My Hero Academia’s God-Level Creation

Chapter 184 The strength of the blade is like fire!

Is this an attempt to be the clown of the ancient organization - the legendary circus?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

But what happened next made them even more confused.

What looked like a toy on Ye Qiu's head actually turned at a fast speed. The most terrifying thing was that Ye Qiu's body slowly flew into the sky with the rotation of the toy.

"Oh my God!"

Hell Buffy Snow opened his mouth slightly.

What kind of new era technology product is this? Such a small toy can make people fly easily? Too much!

Wave Luojuan and Hong Dongmei were both shocked. They had no idea that Ye Qiu would have such a magical thing in their hands. With their knowledge of technology, they had absolutely no idea what the magical thing was.

But Ye Qiu took it out, which is easy to explain. After all, Ye Qiu can even find a doctor of genetics like Dr. Kinos, and even a medicated bath package. What other magical things are he? Can't get it out.

"12 is fair now. At least we can fight at a high level. I believe this battle will not disappoint you."

Ye Qiu showed a confident smile and took out the Zanpakutō from behind.

In terms of swordsmanship, he is really not good at it, but the ancient memories hidden in the flow of swords and flames have given him a lot of memories of seeing swordsmanship and less basic slashing.


Based on his own views on the moves, Ye Qiu is very clear that these abilities are enough for him to use.

"Don't think that you are my opponent with a weapon, let you shoot first!

The trembling tornado didn't care at all, and was still extremely proud.


Even the Atomic Warrior's sword didn't pose any threat in front of her, let alone Ye Qiu's little devil's sword.

Although this little devil's body technique has some ways, but it's only some way, it can't pose any threat to her at all, because Ye Qiu is too close to do it.

I'm afraid the trembling Tornado didn't know a word, that is, Shibei should be treated with admiration for three days. The current Ye Qiu is no longer the Ye Qiu he used to be in the Hero(es) Association. Tornadoes are completely unimaginable.

Vientiane everything. Flowing blades are like fire. All to ashes!

When Liu Ren Ruo Huo was held in Ye Qiu's hands, a terrifying scorching heat instantly filled the air.

"Tips for carving insects!

The trembling tornado was a little disdainful.

But it is just to show his superpowers with a knife. He thought that he would really use a knife, which is simply superfluous.

Because the power of the fire is basically the same as the nature of burning the fruit, so from the shuddering dragon roll, Ye Qiu is selling dog meat at the head of a sheep, making so many preparations and saying so many words , it is just pretending.

Burn the city!

Ye Qiu shot directly, anyway, the trembling tornado didn't look down on him very much, but it was better to be more refreshing.

With a flaming palm with a high temperature of 6,000 degrees, it swept towards the trembling tornado with lightning speed!


The temperature is indeed extremely terrifying, if it is attacked, with the physical quality of human beings, it will definitely be turned to ashes in an instant.

The shivering Tornado is confident in his fighting ability, but he is not arrogant yet. Ye Qiu, an S-rank Hero(es), is worthy of her recognition for his destructive power.

It was a pity that the palm-like flames enveloped the trembling tornado almost instantly, giving her no chance to dodge at all.

No matter how fast the super-powered flight is, there are also moves that can't be faster.

"It seems to have gotten stronger?!"

Hell Fubuki looked at the flame that trapped his sister at that moment, his eyes were a little stunned.

Totally unexpected!

The last time we met, Ye Qiu was indeed very frantic and violent, but most of his fighting methods were dominated by terrifying golden fire dragons.

And now, with just a single knife, it is possible to cut out such a terrifying flame, and the strength is clearly not a little bit stronger.


The wave spiral swallowed his saliva.

"Sister Dongmei, you said that your father, the second-ranked Endeavor, can be so terrifying as a pervert like Ye Qiu in terms of the ability of flames?"

Hung Dongmei smiled bitterly, "If my father can achieve this level, then his current ranking will not be the second, but the first!"

No matter the temperature of the flame, the coverage of the flame, or the speed of the flame tool, Ye Qiu surpassed her father perfectly.

This trick, anyway, Hung Dongmei felt that her father was absolutely unable to do it!

It's so powerful! It's scary!

The most important thing is, Ye Qiu's age, and she and Ye Qiu have met several times, every time they are fighting, but every time Ye Qiu fights at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, breaking her feelings for Ye Qiu Awareness of strength!

Demonic existence!

What Hero(es) leaderboard?

In other words, Ye Qiu was unwilling, otherwise, such a teenager would definitely shock the entire neon Hero(es) world.

"What are you talking about, the second of the S-rank Hero(es), but my sister. As for the first and second of the A-rank Hero(es), I also know it. Who is Endeavor? I have never heard of it. "

Hell Fubuki interjected.

The Wave Spiral is also very puzzled, "What S-level Hero(es)? What A-level Hero(es)? Isn't there only one Hero(es) on the 850-ranking list?"

"Where are you from?"

Hell Fuxuexiu frowned a little.

Ye Qiu, how should I put it, this man feels so awkward to her, she always feels out of place in a place she is familiar with.

Because every time they met, Hell Fubuki chased away Ye Qiu, and there was no way to know anything about him.

Now these two girls are obviously inexperienced in society, and Hell Fubuki feels that they should be able to get some useful information from them.

"We? Xiongying High School.

The wave spiral said naturally.

"Luojuan, I am not."

Hong Dongmei was a little embarrassed.

"What are you afraid of, Ye Qiu is the special advisor of our Xiongying High School. You were hired by him, and you have already donated your blood. When the time comes, let him directly assign you an identity."

The wave spiral said carelessly.


Blood donations are over!

Looking at Hong Dongmei's little red face, Hell Fubuki instantly thought of that kind of thing.

O beast!

As expected, Ye Qiu was right, Ye Qiu was just a beast, and there were girls around him before, but it was too much to harm the innocence of other girls!

As for Xiongying High School?

This effective information was instantly forgotten by Hell Fubuki.

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