My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 306 Wang Mo and the Black Alliance make big moves with each other!

Who has the most free time?

Of course it’s netizens!

In this world, there are no more idle creatures than netizens.

One o'clock in the morning, three o'clock in the morning... It can be said that at any time period, you can find a large group of netizens hanging out on major networks with nothing to do.

For example: It is estimated that there are "immortal cultivators" who are still reading this book at one or two in the morning.

So as long as they find something to do, netizens will start swarming like sharks smelling blood.

Now, they have found something fun again.

That is: Who is Wang Yan in the "Wang Yan Hope Primary School" in the pictures posted by so many people?

The curiosity in the hearts of netizens is overwhelming.

Really, this Wang Yan is too generous.

There are hundreds of hope primary schools!

Tens of millions of donations!

And still unknown.

In the whole of China, they could not find another philanthropist who was more generous than this person.

Many celebrities in the entertainment industry seem to have donated a lot of money to charity. But anyone who knows anything knows that these celebrities do this firstly to avoid taxes and secondly for fame.

A hermit like Wang Yan, who donates tens of millions at every turn without seeking fame or fortune, will definitely be among the top three in China.

"What is the origin of this Wang Yan?"

"There is no rich man named Wang Yan in China, right?"

"Based on this amount of donations, his net worth is not far behind tens of billions."

"Brothers, it depends on you whether such a philanthropist can last forever."

"Dig it out, I want to worship him!"


This is the temperament of netizens: the more you hype, the more disgusted they are; but the more low-key you are and not seeking fame, the more they want to dig out your details and then boast about it.

So in a short period of time, this incident actually caused a bit of waves on the Internet.

Many people have heard the news.

It's just that because the protagonist doesn't seem to be an insider, it didn't attract much attention.

It’s Yunhai Media.

After Yuan Xiong saw the news, he quickly found Wang Mo: "Ah Mo, is that Wang Yan you?"

Wang Mo glanced at it and shook his head without hesitation: "No."

"Well, I'm definitely not either."

Yuan Xiong nodded. He and Wang Mo were inseparable almost every day. He basically knew Wang Mo's expenses. If Wang Yan in the picture is Wang Mo, the amount involved is at least tens of millions, and he cannot possibly not know about it.

But Wang Mo became more interested: "I didn't expect that our Wang family would have such a generous philanthropist? And he also has the same name as me."

Yuan Xiong said: "There are countless rich people hidden in China. It is normal for one to pop up occasionally to do charity."

Wang Mo nodded.

He quite agrees with this.

For example: Presumably every reader will be able to see a Shaw teaching building in the high school or university where he or she attends.

Speaking of which.

Yuan Xiong suddenly said: "Actually, this incident reminds me of something. Ah Mo, have you ever thought about doing some charity?"

"do charity?"

"Yes, every star will participate in charity to some extent. This is the best way to gain fame."

Wang Mo said: "What do I need to do?"

Yuan Xiong: "You have made a lot of money recently. You can donate a sum of money and I will operate it for you."

Wang Mo asked: "How much will you donate?"

Yuan Xiong: "This is up to you, as much or as little as you like."

Wang Mo thought for a while and asked: "Has the box office revenue of "The Warm Embrace of That Year" arrived?"

Yuan Xiong: "I've already arrived at the company. It's just because it's a bit troublesome to call your personal account, so I let the company's finances not touch the money for the time being."

Wang Mo nodded: "Then donate it."

Yuan Xiong was startled, thinking that Wang Mo was talking nonsense.

That’s 100 million!

Even if you want to donate, there is no way to donate like this, okay?

100 million is more than enough to establish a foundation by yourself.

But seeing Wang Mo's true expression, Yuan Xiong was shocked: "Are you really going to donate?"

Wang Mo chuckled: "Of course, isn't it just 100 million? A small amount of money."


Yuan Xiong looked at Wang Mo's pretense and wanted to strangle this guy to death, but he knew that Wang Mo was telling the truth.

One hundred million seems to be really small money to Wang Mo now.

Wang Mo continued: "Anyway, I have no use for the money for the time being, so I might as well donate it. I don't open a company or invest..."

Yuan Xiong answered: "I don't have a girlfriend..."


Wang Mo almost choked to death on his own saliva. He paused for a moment before continuing: "Having so much money on you is just bad luck. Donating it can benefit others, so why not?"

Yuan Xiong looked at Wang Mo deeply and nodded seriously: "Okay."

It's just a donation of hundreds of millions. He must think long term and cannot donate it easily. Otherwise it may cause many problems.

Just when he was thinking about how to donate the money.

Wang Mo said: "I think this model of 'Wang Yan Hope Primary School' is very good. How about we imitate each other, Brother Xiong, what do you think?"

Yuan Xiong said in surprise: "Imitate? How to imitate?"

Wang Mo said: "Anyway, my name is Wang Yan, so let's use Wang Yan's name for charity. Didn't the other party donate to Hope Primary School? Then I will target the middle and high schools. Brother Xiong, all this 100 million will be implemented in junior high schools. The teaching building of the high school. I hope that within a year, all well-known middle and high schools across the country will have a 'Wang Yan Teaching Building'. If you don't have enough money, come to me."

Wang Mo's idea was inspired by the "Yifu Teaching Building".

He simply took the model over.

When Yuan Xiong heard this, his eyes shone as expected: "This is a good idea. It's settled. It doesn't take a year, but only half a year. I can make all the top 100 middle schools and high schools in the country erect a 'Wang Yan Teaching Building'."

"Very good."

Wang Mowen opened his mouth.

When Wang Mo and Yuan Xiong were discussing how to use the donation for a small goal to practical purposes.

Hao Mingxing received a call from Su Xueyao.

On the phone, Su Xueyao said: "Brother Xing, I have asked someone to check the backgrounds of Chai Qing and Yang Xinyan, and they are fine so far."

Hao Mingxing smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll ask Brother Mo for permission and let the two of them join the Black Alliance."


Su Xueyao was a little excited: "Our black alliance is getting bigger and bigger."

"Yes." Hao Mingxing nodded, "But the more this happens, the more cautious we must be. We must not let some people with evil intentions join in."

Su Xueyao: "I know."

Hao Mingxing: "Is there anything else?"

Su Xueyao: "Indeed, Brother Xing, let me ask you something."

Hao Mingxing smiled and said: "You are still polite to me."

Su Xueyao chuckled: "Then I'll ask directly: Have you ever heard of 'Wang Yan Hope Primary School'? It has been widely circulated on the Internet in the past two days."

Hao Mingxing's heart skipped a beat: "I've heard of it."

Su Xueyao: "Really I just heard about it?"

Hao Mingxing coughed: "Yeah."

Su Xueyao hummed and said, "You're still hiding it from us! If I guess correctly, so many of the 'Wang Yan Hope Primary Schools' were donated by you, Brother Xing, right?"

Hao Mingxing said calmly: "No."

Su Xueyao, however, kept to herself and continued: "Brother Xing, you probably don't know that my hometown is Qian Province, right? I came from a poor county there. Two months ago, a cousin of mine called me and told me that my hometown is The Hope Primary School was being built, but I didn't pay attention at the time. Until I saw the news on the Internet yesterday, I immediately called my cousin to ask. Coincidentally, the Hope Primary School was indeed called 'Wang Yan Hope Primary School'. As for the donation of the primary school Man, my cousin got a photo of the scene. I recognized the other person as Brother Zheng at a glance."

The Brother Zheng mentioned by Su Xueyao is Hao Mingxing's manager Zheng Lai.

After hearing these words, Hao Mingxing knew that the matter could no longer be hidden, so he had to admit: "It was indeed me who donated it."

Su Xueyao asked: "Brother Xing, how many schools have you built now?"

Hao Mingxing: "About 130."

Although she had already guessed it, she still took a breath when she heard this number.

130 houses, how much money do you have to spend to get in?

Su Xueyao exclaimed in a low voice: "Did you use all the money you earned in the past to build Hope Primary School?"

Hao Mingxing smiled and said: "I don't need the money anyway, so I might as well donate it."

Su Xueyao: "Why don't you tell us?"

Hao Mingxing continued to smile and said: "This is all voluntary. If I tell you, it would be suspected of moral kidnapping. And I am different from you. You are all short of money, but I am not."

Su Xueyao: "That was before, now...I don't lack it either."

Hao Mingxing: "What?"

Su Xueyao: "Yesterday, I told everyone about my discovery. Everyone's opinion is: They all have to participate in such a thing. Because they all want to do something for Brother Mo. After all, we all know that Brother Mo will one day He will return to the stage of the entertainment industry. If we can remove some thorns and pave a way for Mo Ge before he takes the stage, everyone will be happy."

Hao Mingxing was silent for a long time before slowly nodding: "Okay, just do your best, don't slap your face and pretend to be fat."

Su Xueyao giggled and said, "I know."

Half an hour later.

Several people quietly created a new group, which included: Hao Mingxing, Su Xueyao, Fu Zhuang, Tang Qinyun, Ye Yuanhang, Chai Qing, Yang Xinyan... Well, except Wang Mo.


Everyone discussed and came up with a result.

Hao Mingxing continues to be responsible for the progress of "Wang Yan Hope Primary School".

Others couldn't devote all their profits to charity like Hao Mingxing, so they worked together to do one thing.

Finally agreed:

Su Xueyao temporarily offered 20 million.

Fu Zhuang 2 million, Tang Qinyun 2 million, Ye Yuanhang 5 million, Chai Qing 500,000, and Yang Xinyan 500,000.

Together they have a total of 30 million donations.

With these 30 million, we decided to make targeted donations to 30 universities in China, and each school named a library named: Wang Yan Library.

After confirming.

Hao Mingxing gathered the money together and asked Zheng Lai to find a professional person to take charge of the matter.

Of course, 30 school libraries are just an initial investment.

Because everyone knows that everyone in the Black League is in a period of rapid development, so more funds will definitely be donated in the future.

Everyone’s goal is: within half a year, the number of university libraries in China named “Wang Yan Library” will exceed 100! (End of chapter)

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