Su Yuan looked at the clean sand in front of him. The scene around him had not yet dispersed. He frowned: "Do I still have my test? Isn't this the end?"

Sure enough, the moment Su Yuan finished speaking, the surrounding sand began to turn into a giant monster and crush it hard.

Su Yuan's eyes became solemn, and the power of sand was condensed on his hands, and the weapon color was turned on directly. He knew that the monster in front of him was very powerful. If he didn't use his full strength, he would really be no match.

Suddenly, the opponent started to attack. The attack method was still the same as the previous bug, biting directly, but there were still poisonous gases inside. These poisonous gases seemed to be able to corrode everything. Even the protection condensed by Su Yuan was directly corroded. .

Su Yuan's eyes became cold and ugly, and he became cautious in attacking, not daring to attack casually. In fact, after Su Yuan calmed down, he found that he didn't seem to have many attack methods.

If this is the case, this trial should allow me to see more places that I can't see. Take a deep breath, shrink my fists, and they will be covered with layers of yellow luster.

Absorbing the history of mud and sand between heaven and earth.

His chest area was flashing with a faint yellow light, and his whole body was wrapped in mud and sand. His whole body was layered and illusory, as if his body was made of quicksand.

His eyes became extremely cold, and the aura of his whole body was concentrated on his fists. The armed weapons were on his outer surface area, forming an invisible fusion attack between them. The ground cracked layer by layer, and the aura was disturbed. With.

"Nasty! The monster roared, the sound was extremely sharp. The sound attack spread, and the area where Su Yuan was located was opened one after another. Su Yuan standing inside looked thin and shadowy.

Su Yuan knew that if he didn't take action, he might not even have a chance to attack. His whole body was impacting from bottom to top like a meteorite, creating air waves and burning layers of sand.

The two fists contained infinite lethality, and the monsters launched attacks. The fists were put together, and a Taishan meteorite chased down [hardly facing Su Xian's double impact.

The void in the middle stirred up layer by layer, stirring up thousands of waves, and the forces between them were all impacting and confronting each other.

Su Yuan's whole body made a crisp sound, which was the sound of smashing. The defense he built was as fragile as paper, but the impact of a few breaths was completely dissipated in the attack. Although his own attack was powerful, the opponent's attack was not. Just kidding, it's very difficult to defeat the opponent with your own attacks.

A delicate balance has been reached between them. The layers of aura are pushing them. For a moment, it seems that Su Yuan is stronger, and for a moment, the monster is stronger. The excitement in the middle becomes stronger and stronger, as if time and space can't help but collapse.

In the end, Su Yuan was swallowed up in the endless quicksand. All he saw was the poisonous gas corroding his whole body, and countless insects killing him. The lethality was fatal.

Indeed, Su Yuan trembled all over, spit out a mouthful of blood, and came back to his senses.

He is now extremely weak and has forced himself to practice three times. This third time he directly faces such a powerful opponent, he feels a bit too hasty.

Su Yuan stroked his chest to stabilize his breath, frowned, and said thoughtfully: "Such a monster is almost a perfect existence, but now I don't know how strong his physical body is? At least now I don't know how strong it is. Being unable to get close to the opponent is the biggest disadvantage. It seems that I need to study new attack methods. Otherwise, it is impossible for me to defeat this monster.'

However, when he woke up, he found that there were many people around him, all from his side.

He smiled happily and said: "I was right about you. You have great potential and your strength is improving very quickly. It is much better than Carlos and his ilk."

However, if they don't look at Su Yuan, they will only take five or six minutes at most to come out, and the training time is very long.

The breath all over Shoto Todoroki's body became weak, and he woke up. He sat panting, recalling the battle just now.

His hands were still trembling, Su Yuan whispered: "Shoto Todoroki, what did you see?"

Shoto Todoroki was suddenly frightened. After seeing Su Yuan wake up, he calculated the time and found that it took him more than half an hour to come out. How abnormal is this?

He pondered for a moment, shook his head and said: "It's nothing, it's just that my flame is too weak after all and needs to be tempered."

Shoto Todoroki's flame has never been used much, so compared with the ice element, it appears to be much weaker. However, as the son of Endeavor, as long as he accepts the flame, it will become stronger, which is definitely not a problem.

Bakugo Katsuki also woke up, his cursing disappeared, and some of his words were serious and determined. Su Yuan had seen his eyes before, it was the look in his eyes after he was concerned about something. .

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