My Hero Academia: Sand-Sand Fruit

073 Su Yuan, You Are Cheating (Part 1)

"Five secret guards?"

Everyone subconsciously started reading along.

"That's right, the team formed by the five of you is called the 'Five Secret Guards'" the principal confirmed again.

"The five secret guards can have exclusive meanings. Five represents the five of you, and the word secret means that the heroes have the three giants in the open, and you in the dark. The word "guard" means to defend the heroes and maintain society."

"Together, the general meaning is that the five of you secretly guard the heroes and maintain society. All Might explains the meaning of the five secret guards.

"Okay...good Haki's name." Midoriya Izuku swallowed hard, a little excited. two

"This seems promising." Of course, Bakugo Katsuki was also very excited at this moment.

"But..." Shoto Todoroki said, his face slightly serious.

Everyone looked at him.

"With our current strength, are we capable of protecting heroes and maintaining society?" Shoto Todoroki continued to ask.

"Of course not!" All Might immediately retorted: "That's why we have to train you."

263 As soon as All Might finished speaking, the principal spoke again.

"Actually, I can tell you about the five secret guards when you go to school, but do you know why I suddenly called you here at this time?" the principal asked.

Su Yuan and the others pondered for a few seconds, and finally shook their heads.

"Because, b-i-g3 happens to be free this afternoon, and they can let you experience the gap." The principal said, then stood up, and then shouted outside: "Come in."

(The reason b-i-g is separated by - is because together Fei Lu will be awaiting trial. I am speechless and even ten b-igs will not work.)

The words fell.

There was a "click" sound.

Three students wearing heroic uniforms walked in slowly, two men and one woman.

And (abdi) they are the three heroes b-i-g3 who rule the top of the heroes, Tongxing Weisheng, Fluctuating Spiral Scroll, and Tianhuan.

"They are the b-i-g3 at the top of the Junlin Heroes. Midoriya Izuku glanced at the three of them, and his face suddenly became stiff.

But what they did next made Su Yuan and the others a little unable to do anything.

Tongxing Weisheng quickly walked up to Su Yuan, smiled and said, "Hello, your name is Beichuan Su Yuan, right?"

Su Yuan looked at Tong Xing Wei Lisheng, confused, as if he didn't recognize him.

"I am? Do you know me?" Su Yuan asked.

"Well, that's right. I've heard of you, so you must also know me." Tong Xingwei asked with a smile.

Su Yuan nodded: "Well, the principal just explained it to me."

Tong Xingwei Lisheng was slightly disappointed. Unexpectedly, Su Yuan had just found out about him.

Of course, soon his face was filled with joy again, and he said: "It's okay, there will be many opportunities for us to meet in the future, and sometimes, maybe we will even cooperate."

Su Yuan smiled: "I'll ask for your advice in the future."

"Of course, we don't have much time to stay in Xiongying. [It is also a good thing for Xiongying to train our b-i-g3 as soon as possible." Tong Xingwei said slowly.

"Okay, okay, please give a brief self-introduction first." The principal said.

The three of them nodded and gave a brief introduction to Su Yuan and the others.

"Then, I'll trouble you next," the principal said.

"No trouble. Then all the members of the Five Secret Guards will come with me." Tongxing Weisheng said, turned around and walked towards the door.

"Where to go?" Su Yuan asked subconsciously.

"Training ground." Tongxing Weili said without looking back.

When Su Yuan heard the words "training ground", he had already guessed what would happen next.

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, Su Yuan suddenly spoke.

As soon as everyone saw it, their eyes turned to Su Yuan.

"What's wrong? Beichuan boy?" All Might asked in confusion.

"Didn't you say you are in charge of the food? I haven't even eaten breakfast yet?" Su Yuan said calmly.

The principal laughed awkwardly with All Might.

"I almost forgot if you didn't tell me." The principal said as he handed the lunch box on the table to Su Yuan.


Training Course.

"This time is a very simple competition. They just want to see how strong you are." All Might stood in the middle and explained to Su Yuan and the others.

As soon as All Might finished speaking, Tongxing Weisheng stood up and said calmly: "Let me come first."

All Might nodded.

"You can attack at any time. I am good at single combat and group fights." Tongxing Weigengsheng said confidently.

The first update is here. If you can't read the first few chapters, you can read them on the web. The author has tried it. .

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