Until the last student has finished skipping. Aizawa Shouta announced everyone’s results.

"In view of the large number of people, I will not announce it, so all the results will be projected on the big screen." Aizawa Shouta told everyone that the results were obvious. Someone is last.

The person who came in last was simply unable to accept it and burst into tears instantly. However, Aizawa Shouta immediately changed his tone and said: "I take back what I said before. In fact, we have no one to eliminate at all. It's just To bring out the Quirks in all of you."


"Does 01, as a teacher of Yuying High School, such an awesome person have to lie?"

There was another murmur among the crowd.

However, everyone is happy to see such a result. After all, no one will be eliminated.

After a period of rest, there was another round due to 0.

The two students drew lots and were divided into two groups, and different groups were divided into two groups: Hero(es) and Villain(s).

Among them, the Hero(es) Hero(es) faction selects two people to fight against two Hero(es) faction people to form a confrontation mode, and then compete.

"I'll give everyone time now to decide who you want to be a group with." Aizawa Shouta posted it to everyone a few minutes later.

But how do we divide everyone into groups at this time? First of all, they are not particularly familiar with the Quirks their classmates have.

On the other hand, we don’t know each other very well, so it’s not a good idea to go looking for him rashly.

Aizawa Shouta saw all the people, some of them had randomly called some to form a combination, while others were still hesitant.

Aizawa Shouta stood up directly and told everyone: "If this is the case, then we will decide by drawing lots. The people who will become the Hero(es) group and the villain(s) group have already been divided. In the end, The main thing is that when it comes to Hero(es) and fighting against villain(s), the people in these two groups have not yet been divided.

The class teacher took out a lottery box, and then drew lots. As a result, everyone drew villain(s) that they did not expect.

"Now that everyone has decided who to fight, let me tell you some of the next rules of the game." Aizawa Shouta looked at Su Yuan in front of him. Although Su Yuan was not sure why the other party looked at him like this, but after all I kept this look in my heart.

"There are things we need to protect in this building. Now you have been divided into two teams: Hero(es) and villain(s). The villain(s) are responsible for protecting this thing and not to be rescued. And the Hero(es) team is going to save this thing."

The class teacher seemed very excited and hoped that everyone could learn from this competition that you cannot easily back down when facing villain(s).

"This seems very simple, but the space in this building is relatively narrow and there are many blind spots, so it is not easy to apologize.

Su Yuan had already started to analyze it, and since the head teacher stated the rules, he has not given up analyzing the entire situation.

In the past, they had been competing against imaginary enemies, but this time it was a real showdown, and the real meaning of their competition was using their Quirks to compete against real-life people.

Su Yuan was very nervous and didn't know who the head teacher would divide him into a group with when he was drawn, and who would it be?

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