My Healing Game

Chapter 96: The only way to clear customs

Han Fei chased after him with a knife until the door of the master bedroom was knocked open. The mother who was originally a human has now become a terrifying monster. Under the stimulation of the cry of the child, her body doubled. There was blood all over.

   When the little demon saw the woman appear, he immediately changed back to his original appearance. He clutched his broken leg, pointed at Han Fei and cried constantly.

   Aiko is eager, and the woman rushes to Han Fei.

  Han Fei didn't bump into the opponent, he ran into the second bedroom, as if he had predicted, he raised his hand and cut off the arm behind the door with a knife, and then kicked the door!

   "Come out! Follow me!"

   reached under the bed, Han Fei grabbed his brother's collar and pulled it out.

   My brother was scared and cried, and now there are two children crying in the room.

   The sound of mother hitting the door became more intense, and the door lock trembled!

  Han Fei was guarding the wardrobe and behind the door, but at this time the curtain was blown by the wind, and Han Fei realized that something lightly touched the back of his head.

   He looked back, and a hanged man was hanging behind the curtains, and it was the toe of his shoe that touched the back of his head.

When    noticed it, the hanged ghost had already rushed over.

   At the same time, the door of the second bedroom was knocked open, and the mother, who was covered in blood and wood dust, stretched her head into the room and looked at Han Fei ferociously.

   The body was torn apart, and the pain caused Han Fei to lose consciousness.


   With blood from his teeth, Han Fei broke the photo frame and stared coldly at the door of room 1091.

   "If you kill everyone and ghosts in the room, you should be able to unlock a new ending."

Han Fei didn’t know why he had such an idea. He felt that he had become a little stranger. He seemed to be slowly becoming another person: “It seems that the system prompts are not complete. Death here will not only forget the memory, but also I will lose my humanity."

   Death again and again, struggling with pain and endless despair, Han Fei could clearly feel the changes in his own psychology.

   "There is only one way to end all this, and that is to face the next death seriously and find the only way in this infinite reincarnation."

   carved the number of deaths and his own name with glass shards, Han Fei opened the door to enter.

   uses the master bedroom to trap his mother, uses the hair in the toilet to kill the corpse in the refrigerator, then puts the emptied refrigerator next to the second bedroom and opens the refrigerator door.

   Han Fei calculated the position, and took the model under the TV to trick the kid.

   He counted the time silently in his heart. After four seconds, Han Fei didn't even look at it, and took the brazier and hit the door of the room.

   At this time, the kid just appeared. It was hit by the brazier containing paper money and ashes, fell to one side, and fell into the open refrigerator.

   Before the kid could react, Han Fei closed the refrigerator door, dragged the refrigerator to the bathroom and opened it again.

  The little devil rushed out of the refrigerator, and was entangled in black hair. It cried desperately, but couldn't get rid of it.

   In order to clear the relationship, Han Fei immediately retreated before his mother went crazy, dragging the refrigerator back to the second bedroom with all his strength.

   The entire process took less than thirty seconds, and Han Fei was shockingly proficient.

   "The real brother hides under the bed. After crying him, his mother will still come over. I want to get rid of all the ghosts in the second bedroom before he cries."

   There is no fear, no fear, Han Fei's expression is calm and scary.

   He rushed into the house with a kitchen knife in his hand, and slashed at the air.

   When the kitchen knife was raised, there was nothing at the door. When Han Fei charged the kitchen knife down, two arms just appeared. It felt like the other party deliberately reached out in front of Han Fei and asked him to chop.

   cut off his hand behind the door, Han Fei jumped onto the bed, and frantically waved the kitchen knife at a certain position of the curtain.

   screamed, Han Fei spilled the paper money ashes in the brazier, and he wanted to drag the hanged ghost into the refrigerator.

   At this time, the closet door just opened, and Han Fei seemed to have eyes behind his back. Without looking at it, he stabbed the kitchen knife at a certain position with his backhand.

The **** clothes were torn, and Han Fei used this precious time to severely wound the hanged ghost, but when he was distracted, the shadows hidden under the desk poured out like tides, which are the ghosts hiding in the dark corners. .

  Han Fei's body was dragged into the darkness below the desk by one hand, and his grimacing faces completely overwhelmed him.


   opened his eyes for the fourteenth time and was killed by the ghost.

   opened his eyes for the fifteenth time and was dragged downstairs to death by a hanged ghost.

   was wrapped in a blood suit for the sixteenth time, and the blood was sucked away by the blood suit.

   was besieged to death for the seventeenth time.

   For the eighteenth time, he did not smash the mirror for a long time and was strangled to death.


   slowly opened his eyes, the man picked up the photo frame and smashed it to pieces. He picked up the sharpest piece of glass and instinctively scratched it towards his arm.

   After drawing forty-four bloodstains, he hesitated a little, and then drew forty-fifth bloodstains.

   "What do these blood stains represent? Why do I know this pain so well!"

   His eyes were bloodshot. He looked at his arm. One arm was dripping with blood, but there was no wound on the other arm.

   "I seem to have forgotten something."

   He grabbed the shard of glass with that blood-stained arm, and then slowly scratched a name on the other arm.

   Han Fei!

   pushed open the door, blocking the head, and the man entered the house.

   "The next step is to get the key."

   The man has forgotten a lot of things, but he is very familiar with this room, as if he has been living here, he knows the location of every ghost in this room, and every ghost corresponds to a kind of pain in his mind.

   tricked his mother into the bedroom, obtained ropes and restraints, trapped the dead body and the girl's head in the refrigerator, and turned on the kitchen fire.

   While hunting ghosts, distracted and smashed the mirror.

   The man had everything accurate to the second. He entered the bedroom three times, and for the first time tricked out the kid in the toy pile, using the hair in the refrigerator and bathroom to kill the kid.

   For the second time, he cut off the arm behind the door and pierced the knife hidden in the toy pile into the heart of the hanged ghost.

   Before the blood suit appeared, he withdrew from the room. He moved the bedroom sofa to block the door of the master bedroom to prevent his mother from coming out.

   Then opened the second bedroom room for the third time, at this time the blood suit was sucking the yin of the hanged ghost.

   After he had eaten the hanged ghost, the man opened his arms and put on a blood suit.

   With blood on his body, tiny blood vessels pierced the man's skin, slowly sucking his blood, but it also protected his vitals.

   Kicked over the desk, and the ghosts crawled out from under the desk, almost filling the room.

   The man looked at this horrible scene but his face was expressionless. His short-term memory was amazing. He even remembered every ghost's movement.

   When countless lonely ghosts pounced, he dodged between his thin arms. The two sides seemed to have discussed and rehearsed in advance. Those arms and claws were always the smallest difference from him.

   led most of the ghosts to the bathroom, strangling the ghosts with the help of the hair there, and then he held a kitchen knife and dressed in blood to surround and kill the remaining ghosts.

   After confirming that all the ghosts were killed, his body was also sucked a lot of blood by the blood suit. At this time, he rushed into the kitchen and plunged into the flames.

   The flames burned his body and blood suit, his cold eyes stared at the screaming blood suit, until the last piece of blood suit turned into ashes, he did not leave The clothes during the murder were burned. "

   dragging the body that was about to be destroyed, the man picked up what he could see around and smashed it at the bathroom mirror.

   When the last lens fell off the frame, the screams and black hair of the woman in the bathroom disappeared.

   turned around silently, the man looked at the second bedroom.

   He counted the time, and three seconds later, a disfigured boy crawled out of the bed.

   The child has a simple expression, but his body is constantly deforming, thick blood vessels gushing out of his body, and his body exudes strong malice.

   Brother turned into a monster, it devours everything in the room, including toys, food, light, and the love of his parents.

   The monster is getting more and more terrifying and disgusting, and men will be swallowed if they don’t take action.

   "According to the instructions on the case sheet, after killing all the ghosts, you must kill the evil spirits on your brother to pass the level, but is there really evil spirits on your brother?"

The monster in front of him is getting closer and closer, the man dragging his whole body with injuries, his eyes become more and more calm: "I forgot why I came here, but I remember someone once told me, let me kill all ghosts and save all People."

The man raised the kitchen knife, but didn't hurt the monster, but pointed the tip of the knife at himself: "My brother has become more hideous and terrifying, he is also a human in your memory, and the reason why I can't leave until now is Because there is still a ghost in this room that has not been killed."

   The kitchen knife was pressed on his neck, and the man still remembered his last photo in the photo frame at the door.

   "The last ghost is me."

   He scratched his neck with the tip of a knife, blood was oozing everywhere in the normally normal room, and everything began to show its true appearance.


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