My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 338 Samsung people appear, the first song!

It’s so outrageous!

How bold.

Mu Qing was terrified at this moment.

She almost cried when she looked at the Samsung people.

Could you position yourself a little bit?

If you continue to comment like this, it is estimated that after the show is broadcast, even if you don't reveal your face in the end, you will probably be dragged out and beaten to death.

Mu Qing felt that she understood why Wang Mo's house collapsed in the first place.

With this unabashed mouth, he can't even be stopped.

Unfortunately, Mu Qing's suggestion to turn off the camera was ruthlessly rejected.

Chen Ping said: "For the sake of fairness and justice in the program, the camera cannot be turned off at any time."

Mu Qing could only accept it silently.

But he became frightened, fearing that he would hear something shocking from the Samsung people again.

Wang Mo also knew that the little girl was probably frightened, so he had no choice but to say: "Okay, I won't speak anymore and remain silent."

It’s okay to just not talk, right?

"Yeah, yeah."

Mu Qing's head was nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.

There is not necessarily a problem with speaking.

But if you don't talk, there will definitely be no problems.

After the fourth contestant finished singing, many people were still speculating on his identity.

Xu Mengqi showed a mysterious smile: "I know who you are."


"Which one?"

"Say it!"

Several judges nearby made noises, and even the baby bear on the stage seemed to be swaying, obviously nervous.

However, Xu Mengqi smiled and shook her head: "I won't say it anymore. If I say it, this show will lose its fun, right? But I can give you a hint: green."

When she said this, she felt relieved.

so far so good.

He did not disgrace his title of piercing eyes, at least he could see the identity of one person.

It's just that this person actually came to participate in "The Masked Crossover Singer", I really can't believe it. If I hadn't been too familiar with this person, I wouldn't have dared to imagine it.

Seeing that Xu Mengqi did not reveal his identity, Baby Bear seemed relieved.

But others were even more crazy.


what does it mean?

Does it mean spring? Or does it mean that this person has been cheated on before?

Can't guess wow!

When the fifth contestant came on the stage, there was a cry of exclamation.

Because this player is styled as a mecha warrior, with silver armor all over his body and a highly technological shell, it makes everyone’s eyes shine.

This person seems to have brought a song about science fiction to match his look.

The treble is pretty good.

When he hit the high note, many in the audience were almost astonished.

"Cai Chen?"

"It's Cai Chen's high note."

Cai Chen is a first-line actor.

Even Liu Yongchang, Wu Rui and other judges looked at each other and smiled: "It's most likely Cai Chen."

This is the first contestant to be recognized by so many people just after singing. It's really that his high-pitched singing is too similar to Cai Chen's.

In addition, in daily variety shows, Cai Chen often sings his high notes, so everyone is very familiar with this voice.


Xu Mengqi frowned and shook her head: "It's not Cai Chen."

Yang Xiao continued: "That's right, it's not Cai Chen. This player is deliberately imitating Cai Chen's high notes. He probably knows that everyone is familiar with Cai Chen's high notes, so he deliberately misleads everyone."

As soon as these words came out.

The audience was stunned.

Can you still play like this?

Originally wearing a mask, no one could guess who it was.

If you deliberately change your voice to mislead others, where do you start guessing?

But this is also the attractive part of "The Masked Crossover Singer".

After putting on the masks, the contestants released their natural instincts and started having fun, making the show more interesting.

"Do you think he is Cai..."


Just as Mu Qing opened her mouth, she suddenly realized something was wrong and immediately swallowed the words.

Then he waved his hand vigorously to the Samsung person: "I didn't ask, I didn't ask, it was your imagination. You must not answer."

Wang Mo laughed dumbly.

Continue to remain silent.

Mu Qing then patted her bulging chest with a look of fear on her face.

Fortunately, no big mistake was made.

If Samsung people were allowed to speak, God knows what shocking remarks they would make.

She just couldn't stand the fright anymore.

Just when everyone was still wondering whether the baby bear was Cai Chen.

In the ears of Wang Mo and Mu Qing, a voice came: "Samsung people, please prepare, we will play in five minutes."

It's his turn!

Mu Qing stood up quickly: "Teacher Samsung, you will be here soon. Don't feel any pressure. It doesn't matter how good they sing. Please don't be influenced by them."

Wang Mo smiled and nodded.

Mu Qing clenched her fist vigorously: "You will win!"

Well... although she knew that the probability of the Samsung people winning was almost zero. After all, the performance of the previous contestants was beyond imagination, and some of them even sang better than professional singers.

But as the manager of Samsung, she still needs to encourage.


The two of them came to the end of the passage.

In front of you is a door. Open the door and it will lead to the stage.

Standing here, Mu Qing looked at the Samsung man standing in front of her with a complicated expression.

She knew that when the Samsung people stepped onto the stage, her short journey as an agent would probably be over. In fact, now that I think about it, the Samsung review seems to be very out of tune, but the whole person still gives her a good feeling.

Good temperament.

Good attitude.

He is also very polite to himself and is very calm and decent most of the time.

It is completely different from the frivolous and useless little fresh meat that was said on the Internet.

Even when the other person's eyes looked at her, she could deeply feel the other person's eyes, which were as deep as the starry sky, almost sucking her soul into it.

"What are you thinking about?"

Mu Qing spat secretly, her face turning red.

"Samsung people, get ready to play!"

With the director's voice.

On the stage, the host has already spoken: "Thank you Teacher Mechake for your wonderful singing. I found that many people are guessing that he is Teacher Cai Chen. So is it him? I can only let everyone continue to imagine." Now, five contestants have finished singing. Only the last contestant is left. What kind of appearance will this contestant look like? Will he bring you special excitement? Please invite us to the last contestant today. Contestant ‘Samsung Man’ enters the stage!”

Snap, snap, snap.

to warm applause.

A bronze figure stepped out of the light.

A strange bronze mask.

Weird clothing patterns.

Classic decoration.

At that moment, several judges subconsciously leaned back.

As for the auditorium, there was a lot of noise.

"Scared me."

"Oh my god, which emperor is crawling out of the ancient tomb?"

"What a strange mask?"

"Yes, I have never seen such a weird mask. And those patterns don't seem to be from the civilization of our world."

"Yes, yes, it feels like aliens crawling out of ancient tombs."

"I know it. This mask seems to be a cultural relic recently unearthed in Sanxingdui."

"Ah? Samsung has also unearthed cultural relics? Isn't Samsung a company from Bangzi Country?"

"Sanxingdui, not Sanxing."


Click click click.

The metallic shoes make a clear sound when stepped on the stage, which is very exciting.

At this moment.

Everyone discovered that the Samsung people were a little scary when they first came out.

But after looking at it for a long time, I found that this style is getting cooler and cooler, and even has a faint sense of oppression.

This is the impact from another civilization.

The more people look at it, the more incredible it becomes.

It can be said that based on the appearance alone, the Samsung people completely beat the top five players.

I just don’t know what the strength is.

But someone who can appear in this style must be strong enough, right?

"These three-star people are very strong at first glance."

"Yes, he has a domineering attitude that sweeps over everything."

"There is also a kind of aloofness that is incompatible with others."

"Looking forward to his performance."



Mu Qing almost cried again when she heard everyone's discussion.

What is strong?

Still out of place and aloof?

It's true that I feel out of place.

Originally she thought the clothes of Samsung people were very distinctive, but now it seemed that instead of bringing benefits to Samsung people, such clothes had become a pressure.

I guess the greater your expectations, the greater your disappointment.

In the judging area, the four judges all regained their composure.

Yang Xiao, in particular, stared at the Samsung man's mask with bright eyes, obviously very interested in it.

That's when.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The lights suddenly dimmed, leaving only a beam of light shooting out from the top, covering the three-star people.

Under the orange light, the appearance of Samsung people becomes more interesting.

Under the mask.

Wang Mo's heart beat inexplicably faster.

How long?

It’s been almost two years, right?

Today, he finally stood on the stage again, once again faced the gaze of countless people, and once again became the presence in the spotlight.

Although he was wearing a mask, he could still feel the countless pairs of blazing eyes fixed on him.

That's... a very strange feeling.

He slowly closed his eyes, feeling the strangeness of this moment while calming himself down.

The prelude music started.

It was a gentle piano accompaniment, and the beautiful music passed through everyone's hearts, making everyone quiet down.

"The prelude is good."

"Yes, it's quite beautiful."

Jury area.

Wu Rui suddenly sat up straight. He was extremely sensitive to music and seemed to have noticed something.

Next to him, Yang Xiao whispered: "What's wrong?"

Wu Rui: "What a strange melody. This song... seems to be a new song."

New song?

The other judges were stunned when they heard this.

Singing new songs on this kind of stage? And it’s the first song?

So bold!

There were ripples in everyone's hearts and they did not continue talking.

Because the singing of Samsung people has already begun.

"A good person like me

I should have lived a brilliant life

How come more than twenty years have ended?

Still floating in the sea of ​​people..."

When the Samsung people just sang the first line.

Many people's eyes widened and they almost doubted their life.

Who else praises himself so much?

Damn it!


Who is this person?

The audience was a little restless. If everyone hadn't known that contestants were strictly prohibited from making loud noises when singing, everyone would probably have lost their composure at this moment.

But while the audience was still shocked by the lyrics.


For the first time today, the four judges all stood up from their seats, their eyes fixed on the Samsung people, with deep surprise on their faces.

This singing skill?

This strength?

who is it?

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