My Hero Academia’s God-Level Creation

Chapter 235 Invite Ulu to join

Joining that so-called firm should have no conflict with any forces she joined.

But now is not the time to join. Urrutia plans to use these three days to take a good look at the mysterious character Ye Qiu. If he can learn more about his hidden secrets, he might join That firm would be a good choice.

"I think it's better to study the topic of making the moon drop into a physical existence first. Three days are not much time, so I will start the study now. If you can, please don't disturb me.

"No problem, I won't disturb you." Ye Qiu turned around and left.

After the deal was reached, the rest was to deal with the problems on Ulu's side. I believe that she should have communicated a lot with her two apprentices for so long.

"Erza, you take the rambunctious guys from the Fairy Tail Guild first, and go back to deliver the mission. I still have a few things to deal with here."

"After returning to the guild, can I still come here?" Erza looked at Ye Qiu with some anticipation.

She is naturally very aware of the power of the moon drop, which has great damage to magic power, but for other mages, this is a great danger, but not for Ye Qiu. If she can also use the moon drop to cultivate like Ye Qiu, her strength should be improved very fast, and she can achieve her goal earlier.

"No problem. This place is originally a training place for inner strength practitioners, and my goal is to transform the moon drop into pure energy that is most suitable for inner strength practitioners to absorb."

Ye Qiu nodded.

"What is inner strength? It sounds very magical, can I practice together?"

Natsu looked at Ye Qiu expectantly.

Ye Qiu nodded, "No problem, I can leave a few exercises for inner strength cultivation in the Fairy Tail guild, but not everyone can cultivate successfully, and you are talented in magic cultivation, also There is no need to focus on the cultivation of inner strength, as long as you follow a path to the end, you will still become the strongest.”

Teaching Erza to practice internal strength is purely because of the limitations of dressing magic.

The equipment that Erza possesses is indeed very powerful, and each set of equipment combined with the physical skills she has cultivated for so many years is indeed enough to form an S-rank magician's combat power.

But on the whole, magic has helped her to improve her strength very little.

For Erza, if she cultivates her internal strength, her combat power will definitely be improved to a great extent!

However, for other people in Fairy Tail, internal strength may not be suitable for their cultivation. After all, like Natsu and Gray, they use elemental magic as the basis for their cultivation, and their internal strength is very limited.

"I want to practice internal strength! I want to defeat Erza!"

However, Ye Qiu felt that his words seemed to be in vain. At least for a single-celled creature like Natsu, it was of no use at all. This guy was already very excited, and he began to expect that after he had cultivated his internal skills, he would do a lot to Erza. Hanged and became the strongest wizard in the Fairy Tail guild.

Ye Qiu shook his head helplessly and walked to the side of Master and apprentice Gray.

"Thank you, Ye Qiu."

Gray and Leon said in unison.

Ulu also looked at Ye Qiu with a strange expression. When was the kid so strong? Thinking back to when she trained Gray and Leon when she was a child, the talents of these two kid are top-notch, but in Ye Qiu With such a terrifying strength, it is simply impossible.

However, absorbing the drop of the moon, killed Daliola with one knife, and even pulled his own life, which was impossible to save, from the brink of death.


Ulu's mood at this time was no different from her daughter Urutia. After a vertical comparison, Ulu also felt that Ye Qiu was a mysterious young man like Jerf, possessing the same power that was enough to change the entire magic world.

"You don't have to thank me. I saved Ulu, not because of your reasons. The main reason is that I want to play against the devil, and the strength of Ulu is very strong. I still look forward to it. Ulu joins our office."

"Huh? Office? Is it a new magic guild? But I used to be a bit strong, but now I don't feel the existence of magic power. If I want to restore magic power, I have to practice again. Your magic guild I've seen all of the members of the group, all of them are beautiful, and they are all very powerful, is it a bit inappropriate for my age?"

Ulu showed a bright smile indifferently.

Ye Qiu waved his hand, "You really don't have magic power now, but in your body, there is a new power, as long as you exert this new power, it will never be more How weak are you!"

"New power? There is power, but how to use it?

Ulu looked at Ye Qiu in confusion.

Gray interrupted Ye Qiu's words, "I think it would be better for Ulu to join us in Fairy Tail. With President Makarov here, she will definitely regain her strength soon."

"Humph! What's the use of following you, I still think Ulu should follow me!"

Leon snorted in disapproval.

Wulu smiled helplessly. She really didn't expect that it's only been more than ten years since she left. The two guys who had a very good relationship when they were young, but now they get along so awkwardly. As expected, it's better not to follow these two apprentices. , She doesn't want to watch this pair of troubles every day, the children have grown up and don't need her shelter.

"I joined your guild, as for how to use the new power, please give me more advice in the future.

Ulu said after thinking carefully.

"Correct, I'm not running a magic guild. None of our members can use magic, and of course there will be in the future. I can teach you new powers now, but you'd better not resist! "

After all, Ye Qiu's hand, the flowing blade Ruo Huo appeared again.

For Ulu to awaken the power of the god of death, the best way is to let her experience the power of the god of death herself.

"Wait, what are you going to do?"

(Qian Nuozhao) Gray's eyelids twitched. He saw how domineering the knife just now was. Now that Ye Qiu took out the knife again, how could he feel that Ye was going to do something earth-shattering.

Don't worry", Ulu is different from you. She is no longer a living being, and is not as fragile as you think. So, now, realize the power of death that belongs to you!


Not a living being anymore?

Whether it was Gray, Leon, or Urrutia, who was studying the Moon Drop, after hearing Ye Qiu's words, they all showed extreme panic, obviously Ulu was a living person.

"Do not believe?

Ye Qiu was too lazy to explain, seeing the existence of Neng Wulu is entirely due to the fact that these guys are full of magic power. In this world, people with the aptitude to practice magic basically have the ability to see souls. Of course, the premise is that the soul must be as strong as the soul of death.

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