Yuan Xiong quickly went to the side to get a glass of water.

After patting Wang Mo on the back and asking him to drink some water, Wang Mo stopped coughing, but his face had turned the color of pig liver due to violent coughing.

"Ling ring ring~~~"

The cell phone ringtone is still ringing tenaciously.

This is already the third time I've called.

Yuan Xiong handed the phone to Wang Mo: "Please answer Mr. He's call quickly. I'm afraid it's urgent."

What's the emergency?

Wang Mo knew it well.

Why is he coughing? Isn’t it clear to me?

But under Yuan Xiong's gaze, Wang Mo could only pretend to be calm. After taking the phone, he tried his best to smile and answered the call: "Hello? Mr. He?"

"Tell me honestly, what's going on with that song!!!"

Just as the call was connected, He Zhixing's roar could already be heard.

Wang Mo chuckled and said: "Mr. He, haven't you seen everything? This is the situation, this is the thing, I..."

He Zhixing snorted: "Don't give me a bad look!"

Wang Mo said helplessly: "Mr. He, when I taught Tongtong the song, weren't you there? The song was approved by you."

He Zhixing was speechless.

But he quickly hummed: "I don't care, let me ask you, did you already know that this song would be a hit? That's why you asked Tongtong to wear a blindfold?"

Wang Mo said solemnly: "Mr. He, do you really think that I am a god? How can I predict the future? You should thank me. Fortunately, I think Tongtong looks more cute when he wears a blindfold, so I Covering her appearance. Speaking of which, why are you so excited? Tongtong in the video covers most of her face, and there is no information such as class, name, etc., so her identity cannot be known to the outside world, right?"

He Zhixing took a deep breath: "The outside world doesn't know, but among my relatives and friends, who doesn't recognize Tongtong? Now my phone is full of calls."

Wang Mo asked: "Are they all blaming you?"

He Zhixing: "That's not true."

Wang Mo: "Then why did you attack me? You scared me."

He Zhixing: "I'm just worried that Tongtong is so young, but being in such a big limelight may have a bad impact on her future."

Wang Mo laughed: "Mr. He, your thinking is a bit backward, aren't you? It's the 21st century now, and what people advocate is to let their children stand in front of the camera to show off their talents. Only in this way will the children perform better. Confident and powerful. I even planned a parent-child program a while ago where celebrities took their children on a trip.

Do celebrities take strict care of their children?

But they are still willing to let their sons and daughters, who are only four or five years old, participate in the show. Why? The purpose is to train the next generation's abilities, and not to let them grow up in a greenhouse, thereby destroying the children.

Even the stars' thoughts have changed. What's wrong with Tongtong wearing a mask and singing a song? Perhaps this will become a beautiful scenery on her future growth path, inspiring her to keep moving forward. "


After hearing these words, He Zhixing showed hesitation: "Am I really lagging behind in thinking?"

Wang Mo: "A little bit."

He Zhixing: "Did you really plan such a program?"

Wang Mo: "It's absolutely true, and the program will be broadcast after the new year."

He Zhixing: "What about Tongtong, should I still thank you?"

Wang Mo said boldly: "This is what I should do for Tongtong, Mr. He, you don't have to thank me."

After much thought, He Zhixing always felt that something was wrong.

But I can't fault it.

After a while, he said: "Okay, I'll take a look..."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Wang Mo let out a long sigh of relief, sweat dripping from his forehead.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly and convinced Mr. He just now.

Otherwise, if Mr. He insists on going his own way and blames himself for pushing Tongtong to the forefront, then I may not be able to live with it.

Put away your phone.

Wang Mo lay on his back on the chair and just wanted to take a rest.

Then he saw Yuan Xiong's eyes widened like bells, staring straight at him.

Wang Mo was startled: "Brother Xiong, what are you doing?"

Yuan Xiong said nothing and still stared at him.

Wang Mo felt horrified: "Brother Xiong, don't scare me."

Yuan Xiong then said quietly: "What were you talking about on the phone with Mr. He just now?"

Countless thoughts flashed through Wang Mo's mind.

Secretly shouting bad.

Because he was too nervous just now, he didn't avoid Yuan Xiong when he was on the phone.

I was just trying to make up a random excuse.

Yuan Xiong spoke: "How dare you stay in He's hometown for three days last time just to teach his granddaughter this song? I asked you why it takes so long to raise a baby. I see. What a good boy, what a good Wang Mo you are. , you can do it, you are willing to spend a lot of money. In order to please Mr. He, I actually wrote a children's song for his granddaughter as a 'Wuyan' distinguished person. Before, I thought you didn't know how to flatter, well... it's me I misunderstood. Your level of flattery is something I will never be able to match in my lifetime."


Wang Mo remained silent while secretly looking at the surrounding exits.

Be prepared to escape at the critical moment.

After all, Yuan Xiong had expressed his strong hatred for the song "Growing Flowers in the Garden" just now. He had lost a whole night of love because of this song, so he could not guarantee that he would become Yuan Xiong's punching bag.


The next second, Yuan Xiong suddenly showed a bright smile: "Made, I said that there is no composer who can be so powerful that he can write a children's song and be popular all over the Internet. Now that I know it was you who composed it, let me tell you pass.

Hmm... As expected, you still have to be 'silent'. He even has such superb knowledge in children's songs. Just a few words of the lyrics will have my five-year-old son fascinated, and even your sister-in-law will dig and dig along. Haha, awesome! Your children's song is so awesome! "

? ? ?

! ! !

Wang Mo looked at Yuan Xiong, who was generous with his praise, and thought he had heard wrong.


Didn't you just keep belittling this song? Why did your attitude suddenly change again?

Yuan Xiong seemed to feel relieved. After praising for a while, his expression suddenly turned serious: "Ah Mo, we must release this song to all major music platforms as soon as possible."

Wang Mo was stunned: "Is it necessary?"

Yuan Xiong said: "Of course!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "You haven't watched the news in the past two days, have you? All the major online media and news accounts are already in a state of excitement because Hao Mingxing lost to Luo Ning."

Wang Mo frowned: "Isn't it normal for Brother Xing to lose to Luo Ning? What do the media have to be excited about?"

"You don't see the essence."

Yuan Xiong said solemnly: "On the surface, it was Hao Mingxing who lost, but in fact it was you who lost. And this is the first time since you wrote the song 'Wuyan' that you lost to someone else. That's why the media were so excited. Hyping up the topics of 'the wordless myth is shattered' and 'the wordless golden body is shattered'."

Wang Mo said: "Let's just hype it up. I'm not a god. I can't be undefeated for the rest of my life."

Yuan Xiong said: "If that's all, it doesn't matter. But there is another voice on the Internet: It is said that Hao Mingxing has a silent song, but still fails miserably, so he cannot be helped. His own strength is actually very Trash, even silence can't save him. This is a great reputational damage to Hao Mingxing."

Wang Mo narrowed his eyes slightly: "That's why you asked me to post "Growing Flowers in the Garden" to the music platform?"

Yuan Xiong nodded: "Yes, since those people have made Hao Mingxing's life difficult, let them die together!"

Wang Mo thought for a moment and nodded slowly.

Half an hour later.

Under the operation of Yunhai Media, the live version of "Growing Flowers in the Garden" has quietly appeared on major music platforms.

Wang Mo originally wanted to add the name "Wuyan" to the column of songwriters.

Yuan Xiong stopped him: "Don't add it yet."

Wang Mo: "Oh?"

Yuan Xiong said: "Wait a minute. After "Garden Flowers" reaches the top of the rankings tomorrow, we will add it to the list and give everyone a surprise!"

When talking about the surprise, Yuan Xiong deliberately emphasized his tone.

Soon after the song was uploaded, Yunhai Media began to mobilize its media power to promote the launch of "Garden Flowers" on the music platform.

In an instant, the news spread like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

"Dig dig dig has an audio version."

"Ahhh, finally the audio version is out."

"The day I've been looking forward to finally arrived."

"Hurry! Go download it quickly."

"These days, our kindergarten can only play videos, which is so inconvenient. Now there is finally music!"



I don’t know how many netizens pounced on the music platform.

There are kindergarten teachers, parents, elementary school students, junior high school students, well... there are also quite a few college students and office workers.

at once.

On the new song chart, "Garden Planting Flowers" began to soar like a rocket.

Music circle.

Because "Growing Flowers in the Garden" was so popular all over the Internet, when it landed on the music platform, people in the industry received the news almost immediately.

So, next, these industry insiders, especially the singers on the charts, saw a scene that took their breath away.

A children's song!

A children's song sung by a three-year-old child.

Started to dominate the new song charts.

Within half an hour, I broke into the top 100.

Within an hour, I broke into the top 50.

In two hours, he broke into the top 20.

In four hours, he broke into the top ten.

Half a day later, he broke into the top three.

The next morning, "Garden Flowers" topped the new song chart!


A true sweep!

Even the speed of reaching the charts far exceeded that of "Invisible Wings".

After all, "Invisible Wings" started from scratch.

But "Growing Flowers in the Garden" has already attracted tens of millions of netizens as its backers, so it has produced extraordinary results.

Many netizens were happy when they saw this scene.


"Hahaha, a children's song conquered the music world?"

"So funny."

"Little Princess Tongtong officially debuts!"


Someone even sang: ""Garden Planting Flowers" is digging and digging on the small new song list, digging all the way to the end."

The music world was silent.

Because in everyone's opinion, this children's song really has no quality or connotation, but it is such a song, but it has rushed to the first place in the new song list, clearing the new song list.

Doesn’t that mean that their songs are not as good as this children’s song?

Some people feel very uncomfortable.

Some people feel humiliated.

Some people want to cry.

When everyone was crying in their hearts, almost all of them were thinking about one thing: Which composer is this magical children's song?

However, there is no news about the composer on the entire Internet.

This also made many singers and industry insiders feel very uncomfortable.

But only one person was overjoyed.

This person is Ye Yuanhang.

At this moment, Ye Yuanhang, who was sitting in the villa, laughed loudly: "Oh, I am laughing to death, I want to die laughing. Wuyan, Wuyan, your golden body is finally shattered. Even if you can't beat Luo Ning, you actually Can't even beat a children's song. Shame, shame!!! Hahahahaha. Wuyan, do you feel the pain? I guess you must be special, special, and particularly painful at this moment, right? Well... where is the manager? I want to eat sunshine rose!"


The agent came in with a plate of sunshine roses.

Ye Yuanhang has never eaten it since his failure on the new song chart last time.

But today, he has appetite again.

He grabbed a handful of sunshine roses and threw them into his mouth.

Well, the sunshine rose is extra sweet today.

While eating, Ye Yuanhang said to his agent: "Go and find out which composer composed the song "Growing Flowers in the Garden". I must visit him and learn from him. Children's songs, haha, can beat the music of no one." Children’s songs of words.”


The manager nodded, and then subconsciously refreshed the music interface of "Growing Flowers in the Garden".


He suddenly discovered that there was an extra line of text at the end of the lyrics:

Lyrics and music: Speechless.

The agent stared at this line of words, and after a while, he suddenly stood up and took away the sunshine rose beside Ye Yuanhang.

Ye Yuanhang was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Why are you taking it away? Give it to me, today's sunshine rose is big and sweet!"

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