My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 257 If he wants to fight, then fight!

The last day of May.

It's still raining lightly.


Yuan Xiong was taking out the clothes he had put in last night from the newly purchased dryer. He brought them to his nose and smelled them, showing a satisfied smile: "It smells good. It's really much more convenient to have a dryer."

"Ahhh, ahhh, ahhhhhhh~~~"

Wang Mo didn't hear Yuan Xiong's words. He was still standing on the balcony practicing vocal music.

Originally, Wang Mo was just training to confuse Yuan Xiong, but after practicing like this for a while, he was a little surprised to find that he had actually made some progress. Now when he opened his voice, the refreshing air flowed into his throat from the outside, making him feel relaxed and happy.

Obviously, this is a sign of improvement in singing skills.

In his excitement, he roared for a few minutes longer than usual.

Return to the living room.

Yuan Xiong had already packed up his clothes, threw Wang Mo's clothes to him, and then asked in confusion: "Why did you howl for a few more minutes today?"

Wang Mo chuckled: "I feel that my singing skills have improved, so I practice more when I am happy."

Yuan Xiong smiled half-heartedly: "Really?"

Do you still have singing skills?

I want to compliment you, you really climbed up the pole.

Out the door.

Yuan Xiong said again: "By the way, I forgot to tell you something. Lantai contacted me yesterday and said that after a month of intense production, the first two episodes of "Run, Brother" have been recorded and are scheduled to be released in four days. That is to say, the premiere will start at 8 o'clock this Saturday night."

Wang Mo's face showed surprise: "So fast?"

Yuan Xiong nodded: "It only takes more than a month from the establishment of a large-scale variety show to the broadcast, which is really fast. Mainly because in order to make up for the gap of no variety show on Saturday nights, Blue Channel works day and night to put the program on Rushed out. Of course, there is another important reason why it was broadcast so quickly: that is, the program plan you gave to Blue Channel was very detailed, and you even listed in detail all the game props, gameplay, and guest scripts in the previous programs. It came out. All the directors only need to record according to the same pattern, which saves a lot of time. They even asked me to express their gratitude to you."

Wang Mo waved his hand: "No need to thank you, as long as the money arrives."

Yuan Xiong said angrily: "You have made so much money recently, why do you still care so much about money?"

Song sharing, Qiqi children's clothing, variety show copyright fees, movie sharing... It can be said that Yuan Xiong doesn't even know how much money Wang Mo makes now.

Anyway, as long as the movie shares are paid, Wang Mo will become a billionaire.

Wang Mo hummed: "Who cares about money? I haven't even decorated my villa yet."

This guy!

Yuan Xiong knocked Wang Mo on the head and said, "Then let me tell you good news."

Wang Mo's eyes brightened: "Speak quickly!"

Yuan Xiong said: "A few days ago, the senior management revealed a piece of information to me. Because you have made many outstanding contributions to the company in the past year, the company's senior management attaches great importance to you. If "Run, Brother" is broadcast this time If your reputation is still good, the company will reward you with a certain amount of shares to recognize your contribution."

In many large companies, employees with outstanding performance are basically rewarded with shares.

In doing so, firstly, it can make employees work harder to serve the company; secondly, it can use shares to tie employees to the company, so that they will not leave easily.

Especially top companies like Penguin have taken share rewards to the extreme.

As far as Wang Mo knows, Penguin’s year-end bonus in a certain year is: 1,000 shares awarded to all regular employees.

1,000 shares may not seem like much.

But if you know that Penguin’s stock price at that time was almost 300 yuan per share, and the value of 1,000 shares is equivalent to 300,000 yuan, I think you will not be calm.

Now, Yunhai Media is finally ready to reward Wang Mo with shares.

Wang Mo's heart moved slightly and he asked curiously: "Brother Xiong, how many shares do you think the company can give me? Original shares or dividend shares?"

Yuan Xiong knocked Wang Mo on the head again: "Original stock? You really think so. It must be a dividend stock, and there is a high probability that it cannot be cashed out within three years. But now Yunhai Media is operating well, even if you get dividends If you hold shares, you will get a large sum of money in dividends every year without eating or drinking. As for how many shares the company can give you, how do I know? But a conservative estimate should be no less than 100,000 shares."

One hundred thousand shares...

Wang Mo calculated in his mind: the current stock price of Yunhai Media is about 120 yuan, and the value of those 100,000 shares is well over 10 million.


He nodded secretly.

If it was six months ago, I would have been excited to get shares worth tens of millions.

But now, tens of millions would only give him a little surprise at most.

After all, he just earned 100 million a few days ago, and that 100 million was real cash income! Far from being comparable to dividend stocks that cannot be cashed out.

Of course, if the company has such good intentions, he must be disrespectful.

Return to the company.

As soon as Wang Mo walked into the office, he heard a commotion behind him.

He turned around and looked shocked.

Yuan Xiong, who had just separated from him, hurried in with a hint of urgency on his face.

After entering the office, Yuan Xiong closed the door, slammed the table, and cursed angrily: "You're on horseback!"

Wang Mo said in surprise: "Brother Xiong, what's wrong?"

He had rarely seen Yuan Xiong so angry.

Yuan Xiong was furious: "Those bastard Fusang people actually bullied you."

Wang Mo was even more puzzled.

Fuso Country?

It seems that I have nothing to do with Fuso Country, right? At most, I just watch Fuso Kingdom action movies on my computer. Could it be that the other party discovered this?

But even if he is discovered, there is no need for the other party to bully him, right?

Just when Wang Mo's heart was ups and downs.

Yuan Xiong explained: "Do you still remember that a music delegation from the Fuso Kingdom visited China a few days ago?"

Music delegation?

Wang Mo suddenly remembered the phone call Zhao Shu made to him three days ago. He frowned and asked aloud: "Is it the Fuso Music Group that I asked you about a few days ago? "

"That's them."

Yuan Xiong nodded.

Wang Mo said: "I have nothing to do with the other party, right? Why are they bullying me?"

Yuan Xiong sneered: "Under normal circumstances, you and the other party are indeed incompatible. But this time you happened to compose a piano song "Memorial of Love" in "The Warm Embrace of That Year". And Fusoguo Music The purpose of the group’s coming to China is to have musical exchanges with us in China.”

Wang Mo said: "They are just communicating. It has nothing to do with me, right?"

Yuan Xiong shook his head: "There are many things that don't mean you can get away if you want to stay out of it. You should know that Fusang Country's piano level has always been at the top level internationally, and now there are two piano masters in the country. And our Chinese pianos Compared with Fuso, their level is not even one or two points lower. Do you think it is necessary for them to come and share their piano experience with us?"

Wang Mo snorted: "The drunkard doesn't care about drinking?"

"That's right!"

Yuan Xiong said solemnly: "I just found out the inside story of this music exchange meeting. I heard that at the exchange meeting, our music delegation all lost and were severely humiliated by the other party. The arrogant Fusang When the Chinese delegation was preparing to return home with victory, they happened to hear your "Memorial of Love". They felt that your piano skills were better than those of the Chinese delegation, so they wanted to compete with you. In addition, you You are well-known in China, so if I win against you, it will definitely be better than winning against ten Chinese music groups."

In fact, Zhao Shu told Wang Mo a few days ago what Yuan Xiong said.

But Wang Mo didn't pay much attention at that time.

Unexpectedly, those guys were really unwilling to give up.

very good!

I just lack reputation!

Wang Mo asked: "What did they do?"

Yuan Xiong said angrily: "Miyata Jiro, the leader of the Fuso Country Music Delegation, published an announcement on Weibo half an hour ago, announcing that this time their music delegation came to China, they came to China with joy and ended with failure. We represent The group's accomplishments on the piano are not worth mentioning, which disappointed them. However, I heard that netizens regarded your piano song "Memorial of Love" as a divine song. After listening to it, they were definitely pretty good and thought that you were qualified to be on an equal footing with them. So. Miyata Jiro declared: If you stand up, he will compete with you openly on piano music."

When Wang Mo heard this, he burst into laughter.

So is Miyata Jiro too arrogant?

With the level of "Memorial of Love", the other party actually said that he could only be equal to him?

It seems that Jiro Miyata's abilities are just like that.

While Wang Mo was thinking.

Yuan Xiong still couldn't control the anger in his heart: "Made, you are really shameless. That Jiro Miyata is the proud disciple of the piano master Aida of Fuso Country and a well-known pianist in the world. A person like him actually comes here Are you challenging? Is he shameless?

What's more, you are not a pianist at all, but a song composer who only occasionally made a piano piece. Why does he let you exchange piano music with him? Why doesn't he compete with you in songwriting? Than poems and songs? "

The more he talked, the angrier Yuan Xiong became.

Because Miyata Erlang did this, Wang Mo was brought to the forefront.


Seeing Yuan Xiong's furious expression, Wang Mo smiled and said: "Since the other party is immoral, then I refuse to compete, isn't it okay?"


Yuan Xiong's expression changed and he spoke immediately.

Based on the attitude of Chinese netizens towards the Fuso Kingdom, if Wang Mo refused to compete with Jiro Miyata, he would probably be drowned in the saliva of netizens in an instant.

As a result, Wu Yan's reputation may collapse instantly, making Wang Mo's comeback elusive.

But if Wang Mo agrees to compete with Jiro Miyata, given Jiro Miyata's accomplishments on the piano, how can Wang Mo be his opponent?


Yuan Xiongcai was anxious and angry.

Mudd, what is your national music delegation's ability to bully an ordinary person?

Only Wang Mo was still smiling.

Yuan Xiong was a little depressed: "Are you still laughing?"

Wang Mo did not put away his smile, but his voice became cold: "Brother Xiong, isn't it just a competition of piano music? If he wants to fight, then fight!"

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