My Hidden Wife is Sweet

1371 Still Good-looking

Due to Jolin's urging, Gu Weiwei went to the studio later on in the week that Jolin had booked after watching the two children take an afternoon nap.

Jolin had been waiting for her. The moment he saw her, he urged the stylist to do her makeup and the photographer started to adjust the lighting.

Gu Weiwei looked at herself in the mirror and frowned.

"Do I need to look like this?"

In the past, her makeup was light and fairy-like, and it was rare for her to have such thick makeup.

"Let's make four sets, one for the villain, one for the queen and two for the ultimate style. We will definitely cause a sensation." Jolin said confidently.

"Queen? What the hell?" Gu Weiwei frowned even more.

Jolin smiled and started to explain.

"The aura you give off should be as handsome as Yuan Meng."

Gu Weiwei's lips twitched. "Why are we trying so hard?"

He wanted her to shoot two styles, one was beautiful and charming and the other was sexy and handsome. It was very different from her usual style.

"You haven't had any work for more than a year, so of course the pictures you release must be impactful." Jolin sized up her makeup with his arms crossed, feeling very satisfied.

She had always been elegant and fairy-like, and the fans and the public had seen her numerous times.

But she had never tried such a charming and sexy style before.

He believed that as long as it was released, it would definitely make the headlines.

Gu Weiwei did not object too much. She had only shown one style while in this industry and one day, the fans would get tired of it.

The stylist checked the makeup and clothes and finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Alright, let's start."

Gu Weiwei got up and followed Jolin to the studio.

Although she had not been on any work assignments for more than a year, the moment she stood in front of the camera, she exuded a strong aura and started to work.

The photographer talked with her about the style and feeling of this set of pictures and she instantly switched to another mode.

From the look in her eyes to the aura she exuded, she had turned into an enchanting villain.

Jolin was very excited. He had thought that it would be very difficult for her to get into the right mood after being pregnant and having a child for so long, but he had been worried for nothing.

She could appear in front of the camera anytime.

The first set was completed within one hour and then she went to get changed.

Her makeup had been completely changed, so that the soft look was reduced, making her look exquisite and grand.

Dressed in a black suit, she looked totally different.

When they arrived at the studio, the photographer took two pictures and adjusted the lighting before saying.

"You need to be colder, more intimidating and more aggressive."

"Okay, let's start," Gu Weiwei said as she stood up and started to pose.

Jolin had hired a very excellent photographer and Gu Weiwei was very photogenic, so the shooting went very smoothly.

When Gu Weiwei went to remove the makeup, Jolin and the photographer were going through the photos on the computer.

"Miss. Mu has a very strong awareness of the camera, not a single picture is bad," the photographer said excitedly.

She was not only the darling of the big screen but also the darling of the camera.

"Of course, my girl is not bad at all," Jolin said proudly.

Even if she was out for a year or two, she was still good-looking and elegant.

Gu Weiwei removed her makeup, got changed and went over to Jolin.

"If there is nothing else, I am leaving now."

The children should have woken up by now.

Youyou was easy to deal with, but Tiantian, this clingy girl, would definitely cry if she did not see her mother when she woke up.

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