When netizens were as excited as monkeys.

The representatives of the eleven countries were very puzzled. They were all very familiar with Chinese musical instruments, so of course they knew what the suona was used for.

Although this kind of musical instrument can be found everywhere in China.

But none of them had learned it.

are you crazy?

Why learn it?

They cannot learn this kind of traditional Chinese culture that is extremely crude.

Although they admire Chinese culture, they all learn elegant music, such as guzheng, pipa... and other musical instruments.

As for the suona, throw it as far as you can.

But tonight, they heard that Wuyan Club would play suona tomorrow night.

For a moment, the representatives of these eleven countries were stunned.

"How dare he choose Suona?"

"What kind of medicine is Wuyan selling in his gourd?"

"Mr. Wu Yan is a person who can turn decay into magic. Just like tonight's erhu, who would have thought that he could play the ultimate joy and extreme sadness? So maybe he can also create miracles on the suona."

"Maybe so."

"We'll find out tomorrow night, let's wait and see."


Like Zhao Shu, the representatives from the eleven countries couldn't figure out what kind of creativity Wu Yan could have on the suona.

Regardless of whether you can figure it out or not, Wang Mo is very happy at the moment anyway.

Because of reputation!

Tonight's erhu performance, not surprisingly, brought him another wave of fame.

The system panel showed that his reputation was now only minus 600,000. In just one day, his reputation had increased by hundreds of thousands.

If nothing unexpected happens, as long as I sound the suona tomorrow, it will be worth ten thousand taels of gold...

When the time comes, your reputation will most likely turn from negative to positive, and then you can start a better life!

Thinking about it and looking forward to it!

That night, the director of CCTV's 11th set made four or five phone calls to Yuan Xiong to confirm whether Wuyan had really decided to play the suona tomorrow.

After getting the final answer, the director hurriedly sent people out to find the suona.

In fact, the staff who went out to look for suona were a little overwhelmed. They had been moving guzheng, guqin and other musical instruments all their lives. When had they ever looked for suona?

He didn't even know where to find it.

Rural area?

I heard that this thing is easy to find in rural areas. It can be found wherever a white cloth is hung.

But how to borrow it then?

Others asked: "Why are you borrowing the suona? Someone is gone? Don't borrow the suona. Lend our whole team to play, play and sing together. I guarantee your satisfaction."

How do you answer?

Could it be that no one left, but someone just wanted to brag about it on TV in front of everyone?

I guess by then the old men and women in the countryside will regard you as a lunatic.

Well... finally the staff found Suona in Yangyin.

After all, as the top music conservatory in China, even though the suona is a very special instrument, Yangyin still has its existence.

Being open to all rivers is the characteristic of Yangyin.

The next day.

The news that Wuyan is going to play the suona on TV has spread all over the Internet.

It can be said that everyone knows it.

Before the program even started, countless people flocked to the Douyin live broadcast room of CCTV 11.

Data shows that during the day, 50 million people came to the live broadcast rooms of CCTV's 11th set, setting a record for all live broadcast rooms that day.

And when it was past seven o'clock in the evening and the show was about to start, the number of people online in the live broadcast room had already exceeded two million!

Barrage flew up.

"I'm coming."

"Brothers, are you lying down?"

"You must lie down. This is the basic respect for the suona."

"Lying on the ground, ready to cover."

"To be honest, the suona is actually China's truly unique musical instrument. There is no one like it. Don't you think so?"

"for sure!!!"

"Wu Yan, hurry up and stop the ink stains."


Even the director of Eleven Films couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the comments from netizens.

But there was no way to refute it.

After all, they themselves wanted to lie down and listen.

This is the gene engraved in the bones of every Chinese person.

eight pm.

The program officially kicked off, and this was also the exchange competition on the last day of the "Oriental Traditional Music and Culture Festival".

Of course, starting yesterday, this cultural festival has only been about exchanges, not competitions.

It’s still a hairy competition.

In the face of Wu Yan's powerful strength, the representatives of the eleven countries have long since become docile sheep, and they dare not show any disrespect at all.

After the program unfolds.

The two sides once again had friendly exchanges.

Today, each other's representatives sent several people to perform wonderful performances on several musical instruments such as the flute, harp, and cucurbit flute.

Even because today is the last day of the exchange competition.

Therefore, representatives from the 11 countries and representatives from China also performed two large-scale music group performances.

Various traditional Chinese musical instruments are intertwined to perform a splendid Chinese classical music culture.

The audience watching the show was amazed.


"sounds amazing."

"My Chinese music is not inferior to that of any other nation."

"In terms of musical heritage, it has to be me, Yangyang Huaxia."

"It's a pity that most parents now still choose piano or violin as their first choice for children to play music in school."

"Take your time. If more events like this are held in the future and there are a few more folk music geniuses like Wuyan, maybe folk music will become popular again."


Of course, more netizens continued to swipe their screens in the live broadcast room.

"Where's Wu Yan?"

"Why aren't you playing the suona?"

"I'm almost turning into a corpse when I'm lying down."

"hurry up!"


Until almost nine o'clock in the evening.

After six musicians from eleven countries collaborated to play a song, the host finally walked onto the stage and said with a smile: "I know many friends can't wait, and even many friends came to watch our show tonight just to One thing is to wait for someone, so now..."

Before he finished speaking, the audience was already shouting.




The host smiled and said: "Okay! Now we invite Wuyan! Yesterday, Mr. Wuyan said that he was going to perform for us a number of special musical instruments from China. This kind of instrument is very familiar to everyone, but it is something that everyone has in their lives. Its sound can only be heard at special times. But today, Mr. Wuyan said that he would play a song for us live. In fact, not only everyone is looking forward to it, but I am also looking forward to whether he can continue to play for us. Bring magic.

So next, let us warmly applaud and welcome Mr. Wuyan to play a song on the suona for us! "

Bang bang bang~~~

The applause roared instantly, drowning out all other sounds.

Many viewers even stood up with excitement.

"here we go."

"Gonna give it away."

"Hahaha, I'm speechless."

"It's the first time that Suona is put on live TV."


But soon, the applause and noise all disappeared.

The huge studio became silent, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the curtain.

Wu Yan said: "The suona song I brought to you today is called "A Hundred Birds Pay Attention to the Phoenix". Please listen..."

A hundred birds paying homage to the phoenix?

Hearing this song title, many people's hearts have ripples.

Just these four words seem to have nothing to do with sorrow and joy.

Many viewers had thoughts in their minds: Could it be that Wuyan can really blow the suona into another new world?

Just when everyone has different thoughts.


From behind the curtain, a crisp suona sound sounded.

This voice was so clear and high-pitched, like the cry of a phoenix above the nine heavens, penetrating through the thick clouds and falling from the sky, like a brilliant light rushing into the depths of everyone's hearts.

Bursts of music.

The sound of suona is lingering.

The huge studio was very quiet just now. At this moment, it seemed to be silent. Except for the melody of the suona, there was no sound anymore.

Listening to this music that was like falling from the sky to the earth, everyone's movements were frozen at this moment, as if something hit their hearts for a moment, and they were stunned.

The sound of the suona is high-pitched and majestic, and the melody has no whine at all, but an elegant and dignified artistic conception, depicting a divine bird phoenix hovering above the clouds.

That is the fairy sound falling into the mortal world.

That is the phoenix perched in the clouds.

I don't know how many people were shocked to the point of numbness.

"Oh my god! Is this what it is?"

"Is this okay?"

"Did it explode too much?"

"I didn't hear sad music, but I heard fairy music?"

“Another…an outrageous song was born?”

"Wipe it, why do you need to cover it with white cloth? It's red!"

"Oh my god, this isn't a gift, this is a wedding, right?"



The melody at this moment has just begun.

Then, I saw the high-pitched melody becoming more and more cheerful and passionate. In a trance... one, two, ten, hundreds, thousands, countless birds sang extremely cheerfully. With the sound of chirping, they fluttered their wings and flew up from the branches to greet their queen!

Birds are singing in harmony.

Auspiciousness comes to the world.

Where is the joy and sorrow?

This is clearly an auspicious picture of hundreds of birds paying homage to the phoenix and the sky filled with auspiciousness.

The lively and cheerful tune is even better than any cheerful tune that everyone has heard before. Especially the strong style of the suona brings this joy to the extreme, which is completely unmatched by other musical instruments.

"Oh my God?"

"At this moment, I am just stupid, okay?"

"What the hell?!!!"

"It's outrageous!!!"

"Isn't that outrageous?"


God knows how shocked the audience watching the live broadcast at this moment is.

Everyone had an outrageous expression on their face.

The huge waves in their hearts were even greater than yesterday when Wuyan played "Running on the Thousand Miles of Grassland" with the erhu.

A suona, a suona that they thought could only play sad music, an instrument that was characterized by the entire Chinese people, actually produced such an outrageous melody under the silent performance.

It's high-pitched and atmospheric.

It is elegant and dignified.

It's crisp and sweet.

It is beautiful and beautiful.

Has he turned sorrow into joy?

At this moment, hundreds of millions of viewers across the country were stunned listening to the suona music played by Wu Yan.

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