My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 290 The fight between gods has just begun and is it over?

Following some actions of the members of the Shanshui Society, many big names in the literary world also began to show up.

Since last time, Xilou opened the door to literature with two prose poems. Many big names, teachers, and scholars in the literary world know the name Xilou. And I know that this person is best at writing poetry.

So when I heard that Xilou seemed to have written another poem, everyone was a little disapproving.

"Xilou writes lyrics? Isn't it normal?"

"That's right, is there anything to be surprised about?"

"I remember that Xilou had written two songs called "Happy Meeting" before. With his attainments in poetry, writing lyrics should be easy."


But these figures in the literary world did not expect that the words written by Xilou this time were so extraordinary.

It wasn't until someone posted the lyrics of "May I Live Longer" to the relevant group that all the sounds stopped.

Then it turned into another kind of storm a minute later.

"What the hell?"

"Me Cao?"

"I wipe it?"

These bosses, who usually speak eloquently, actually used foul language one by one.

Reading the entire text of "May Life Last", I was so shocked that I almost doubted life.

Even ordinary people like Wang Mo can feel the majestic momentum coming to their faces when they see "Shui Tiao Ge Tou: When Will the Bright Moon Come".

For those who have profound literary attainments, they can appreciate the subtlety of this poem several times, or even dozens of times. It can be said that every word, even every word, deeply touches their hearts.

Especially worth mentioning.

Now the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching.

Looking around the land of China, almost everywhere activities have begun to send moon cakes and pay homage to the festival. Merchants even put up various posters about the Mid-Autumn Festival in advance and started Mid-Autumn Festival promotions.

Seeing things and missing each other.

This atmosphere also makes everyone feel the deep sense of unity and lovesickness during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Therefore, when a Mid-Autumn moon-gazing and cherishing work such as "Shui Melody Song: When Will the Bright Moon Come" is displayed in front of you, you can imagine the impact on your heart.

"It's rare to find a good word, every word is precious."

"Looking at the writing and wording, Xilou should be based on the title of "Shui Tiao Ge Tou". Every sentence is brilliant and full of lovesickness, which is really rare."

"Indeed. Generally speaking, it is difficult to feel the euphemism of lovesickness with the majestic words. And generally, it is difficult for people to feel the grandeur of the words that express the poignancy of lovesickness. But this poem has both. The perfect blend of two conflicting emotions is incredible.”

"The whole article is full of classic words."

"When will the bright moon come? Ask the blue sky for wine... Just the first sentence, its heroic spirit comes to your face. How many people in the entire history of China have such a mind and momentum?"

"People have joys and sorrows, and the moon waxes and wanes... Alas, the more I savor this sentence, the more melancholy I feel."

"The most classic one is the last sentence, 'May we live forever and share the beauty of the moon together thousands of miles away.' It's wonderful! It's wonderful!"

"I also think the last sentence is the most exquisite. In just ten words, it conveys the lovesickness of hundreds of millions of Chinese people. Even if we are thousands of miles apart, we can share the wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival time with our families."


God knows how many literary people were woken up from their beds late at night and then got up to appreciate this poem.

Many people cursed at first.

But after seeing the words, I immediately became pleasantly surprised.


The instigator, Wang Mo, had been sneezing non-stop late at night. Apparently, he was taken care of by the "blessings" of many people.

"Stop scolding, stop scolding..."

Wang Mo was depressed while sneezing.

But just when he was about to go to sleep, the phone rang suddenly again.

He was about to get angry, but when he saw the caller ID, he immediately forced a smile, answered the phone and said with a smile: "Mr. He, why did you call so late?"

The call was a congratulatory call.

On the phone, he said angrily: "Don't you know why I called so late?"

Wang Mo answered confidently: "I know."

He Zhixing: "You don't know yet...huh? You know? You brat, why do you ask me if you know?!!! Good guy, you are really awesome. You can disturb the entire literary world in the middle of the night."

Obviously, He Zhixing was so excited that he even said such inelegant words as awesome.

Wang Mo hasn't spoken yet.

He Zhixing continued: "Last time you wrote the two songs "Happy Meeting", I have tried to overestimate your attainments in poetry. But unexpectedly, I still underestimated it. Just with this "Water Melody Song" In my opinion, in the long history of history, the lyrics of "Head" are not inferior to those of the great songwriters in ancient times. Even taking the Mid-Autumn Festival poems as an example, this poem should be ranked first."

Wang Mo chuckled: "Thank you, Mr. He, thank you."

"What a shame!"

He Zhixing's voice suddenly became angry: "You guy, you are really fooled. You give me such a good word as a lyric? Are you going to waste your talent like this?"

In the mind of a literary giant like He Zhixing, words of such quality should be elegant and quiet. It must not be blasphemed in lyrics written in the entertainment industry.

Wang Mo seemed to have expected He Zhixing's scolding, and he raised his eyebrows: "Mr. He, what you said is ridiculous. What are ancient words? Ancient words, in ancient times, actually meant the lyrics. Every ancient word, It has a corresponding word card name to match it, and then it is sung by others according to the word card name. Now I regard it as lyrics, why is it wrong?"


He Zhixing was speechless for a moment.

Because what Wang Mo said makes sense.

Ancient words were lyrics in ancient times.

So why can’t it be used as lyrics in modern times?

It can be seen that He Zhixing still felt uncomfortable after seeing such a good word turned into the lyrics of a song.

There was a pause.

He had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay, I can't deal with you now. But I have requisitioned this poem on behalf of the official. Because I helped you last time, the official knows more or less about the relationship between you and me." Relationship, someone called me and said that they wanted to use this poem in the next series of Mid-Autumn Festival parties. But they couldn't contact you, so they called me. "


Wang Mo's eyes lit up and he quickly said: "Mr. He, tell them to use it and use it boldly! There is no copyright fee, just put my name on it."

If the official wanted to use this poem, he must have wanted it.

Seeing that Wang Mo has a good attitude.

He Zhixing nodded with satisfaction: "Well, that's pretty much it. Okay, this matter is settled."


Just half an hour after He Zhixing hung up the phone.

All major officials have replaced a series of carefully prepared Mid-Autumn Festival slogans with words and phrases from "May People Live Longer".

According to CCTV, Big Brother directly took over "May we live forever, and share the beauty of the moon even though we are thousands of miles apart" and declared that it would become the core theme of this year's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

CCTV's third set used the phrase "people have joys and sorrows, and the moon waxes and wanes", and then matched it with a series of Mid-Autumn Festival reunion and separation stories, which can be regarded as complementing the words.

CCTV's four sets used "When will the bright moon come, ask the sky about the wine" and integrated it into related Mid-Autumn Festival documentaries.

All nine CCTV programs used "Dancing to make clear the shadows, how can they be in the human world" to promote operas related to the Mid-Autumn Festival, which are beautiful and fantasy.

Several major officials.

Directly divide a word into clean parts.

Many netizens were stunned.

"What, is this?"

"Damn it!"

"Is this okay?"

"Well, I don't need to read the lyrics of "May I Live Longer". I only need to watch a few CCTV programs and I can recite the lyrics smoothly."


Everyone has never seen CCTV favoring a word so much and using it so appropriately.

Of course, for CCTV to reuse a phrase like this, there is obviously someone behind it. Because after using this poem, the effect is immediately overwhelming.

For example: CCTV removed the slogan of the previous party and replaced it with "May we live long and share the beauty of the moon thousands of miles apart". The artistic conception immediately came up. This slogan alone made it look high-end and classy, ​​unlike the previous one. The slogan is totally different.

Some people even say that this slogan alone is enough to make this year's Mid-Autumn Festival a classic.

It is said that even after the promotion of "Dancing to make clear the shadow, how does it seem to be in the world" was launched in the nine sets, its ratings increased by 0.2 percentage points in an incredible way.

Originally, the lyrics of "May I Live Longer" became a hit this night.

Coupled with official promotion.

at once.

The entire Internet has become a sea of ​​this poem. It seems that anyone who doesn’t praise it is out of touch with the masses and behind the times.

The impact caused by this is:

On major music platforms, a series of data such as playback, downloads, and collections of "May I Live Longer" began to skyrocket in an almost distorted way.

After just ten minutes it was ahead of all other songs on the charts.

And when more than an hour passed.

The various data on the list of "Hope You Live Forever" has surpassed the second place by more than ten times. Even this gap is widening every minute and every second.

"Kill crazy!"

"Oh my God, I have never seen such strong data."

"Isn't it too fierce?"

"This has just begun. The major news media and marketing accounts have not yet launched, and the data has already exploded. If we wait until tomorrow's news spreads, what will happen?"


"Just looking at it makes my heart tremble."



While many other singers were still in high spirits and preparing to compete for the charts in September, they saw that "Hope You Live Longer" crushed all other songs into meat pies in a overwhelming manner.

No matter whose song it is, they are all reduced to cannon fodder in the face of this crushing power.

"I want to compete for the ranking!!!"

I don’t know how many singers are crying.

It should be a month where gods fight, and September should be the fiercest and most brutal competition for new songs. Why did it end just after it started?

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