My Healing Game

Chapter 687: The truth about to be revealed

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Cooperating with Han Fei has a certain probability to make her daughter live a happy life. If she doesn't agree, she will be tortured to death now.

Yan Le's mother tried her best to resurrect Yan Le. She couldn't let her daughter die in front of her again.

The blade in her mouth exuded murderous intent and the smell of blood. Yan Le's eyes kept rolling in her sockets. She found that she couldn't see through Han Fei at all. The man in front of her was fierce and crazy. Accompanying" runs through Yan Le's neck.

There was a whimpering sound in the throat, Yan Le's mother and the dead soul imprisoned in Yan Le's body reached a consensus, and they stopped resisting.

But even if they stopped struggling, the butterfly pattern under Yan Le's skin was gradually deepening.

Those lines seem to be intertwined with blood vessels, like a pair of wings slowly breaking through the body.

"See clearly, Meng is not going to help you revive Yan Le at all, it just treats your daughter's body as a large worm cocoon, and when the worms it planted in your daughter's body grow up, it will eat away at your daughter's body. Everything, with your husband's labyrinth tattoo, out of your daughter!"

. The purpose of the dream has been achieved, and the maze tattoo is about to be branded on the butterfly's wings.

"Now the only person in this community who can help you is me, and I will kill it for you!"

Yan Le's mother and the dead soul in Yan Le also noticed the changes in Yan Le's body, and the butterfly pattern used them all as nourishment.

In fact, the purpose of the dream is very clear. First, do everything possible to make Han Fei and his boss fall into a nightmare. When the two are trapped in the nightmare, they will find an opportunity to complete the transformation on Yan Le, get a labyrinth tattoo, and try to decipher the deepest part of the paradise. The secret of the place.

But it did not expect that one of the incarnations that entered Han Fei's mind not only did not trap Han Fei, but also caused a bigger crack in Han Fei's blocked memory, and the nightmare that belonged to Han Fei himself went out of control.

Han Fei, who took everyone to share the pain, is now standing in front of Yan Le, convincing him little by little.

"Dream isn't really scary, it's just a bed bug that can't see light. It's just because it's ugly and disgusting that it gives itself the most splendid wings in the world. You should also understand that a lot of times, people always lack more and more. What, the more you will care about it."

With the blade down, Yan Le's mother was finally persuaded by Han Fei: "What do you want to know?"

. "All the information related to Paradise, the past of the brain, and the weakness of dreams." Han Fei learned from the brain that his wife was also a staff member of the night shift in Paradise and knew many secret things.

"People's despair and pain are deposited together, and slowly an invisible monster is formed. No one knows how to describe that thing. Its body seems to be connected to a world. The people who were able to see the monster at first called it as The first-generation ghost." Yan Le's mother controlled Yan Le to move back a little bit to prevent her daughter's body from being scratched by the sharp knife.

"What is the relationship between the first generation ghost and Paradise?"

"That invisible monster is mixed with too many negative emotions. In order to find a way to appease it and prevent it from continuing to grow, those who can see it built a city in the warmest and sunny place, and lured the monster into the city. , and then built a paradise and a school in the place where the monsters are most desperate." Yan Le's speech speed gradually became faster.

"People come to the park to play, and the laughter resounds through the sky, leaving the feeling of happiness and happiness behind, and killing the desperate monster little by little. Everyone's original intention is very good, but people are extremely complicated, and the invisible monster will no longer continue. After growing up, some people became greedy, and they began to think about whether they could find a way to control this monster?"

"The differences also started at that time. Some people want to kill the monster completely, and some people want to use that monster. People are always afraid when facing the unknown, and arrogant and greedy when they lift the veil of the unknown."

"The end result is that those who want to try to control the desperate monster have an accident when they secretly try, and Paradise and those people are assimilated by the monster."

"What's even more terrifying is that it took a long time to be discovered."

"When everyone realizes that something is wrong, invisible monsters have covered the city, and the day is still normal, but the night in this city is no longer normal."

"Everything is going out of control, and those who can see the invisible monsters are forced to gather together and make some kind of deal with the monsters below the paradise."

"The five managers of Paradise also appeared at that time. The three managers of 'human, ghost, and me' were held by the most desperate people. The dream was born from the body of the invisible monster, which can be said to be the closest to the first generation of ghosts. Things, the existence of the brain is rather special, he is a living person, but his main function is to convey the will of the monster, and the brain can also obtain the secret of the monster."

When Yan Le's mother said this, she glanced at her husband: "Those who can become brains are the strongest and smartest people in the city, but even so, the end of every brain is extremely miserable, they will Turning idiots and lunatics out of office, nobody but them knows what they're going to go through when they leave office."

Han Fei nodded, he put all the information together and thought: "If part of the deep world is the 'first-generation ghost', then the original role of Paradise is to use beneficial emotions to appease negative emotions, but the face of continuous expansion A paradise is obviously not enough in the deep world. Perhaps only by building an incomparably vast, healing and warm paradise city group can we have a chance to neutralize the despair of the deep world.”

. When thinking of this, a few words suddenly popped up in Han Fei's mind - a perfect life.

That homestay made Han Fei feel strange, and the players in the homestay gave Han Fei a sense of separation. Those people felt that they were out of tune with the city, and they didn't seem to belong here.

Thinking of the cold voice in his mind, Han Fei had an even crazier guess.

"It just so happens that those players have also come here. I should be able to ask clearly this time." Night is a stage for ghosts. In this chaotic and dangerous community, no matter how many people there are, it is useless.

"I don't know about Meng's weakness. The other four managers wanted to kill Meng, but those managers have changed a lot, and the dream still exists." The butterfly pattern on Yan Le's body became heavier and heavier. There were wounds on the surface of the skin, blood stains, and it looked very scary.

"But now Meng also has a sense of crisis, because there are two different types of managers this time." Yan Le's mother looked at Han Fei and told another secret of the park: "Among the five managers, normal The strongest should be the ghost. He is in charge of the night and is responsible for killing and guarding. But among the five managers now, people and I have surpassed the ghost. Completely blocked."

"I have always been curious, how can two overlapping worlds be completely separated? As long as there are ghosts in the world, they can drag living people into the deep world. I have experienced that."

"Only the manager knows the specific operation method, it seems to be related to a black box." Yan Le turned his head to look at the middle-aged man, staring at the scars burned by the flames all over his body: "The first generation ghost has the most secret brains. , my husband also chose to cooperate with the other two managers, the three of them are in a group, but he has forgotten even these."

Yan Le's mother seems to have a lot of opinions on her husband. She wants to protect her family, but her husband seems to choose to sacrifice everything: "He thinks he is the worst brain, but in fact he is the only brain in all generations who dares to The person who rebelled against the first generation ghost is also the only one who can remain sober after leaving office."

"I probably understand. The dream was busy resurrecting, the ghost was seriously injured, and the voices of the five managers were unified through trade and violence." Han Fei knew that he was in a situation of great change, and the past and future were changing at this moment. And now a certain person in town will be the turning point of two eras.

He also doesn't know who that person is, but he wants to be that person. Because only in this way can you firmly hold your destiny in your own hands.

After figuring out the current situation, Han Fei began to think more deeply. According to Xu Qin's experience of ninety-nine deaths, it is very likely that he also died ninety-nine times.

What did you sacrifice your life for ninety-nine times to change?

"What kind of ending is what I want?"

A very sudden gunshot brought Han Fei back to reality, he staggered the door and looked outside.

The singing, which had been suppressed by the siren, resounded with a scream. The police car driving at the back of the line did not know what it saw, but suddenly accelerated and hit the guard booth, blocking the front door of the community.

The weird atmosphere is still spreading. The living people who are responsible for the security during the day have set foot in the restricted area of ​​the night. They not only have to face the hidden ghosts and monsters in the community, but also be affected and disturbed by nightmares. Many people have fallen into illusions and saw The fear that Han Fei once faced.

Originally, Han Fei was afraid that Yan Le's screams would attract the police, but now he felt that his worries were unnecessary. This family home, which represented the past of Paradise, showed another side in the nightmare and night.

Many police officers who enter residential buildings in the community will disappear for no reason. The doors of the houses seem to open their mouths at any time, ready to swallow the living people passing by.

Compared with the police in this city, the players led by f are more experienced, and their clear goal is to come to Han Fei.

f seems to have seen the future again. He instructed the players to avoid some dangers in the community, but he ignored the influence of Han Fei's nightmare. Some players suddenly collapsed while walking, leaving the team and running towards the darkness, their appearance also attracted the attention of the police.

Since the confrontation with Han Fei, F's face has not been better. He and Qianye are also Class A wanted criminals, and it will not do them any good to be exposed to the police.

"Quick fight! Come with me to Building No. 4!"

The Paradise Family Yard is not large, but the community after 0:00 is murderous every step of the way. Han Fei's decision not to lead everyone to run around before is correct.

"f Are these giant ghosts also in the future you see?" Qianye pointed at the center of the community, his voice trembling with fear.

The player next to Qianye looked towards the place where Qianye pointed, there was only a dense darkness.

"What do you see?"

"A giant tree! It is full of arms and has an extremely greedy face. There is a bottomless well next to it. I just glanced at it and felt like my soul was about to be drawn into the well." Ye's hands and feet were cold, and he had always believed in F's judgment, but this time he was a little scared. Whether it was a giant tree or a deep well, it seemed that players like them could not deal with it.

If other players said that, everyone wouldn't care, but Qianye was F's right-hand man, the number two player in the player group. As soon as he opened his mouth, panic began to spread.

"Why can't I see the giant tree?" A player standing next to Qianye took a deep breath: "I only saw an old lady with rough skin like a tree in the room at the corner of the corridor, her flesh was dry, The body stretches one by one, and she is waving at me!"

"Don't be nervous! I don't see such a giant ghost in the future!" F said with certainty, he glanced at the open space in the center of the community: "It's not a ghost in this city, it's in the memory of an outsider. Fear, it's an illusion! It's a dream! Damn it! He's joined forces with the dream!"

F rushed towards Building No. 4 without hesitation. Others saw that F said it was an illusion, and they all ran forward with suspicion. But just as the player next to Qianye passed the corner of the stairs, a dry arm wrapped around the player's heart like the roots of a century-old tree, and five fingers with only bones left directly pierced into the player's heart. .

Heartbreaking screams sounded, and when the other players wanted to help, the player was dragged into the room.

The security door was tightly closed, and screams came from the house, and there was no movement in just ten seconds.

A living person died in front of his eyes, and the players' military hearts were shaken again.

"Didn't you say it was an illusion?" A Chong was the first to stand up: "Because of the future you saw, he died! You want to kill Han Fei, so now take our lives to pave the way for you! "

In the past, everyone relied on f to survive, but as more and more people died because of f, the voices against f in the player team began to grow louder, and Ah Zong was no longer alone, and more players sided with him.

. "I saved you so many times? Have you all forgotten?" f didn't have time to explain to other He had to kill Han Fei as soon as possible, and let everything develop according to the future he saw!

. "We have come to this point, we can only trust him." Qiangwei said, but there was no trust in his words, only deepening suspicion.

F's past experience is a mystery. Except that he is a player, everyone doesn't know any information. It feels as if someone manipulated their memory and forcibly imprinted the information that f is a player in everyone's mind. .

. Qiangwei didn't notice it before, but now the more he thinks about it, the more frightened he feels. In addition, he is more familiar with the name Han Fei than the mysterious f. After all, he has also seen Han Fei's movies, so he can be sure that Han Fei must also be one of the players. one.

"Assuming a premise, all players' memories are manipulated, and we all naturally think that f is a player. Then Han Fei's memory is likely to be manipulated too. Judging from his appearance, it seems that even he is a player. I forgot." Qiangwei agreed with f on the surface, but her mind was planning another thing: "When I meet Han Fei, I will tell him his identity in reality. He is a very good thriller actor."

Qiangwei recalled the honors and commendations she saw on the police official website, that is, Han Fei's past in reality. Perhaps it was because he was too shocked when he saw it, so he still remembers it clearly until now.

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