. Jiang Pengcheng felt very embarrassed when he lost his temper in front of a little girl.

"Hahaha, don't think too much about Boss Jiang, Miss Qin praised you!" Xu Fan said.

"Praise me...this..." Jiang Pengcheng scratched his head.

Xu Fan did not say nonsense to comfort Jiang Pengcheng, Qin Xiaoyun did praise Jiang Pengcheng.

Because at the beginning, in Qin Xiaoyun's eyes, Jiang Pengcheng was greedy, lustful and extremely rude, she was a hundred people look down on it.

But after contact at noon, Jiang Pengcheng was not like that at all, and Qin Xiaoyun had a better view of Jiang Pengcheng.

In any case, just because Jiang Pengcheng is so dedicated, this makes Qin Xiaoyun think this man is quite good.

So she also praised Jiang Pengcheng with Xu Fan.

Of course, Xu Fan said this, also hoping that Jiang Pengcheng and Qin Xiaoyun could reach a cooperative relationship.

After hearing Qin Xiaoyun's praise of himself, Jiang Pengcheng blushed directly.

He wasn't interested in Qin Xiaoyun either, even for so many years he hadn't been in contact with any woman, let alone any woman who praised him.

Now suddenly a little girl praises herself, Jiang Pengcheng is also normal.

"Why is Boss Jiang blushing?" Xu Fan also thought Jiang Pengcheng's personality was interesting. He looked at a very rough person, but actually he had a lot of thoughts.

"No...nothing, Miss Qin didn't hate me for that.

"Hahaha, how can you hate Boss Jiang!" Xu Fan paused: "Miss Qin also said that she wants to cooperate with Boss Jiang!"

When it comes to cooperation, Jiang Pengcheng's eyes are bright. If he can cooperate with Qin Xiaoyun, Jiang Pengcheng will have another stable interest partner.

But after thinking about it, he didn't have any projects that he could cooperate with Qin Xiaoyun.

"Mr. Xu, it's not that I don't want to cooperate with Miss Qin. I look forward to cooperating very much, but the company in my hands..." Jiang Pengcheng was a little embarrassed.

"Doesn't your cloud media company want to go public?" Xu Fan asked.

"Yes, but there are no more shares for others to add. I only own 40% of that company. The rest is my partner Lu Hongzhi who holds 36%. After that, it will be the minority shareholder. "Jiang Pengcheng looked awkward.

He really doesn't hold a lot of shares in this company, and if he gives some to Qin Xiaoyun, he really doesn't have much.

Xu Fan smiled, "Boss Jiang really trusts the people around him."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Pengcheng came to the spirit, and it seemed that Xu Fan had new information to tell him.

"I can say, I'm afraid Boss Jiang will not believe it. After all, this matter is about the feelings between your buddies." Xu Fan joked.

"What is Mr. Xu? I believe everything you say now! Just say it!" Jiang Pengcheng already trusts Xu Fan 100%.

If Xu Fan lied to Jiang Pengcheng for his own benefit, according to Jiang Pengcheng's personality, he would rush forward without hesitation.

He is not stupid, but too empathetic and affectionate! It's okay for this kind of people to meet good people, and it's a disaster to meet fellows like Ma Yan and Jiang Cuimei who will avenge revenge.

"In this case, then I'll say it." Xu Fan paused: "Lu Hongzhi and Ma Yan have a very good personal relationship, are you clear?"

Xu Fan's words confuse Jiang Pengcheng.

He carefully recalled that Ma Yan and Lu Hongzhi had only met three times over the years because they were not a company.

Ma Yan is mainly in charge of Baixing Entertainment, while Lu Hongzhi and Jiang Pengcheng have established a separate company in partnership. The two have no business contacts and have no chance to meet.

"It's not..." Jiang Pengcheng subconsciously wanted to deny it, but after thinking about it, Xu Fan's intelligence was not missed.

It was said that Jiang Cuimei had derailed before, but Jiang Pengcheng still didn't believe it a hundred! What happened? There was a crack in the face.

Thinking of this, he suffocated his words: "Mr. Xu, what do you mean..."

"Maybe you didn't pay attention. On the surface, Ma Yan and Lu Hongzhi have less contact, but in fact, the visitor made friends three years ago."

"Lu Hongzhi you should know better than I am, and someone who has been mixed up with you during the period, but the financial gap is far worse than yours."

"Since they are the people who are trespassing together, but they are not at the same level, they will naturally feel uncomfortable. Boss Jiang, do you understand?"

Xu Fan asked.

Jiang Pengcheng was silent for a while, and Xu Fan was indeed right.

In the beginning, both Jiang Pengcheng and Lu Hongzhi were leaders of the small group.

Later, Lu Hongzhi didn't compete with Jiang Pengcheng and the others, so he went out to stand on his own, and there were many younger brothers behind him.

However, because Jiang Pengcheng was more benevolent, had better luck, and his brain was easier to use than Lu Hongzhi, Jiang Pengcheng developed quickly.

Although Lu Hongzhi also worked hard for his own career, it was still far from Jiang Pengcheng.

The two cooperated to establish Cloud Media five years ago. In the past few years, business has been getting better and better, and the company is also preparing to go public to make a fortune.

At that time, the assets of both will increase by several hundred million.

But Lu Hongzhi is still inferior to Jiang Pengcheng, which is also what makes him unhappy.

At this time, Wang Changjiang fell, Lu Hongzhi and Jiang Pengcheng were mixed together, and naturally they were also affected by Wang Changjiang.

And Dong Ping had also contacted Lu Hongzhi, coercion and lure, Dong Ping used it all.

What shocked Dong Ping was that Lu Hongzhi actually agreed to Dong Ping's request.

But what he meant was that he was willing to return to Dong Ping and cede a small portion of his shares to Dong Ping, and if Dong Ping needed it, Lu Hongzhi was willing to do his best to help him with money.

Dong Ping still appreciates Lu Hongzhi, and it is not a bad thing for Dong Ping to accept someone from him.

Dong Ping also agreed, and after some communication, it was discovered that Ma Yan had also submitted to Dong Ping.

So Lu Hongzhi knew about the killing of Jiang Pengcheng, and there was no obstruction during the whole process.

However, Lu Hongzhi did not take any actual action, but just knew it, so Xu Fan did not tell Jiang Pengcheng about Lu Hongzhi.

After all, cleaning up Jiang Cuimei and Ma Yan is the most important thing.

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