My Hero Academia: Sand-Sand Fruit

201 Special Training Begins

"Okay, you guys go to training quickly." All Might narrowed his eyes. If it were delayed any longer, Irene would really get angry. That woman couldn't help being angry.

On the vast training ground, a woman wearing a battle uniform stood in the middle with her hands on her hips.

Everyone in Su Yuan's team came to the training ground and shivered involuntarily when they saw her. The woman's beautiful eyes immediately turned sideways and glared at several people viciously.

Everyone trembled and lowered their heads, not daring to look at her.

Eileen is definitely the strictest among all the instructors. Regardless of the fact that she is a woman, she is more serious than many men.

"Aren't you full? Everyone, move faster." Seeing everyone walking forward slowly, Irene suddenly became angry. Everyone trembled, quickened their pace, rushed in front of her, and started training immediately.

Erin stood aside and waved her hand to form a formation. Among all training items, teamwork is the most important, and personal strength is secondary. One plus one is greater than two, which is the true meaning of battle.

This is what Irene pays most attention to. What she requires is that everyone, no matter who they are combined with, can exert greater strength than themselves.

"Su Yuan, as the captain, you should cooperate perfectly with every team member. You come first." Irene's eyes fell on Su Yuan.

Crazy sand rose up around him, and the sand fell down one after another, forming a mound, and then turned into a tornado, flying in the direction of Irene.

At this moment, the Su Yuan team member who was cooperating with him also moved. His fist hit the sand, mobilized the sand, and accelerated towards Irene.

The attacks of the two people were put together and showed different changes. Erin was startled, took a step back, raised her hand and blocked a huge shield in front of her.

She sneered, "Today you will work in pairs until you break through my shield. If you can't, don't eat in the afternoon."

Everyone immediately started to cry. This training was too cruel. Fortunately, they ate the hot pot in advance. Eileen doesn't think it's too much to ask for. This is the most basic thing.

A huge shield blocked everyone in Su Yuan's team, and light was still flowing on the shield. Several people kept attacking and attacking, but they could not break the shield.

Each shield has its maximum strength. If it cannot exceed this strength, it will not be able to cause damage.

However, the strength of the cooperation between everyone in Su Yuan's team could not break the shield.

What to do? Everyone looked at Su Yuan. He was the captain. They would subconsciously ask for his opinion and trust him.

Erin frowned when she saw this step, which was both a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that Su Yuan has the trust of all the team members as the captain, but the bad thing is that they rely too much on their captain and lose the ability to think. This is not a good sign.

Irene angrily yelled: "Are your brains flooded? You can't think. If you ask Su Yuan everything, just let him compete alone."

Everyone was suddenly ashamed and unable to refute. They lowered their heads, their heads were running rapidly, but they could not think of how to enhance the attack power of the two of them.

"Teacher Eileen, your request is too high. Why don't we cooperate with the three of us first." Someone suggested.

The improvement of combat effectiveness must be gradual. They believed that the two of them could not reach the bottom line of the shield's attack. .

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