My Hero Academia: Sand-Sand Fruit

041 God-Level Combination (Part 1)

The class in the morning almost sent Su Yuan away, but he finally remembered the bell for the last class in the morning.

His heavy eyelids were finally released.

"It's still the familiar hypnosis!" Su Yuan yawned and rubbed his eyes.

He thought that after coming to this world, that kind of thing would no longer exist, but what he didn't expect was that it would start again the next day.

However, Su Yuan does not reject this kind of thing, but actually misses it a little.

Before time travel, when he walked out of school, he never imagined that one day he would be able to return to campus. Although this was a campus in a superhuman society, it was still the same.

The next time is lunch time, where you can enjoy low-price and first-class cuisine in Xiongying's canteen.

After finishing his meal, Su Yuan sat at an empty table and ate alone.

After a while, Midoriya Izuku also sat next to Su Yuan with a meal.

"This afternoon is going to be the Hero(es) basics course that I'm looking forward to." Midoriya Izuku sat down, full of expectations.

"The one who is as boring as yesterday?" Su Yuan asked.

"Of course not, what happened yesterday was just that the teacher wanted to see how much we had mastered our Quirks." Midoriya Izuku explained.

"Oh, that's not bad!"

"By the way, are you still practicing during this time?" Midoriya Izuku asked.

"Huh?" Su Yuan said, turning to look at Izuku Midoriya next to him.

"Geniuses work so hard!" Midoriya Izuku revealed a look of admiration.

After the entrance test, Midoriya Izuku's training had ended. He also thought that Su Yuan would end the training as the test ended, just like him.

However, it doesn't look like this now.

"In your eyes, is he a genius?" Su Yuan smiled, but it was not what they said was a genius, ever since he traveled through time and came to this world.

He spent almost half of his time practicing, and from the moment he possessed the Shasha Fruit, he instantly gained powerful power.

Midoriya Izuku works many times harder than others, but Su Yuan works many times harder than Midoriya Izuku.

"Of course!" Midoriya Izuku said decisively.

"You should do your best too!" Su Yuan replied in a sloppy manner without explaining too much to Izuku.


In a blink of an eye, after the lunch break, the afternoon class finally started.

"Tap tap tap!"

There was a sound of heavy footsteps in the corridor outside the classroom.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden 'click', and All Might opened the door and entered.

"I'm here, I walked in through the door very normally."

All Might had a smile on his face and made a strange posture inside the door.

Most of the people in 1-A became excited when they saw All Might.

"It's... it's All Might!"

"That's amazing. It turns out that he is really a teacher at Xiongying!"

"That's...the costume from the Silver Age of American comics!"

"So handsome, All Might!"

"The painting style is so different! I even get goosebumps."

Seeing All Might's exaggerated walking posture, he walked to the podium in slow motion, and looking at the costume he was wearing, Su Yuan also said something casually.

"I goosebumps."

After All Might walked to the podium, he put his hands on his hips and said calmly: "The course I am responsible for is Hero(es) Basics. This is a course that conducts various trainings to build the foundation of Hero(es)."

"Of course, it also has the most credits. And then, without further ado, that's it for today, combat training."

"Fight?" As soon as Bakugo Katsuki heard these two words, he stood up excitedly, his smile gradually becoming wilder.

The corner of his eye fell on Su Yuan.

"That's right! And then, there's this. Look here, everyone!" All Might pointed to the wall of the classroom.


Immediately after, on the wall, popped up battle uniforms marking the numbers.

"This is a battle uniform customized based on the Quirks report you submitted before enrolling and your needs."

"But, Beichuan boy, why don't you condition Quirks to report?" All Might said while looking at Su Yuan.

Su Yuan was stunned and explained: "My Quirks are a bit special. The battle suit cannot assist me. Customizing the battle suit at will will only make me uncomfortable."

After hearing this, All Might was silent for a few seconds, feeling that what Su Yuan said was not unreasonable.

Combat uniforms generally have some auxiliary function. If there is no auxiliary function, then the combat uniform has no other meaning.

"That's it! Okay, I understand." All Might replied, and as he spoke, he said to the others: "By the way, you should quickly change into your combat uniforms, and then gather in playground B."

Su Yuan didn't have a battle suit, so he put on a sports suit and followed All Might into the arena.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, they walked out of the passage wearing all kinds of clothes.


Su Yuan laughed until her stomach hurt.

Everyone in the class disliked Su Yuan. If he hadn't been so strong, he would have been beaten.

"Okay, okay, boy Beichuan, be polite to your classmates." All Might ordered.

Su Yuan suppressed a smile and nodded: "Okay..."

"Not bad. Everyone is very handsome." When All Might said this, he didn't know if he was influenced by Su Yuan, but he almost laughed out loud.

Then, everyone cast a speechless look at All Might.

"Ahem!" All Might coughed dryly, and then continued: "Is everyone here yet?"

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally replied in unison: "We should come..."

Before they finished speaking, Midoriya Izuku hurriedly ran out of the passage.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

Seeing Midoriya Izuku's battle uniform, Su Yuan couldn't hold back and laughed out loud again.

Because this of his is more like a cos costume than a battle suit.

At this moment, All Might finally couldn't bear it anymore and quickly reached out to cover his mouth.

Midoriya Izuku's costume design is so obvious, it is completely designed based on his own general appearance.

“It’s so easy to understand!”



The first update is here. Ask for some flowers.

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