My Healing Game

Chapter 888: Soar to the sky!

The survivors haven't been so happy for a long time. All the ghosts and ghosts living in the buildings are hiding, not daring to show their heads. It seems that people have become the masters of the city again.

After five years, the Bureau of Investigation once again launched an operation against the tricky building, and the team came out in full force, and the convoy stretched for thousands of meters.

"It turns out that they also know to be afraid."

A car passed through the city and stopped around the deep sea aquarium. The survivors who had been living in fear now surrounded the deep sea building.

People look small in front of the huge ghosts and creatures, but no one backs down.

All kinds of instruments were placed on the streets near the tricky building, and all members of the investigation bureau were in place. They faced the deep sea and waited until the faint light of the early sun shone on them.

The road in front of the main entrance of the Deep Sea Aquarium was cleared, the golden gong opened the way, and the rituals and music were played together. The investigation bureau did not plan to launch any sneak attack at all, they wanted to enter through the main entrance!

The light of the early sun reflected on the Taoist robe, and a cloth shoe stepped on the shadow, walking alone towards the huge deep sea ghost. The old man seemed to be a hundred years old, his beard and hair were white, but his figure was tall and straight. He was dressed as a Taoist priest, but he was dragging an extremely sharp mountain axe in his hand!

"I don't think I've seen him before." Han Fei got out of the car.

"He is the vice-captain of the Judgment Squadron of the Investigation Bureau, Zhu Xie, who has eight awakened hypothetical personalities." Winter Dog looked at him with awe-filled eyes: "It is said that he is the closest person in the Investigation Bureau to nine awakened personalities. "

"Imaginary personality?" Zhu Xie was wearing a Taoist robe, but he was completely different from the Taoist priests in Han Fei's impression. He could not see the natural way of Taoism in him, but he was murderous.

The morning light shone behind him, and he always faced the darkness. The old man with a mountain ax stood alone in front of the main entrance of the Deep Sea Aquarium, and he closed his eyes.

There was no wind in the beard and hair, and the Taoist robe made a hunting sound. When the first sun rose completely, the rooster crowed in the eight streets around the Deep Sea Aquarium.

The old man's eyes suddenly opened, and a white horse symbolizing his spiritual will rushed out of his brain, stepped on the Lingtai Tiangong, and went straight to the sky!

"Open the altar!"

The sharp ax blade struck the main entrance of the aquarium, and the scattered sawdust was ignited in the air, turning into sparks all over the sky.

The will of the old man is affecting reality, what he sees and thinks is the world.

"Get up!"

Members of the Investigation Bureau around burned incense, raised shrines and sedan chairs, and threw tributes into the fire, and the flames rolled upward, as if to reflect the sky red.

"Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, just fight over the early ones and the late ones."

The aura on the old man was dozens of times stronger than before. Looking at the boundless deep sea ghosts and creatures, he slowly raised the mountain ax in his hand.

"God please!"

Although the sky is high and far away, if you are sincere, you can feel up and down with just one thought.

His spiritual will and faith merged and turned into common people, family and country, sun, moon and stars!

These are the gods he serves, these are the gods that he is not afraid of evil and worship, and brings him continuous strength.

The dark clouds that forever enveloped the city were torn apart, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and the old man stood in the gust of wind, with his back against the common people and the sun and the moon, with a smile of disdain for evil spirits on his face.

"The wind and rain are unpredictable, so how can the dark room deceive the sun and the moon!"

The opera sounded in the ceremony and music, and all the spirit and will of the old man melted into his hands, and he chopped down the mountain ax towards the ghosts in the deep sea!

"Punish evil!"

The boundless ghosts and creatures were torn apart, and the black deep sea was forcibly carved out by the old man.

He glanced back at the others, held a huge axe, and walked towards the depths of the ghost.

"Ghosts have been opened! Attention all combat teams! The hunt begins!"

The roar of the engine overwhelmed the waves of the deep sea, and members of the investigation bureau followed behind the old man and entered the ghostly place.

"That old man is so fierce!" Han Fei didn't expect that someone could stand outside the ghost creature and directly split the top-level hate ghost creature.

"He is indeed a very powerful person." Winter Dog looked at the old man with respect in his eyes: "Some Taoist priests are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, but he and the Taoist temple where he is located are in the midst of a catastrophe.

After he was born, he immediately went down the mountain to save people. The old man's original thirty-six disciples and disciples were all killed by ghosts because of saving people. Now he is the only one left in the whole Taoist temple. "

"Has something like this ever happened to him? No wonder he is so murderous."

"You are wrong. His killing intent is only aimed at ghosts. He is usually a very kind old man." Winter Dog is also ready to fight: "Actually, you can tell from the gods he imagined that he respects The sun, the moon, the world, believe in the people of the country. It is precisely because of this that he can become the deputy captain of the judgment squadron, fair and just, arbitrating and killing according to the rules."

"Stop talking, it's time for you to play." Xueba sent a truckload of instruments to Han Fei's side: "We must succeed, otherwise we cannot afford the consequences."

"I will do my best."

Thirteen groups gathered and entered the deep sea aquarium.

Ever since Han Fei took Gao Cheng's memory away, the eyes condensed with happy memories have completely fallen into madness. The ghosts in the Deep Sea Aquarium almost got out of control, and they were five times bigger than before, swallowing part of the nearby blocks.

The inside of the ghost creature is even more terrifying. All kinds of seriously deformed ghosts roam around, and the number is beyond imagination. Moreover, they are extremely difficult to kill, as long as the remnant souls and minced flesh touch the black water, they will be reborn.

If the eyes of the gods are not resolved, no matter how many people in the investigation bureau come in, they will be exhausted.

"The inspection team all entered the designated position!"

"The transportation team has successfully installed all the ghost suppression facilities!"

"The investigation team has all entered the designated location!"

"The logistics support team has completed the inspection! All instruments are in normal operation!"

From the black ring came the voices of the groups reporting. After the experience of attacking the mental hospital last time, the Bureau of Investigation was well prepared this time.

"Everyone is in position! Let's move!"

The special black modified car was opened, and a pair of twins came out of it. They looked exactly the same, and they were all seven-time personality awakeners. strength.

The twins can be counted as an eight-time personality awakener, plus Zhu Xie, Fu Lie, and the deputy captain of the logistics squadron. This time, the investigation bureau dispatched four eight-time personality awakeners to cooperate with Han Fei. It's the limit that can be used.

The four eight-time personality awakeners stood around the deep sea aquarium, each holding a special chain. At the end of the chain was a floating platform floating on the water, which was prepared for Han Fei.

All the Bureau's plans revolve around Han Fei. He needs to let Gao Cheng's memory learn to use a possessive personality, and then let the happy memory swallow Gao Cheng.

During this period, the Investigation Bureau will try its best to suppress happy memories and buy time for Gao Cheng.

The plan is very simple, but as long as one step is wrong, it will be beyond redemption.

"Be careful, we'll wait for you to come back." Yan Lan and Touqi were a little worried, but Han Fei himself had nothing to fear.

Stepping on the chain, he walked on the black water and walked to the floating platform step by step.

Standing in the center of the floating platform, Han Fei's consciousness sank into his mind. He looked at the boy sitting in the distance between the starlight and the abyss.

Brother Chou's soul has long since dissipated, his possessive personality was stripped away by the nightmare of hatred and fear, and now it has become a part of Gao Cheng.

"Are you ready?" Han Fei walked up to the boy, "It's your turn to play, and give him back all the despair he brought you!"

Holding the boy's hand, Han Fei walked under the healing starlight, and he no longer hid Gao Cheng's aura.

The abyss of greed was opened, the black mist drifted away, Gao Cheng's painful memory was like the fattest bait, and the giant monster hidden under the deep water was completely attracted.

The surface of the black water seemed to be boiling, and a large black shadow was surging up rapidly!

"Here it comes."

A huge wave of despair rose in an instant, and the eyes of the gods stared at Gao Cheng's memory. It wanted to torture the child who stole its destiny uninterruptedly, and let Gao Cheng live in its shadow forever!

Numerous corpses and ghosts

The huge body formed by the monster swallowed Futai and Han Fei in one gulp, and all four chains were tightened, and they were stuck in the mouth of this top-level hatred.

All the ghost-targeting equipment of the Bureau of Investigation was activated, and hundreds of special personality owners attacked the eyes of the gods at the same time.

Everyone saw Han Fei being swallowed with their own eyes, and they all understood that Han Fei was risking his life to fight for everyone's chances. They had already lost too many companions, and they couldn't lose hope this time.

"Kill! Kill him!"

Fear is a strange emotion. Most of the time, it will make people retreat timidly, but sometimes, it will also stimulate people's potential and make people charge regardless of everything.

The eight-time personality awakener firmly grasped the end of the chain, suppressing the eyes of the **** at all costs, preventing it from returning to the deep water.

The investigation bureau was mobilized and collided with the top-level hatred. No one dared to hold back the slightest, and tried their best to fight against it!

Han Fei, who was swallowed into the mouth by the eyes of the gods, protected his body with blood-colored paper figurines. He opened the abyss of greed in the body of the gods, and used other hateful ghosts to fight against the ghosts.

"It's almost there!"

Grasping the chain, Han Fei crawled towards the eyes of the gods. He came here to help Gao Cheng regain his eyes.

"Destiny has reached the crossroads of re-choice."

The hatred of the four opened the way, and the moment Han Fei touched the eyes of the gods, he released Gao Cheng's memory.

He used the secret of touching the soul as a bridge to guide the way with the healing starlight, and sent Gao Cheng's memory and possessive personality into the eyes of the gods.

The huge ghost let out a roar that could be heard in the whole city.

Han Fei subconsciously wanted to withdraw his arm, but he felt a huge suction force, pulling him into the eyes of the gods.

The happy memory was like a storm made by blades, which scratched Han Fei's body and covered him with wounds. He tried his best to keep calm and looked at Gao Cheng who kept walking forward.

Part of the memory in the eyes of the gods overlaps with Gao Cheng, and they seem to have returned to a long time ago.

On a certain chair in the aquarium, sat two small children.

One of them was blind and dressed exquisitely. He listened to people's laughter and the sound of the waves, his face was full of longing and envy.

The other child felt inferior. He quietly hid his dirty shoes and looked enviously at the children around him.

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