My Hero Academia: Sand-Sand Fruit

143 The Improvement Of Everyone

Everyone has improved to a certain extent. Su Yuan looked at everyone and smiled: "What happened just now is considered impulsive. I am here to say sorry to you.

"You don't need to say it like this. What you said and did just now is so relieving. We don't know how painful it is. Compared to Carlos, they don't know how many numbers they have!" Ye Chuang said calmly, and at this moment, there was another scene in the rooftop area. A team of people came up.

You didn't even need to look at them to know that it was Carlos and the others. Carlos heard it in an instant. Anyway, they were completely embarrassed. The other party didn't say anything nice at all, and said calmly: "You are really stupid. You actually talked to them about all the development classes." People are fighting, Beichuan Su Yuan, you really intend to ruin all of this!"

"But it's okay, after all, the people in the priority class are too weak now, and the layers are uneven. It's time to bring in a new batch of fresh blood. Carlos looked at them with a sneer.

He can't defeat Su Yuan, but that doesn't mean that other beings can't do anything about him. '

The long sword in Ye Jian's hand slowly emerged, shining brightly under the moonlight.

Carlos said calmly: "What you have to consider now is how to deal with them, right? Instead of fighting me, it's only a matter of a week. I really can't think of a way for you, Beichuan Su Yuan, to defeat those guys, you alone." Singled out?"

Su Yuan shook his head and said: "Then you are wrong. You can't see their potential at all. Anyone who comes out is much stronger than you, so I hope that you can keep up with our progress by then!"

"What a shame!" Carlos looked down on these guys at all and could only treat them as temporary passion.

But Carlos was very smart and would not conflict with them. Because there was no need, he quietly used the rooftop in separate areas.

The balloon man shook his head helplessly and said: "It was fine yesterday, but today it's like this. It seems that I really don't understand young people and how changeable they are." "

Su Yuan looked at the moonlight and said: "The combat effectiveness of our team is very unbalanced now. You should know it very well. I said it directly."

"I, Ye Jian, Ye Tian, ​​and Hans Bu Shi are in the upper class; the four of us will have no problem dealing with the development class, but we cannot rule out that there will be troublesome people in it, and they are not fools. , will definitely find a large number of troops to target the four of us."

"So the four of us are actually the key. The more combat power we can attract, the more comfortable you will be on the second level. In the following days, the three of you must improve your combat power and find your own problems. and shortcomings, and then improve them." They nodded obediently, knowing the current situation very well.

Su Yuan looked at the remaining people and said: "The next ones are you, belonging to the second ladder. Although your combat power is not that strong, you are the fastest growing group of people."

"You have obvious advantages now, but at the same time, your shortcomings are also very obvious. What you need to do is to improve your own strength, repair your bad opponents, and make a qualitative change within a week.'"

Midoriya, Izuku and the others nodded and clenched their fists. If they did not perform well in this battle or failed, they would all leave the Brave Academy.

They didn't want this to happen. After all, it was so difficult to get in, and they couldn't leave the Academy of the Brave at all.

"The next thing is all up to you. I can't do anything to help you. I can only work hard!" Su Yuan chuckled, and then they both went to rest. Everyone was preoccupied and had many thoughts.

The next day came quickly, and they were still fighting with the seniors, but today the seniors found that these guys had changed.

Everyone's fighting style has changed, as if it is a life and death battle, and the feeling makes them all a little confused.

They whispered: "What happened to these little guys? It was just one night. What happened to them to suddenly become like this?"

"If you ask me, I don't know, but they are improving very quickly, so we should be able to end the training early."

On Su Yuan's side, he took a deep breath, and the sand in his body began to condense and become part of his Zhoutong. It actually surged together with the flowing water and became part of it.

Hailong in the flowing water began to be attacked by the quicksand, and his whole body was mercilessly impacted. The feeling of attack and friction brought by it was no joke.

Even the extremely tough Hai Long was hit with wounds one after another, and the senior who controlled Hai Long began to look ugly.

He whispered: "This kid can actually use sand in my water flow. This is much better than you! It seems that I can't resist for too long [This guy should improve quickly!"

Su Yuan closed his fist, compressed his breath and strength, and said calmly: "It's time for this to end, let's break it into pieces!"

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