on the Internet at the moment.

Netizens are still angry, but also anxious.

The reason for the anger is that Fuso Country's provocation has made netizens' hearts boil with passion and it is difficult to calm down.

The reason for being uneasy is because after knowing how powerful Miyata Erlang is, I have no idea about the rivalry between Wu Yan and Miyata Erlang.

Although everyone knows that the quality of "Memorial of Love" created by Wuyan is very high, no one knows how high it is. In the minds of these netizens, no matter how good "Memorial of Love" is, it may not be as good as Jiro Miyata's works.

"How to do how to do?"

"Fuso is so shameless. They are using their power to bully others."

"There is nothing we can do. Who makes us inferior in skills?"

"Wu Yan won't refuse the challenge, right?"

"There is a high probability that I will refuse. After all, this is a battle that is destined to be unwinnable."

"But if he refuses, we will lose face."

"I can't refuse, even if I die!!!"


While everyone was talking about it.

Someone shouted: "Wuyan responded!"


Did you agree?

Or refused?

Immediately, countless people flocked to Wuyan’s Weibo page.


Everyone saw what Wuyan posted on Weibo: If you want to fight, then fight!

Almost every netizen who saw these six short words instantly felt a surge of blood in his chest.


“This reply, all I can say is: Awesome!!!”

"Too domineering."

"No matter what, the momentum is coming up."

"The tone is so right."

"That's it, cut him!!!"

"Regardless of the outcome of this contest, I will crush him first in terms of momentum."

Originally, everyone thought that Wu Yan would most likely not compete with Miyata Jiro. Even if he takes up the challenge, he will be very low-key.

No one expected that Wu Yan could be so strong.

Of course, being tough is one thing, but whether you can win is another.

Miyata Jiro also knew Wu Yan's response on Weibo at the first time. He smiled lightly: "Fighting with words will only make people laugh. A truly strong person will never take advantage of words, and Let your strength speak for itself!”

The mustache immediately nodded in approval: "Miyata-kun is absolutely right. When you come up with the piano music tomorrow, no matter how arrogant Wu Yan is now, he will be in embarrassment tomorrow."


Jiro Miyata nodded, his confidence clearly revealed.

The next day.

in the morning.

Jiro Miyata announced the details of this piano music exchange on Weibo.

First: In this competition, both sides each came up with a piano piece to compete.

Second: If Miyata Erlang wins, Wuyan will become a teacher of Miyata Erlang; conversely, if Wuyan wins, the music delegation from Fuso Kingdom will serve as a teaching assistant at Yangyin for one year.

Third: Mr. Aida serves as the referee.

Miyata Jiro deliberately announced these pieces of information because he was worried that Wu Yan would break his promise if he failed. After all, their bet was finalized in private. What if Wuyan doesn't accept it when the time comes?

So when he posted on Weibo, he also posted the chat history between the two parties and @was speechless.

In this way, Wuyan has no possibility of going back on his word.

On the other hand, when netizens saw the three points posted by Miyata Jiro, they all immediately started to comment.

"Miyata Jiro, do you want to be shameless?"

"Mad, aren't you too shameless? You let your teacher be the referee?"

"If you win, you have to teach Wu Yan as a teacher, but if you lose, you can still teach at Yangyin. Is this punishing you? Why don't you go to heaven?"


"Absolutely unfair."



When Jiro Miyata looked at the comment section, his lungs exploded with anger.

Ma De, did Wu Yan say that he would go to Yangyin to teach after losing? Why scold him?

As for letting his teacher be the referee, Miyata Jiro swore that he had no selfish motives at all.

After all, my teacher is a piano master, the most respected person in the piano world. How could he engage in malpractice for personal gain? That thing is self-defeating!

What's more, does Miyata Jiro need his teacher to favor him?

Not required at all.

Because the piano music he presented this time was teacher Aida’s own piano music.

In other words, this contest is actually a contest between Wu Yan and the piano master.

Couldn't Aida still win against Wu Yan?

What a joke!

It was only a few minutes after Jiro Miyata posted on Weibo.

Wang Mo then received a call from Zhao Shu.

On the phone, Zhao Shu was obviously a little embarrassed: "Xiao Wang, originally this matter was about our Huaxia Music Group, but I didn't expect you to be involved. Don't be too stressed. If you lose, you lose. After all, we are here My piano skills are not as good as others. Since Miyata Jiro dares to challenge you, he must be confident. I suspect that he has a better piano piece than "Memorial of Love" in his hand, so he dares to do this.

But about that bet, why don't you discuss it with me? When you lose, will you really become your disciple? That will ruin your life. "

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Mr. Zhao, don't worry, I won't necessarily lose."

Zhao Shu didn't pay attention to Wang Mo's words, frowned and said: "Well, it's definitely impossible for you to become a disciple of Erlang Miyata. If you lose then, you must not talk again. I will send someone here I will take your place and fulfill the bet. Anyway, Jiro Miyata doesn’t even know who you are.”

In Zhao Shu's opinion, Wang Mo is basically 100% going to lose.

Not even a 10% chance of winning.

If Wang Mo was just an ordinary composer, he would certainly not care about this matter.

But he knew more about Wang Mo's secrets. He knew that in addition to his extraordinary talent in music, Wang Mo also had another famous identity: "Xi Lou".

So no matter what, he couldn't let Wang Mo worship Erlang Miyata as his disciple.

Don't say that you can't live with it when the time comes, I'm afraid He Zhixing will cut ties with him.

So Zhao Shu decided in his heart: As long as Wang Mo loses the competition, he will immediately select a talented piano player from his side and pretend to be Wu Yan to travel and bet.

Although a good seedling was lost, it was at least much better than becoming a disciple without words.

Wang Mo was still smiling.

When Zhao Shu finished speaking, he said: "Mr. Zhao, let's not talk about the punishment for my failure. I want to ask, if I win, then the bet I raised will be for the music delegation of Fuso Country. Will Yang Yin be a teaching assistant for one year useful to you?"

Zhao Shu heard this.

His voice became excited: "Aren't you talking nonsense? Not only is it useful to me? It is also a huge boost to Yangyin, China's piano and even the entire music industry. Because this time the delegation from Fuso Country has a high standard. The worst representative is not inferior to me in musical attainments. Miyata Jiro is an internationally renowned pianist, and his level is far superior to mine. If they go to Yangyin as an assistant teacher for a year, I dare say that Yangyin’s music level will definitely be better than mine. Earth-shaking changes. No...I said it wrong. If they go to Yangyin, how can I let them be assistant coaches? I can give up my position to them."

Although Zhao Shu was not ashamed of Jiro Miyata's behavior, he admired him very much for his musical attainments.

Before this, he had spent a lot of money several times to invite Miyata Jiro to give lectures at Yangyin, but he was rejected every time.

Therefore, in Zhao Shu's view, having Jiro Miyata come to Yangyin as an assistant coach for one year is something he would never dream of doing.

Wang Mo heard this and smiled: "With your words, I feel relieved. It seems that the bet I mentioned is not bad."

Zhao Shu was immediately discouraged: "What's the use of saying this? You have to win."


Wang Mo said oh and hung up the phone with a smile.

Then he turned on the computer and began to "copy" "Sea of ​​Clouds under the Moonlight" from his mind.

The piano music provided by the system only has music scores.

So he needs to write down the score of the piano music and then go to the recording studio to record it.

Half an hour later, I finished the score.

Wang Mo took it to the recording studio.

Because of his experience in recording piano music last time, he recorded "Sea of ​​Clouds Under the Moonlight" in less than two hours this time.


Wang Mo listened once and showed a satisfied expression.

After returning to the office, he sent the recorded audio to the music platform, and at the same time @Miyata Jiro: "Please give me some advice on the piano piece "Sea of ​​Clouds Under the Moonlight"."

Almost at the same time.

Jiro Miyata also @ed him: "Please give me some advice on the piano piece "The Magic of the Spring"."

At three o'clock in the afternoon on this day, the two of them accidentally released the piano music.

at once.

The Internet started to take off by storm.

Fuso Kingdom.

In a quaint room, an old man of about sixty years old was sitting on his knees on the ground, leisurely sipping tea.

A young girl walked in with bare feet and a mobile phone in her hand. She knelt in front of the old man and said respectfully: "Aiida-kun, Miyata-kun is calling."


The old man was still making tea, but glanced at the girl lightly.

The girl understood and clicked on the speakerphone.

Jiro Miyata's voice came out: "Teacher, I discovered a piano genius in China. In order to defeat him, I used the teacher's works this time, and I also ask the teacher to know."

Then, Jiro Miyata elaborated on the contest with Wang Mo.

Aida's expression remained unchanged. After sipping a cup of tea, he said in a slightly surprised voice: "Is there really such a piano genius in China? He is younger than you, but his ability is as good as yours?"

Jiro Miyata said in a positive tone: "Yes, this person composed a song "Memorial of Love". I judge that it is completely comparable to the world's first-class piano music. Teacher, do you want to listen to it?"


Aida shook his head: "Except for the works of several other European and American piano masters, no piano music can arouse my interest. You are right. The emergence of such piano geniuses in China is indeed a threat to us. To the threat, either surrender , or be destroyed. This time, after you defeat him, bring him to me. If his talent is really not inferior to yours, I will personally accept him as my disciple."


Jiro Miyata agreed.

Then he continued: "Teacher, there is one more thing to trouble you."

Aida: "Say!"

Jiro Miyata: "In the duel between Wu Yan and I, I would like to ask you, the teacher, to be the referee. Now Wu Yan and I have uploaded our piano music to the Internet, and we have asked the teacher for guidance."

Aida smiled slightly: "I won't give any advice on the works you uploaded."

Because "The Magic of the Spring" was created by Aida himself, there is no need to give any guidance.

Mentioning this piano music, Aida had a trace of complacency on his face. It was a work that Aida created out of inspiration after he happened to see a stream while walking in the mountains a month ago.

Although Aida believes that it is still far behind the world's famous songs, it is fresh, natural, graceful and melodious, and almost incorporates all the beauty of nature into it.

In other words, this song "The Magic of the Spring" can be regarded as a top song in the piano world.

Aida believes that as long as it is released, it will quickly become popular throughout Fuso Country and even the world, and will be loved by countless music fans around the world.

But he gave it to Jiro Miyata as a trump card for this visit to China.

Now, it really comes in handy.

Although Aida felt that using this one of his favorite works to compete with an unknown guy in China felt like a waste like using an anti-aircraft cannon to kill mosquitoes.

But if the other person is really a piano genius, it's worth it.

Think of this.

Aangda put away the teacup and said calmly: "Please pass me the works that Wuyan released, and I will listen to them."

Since he is the referee, even if he is not interested in Wu Yan's works, he still has to take a look.


Jiro Miyata responded.

Almost a minute later, Aita received piano music from Miyata on his mobile phone.

""Sea of ​​Clouds Under the Moonlight"?"

Aida took a closer look and murmured to himself. Then he gently pressed the play button.

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