
Entering the labyrinthine garden, Thousand Emperors Hui Ye turned left and right and led Xia Ye to a fountain of a mermaid statue.

Summer Night looked left and right in confusion, looking for any nearby buildings, but found nothing, with a confused expression: "Where, isn't this a fountain?"

Qiandi Huiye smiled and didn't speak, just silently stepped on the stones in the fountain pool to come to the statue, turned the bottle in the mermaid's hand, and heard a "click", and a mobile phone-sized instrument slowly rose in the pool.

"Please verify your password"

The instrument emitted a mechanical female voice, and the camera in front of it also emitted a burst of red light, which seemed to be scanning the Thousand Emperors Kaguya.

"A thousand emperors are glory," Thousand Emperor Kaguya said the order while putting his palm on the instrument.

"The password, image, fingerprint, and blood type are verified. Welcome back, Supreme Authority-Your Excellency Thousand Emperors Night"

The instrument emitted a burst of green light, and I saw that the mermaid statue began to rise, revealing a metal cylinder, and after a "snort" sound, a door was actually opened, and a small room the size of two or three people appeared.

"Here's my private lab"

Thousand Emperor Hui Ye walked into the small room, turned around and beckoned to Xia Ye, signaling him to come over.

With a barely perceptible light shake, the Thousand Emperor Hui Ye and Xia Ye who were standing in the small room actually began to sink slowly, and it was an elevator.

"You're hiding this place so hidden, do you have to be so cautious in your own home?"

Although the elevator descended very smoothly, Xia Ye still keenly sensed that the elevator was descending very quickly, and it fell nearly 100 meters in just a few moments.

"After all, my lab is full of top scientists, so this is to protect them."

Qiandi Huiye didn't know what he was operating in the elevator, and then asked Xia Ye to stand over: "I've raised Xia Yejun's authority to the highest, you can come and scan it and enter the password."

"Huh, what are you giving me permission for, I don't come to your house often....."

Xia Ye originally wanted to refuse, but was directly dragged by Qiandi Huiye, and could only helplessly scan and set the password.

At the same time that Xia Ye completed the permission setting, the elevator also reached the bottom, and with the opening of the elevator door, a large research room full of science and technology style appeared in front of Xia Ye's eyes.

In a research room the size of a football field, researchers in white coats who are constantly busy coming and going, and an unknown lighting device hanging in the sky several stories high, does not feel like being hundreds of meters underground at all.

"Hello Miss"

"Boss is good"

When Thousand Emperors Kamiya led the Summer Night to visit and wander around, the researchers along the way would try their best to stop their research, salute Kaguya, and cast a puzzled and curious look at the Summer Night, who was wearing a Xiongying school uniform behind him.

"Who's that, is that a new researcher?"

"Are you confused about your design data, didn't you see him wearing the same school uniform as the eldest lady, he must be the eldest lady's classmate?"

"You're confused, a student can be brought into such an important place by the boss as us"

"I know, the one who can be brought here by the eldest lady must be our uncle"

Although Xia Ye, who followed the Thousand Emperor Hui Night, walked past, his keen ears could still faintly hear the discussion of the researchers behind, especially the last voice, which made Xia Ye not catch his breath and coughed: "Ahem, where did your researcher move, it's very that."

"What" Thousand Emperor Huiye turned his head and looked at the summer night suspiciously.

"It's okay, it's okay, you're a researcher.

Wow, wasn't that the Green Goblin skateboard I gave you, you made it?"

Xia Ye hurriedly waved his hand, changed the topic, rushed to the front booth and leaned on the glass to exclaim, but he didn't notice that the tips of Qiandi Huiye's ears were also red, and he glared fiercely at the researchers who were still talking about gossip, obviously hearing their discussions.

"Did you give this drawing to the boss, that's a great design, can I know who his inventor is, I really admire him"

Xia Ye's words seemed to attract the attention of a researcher next to him, and he rushed to Xia Ye with a quick walk, but Xia Ye didn't react, so he grabbed his hands and asked.

"It was given to me by a gentleman named Norman Osborne"

Xia Ye was extremely speechless and withdrew his hand, whether this person was a researcher or a combatant, it hurt Xia Ye.

"Then can I meet him, please introduce him to me?"

The researcher didn't notice the ugly face of the summer night, and still spoke to himself.

"What, I'm afraid I can't do this, he's not in this world."

Summer Night doesn't know what to say, do you want to go to the Marvel world to find him, right?

"That's a pity, it's really jealous, did such a great inventor leave this world like this?"

The researcher thought that Xia Ye was not in this world when he said that he was dead and dead, and he beat his chest and feet in place, and suddenly became sad and angry.


While the researcher was indulging in pain, Xia Ye hurriedly slipped away and dared to stop when he was far away.

"Pretty much, but do you want the Green Goblin Skateboarder Summer Night? If you want me, I'll ask someone to make one more, well, two.

Bring a piece for Xiao Liuhua, she should like this toy."

Qiandi Huiye's understatement and casual words made Xia Ye not know what to say, Qiandi really deserves to be one of the best groups, with deep pockets, such a high-tech thing as a Green Goblin skateboard actually used it as a toy for his sister.

The Green Goblin skateboard can carry people through the air at a speed of 500 km/h, can carry a weight of less than a ton, and has a blade extending from the front end.

In addition, it carries 12 rounds of miniature air-to-surface missiles, 5,000 rounds of miniature machine guns and ammunition, as well as lighting equipment and flamethrower equipment, as well as the function of detonating the target when necessary.

The bottom surface can also release invisible tracking bullets, if the user leaves or jumps out of the skateboard, the green light on the skateboard will immediately turn into a red light, and then it will follow the user all the way, if it is used by others, the skateboard will activate the anti-theft mode, become uncontrollable, and drop others off the skateboard.

If it weren't for the fact that the cost was too high to be popularized, once the army was equipped with a large number of Green Goblin skateboards, I am afraid it would be able to sweep.

"Hey, I was supposed to be here to celebrate your birthday, but you gave me something, it looks like I'm going to bleed once today"

Summer Night naturally won't refuse such a cool technology product as the Green Goblin skateboard, and Summer Night has already found a super powerful gift to be given to Qiandi Huiye as a birthday gift.

"Oh, by the way, Xia Ye-kun, I'm afraid it will be difficult to study the blueprint of the mecha energy pack you gave us in a short period of time, the technology content in it is too high, my researchers need to study it carefully"

Thousand Emperor Huiye suddenly remembered something, and looked at Xia Ye with an apologetic expression, for fear that he would blame.

"It's okay, I still have some spare, don't worry, you can just take your time"

Summer night while visiting, while casually waving his hand. I've recently drawn a lot of good things, and I've added a lot of hole cards, so the demand for mecha is not so eager.

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