"Ah" a few more times.

Wang Mo determined that his current treble can reach the level of C3, which is Hi C. If you are able to achieve this level, you can be considered a high-pitched singer. You can try "I Will Love You Even If You Die".

However, such high notes cannot yet sing the dolphin sound.

To control the dolphin sound, you need to be at least C5.


Wang Mo nodded secretly.

Hi C can already satisfy most of the high-pitched songs in life.

Unless you want to take the treble route and become a tenor singer in the future, there is no need to strengthen your treble.

After digesting the high-pitched skill book, Wang Mo looked at the second reward he had received.


He looked a little confused.

This reward really surprised him.

How could the system give him such a reward?

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

After all, he knew the virtues of the system and would not suddenly let him master this skill.

As mentioned before, Wang Mo spent three years in Yangcheng in his previous life. He could barely understand Cantonese and could barely communicate with others with the help of gestures. But to be proficient is far from enough.

Even singing Cantonese songs is very difficult to pronounce.

But now, after learning the Cantonese skills book by myself, my Cantonese level has instantly reached the level of proficiency.


What's the use of learning this?

Wang Mo thought about it and felt a little strange.

Don't think about that for now.

His main focus was on singing again.

Originally, he thought that his 7 o'clock singing skills could completely hold "The Masked Crossover Singer". But now it’s only the second round, and masters like Hai Ke Ke and Monkey King have emerged.

It seems that singing at 7 o'clock is a bit dangerous.

Fortunately, this time he got a high note, which gave him an extra trump card.

In fact, many times, singing skills cannot match the singer's strength and fame.

Some people are obviously very good at singing, but they don't have much fame and can only remain unknown for a lifetime.

Some people's singing skills are only average, but they can become popular all over the country.


Because of the characteristics!

A singer, based on his singing skills, must have his own characteristics to stand out.

Just like:

Hao Mingxing, why did he become a first-line singer so quickly? It relies on the unique smoke voice.

Su Xueyao, why can she become the top singer? Also with its unique voice.

Even Xu Mengqi's singing skills are actually at the level of a professional singer, but others have a good voice, the temperament and momentum of a diva when she opens her mouth, plus a good song, so she can gain a solid foundation in the music world.

Although Wang Mo's singing skills were outstanding before, even in the music industry, he was comparable to the first-tier singers. But it has a fatal weakness: it has no characteristics!

Without distinction, no matter how good you sing, others will not be able to remember your voice, and it will become mediocre.

If a singer has top-notch singing skills and has his own characteristics that stand out from the crowd, he is basically destined to shine brilliantly.

The core example is: Zhou Shen.

His unique voice and excellent singing skills make him almost a national treasure-level singer in China, which cannot be imitated by others.

"My singing skills will not improve for a while..."

Wang Mo said secretly.

"So to improve my singing ability, I have to start with characteristics. For example, the high notes this time. For example, let myself have the ability to exchange real and false sounds, have the foundation of singing head voice, and even the ability to change my voice and control the smoke voice. .”

Only with these characteristics can you become a unique person and stand out.

But to get these abilities.

But it is too difficult.

Wang Mo took a look at the system mall. These abilities basically belong to the talent category. If you want to buy them with reputation, they are basically sky-high prices.

For example: for the ability to exchange true and false sounds, the system mall’s asking price is 5 million reputation. The ability to change the voices of men and women is worth up to 10 million reputation.

can not afford.

Can't afford it at all.

Working hard to earn reputation is the most important thing for you right now.

"Let's choose a song first..."

Wang Mo opened the system music library and indulged in it.

During this period, Chen Jia and Chai Qing came to see him.

The two are the producers and directors of "Fist of Heroes" respectively.

The purpose of their visit was also very simple, which was to ask Wang Mo if he had any ideas for making a new movie.

I tasted the sweetness of "Fist of Heroes".

Now Wang Mo is God in their hearts.

Chen Jia was the first to speak up: "Mr. Wang, I heard before that you seem to want to continue making a second Kung Fu movie? Is it called "Kung Fu"?"

Wang Mo once mentioned this at the movie celebration party, so Chen Jia knew about it.

Hearing Chen Jia's question, Wang Mo smiled and said: "What? Isn't the company preparing to shoot "Fist of Heroes 2"? Do you still have time to think about new movies?"

Last time, Wang Mo packaged and sold all the copyrights of "Fist of Heroes" to the company for 500 million.

So he knew that the company would definitely start filming the sequel immediately.

As for the sequel, it is impossible not to invite Chen Jia and Chai Qing.

Chen Jia coughed: "The company is indeed preparing the script of "Fist of Heroes 2", but it will probably take a year and a half to actually enter the filming stage. That's why I came to ask you, I know you don't like The company does everything very quickly.”

Wang Mo coughed and said, "I just do things quickly, but not anything else."

Chen Jia: "Yes, I understand."

Wang Mo thought for a while and said seriously: "I do want to shoot "Kung Fu", but I haven't had time in the past few months. I estimate that if I want to start shooting, I will have to wait until the second half of the year. In addition..."

He glanced at Chai Qing.

"This movie is a bit special. I can continue to let Mr. Chen be the producer. But as for the director, Director Chai, you may not be comfortable with it."

When Chai Qing heard this, he was confused: "Why...what?"

Wang Mo laughed and said: "Because although "Kung Fu" is a kung fu movie, its core is a comedy. Unless you, Director Chai, can handle comedy, it may not be suitable for you."


Even Chen Jia was a little confused.

What kind of trick is this?

You have just finished filming a movie like "Fist of Heroes" that can be called a textbook for kung fu movies. Instead of making a breakthrough in this subject, you are going to make a comedy instead?

Is this crossover a bit too big?

Moreover, can Kung Fu be made into a comedy? Isn’t Kung Fu generally a hot-blooded, cold, cruel, and fierce fight?

What the hell is a comedy?

Chai Qing was also stunned for a long time, and then said angrily: "I'm really not good at making comedies. But... if possible, I hope to be an assistant director in your movie. I don't know..."

Wang Mo thought for a moment and said, "Okay!"

Chai Qing is on his side. If he has the chance, he will of course support the other party.

at last.

Wang Mo told the two of them: "If you have time, you can first look for a director suitable for directing comedy, as well as actors in this field. I will come back to you after I am done with this period of time."



The two agreed and left contentedly.

Regarding the filming of "Kung Fu", Wang Mo has been planning it since last year, so it is normal to put it on the schedule.

If he hadn't focused on his comeback, filming would have started at the end of last year.

In a blink of an eye.

Just one week passed.

Saturday arrived.

On this day, Wang Mo has found several songs that suit him from the music library and is ready to pick one to sing in the next round.

Also on the same day, "The Masked King of Crossover Singer" once again set off the Internet.

Because at nine o'clock tonight, the second round of "The Masked Crossover Singer" will begin.

In the first round, the show's ratings almost exceeded 4.

The second round will obviously be more exciting and exciting than the first round. Who doesn’t look forward to it?

"Ahhh! It's finally about to start."

"The players who entered the second round are all elite."

"It can be said that each of the twelve promoted guests is of professional quality."

"Who will be eliminated tonight? Who will get first place?"


Maybe I know that everyone is looking forward to the show.

In the morning, the official Weibo of "The Masked Crossover Singer" updated a short video, the content of which was clearly a clip from tonight's show.

In the short video of just fifteen seconds, there are several pictures.

The first picture: There is a piano under dim lights, and a pair of hands is playing piano music.

The second scene: It is a sentence said by the singer Liu Yongchang, "I am not worthy of sitting. In order to show my respect for you, I must stand up and speak."

The third scene: Xu Mengqi in the camera is bursting into tears and out of control.

The fourth scene: All the audience lost their composure and stood up to applaud one person.

The fifth picture: There are two blurred figures in the lens, and the host exclaims: "Oh my god, these two people actually came to our show!"

Five images!

Five clips!

Seeing this, all the netizens almost lost their souls.

"Someone plays the piano in the second round? Is it a baby bear?"

"It must still be him. He is the only one who has shown a piano level that is comparable to a professional. It is estimated that the Samsung people will be slapped in the face by the baby bear again tonight."

"Isn't it too exciting? Is this what Baby Bear wants to say to the Samsung people, to launch the most powerful attack?"

"This is not a blast, look at Liu Yongchang! Oh my god, who is it? Brother Chang can only stand and talk?"

"Sister Qi is crying? What's going on? Oh my god! This is absolutely incredible."

"So many viewers lost their composure. What happened? Was it an actor hired? I don't believe it!"

"Can you please stop trying to tantalize your appetite? Who went to the show? Please tell me the truth."

"Ahhh! I can't bear it anymore when I beg someone for spoilers."


The fifteen-second short video made the popularity of "The Masked Crossover Singer" completely radiate across the entire Internet.

Liu Yongchang said that he was not qualified to sit and talk.

Xu Mengqi rarely shed tears in front of the camera.

Just these two clips made the hot searches explode.

Not just ordinary netizens.

Even many professionals in the industry and professional singers in the music industry have strong curiosity in their hearts.

I am full of expectations for tonight's "The Masked Crossover Singer".

Occasionally, some netizens who participated in the live show came forward to reveal "secrets."

"Stay in front of the TV tonight, I promise I won't let you down."

"It's really exciting."

"Anyway, I was dumbfounded the whole time."

"Let me tell you some news: Someone is going to become a god tonight."

"It can be said that tonight's game was the most explosive ever since I watched a variety show."


Although it was said that they were revealing secrets, these netizens who had signed confidentiality agreements did not reveal any useful information at all. On the contrary, they made other netizens more curious.


Under the spotlight, the time came to nine o'clock in the evening.

"here we go."

"I'm coming."

"Quick! Turn on the TV."

"So excited and looking forward to it."

In China, tens of millions of people are waiting in front of the TV or Douyin's live broadcast room, waiting for the broadcast of "The Masked Crossover Singer".

second round.

Official opening.

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