My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 261 Sensation in the Piano World

Zhao Shu was stunned immediately.

He rubbed his ears and asked again: "What did you say?"

The man tried to calm his heartbeat slightly, and then said word by word: "Just now, Jiro Miyata posted a message on Weibo, saying that in this competition with the silent piano music, he was willing to admit defeat. "

? ? ?

Zhao Shu didn't come back to his senses for a while.

After being stunned for a while, he asked: "Has Jiro Miyata's account been stolen?"

His first reaction was that someone had stolen Jiro Miyata's Weibo account and then posted a message of surrender.

Otherwise, he really couldn't believe that with Jiro Miyata's strength and arrogance, he would be willing to admit defeat on China Weibo. That would be no different from the sun rising from the west.

The visitor shook his head: "I don't know yet, but until now, Jiro Miyata and other members of the Fuso Country Music Troupe have not come forward to refute the rumors. There is a high probability that the news is true."

Zhao Shu's heart was churning.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and logged on to Weibo.

Then I found Jiro Miyata’s Weibo account.


In the latest Weibo post of Miyata Jiro, he wrote: "Thank you Mr. Wuyan, your piano piece "Sea of ​​Clouds Under the Moonlight" brought me a very unusual and wonderful feeling. I think this piano exchange should be I lost. I should learn from you when it comes to piano composition."

Zhao Shu read this passage over and over several times.


He seemed to remember something.

I quickly opened the cloud network and found the piano song "Sea of ​​Clouds Under the Moonlight" published by Wang Mo, and couldn't wait to click play.

One minute.

Two minutes.

The two-and-a-half-minute piano piece ends quickly.

Zhao Shu looked a little dazed, breathed out a sigh of relief from deep in his heart, and sighed: "It's so beautiful."

After just listening to it once, he can tell based on his level that this is a piano piece that is no weaker than "Memorial of Love". It is even comparable to the piano piece "The Magic of the Spring" by Jiro Miyata.

That boy Wang Mo is indeed a monster!

However, what puzzles Zhao Shu is that no matter how good "Sea of ​​Clouds Under the Moonlight" is, it won't make Jiro Miyata willing to admit defeat, right?

Could it be that the quality of this piano piece is higher than what I judged?

Thinking of this, Zhao Shu couldn't hold back his heart.

Because although he is the top pianist in China, he can only be regarded as second-rate internationally. So he could tell that "Sea of ​​Clouds Under the Moonlight" was definitely a first-class piano piece, but he didn't know how high it was.


Zhao Shu thought of a possibility: Unless it was one or even several levels higher than "The Magic of the Spring", it would be impossible for Miyata Jiro to be willing to admit defeat.

Thinking of this possibility, Zhao Shu's scalp almost went numb.

Because "The Magic of the Spring" is already a first-class piano piece, what is the level of piano music that is several levels higher than it?

Top in the world?

Even famous songs?

Zhao Shu didn't dare to think about it any more.

Weibo has exploded at this moment.

Because every netizen never dreamed that Jiro Miyata would admit defeat!

At first, many people had the same idea as Zhao Shu, thinking that Jiro Miyata’s account had been stolen.

But five minutes, ten minutes... later, Miyata Jiro still did not stand up to refute the rumors. At this time, everyone's hearts began to beat violently.

Could it be true?

Did Jiro Miyata really admit defeat?

After all, everyone knows the virtues of the Fusang Kingdom, with their aloof and domineering attitude. If someone had stolen his account, they would probably stand up and denounce him immediately.

But if the news sent by Jiro Miyata is true, it would be even more incredible.

Because everyone believes that people like Miyata Jiro will not admit defeat as long as there is a chance of winning. Since the other party can be made to admit defeat in front of hundreds of millions of people on social platforms, there is only one possibility: Jiro Miyata believes that the piano music he produced is far inferior to Wang Mo's "Sea of ​​Clouds Under the Moonlight".

Many netizens have gone crazy.

"Ahhh, Miyata Jiro surrenders???"

"Oh my God, how good is Wu Yan's piano skills?"

"Miyata Jiro is an internationally recognized famous pianist. Is Wuyan even better than him?"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Originally, I thought Wuyan had no hope of winning, but in the end, he won in a crushing manner?"

"I never expected this reversal."

"Wuyan, you deserve to enjoy the Ancestral Temple!"


Every netizen's heart is boiling with passion.

Who would have thought that Wu Yan actually won this battle and won it so easily.

If Wuyan usually won, everyone wouldn't be so excited.

But this time it's different.

In the piano duel, Wu Yan won the Fusang Kingdom with dignity.

The meaning is completely different.

Of course, ordinary people are just pleasantly surprised.

But what really touched the most was the Chinese piano community.

This time Jiro Miyata's piano music competition with Wu Yan attracted the attention of almost the entire Chinese piano community.

Anyone interested in piano is paying attention to the progress of this competition.

When the news of Jiro Miyata's surrender came out, everyone's heart almost suffocated.

Because only people in the piano industry know in their hearts how terrible Miyata Jiro's attainments on the piano are. Zhao Shu is known as the number one piano player in China, but even Zhao Shu was still completely crushed by Jiro Miyata at music exchange meetings.

But now.

Wu Yan, this person who had almost no reputation in the piano world before, defeated Jiro Miyata.



A piano scholar said: "I have almost only seen this scene in my dreams. So when it actually happened, I even suspected that I was dreaming several times. Even now my body is shaking because of this. Only then did I realize that our country’s piano skills are not bad, and we also have world-class piano composers!”


Another piano teacher commented: "For a long time, our piano level in China has been at a very low level compared to the international level. This is not only due to historical legacy, but also to many factors such as cultural development and teaching. Therefore, Even this time I heard that Fuso Country defeated us completely on the piano through a music exchange meeting. I didn't feel much, because this situation was so normal. But I didn't expect it. I thought it was a one-sided victory for Fuso Country. But it has become the glory of our China! I think that from today on, our piano level in China will no longer be at the bottom. At least we will not let the Fuso Kingdom mock us. This is definitely a must for all of us who like piano. Great news."

Liucheng, a famous Chinese pianist: "From the initial frustration, to the despair in the middle, to the surprise at this moment... God knows what kind of mental journey I have gone through in the past few days. But that is all in the past, I only know this moment I am as happy as a child. Who said that our piano level in China is not good? Who said that we in China do not have international-level pianists? Hahaha... Wu Yan, thank you, you not only brought our piano level to a level that is in line with the world , and let Fusang Kingdom never dare to talk to us in a domineering manner from now on."

Piano world.

While everyone was shocked, almost everyone's face was filled with a smile from the bottom of their bones.

And at this moment.

Wang Mo in the center of the whirlpool received a call from Zhao Shu again.

This time, Zhao Shu's voice almost changed: "Xiao Wang, you... you... actually beat Jiro Miyata?"

Wang Mo chuckled: "It's a fluke."

"What a fucking fluke."

Zhao Shu said: "The fact that you can make Jiro Miyata admit defeat means that you have the ability to crush him. I think this level is definitely comparable to the world's top pianists. You kid, you are hiding so deeply. Up I asked you once if you were sure of beating Jiro Miyata, and you lied to me and said you were only slightly sure."

Wang Mo said: "It's just 100 million points."

He wasn't lying.

Zhao Shu didn't understand what Wang Mo meant at all. He continued: "Xiao Wang, you have such attainments on the piano. It would be a pity to hide it. Now our piano level in China has not been improved, we just don't have it. A world-class teacher comes to give us guidance. Now that we have you, that’s great. So whether you are willing or not, you kid must come to Yangyin to give us some guidance and give us more or less guidance on our piano lessons. Do you hear me? "

When Wang Mo heard this, his face was full of embarrassment.

How does he know about piano teaching?

Let alone teaching, his real level of piano composition is probably worlds apart compared to Zhao Shu.

If he really wants to go to Yangyin to teach, he will probably become a joke soon.

But fortunately, he was prepared.

After coughing, Wang Mo said: "Mr. Zhao, you know, when Mr. He asked me to go to Qingbei, I didn't go. Now if I go to Yangyin, it will definitely not work. After all, I don't have time at all. Where can I go?" Do you have time to teach? But don’t worry, didn’t I win over Jiro Miyata? According to the bet, in the next year, Jiro Miyata and his Fuso National Music Delegation must work as teaching assistants at Yangyin for one year . Almost every one of these people is a well-known figure in the piano world. I think their teaching will have a much greater effect than me alone, right?"

Zhao Shu ouched and said in surprise, "I almost forgot about this."

But soon.

He hesitated and said, "Can Jiro Miyata and the others really go to Yangyin to teach for a year?"

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Of course, if he doesn't go, I don't think he will have to work in the piano world anymore, and it will even affect the reputation of Fuso Country."

Zhao Shu nodded, and after a moment he said: "What I'm most worried about is that they won't teach with all their heart after they go there, they will just show up. I can't force them yet."

Wang Mo frowned.

If the music delegation from Fuso Kingdom went to Yangyin and gave half-hearted teaching, there was really nothing he could do.

Seeing Wang Mo's silence, Zhao Shu knew that this matter was beyond Wang Mo's ability. He smiled and said: "You don't have to worry. You can let Miyata Jiro and others come to Yangyin as assistant coaches, which makes me overjoyed. As long as When they come to Yangyin, I will always find a way to get something out of them."


Wang Mo nodded: "If Miyata Erlang and the others really don't care about anything at all, you can tell me again. I will think about what I can do then."

"no problem."

Zhao Shu agreed with a smile.

He continued: "Xiao Wang, you don't have to come to Yangyin to teach, but there is something you must agree to."

Wang Mo asked: "Oh? What's the matter?"

Zhao Shudao: "In the second half of every year, around October and November, China will hold a traditional Chinese music exchange meeting. Its scale is much larger than this visit of Fusang Country. It is hosted by China, Fusang Country, A massive concert jointly participated by more than a dozen Southeast Asian countries including Bangzi Country, Indonesia, etc. The purpose is to promote the traditional Chinese music culture and further develop the related music inheritance.

For example: the inheritance of Chinese traditional musical instruments such as guzheng, guqin, erhu, flute, pipa... etc. "

Wang Mo asked curiously: "Since it is our traditional Chinese music exchange meeting, why are there so many Southeast Asian countries participating?"

Zhao Shu smiled bitterly: "Due to the turmoil in the old society, many of our traditional music inheritances have disappeared. However, the inheritances of countries such as Fuso and Indonesia are deeper than ours. That's why we invited them to come."

Wang Mo understood: "So Mr. Zhao, what do you want me to do?"

Zhao Shudao: "When the time comes, you must come to participate in this music exchange meeting. You cannot refuse."

Wang Mo thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay."

He also wanted to visit such a traditional music exchange meeting.

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