My Hero Academia’s God-Level Creation

Chapter 33 The first meeting of Xiongying high-level executives (for collection, for flowers)

"Just pay the salary. Also, don't give me the identity of a teacher directly. That kind of identity is too troublesome, and it is a false position like a consultant."

Ye Qiu thought for a while and said.

School, exam?

Don't be kidding, after three years of college entrance exams and five years of simulation, Ye Qiu is too lazy to continue learning the basics of my English world even though he has an almost unforgettable memory.

With that time, it would be better to let him spend it all on cultivation.

"Young man, are you so sure that I can apply for a consultant position for you? You have not yet taken the college entrance examination, and you are not even a Hero(es)!"

All Might nearly stumbled off the junk.

"It's a matter of human effort. If the No.1 man in the Hero(es) rankings has the determination to reform, then I believe you will be able to do it."

Ye Qiu's tone paused slightly, and there was a hint of confidence in his eyes.

"Because, apart from me, there is no one in this world who can make the new generation of blood stronger!"

Just so confident!

His Quirks can create things outside the rules of the English world. If you want to break the balance of power in one world, the things in the other world are bound to be the most promising, and some things are one plus one greater than two.

After pondering for a while, All Might finally nodded, "Okay, I will go to the principal to apply, but I will only give you a three-month trial period, if you can't satisfy us within three months, You must promise me to be a student of Xiongying High School with peace of mind."

"I promise."

Ye Qiu said casually.

Not satisfied?

Hehe, I'm afraid that group of guys will beg him for more help at that time.

Green Valley, who was still moving forward, caused an uproar in his heart. He seemed to have heard something remarkable before he knew it.

"Young Green Valley, don't tell other people what you heard just now. The matter of my going to Xiongying to become a teacher has not been announced to the public yet. In addition, you'd better forget that League of Villains in your mind. Those villain(s) are not what you should know about right now."

A word of warning from All Might.


Ye Qiu waved his hand, but did not stay to say hello to Green Gu, and disappeared from All Might's sight at a very fast speed.

Three days later, Mt. Lady, who was very popular among the public recently, frequently appeared in advertisements for an unknown little place called Kento Dojo.

Brainwashing adverts overwhelming.

I don't give gifts this year, so I will give a boxing vine medicinal bath package.

Everyone does not understand what the so-called boxing and rattan medicinal bath package is, but it is clearly stated in the advertisement that this medicinal bath package can eliminate the fatigue of a day's practice, and can improve physical fitness if used for a long time.

Most people don't believe in such magical things, but due to their idols, buyers have appeared one after another outside the small Kento Dojo.

Kento Tiger Bear was wearing an incomparable suit, combing his bald head that was almost polished, and felt nervous for the first time in his life.

No way, this time the advertising fee almost included his net worth, as well as Mt. Lady's net worth.

The effect of the medicated bath is good enough!

This is the conclusion that Kento Tiger Bear came to after his own experiments. Even he, who felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his body training, could find that his physical fitness had improved visible to the naked eye after taking the medicated bath.

"Boss, can you get Mt. Lady's autographed photo by buying a medicinal bath package?"

The first guest was a crazy-eyed otaku, and his frenzied eyes almost didn't eat Kento Tiger Bear.

Kento Tiger Bear gave the boy a stern look, "No! What are you thinking, we are selling medicinal bath packages, not a fan club. I love to buy, don't want to buy and go, don't interfere with the queues behind. people!"

"Cut~ I don't even have a signed photo, what to buy, it's scattered!"

Those irritating words made Kento Toroxium almost ripped off his suit and had a good fight with this group of people.

Because of the boy's words, the number of guests in the queue at the back suddenly decreased by half.

Asshole! Asshole!

Why is doing business so irritating? Ye Qiu, the kid, came up with this medicinal bath, whether it made me make money or made me angry, obviously he wanted to make me mad at the old man.

As for Ye Qiu himself, he was already staying with All Might in the U.A. High School office.

"This is your plan for the entrance test for Hero(es)?"

In front of the black-bellied principal, Ye Qiu directly threw the plan on the table, as if he was the principal.

"What, does Ye Qiu think there is something wrong?"

The principal was not in a hurry to get angry, but instead, under Omelt's embarrassed expression, he drank tea leisurely.

"Don't you think it's a little too simple? Moreover, although this kind of test is based on the idea of ​​natural selection and survival of the fittest, for some people, it is still too easy!"

Ye Qiu pointed it out.

That's right, I'm talking about a boy like Bakugo. This is the entrance test. There are too few comprehensive quality tests. A guy like Bakugo is extremely destructive. This is the test? Unleash Unleash Quirks, a playground where you can play and pass?

"Tell me your opinion?"

The principal continued to ask, but he wanted to see if this young man with a reckless attitude really had the same reckless capital as his attitude.

The position of special advisor is not something that anyone can give casually, and whether he is eligible to participate in the reform of U.A. High School, he also needs further investigation.

"First of all, the simulation of the environment is too bad. I think climate change can be considered in the test. Hero(es) is not always faced with sunny days. Rainy days, storms, heavy rains, blizzards, thunderstorms, sand Dust and the like, you look at the design, don't tell me it can't be done, technology is not used for decoration."

Ye Qiu slowly expressed his first opinion.


The headmaster's small eyes flashed with interest. He really hadn't thought about the environment and climate.

If you add the weather that can change at any time during the test, it will definitely add more unpredictability!

PS: The first reward for this book, thank you for the reward. Everyone is happy to read, and the past is like smoke. I am also preparing to save the manuscript with multiple code words, ready to put it on the shelves, and finally signed a contract. *

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