My Healing Game

Chapter 288: I'm here, so will the guardian

"So the security you sent to the dead building is equivalent to a'flower pot'?"

"It can be understood that they are all used to cultivate flowers."

When the monster said this, Bai Si-nian, who had not had any reaction, walked out in a daze. His eyes were convex, and his pupils were full of bloodshot eyes: "You know everyone is going to die, and you fooled everyone?"

"If it's not because you are too courageous, and your master is willing to serve as a flower pot for you, do you think you can survive this waste?" The monster thought that Han Fei was attracted by Baisi, and he looked at Baisi. His eyes were also full of resentment.


Some delicate fists slammed into the monster's face, Bai Si-nian panted, his body was still pulling up slowly, as if there was no limit.

Han Fei still had some questions to ask, so he asked Yinglong to pull Bai Sinian aside.

"Do you have any special marks on the security guards sent to the dead building? Or what training do they need to pass in advance?" Han Fei's real purpose is to use the identity of the security guard to get into the dead building. He can't let people see the flaws.

"The security guards of the dead building will put on cursed security uniforms, and in their uniforms remain the soul of the previous owner. Passing the test of the soul is only the first step. You also need to drink a drop of blood from the administrator of the dead building." He didn't dare to resist Han Fei, he knew it was too easy for Han Fei to kill him.

"Manager's blood?"

"I don't know whose blood it is, but I know that there is a certain kind of worm egg hidden in that blood. As long as the blood is drunk and there is no soul scattered, the worm egg will crawl into the depths of the soul. From this moment on, the security guard will be there. They have become a qualified flowerpot. They will be tortured by the pain and violence caused by the worm eggs, lose their own humanity, and become so-called outsiders among many community residents."

The monster paused for a while and added: "There are also a small number of people who can resist all the abnormalities caused by the eggs after drinking the blood, but as long as the eggs are drunk, the end is doomed."

"After drinking the eggs, what changes will be visible in the body?"

"First of all, the character will become cruel and violent. Compared with people, they are more like animals and insects. They have almost no reason at all. They like killing very much." What the monster said is the same as the outsiders that Han Fei has seen. He is completely okay. Performing similar effects can even be crazier than ordinary outsiders.

"There will also be certain changes in the body. The most obvious is that the place where the eggs live will slowly grow a strange pattern like a butterfly's wings. This kind of pattern can't be removed at all, and it will accompany the'flower pot' to finish the next step. Life."

"After the eggs enter the body, how long does it take to grow patterns on the surface of the skin?"

"It varies from person to person, it only takes a few hours to go fast, and it may take more than a month to go slow." What the monster said, Han Fei couldn't verify it, and the butterfly pattern is indeed a bit troublesome.

"Does everyone in the dead building have butterfly patterns?"

"No, the situation in the dead building is very complicated." The monster didn't dare to say nonsense. He seemed to be worried about triggering a curse, and he confided word by word: "The dead building is the most terrifying building in this area, that kind of danger. It is multifaceted. In addition to managers who have never seen it, there are many terrifying things in it. They are beyond your imagination."

"I'm curious, why are so many scary things gathered in the dead building?" Han Fei couldn't understand this.

"I don't know, but once I went to reclaim the broken'flower pots', I heard a resident in the dead building say that a certain room in that building seems to be able to see the other side of the nightmare..." said in this sentence Halfway through, the monster's body suddenly seemed to be still, and then the fat all over his body began to tremble violently, and the faint black mist emerging from the surface of his skin was like a rope covered with blades, directly tore his body.

His ugly face was full of unbelievable expressions, his eyes widened, but he couldn't say a word.

The black mist floated directly from his mouth, cracking his head.

The smell was pervasive, and after the black mist ensured that the monster's soul was scattered, it turned into a faint mist and dispersed around.

Da Nie happily devoured the black mist, Han Fei's expression was a little bad, he saw a faint word of death on the monster's rapidly decomposing heart.

As the monster's soul flew away, the dead word disappeared.

"Is this the curse of the death building?"

The monster inadvertently triggered the death curse, and Han Fei still had a lot of things to ask.

"It's strength is relatively strong in the middle-sized resentment. With this strength, it can still maintain a sense of reason. It is really rare. It is no wonder that the dead building will value it." Out of professional habit, the firefly will go directly when the monster triggers the curse. When he arrived in front of Han Fei: "Death House will not easily curse people. Only if you pay enough attention to it, will the death curse be imposed. As far as I know, there are many types of death curses, and it should be the lowest level."

All the grievances in the house gathered beside Han Fei, only Bai Si-nian stared blankly at the blood on the ground.

He remembered a lot of things and knew why he was like this. He wanted to avenge his master and colleagues, but the murderer was already dead.

"Hey, don't you think this guy is behind the scenes?"

Han Fei patted Bai Si Nian on the shoulder: "The monster that really killed your master should still be in the company. Your boss can only be regarded as an agent."

Bai Si-nian was still thinking about what an agent was, and Han Fei had already led others to the door of the freight elevator.

There is an F-level mission hidden in the security company, which shows that there is a large grievance inside the at least as a ghost at the level of the personality of the doctor in Animal Lane.

"The boss on the bright side is dead. The other party should also know about our existence. Let's go head to it for a while." All the residents of the Xingfu Community and the teachers in the Yimin Private College are there, and Han Fei is next to him. Although the strength is not enough to contend with dead buildings, there is no problem in levelling a security company.

"In the name of the patron saint, they are doing the dirty business of human trading. They treat the residents on the street as commodities and goods. They never really thought about running this street well." Han Fei pressed down on the freight elevator. Button, the blood-stained elevator door slowly opened.

"What are you going to do?" Bai Sinian was stunned by the monster's corpse. He looked at Han Fei and the resentment that was willing to follow Han Fei.

"Yimin Street needs a new protector, a true protector." Entering the elevator, Han Fei Chaobai missed and beckoned: "Come on together."

"The death building is so terrible. To protect Yimin Street is to fight the death building. After we kill the boss, where do we look for a new protector?"

"No need to look for it." Han Fei smiled, standing in the middle of all the grievances: "He has already come."

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