This evening.

The entire Internet has been occupied by the word "speechless".

All kinds of news about the "Chinese Traditional Music and Culture Festival" and "Speechless" are almost everywhere.

After all, if anything involves national interests, netizens can overturn the entire network.

What's more, it's such a proud thing.

So tonight, Wuyan is the god in the hearts of netizens.

In fact, CCTV 11 posted a total of fifty or sixty Weibo messages tonight.

The last Weibo was: "Tonight, CCTV's eleven episodes created a ratings of 2.56%, ranking first in the country during the same period!"

When seeing this news, everyone inside and outside the industry was stunned.

Who would have thought that an unpopular channel with usually only a few tenths of a ratings rating could actually get the number one rating in the country?

Just like a dream!

And many people in the industry know that the 2.56% ratings are not the end point.

After all, the "Chinese Traditional Music and Culture Festival" will last for three days.

Today is the first day!

As long as nothing unexpected happens, the ratings are expected to hit new highs in the next two days.

Breaking through 3% is not a dream.

But then.

Someone else got the big news out of the mouths of the CCTV 11 staff.

In the next two days, the eleven sets have received advertising sponsorships from more than ten companies, with a total amount of more than 10 million!

Many TV stations almost went crazy with jealousy.

Gain fame and fortune!

the next day.

To Wang Mo's surprise, early in the morning, the person in charge of CCTV's 11th set called Yuan Xiong and asked whether Wuyan would continue to participate in tonight's "Oriental Traditional Music and Culture Festival".

The person in charge knew clearly that the success of CCTV's 11th program last night was due to Wu Yan alone!

Without Wuyan, there would have been no miracle last night.

So no matter what, Wuyan must be invited to continue participating in tonight’s exchange match.

Before Yuan Xiong could even respond, the person in charge took the initiative to offer an appearance fee of 500,000 yuan.

Of course, Yuan Xiong couldn't ask for the money. After promising that Wu Yan would appear, the other party was satisfied and hung up the phone.

It's eight o'clock this evening.

The second "Oriental Traditional Music and Culture Festival" started on CCTV's 11th set.

As soon as it started, the backstage director team was excited: "The viewership rating for the broadcast is 1.78%! The number of people in the Douyin live broadcast room has exceeded one million!"

Incredible data.

If you look at the comments in the live broadcast room, you will know that everyone is here for Wuyan.

"Come and worship without words."

"Come here for the sake of being speechless."

"What surprise will Wu Yan bring us today?"

"What instrument will Wu Yan play tonight?"

"I feel like there's a snare drum."

"I guess I'm going to play the flute."

The director was so excited that he almost skipped the third subject: "Record it, record it all. This is the highlight moment of our eleven sets. After this day, I will probably never see it again."


The attitude of the representatives of the eleven countries was very different from when they came out yesterday, and they were even more polite and respectful than when they left yesterday.

Last night, after they returned to the hotel, everyone listened to the four pieces played by Wuyan many times. The more I listen to them, the more I feel that these four pieces of music are incomparable, and the more I listen to them, the more powerless I feel.

So today, everyone is in awe.

Wu Yan didn't take any action at first.

The program featured a friendly performance of several pieces by both parties.

It has to be said that after putting aside the desire to win, the performances of both parties made the show a lot more exciting.

Many people were mesmerized by the guqin playing, the guzheng performance, even the harmonizing of the harp and the harp, as well as the ensemble of several musical instruments.

After all, both parties who can participate in the show are all the top classical musicians in the world today.

Could their performance not be wonderful?

Until halfway through the show.

The host looked behind the curtain and smiled: "Mr. Wuyan, I see that many viewers at the show, and even many of our guests, can't sit still. As for the live broadcast room, your name is all over the screen. . So please, can you show us a little bit of your skills today?"

After hearing the host's words, everyone's eyes immediately gathered.


"Wu Yan is about to take action."


Sure enough, a wordless voice came from behind the curtain: "Okay."

Just one word made many viewers feel excited.

The representatives on stage also showed surprise.

The host quickly asked: "Then what instrument will you perform for us today?"

Wang Mo said the answer he had prepared long ago: "Erhu."


Suddenly, there was some slight commotion at the scene.

Except for representatives from both sides who still had expectations on their faces, most of the audience was a little disappointed.

Netizens in the live broadcast room even commented.

"It's actually an erhu. I have no expectations."

"Yes, my least favorite among Chinese musical instruments is the erhu."

"It's totally worthless."


However, for the silent trust, everyone still stayed in front of the screen, but many people had disappointed looks on their faces.

It seemed that everyone's voices were heard.

Wordless words came from behind the curtain: "I know that many people, especially young people, are not interested in the erhu. They think that those who play the erhu are all elderly people, and the music they play is also a sad melody, which cannot be played. Mesa. But is this really how you view the erhu?"

His words made many people look stunned.

Isn’t that what the erhu feels like?

How else to look at it?

Wuyan continued: "It's superficial. Every one of our traditional Chinese musical instruments is a treasure that has been carefully crafted and tempered by countless generations. As long as we use our heart, any musical instrument can be played. Amazing music. So today I will use the erhu to tell you: all Chinese musical instruments have their own excellence, and they can all produce splendid music. Even if it is just an erhu."

Wuyan's voice was not loud, but it was like thunder.

Can the erhu also perform amazing music?

Can the erhu be comparable to instruments like the guzheng?


How can it be?

"The erhu song I want to bring to you is called "Running on the Thousand Miles of Grassland"."

"Please listen!"

Behind the curtain, Wu Yan's voice suddenly became sonorous and powerful, and an invisible momentum seemed to penetrate the curtain, making many people feel awe-inspiring.

The next second.

The string moved!

In an instant, a majestic music rushed out from behind the curtain.

Passionate and unrestrained.

It was so high-spirited that it was like a bolt of lightning that struck everyone, electrifying everyone's heart to numbness.

The intense throbbing made many people stand up suddenly, with strong shock in their eyes.

"Is this the erhu?"

"Oh my god, is this Erhu music?"

"Did he play the erhu music? Why can't I play it?"

"Because what he poops is essence, and what you poop is poop."



In the studio, while their hearts were palpitating, the representatives of the eleven countries all looked at a middle-aged man. This man was Emilio, who was proficient in the erhu.

Emilio didn't seem to sense the eyes of others at all, he just stared at the curtain.

What kind of music is this?

Is this really music that the erhu can play?

Speaking of famous erhu songs, people in previous lives probably thought of "Horse Racing" first. However, this erhu song has been tired of being written by others, so this time Wang (zuo) Mo (zhe) did not choose to play it, but chose to play it. I wrote the song "Running on the Thousand Miles of Grassland".

In fact, this Erhu song is similar to "Horse Racing".

The same fierce and unrestrained.

The same passion boils.

However, it also has its own distinctive characteristics, and even in terms of joy, it is even better than "Horse Race".

In other words, it can be called the most cheerful piece of erhu music.


Wang Mo's performance has reached its climax.

A continuous rendition of the fast bow.

Skillful use of plucked strings.

On two thin erhu strings, a magnificent scene of thousands of miles of grassland was played. On the grassland, a herdsman was galloping on his horse, driving other horses forward together.

Thousands of miles of grassland!

The horse gallops!

A vast expanse as far as the eye can see!

The strong rhythm and joyful melody completely aroused the enthusiasm of the audience.

The powerful momentum rushed towards them, and the progressive rhythm and the strength of the rhythm showed the expressive power of the erhu to an exaggerated height, making everyone's blood boil again.

On the stage, all the representatives entered a state of sluggishness again.

In just two days, they spent more time in a daze than they had in the past half of their lives.

No wonder they had such a big reaction. They never dreamed that an ordinary erhu could play such passionate music.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage has already exploded.

"Kneel down! Kneel down, everyone!"

"Oh my god, I'm stupid."

"Is this the erhu in my mind?"

"Who can tell me how Wu Yan did it?"

"I felt like my head was going to explode."

"I really can't imagine that the erhu can produce such music."

"Absolutely awesome!"


At the beginning, Wu Yan seemed a little a bit jerky. But as time went on, his playing became more adept.

All kinds of superb skills are displayed on the two strings.

People who don't understand Erhu may just be shocked by the melody of the music.

Only those who have learned erhu know how outrageous the silent tugging at this moment is.

Jump bow!

Quick bow!


All kinds of erhu skills that they rarely see in normal times were actually intertwined together at this moment, and then they performed a magnificent and vast scene of thousands of miles of grassland.

The horse is galloping.

Herdsmen are singing and dancing.

till the end.

From near to far, from clear to distant, from loud to quiet, countless horses seem to be galloping away into the distance, gradually disappearing into the sky.


Wang Mo's hand stopped.

The whole song ends!

This song "Running on the Thousand Miles of Grassland" is really exhausting. As soon as the song finished, a dense layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.


The performance was quite perfect.

In the studio, everyone was still staring blankly at the curtain.

It wasn't until a while later that the applause started.

Amid the waves of applause, many people exclaimed.

"It's an eye-opener."

"This is the first time I know that the erhu can play such a piece of music."

"It almost overturned my impression of the erhu."

"If erhu music is so good, how could I not be interested in it?"


The expressions on everyone's faces were extremely exciting. Only then did they recall what Wu Yan had just said: "Any musical instrument in China can perform splendid music. Even if it is just an erhu."

At first, everyone thought Wu Yan was just talking nonsense.

But it wasn't until they listened to the song "Running on the Thousand Miles of Grassland" that they realized that Wuyan was not boasting, but telling the truth.

turn out to be.

The erhu is really as good as any other musical instrument.

It turns out that in the past, they thought the erhu didn’t sound good, just because the player was not good, not because the instrument was not good.

Just at this time.

Wuyan smiled and said: "This song "Running on the Thousand Miles of Grassland" actually shows the cheerful side of the erhu. I play it to tell you that the erhu is not the naturally sad and twilight tone you imagine. It can also produce cheerful songs. .

And...even if it is a sad melody, the erhu is not as unpleasant as you think, nor is it a tool for the elderly to feel sorry for themselves. I can responsibly tell you that if performed properly, the sad melody played by the erhu will be the saddest song in the world, and no instrument can compare with it. "


Everyone looked at each other in shock when they heard Wu Yan's words.

Is the sad melody played by the erhu the saddest song in the world?

real or fake?

Is that too exaggerated?

Finally, Emilio stood up and said respectfully: "Mr. Wuyan, since you said so, have you created such a piece of music? If so, can you demonstrate it to us?"

Immediately, the audience also spoke out.

"Wuyan, let's play a song."

"Just now we heard the ultimate joy of erhu playing, and now we also want to hear its ultimate sadness."

"Is the erhu really so magical?"

"Really been waiting."


With everyone's expectant eyes, everyone's eyes focused on the curtain again, waiting for a wordless response. (End of chapter)

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