My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 292 Flooding reputation begins the final impact

Regarding the slaughter list of "May People Live Longer".

Wang Mo had already expected it.

If this song couldn't kill the charts, then he couldn't think of any other song that could surpass it.

Of course, there may be some people who still feel that "May I Live Longer" is not pleasant to listen to and is not worthy of this achievement. Wang Mo thought it was normal. After all, except for RMB, nothing else could be 100% liked by people.

As long as more than 80% of people like it, it is a divine comedy!

To his slight surprise, Yuan Xiong brought him unexpected news.

"The company has made a decision: to support Su Xueyao in all aspects and help her reach the top of the diva position in the shortest possible time."

Hear the news.

Wang Mo was a little shocked.



"Are you sure?"

"80% sure."

Hearing Yuan Xiong's affirmative answer, Wang Mocai was sure that he was not joking.

This caused ripples in Wang Mo's heart.

It seems that the influence of "May You Live Longer" is greater than he originally guessed.

This is a good thing!

Wang Mo's original plan was to give Su Xueyao two more songs and let her sing three songs in September after the song "May People Live Forever" takes the first place.

In September, the month when gods fight, if Su Xueyao can occupy the top three of the new song list with three songs, what a dazzling existence it will be!

One person occupies the top three, pushing everyone below.

This achievement must be enough for Su Xueyao to become a diva.

But now it seems that Wang Mo no longer needs to do that.

The achievements created by the song "May People Live Forever" are enough!

In fact, even if Yunhai Media has not taken any action, with the further fermentation of "May People Live Forever", there are already some voices from the outside world.

"Is Su Xueyao good enough to become a diva?"

"She is definitely worthy of the position of diva."

"With such a level and such achievements, if Su Xueyao cannot reach the top of the diva list, then none of the other divas in the music world are worthy of the position."

"Leaving aside the lyrics of "May I Live Longer", Su Xueyao's singing in this song is also top-notch, not weaker than any other singer."


Discussions like this can be seen almost everywhere among netizens.

Some professionals even commented: "Su Xueyao is enough to become a new singer in the music world. Firstly: her popularity has reached the level of a household name. Secondly: her singing skills have been verified at the CCTV party and can rival Even surpassing the national team. Third: In the new song chart competition in September, she came first with her absolute strength. These three points alone prove that Su Xueyao has absolute strength and has reached the top of the singing queen list."

As soon as this review was published, it immediately aroused the approval of many people.

"That makes sense."

"Indeed, Su Xueyao can be called the Queen of Songs."

"With such achievements, there is no reason why she should still be a quasi-diva."



The fans, in particular, were so excited that they almost became restless.

Canxing Culture, Qiming Entertainment and other entertainment companies originally wanted to give Su Xueyao some obstacles in the end, but in the face of this tide of willingness, they could only watch helplessly and had no choice.

All the executives felt like crying.

What have they done!

Originally, he wanted to snipe Su Xueyao to become the king of singers.

But in the end the sniper failed, and he became the opponent's stepping stone.

Because they discovered that if they didn't attack Wu Yan and Su Xueyao, it would take two or three months for Su Xueyao to become the queen of songs at the earliest. But now, I’m afraid it won’t take even a month to reach the top.

What a sin! ! !

Yunhai Media.

Executives were overjoyed to see the trend on the Internet.

Various publicity and measures against Su Xueyao were immediately launched.

In less than a week, with Yunhai Media's efforts in publicity, the entire Chinese entertainment industry has already accepted Su Xueyao's identity as a singer!

In the music world, a new singer is rising!

At the same time, it was also accompanied by shocks in the music world.

Because it only took one year for Su Xueyao to go from being an unknown artist to becoming the top singer!

This is almost an unprecedented miracle for the music industry.

But after Su Xueyao ascended to the top position of diva, the people in the industry were shocked not by the miracles she created, but by one person: Silent!

Anyone in the industry knows that Su Xueyao became a diva within a year mainly because of her silent presence.

Compared to Su Xueyao's miracle, Wuyan is the real miracle.

It was this mysterious composer who single-handedly pulled Su Xueyao to the position of diva!

It’s not strange to become a diva.

Being able to cultivate a diva is truly terrifying.

Because of this, Canxing Culture and Qiming Entertainment joined forces to get rid of Wuyan at all costs, but unfortunately they failed.

But now, after what happened to the two giants, no one dared to attack Wu Yan easily.

"Speechless, no one can shake his existence."

"He is the god of composition."

"Yes, he is God."

"If he can promote Su Xueyao as the Queen of Songs, he can also promote Hao Mingxing, Tang Qinyun and others to the same position."

“I can’t imagine how many singing kings and queens will come out of Yunhai Media in the future.”

"With this person in Yunhai Media, I am afraid that he will stand out from the three giants and take charge of his own business."


The outside world is feeling emotional.

And the Wuyan in their mouths, that is, Wang Mo, was in ecstasy at the moment.

[Reputation +10. 】

[Reputation +100. 】

[Reputation +100. 】

Ever since Su Xueyao won the first place on the new song chart in September, his reputation has started to skyrocket.

Especially recently, with the widespread spread of "May I Live Longer" and Su Xueyao becoming a diva, her reputation has surged like a flood.

Wang Mo knows that there are two reasons why his reputation has increased so quickly:

The first one is Wuyan who helped Su Xueyao become a diva.

The second one is that Xilou wrote a poem that is worthy of being an eternal masterpiece.

The reputation gained by the two vests was all concentrated on him alone, which caused the increase in reputation to be huge.

Just when he was in a state of excitement.

The system voice sounded: [Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: to cultivate a singer/song queen within half a year. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a golden treasure chest*1. 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a silver treasure chest*1. 】

Mission accomplished!

Wang Mo raised his eyebrows and immediately said in his mind: "System, bring up the panel."

The next second, a light blue transparent panel appeared in front of his eyes.

[Name: Wang Mo]

【Age: 22】

【Height: 180m】

[Appearance: 90]

[Reputation: -23,657,028]

[Props: Gold Treasure Chest*1, Silver Treasure Chest*2. 】

[Lottery: None]

[Mall: Not open yet]

[Task: None]

As expected, the task column has changed to None. It means that he has no mission at the moment.

But what made Wang Mo even more excited was the reputation column.

"The reputation is only minus two million!"

Wang Mo clenched his fist fiercely.

It has taken him more than a year to go from a reputation of more than 20 million yuan to a reputation of only more than 2 million yuan today.

"It seems that all I need to do is make another big move, and my negative reputation will be officially cleared."

Thinking of this, Wang Mo felt a little excited.

As long as his reputation is cleared, he can open the mall and start the lottery at the same time.

At the same time, he can also officially launch his comeback.

In Wang Mo's opinion, this big move has already been planned.

That is: the broadcast of "Fist of Heroes".

"Fist of Heroes is currently in the final stages of production. When it is released, my reputation should be cleared. By then, I will officially make a comeback!"

Wang Mo made up his mind.

Regarding "Fist of Heroes", Wang Mo doesn't yet know how much reputation it can bring to him, but he thinks it should be quite a lot.

After all, this is a textbook for kung fu movies.

Coupled with the performance of a master-level master like Hao Mingxing, the influence of the movie will definitely not be small after it is released.

So in Wang Mo's opinion.

As long as the movie is released, it will be the last impact before his comeback!

Put this matter aside for now.

Wang Mo's eyes were fixed on the reward for completing the mission.

A gold treasure chest.

Two silver treasure chests.

This was the first time he got a gold treasure chest, and he was a little reluctant to use it.

Let it sit for now and open it later when needed.

Just as he was looking at the two silver treasure chests.

Ring ring ring~~~

The phone rings.

Wang Mo came back to his senses, glanced at the caller, and answered the call: "Director Chai?"

Chai Qing was a little excited: "Mr. Wang, the film production is almost over. Do you want to come over and take a look?"


When Wang Mo heard this, he stood up immediately.

Soon he came to the post-production department of the film and television department.

Chai Qing had been waiting for a long time and pushed the computer in front of Wang Mo: "Mr. Wang, this is the original version I edited. Please check it first to see if there is anything unreasonable."

Wang Mo nodded.

Then he clicked on the movie and watched it carefully.

Since the film uses today's shooting technology, the clarity is very different from the version in his impression. In addition to the clarity of the movie in front of me being far superior to the original version, the color and sound effects are also far superior.

He glanced at the time.

is 120 minutes.

Wang Mo remembers that the original version should be about 100 minutes.

It seems that different directors do editing work, and the final product time is very different.


Wang Mo then immersed himself in the movie.

A minute, a half hour, an hour.

It wasn't until two hours later that he rubbed his sore neck and raised his head.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

very satisfied!

This is what Wang Mo thinks in his heart.

Due to the detailed script he provided and Chai Qing’s tireless inquiries during filming, the effect of the post-editing was not much different from the original version.

The plot, dialogue, and fighting are basically the same.

The difference is the performance of the actors. In Wang Mo's opinion, Hao Mingxing's performance in the play is not inferior to Li Lianjie. As for Yang Xinyan, who plays Mitsuko Yamada, she is even more spiritual than Shinobu Nakayama.

In other words, according to Wang Mo's judgment: the quality of the movie is definitely not inferior to the original version, and even better in some details.

As for the extra 20 minutes, Chai Qing added more scenes between men and women.

Wang Mo said without hesitation: "Condensing the scenes between men and women, not so much."

Chai Qing was a little embarrassed. He had added the male and female scenes without permission. He originally thought he would be praised by Wang Mo, but he didn't expect it to be a thankless task. However, he still insisted and said: "Mr. Wang, if the male and female scenes are reduced, , then the whole movie is almost just about fighting.”

Wang Mo said in a deep voice: "This is the effect we want. If there are too many emotions between men and women, the audience will be dazzled and unable to find the point."


Chai Qing could only nod.

Three more days passed.

Chai Qing finally revised the film, and this time the 120-minute length was changed to 106 minutes.

After Wang Mo read it, he immediately decided: "It's done!"

Chai Qing let out a long sigh of relief.

Not fast enough, he asked cautiously: "Mr. Wang, what did I tell you last time, the theme song of the movie? Of course, it is okay if there is no theme song, but the effect may be compromised."

theme song?

Wang Mo raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

no big deal!

He is now a rich man with a gold treasure chest and two silver treasure chests.

Still can’t figure out a little theme song?

"give you tomorrow!"

Wang Mo waved his hand.


[Can anyone guess what the theme song is? ^_^]

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