My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 393 Wu Yan alone suppressed the entire entertainment industry

Do you know what it feels like to feel proud?

For these former Wang Mo fans, now they know.

It was a kind of comfort that had been accumulated for a long time, but suddenly felt refreshed and made me want to look up to the sky and scream.

Their former star-chasing behavior was scolded by many people; their former idols were kicked into the abyss. But there was nothing they could do. Many people could only hug their pillows and cry silently in the dark night.



The collapse of idols and the rolling eyes and ridicule from parents and friends around them have made countless people almost suffer from depression.

If their idol is really as doomed as a certain lottery, that's okay.

But in their opinion, Wang Mo just made a slight slip of the tongue on the show. Why did he suffer such online violence?

They couldn't figure it out.

But under the frenzy of public opinion and the official media's characterization, they can only swallow all their grievances in their hearts.

Two years, do you know how they survived these two years?

More than seven hundred days and nights.


"I'm going to roar."

"I'm going to yell."

"Hahaha, our idol is back."

"He is Wang Yan, the man who created three phenomenal variety shows."

"He is still speechless, the legend known as the God of Chinese Music."


Someone was crying.

Someone is laughing.

Now, they can finally shout out openly: My idol, he is Wang Mo!

Pride overflowed in my chest.

Someone was shouting: "What the hell, who will dare to scold me for chasing stars in the future? Hahaha, the idol of labor and management is Wang Mo! The king of Lao Wang next door, the Mo who broke out in silence!!!"

It was really two years of silence.

Once it was detonated.

At first, the entire network was still shocked that Wu Yan was Wang Mo’s fault.

But the next second, everyone discovered that the entire network was flooded by Wang Mo's fans.


The scene was nothing short of overwhelming and flooding.

on Weibo.

on WeChat.

on the school forum.

In the post bar.

Almost everywhere there was room for discussion, groups of Wang Mo fans sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Throughout the country.

Two years have passed, but these fans have not been silenced. Instead, they have exploded tonight.

Even Yuan Xiong was stunned when he received the news.

"What? Two years later, Wang Mo still has so many die-hard fans?"

He was stunned for a long time, and then he was ecstatic.

This is simply divine help.

With the support of such fans, Wang Mo is afraid that he will be able to return to the top in the shortest possible time.

When the Internet has turned upside down.

At the Magic City Stadium, the finals of "The Masked Crossover Singer" have already ended.

But even though a long time passed, the audience still refused to leave. After learning Wang Mo's multiple identities, the 80,000 viewers once again burst into shocking shouts.

"Wang Mo!"


"Wang Yan!"


This stage seems to have fallen because of Wang Mo alone.

As for the live broadcast room, the audience and netizens even scolded Tomato Channel.

At the critical moment, Tomato Channel urgently started the live broadcast again.

Of course, this live broadcast is not a program, but the post-match story of the famously titled "Mask".

As for what story?

It's clear at a glance.

Because all the cameras were almost focused on the young man at the center of the stage.

No explanation is needed, no content is needed.

With just such a scene, the late-night Tomato channel ratings actually swept the entire network.

The boy on the stage.

The boy who was always dazzling because of the Samsung people really shined this night and became the center of attention of the whole audience and even China.


Since it was the finals, the program team invited all contestants who had participated in the program to the scene.

At this moment, almost all the players, from their pupils to their souls, were in a state of shock.

Fire phoenix, golden pharaoh, seaweed, sea shells, aliens...

Everyone looked shocked.

“A Samsung person is actually Teacher Wuyan?”

"Are we actually competing against a myth in the music world?"

"Oh my god, how could we compete on the same stage as Teacher Wu Yan?"

"No wonder the people from Samsung play the piano so well."

"No wonder every song written by Samsung people is written and composed by Wu Yan. I used to think that Samsung people had a good relationship with Teacher Wu Yan, but now I know that they are the same person."

"Wang Mo's identity is the biggest shock in my heart. Isn't it rumored that he is useless? So what's going on now?"

"I'm afraid there is another hidden reason behind this matter."

While many people were amazed, their hearts began to get excited.

In their opinion, it is impossible for a person to become a master like Wu Yan within two years. Therefore, there is a high probability that Wang Mo's house collapsed back then may not have been what it appeared to be.

It's just that this idea only flashes through the minds of many celebrities.

They don't want to delve into it, and they don't dare to delve into it.

A person who can push a person who exists like Wu Yan into the abyss, God knows what the other person's background is?

It's better to pretend you don't know.

Especially Zheng Yiran, who plays the role of Baby Bear. The moment he heard that the Samsung people were speechless, his legs went weak and he almost fell to death.

At the same time a chill ran down his back.

What the hell, it’s a good thing that I didn’t do anything to the Samsung people in the first place.

Fortunately, I heard that the Samsung player played the piano well, so I gave him enough respect.

If he had relied on Internet public opinion and dismissed Samsung people, he would probably die miserably now.

What's your level?

Dare to compete with a world-class piano master who defeated Jiro Miyata?

When everyone's heart is ups and downs.

Jiang Ying felt that he had gone back and forth between heaven and hell several times.

He just stared at Wang Mo blankly, feeling that his spirit could no longer withstand the torment.


This is?

Well, actually he did guess right, Samsung people are speechless.

But he never dreamed that Wang Mo would still be from Samsung.

Wang Mo and Wu Yan turned out to be the same person, which was a big departure.

Of course, there are even more outrageous ones.

Just when Jiang Ying was in a state of excitement, he received a message from his manager: "Brother Ying, the fans know that your opponent is Wu Yan, so they are preparing for a big fight. Everyone is full of confidence. No matter how powerful the opponent is, they still can't." Don’t be afraid. Brother Ying, I’m just waiting for your order now. What should we do next?”

Jiang Ying took a deep breath: "What should we do? Go and strangle those idiot fans to death one by one."


"After strangling them, strangle yourself."


Jiang Yinghao was helpless.

Look at the quality of Wang Mo’s fans, and then look at the morality of his own fans.

Why is the gap between people so big?

Although the audience in the stadium was reluctant to leave for a long time, Wang Mo still left the stage and returned to the backstage.

Then, he saw Mu Qing.

This girl was standing there blankly, staring at him without blinking.



Mu Qing's scream almost pierced Wang Mo's eardrums.

He said helplessly: "Sister, the stadium will collapse due to you."

Mu Qing, however, couldn't listen to Wang Mo's words at all and screamed for a long time, her little face turning red.

She finally understood everything.

After learning Wang Mo's identity on the first day, she had been on tenterhooks for the past three months, fearing that she would be overwhelmed by many rotten eggs after Wang Mo revealed his identity.

She was even worried that Tomato Station would suffer.

And now, she finally knows where Taili's confidence lies.

It turns out that Wang Mo is Wu Yan’s teacher.

It made her worry in vain for half a month.

Mu Qing's screams turned into giggles.

What fate!

She actually became Wu Yan's agent.

In the past, she did not dare to reveal that she was Wang Mo's agent in front of any colleagues, and she lived in trepidation every day.

But from now on, she finally dared to feel proud.


This experience may become her most dazzling work experience.

This alone will make her career smooth in the future.

Mu Qing giggled, unable to take her eyes away from Wang Mo's face.

But just as Wang Mo walked away, Xiao Nizi quickly followed him: "Three...Wu...Wang..."

For a moment, she didn't know how to address Wang Mo.

Wang Mo spread his hands helplessly: "Just call me by my name."

Of course Mu Qing didn't dare to call him by his name, and her palms were sweating because of her nervousness: "Brother Mo, can I take a photo with you? And can you sign an autograph for me?"

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Of course."

Mu Qing quickly added: "I want many, many group photos and many, many autographs."

Wang Mo smiled again and said, "No problem."

Of course he knew what the little girl was thinking.

Isn't it just that after having these autographs and photos, he later showed off to his sisters?

Wang Mo was actually very satisfied with Mu Qing.

Although this girl is not old, her work experience is average. But Sheng is responsible for his work and sincerely does his own good, so of course he will satisfy the other party with just a few photos and autographs.

Backstage, Wang Mo took off his Samsung clothes and changed back into his own clothes.

This time, he no longer wore a hat, sunglasses or mask.

Because he finally dared to face the camera openly and walk openly under the sun.

As soon as he changed his clothes, Yuan Xiong pushed the door open and entered.

At this moment, Yuan Xiong was also radiant, and his brows were full of joy.

Everyone around Wang Mo felt proud.

Of course Yuan Xiong is no exception.

He smiled and said: "Amo, it's very successful."

The meaning in these words is very profound.

Wang Mo immediately asked: "How is the response on the Internet?"

When he comes back, what worries him most is online public opinion.

Yuan Xiong said excitedly: "Very good! It can be said that it is almost better than I expected. First of all, it is the entertainment industry. After knowing the identities of you Wu Yan and Wang Yan, almost all entertainment companies remained silent. And many Celebrities all stood up to welcome your contribution. As for netizens, there was some splash on the Internet at first, but it was quickly controlled by the company and Weibo. Especially after your fans are activated, this splash will disappear again. Can’t see it either.”

Wang Mo was very surprised: "The effect is so good?"

Yuan Xiong nodded, with emotion in his eyes: "Actually, I prepared at least ten backup strategies to deal with this public outcry. But I didn't expect that almost all of them were useless. Because everyone, including you, me, and the company, They all underestimated the weight of the word 'speechless'."


They all underestimated the weight of "speechless".

No one expected it.

Just by virtue of his identity, Wu Yan suppressed the entire entertainment industry.

Let all the monsters and monsters hide.

Let all those who are unwilling to accept it shut their mouths.

The power of silence far exceeded their predictions.

In fact, this is also normal.

Putting it into perspective, Wuyan is already a world-class music master and a national treasure of China. It can even be said that China is the face of China in the world music circle. With the capital in the entertainment industry, they may be able to choose any singer king or queen at will, but they have to deal with someone like Wu Yan? Totally impossible!

So after everyone knew that Wang Mo was speechless, they didn't dare to be a little presumptuous.

After finishing speaking.

The emotion in Yuan Xiong's eyes disappeared and suddenly became sharp: "Ah Mo, since your comeback went so smoothly this time. Then some things should be put on the agenda."

"What's up?"

Wang Mo said in surprise.

Yuan Xiong's eyes revealed solemnity and evil spirit: "Your collapse was not that simple back then. Now that you have come back, it's time to put this matter to a complete end."

Wang Mo was slightly shocked when he heard this, and then nodded slowly. (End of chapter)

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