It was a strong throbbing of the soul.

It was an intense rush of emotions.

I don’t know how many ordinary people who originally lived a dull life felt the blood surging in their hearts at this moment.

The uncontrollable desire spurts out!

"Oh my god, I just exploded on the spot."

"This emotional exaggeration is absolutely amazing."

"The plain lyrics before seemed to reflect my life, and the explosion at this moment seemed to ignite my blood."

“It’s so down-to-earth.”

"I already thought the first three songs were excellent before, and I admired the talents of the three teachers. But I didn't know the benefits of being silent until now!"

"This is the most plain yet passionate thing that can truly be achieved!"


These words "Dilililidilililidenda" can be regarded as piercing the blood arteries of the audience.

Those who understood and those who didn't understood were all excited at this moment.

Of course, the singing is not over yet.

"Every time I'm sad

Just look at the sea alone

I always think of my friends walking on the road beside me

How many are healing?”

It is true that Gao Qi's singing voice cannot be compared with that of professional singers, but his appearance as a delivery boy and the ordinaryness and ordinaryness revealed in his whole body always touch the hearts of everyone inadvertently.

Do you sing well? From a professional point of view, not good.

Do you sing well? From an emotional point of view, absolutely.

So it is this kind of character and this kind of singing that can impress others the most.




Another shout into the microphone.

This time, many in the audience sang along.

Until the climax passes.

Finally it ended with Gao Qi's murmuring voice.

"Let's drink this drink

A good man's heart is like the ocean

Experienced all kinds of ups and downs in life

This smile is warm and innocent..."

The singing is bland.

It seems that after experiencing the climax, life has returned to peace.

After drinking this glass of wine, the past things will disappear and a new life will begin.

Good man.

Is there any obstacle that cannot be overcome?

No matter how difficult and difficult it is, all the sadness is blended into this glass of wine, and finally you face the world with a smile.



When the singing stopped, many audience members also had faint smiles on their faces.

"very nice."

"Yes, it brought tears to my eyes."

"Actually, Gao Qi's singing is not particularly professional. Even I can hear the sound breaking in a few places. But what matters to him is authenticity, that's why I say he sings really well."

"I think if this song was sung by a professional singer, it might not have such an effect. It is precisely because of Gao Qi's status as an ordinary person that he sang it into the hearts of many people."



The comments of these viewers are superficial.

Only Liu Yongchang and the other three were truly shocked in their hearts.

It wasn't until Gao Qi finished singing that Liu Yongchang looked at Wang Mo with a complicated expression: "Teacher Wang, this song... you really express the emotions of ordinary people to the extreme."

Yang Xiao was also filled with emotion: "Yes, my heart is boiling at the moment. I guess the more ordinary people are, the more they can understand the emotional stories in the songs. Let me say something to offend Singing and Lao Wu. The three of us trained today Artists, each of them sings in a deliberately plain and high-pitched way. But only the song Gao Qi sings is truly in line with himself, and also sings the sadness of his work and the inability to help himself as an ordinary person. . When singing, the helplessness and loss of youth that Gao Qi showed cannot be expressed no matter how good his singing skills are. This time, I am convinced."


Wang Mo smiled and waved his hands: "Brother Yang, Brother Chang, please don't praise me. The real outcome will not be known until a week later. You praise me so hard now. If I lose in a week, then I will Where to put your face?"


The result of today's game will not be known until the data from the entire network comes out in a week.

After all, no matter how sharp a person's vision is, he can't judge whether a new song will be accepted by the market.

As for what Liu Yongchang and Yang Xiao said just now, they were actually quite complimentary. Of course, they had no intention of admitting defeat now.

Who doesn’t have a sense of winning?

Wang Mo's song "Once Upon a Time" is indeed well written.

But their songs are not bad either.

Who is sure that Wang Mo can take first place?

No one can be sure.

The public's taste has always been unique.

A song that you think is really good often gets no attention after it’s released. But a song that you think you are not optimistic about may become popular all over the Internet.

Therefore, Liu Yongchang and Yang Xiao still have full confidence in their players and feel that they can definitely beat Gao Qi and that one? ……forgotten.

one way or another.

Anyway, after the first episode of "Peak Song, Peak King" ended, the program team immediately put four songs on major music platforms.

The fierce duel between the songwriter group and the singer group really started at this moment.

Who wins?

Who loses?


In fact, everyone is a winner.


Four songs came out of nowhere and landed directly on Weibo's hot search list, new song list, and Douyin hot list.

Four ordinary people also soared into the sky, from ordinary people to hot stars.

As for which song can win the first place on next week’s chart, it’s not clear at the moment.

The data of each song is also high and low.

"The Time You Were" just hit the number one spot on the new song chart.

"Painted Life" immediately exploded again.

But then "Flower Heart" succeeded "Painted Life".

Anyway, both sides fought extremely fiercely.

After all, this time it is no longer about the quality of the songs, but about the honor of the singers and songwriters. Therefore, in this duel between the two sides, many singers and songwriters who did not participate in the show also joined in to cheer for their lineups. .

Only the Black Alliance.

Hao Mingxing, Su Xueyao and others looked confused. They didn't know who to help.

Help Wang Mo, he is a singer.

Help the singer, how to face Wang Mo?

Just as they were struggling, their eyes suddenly widened.

It seems that there is no need for them to participate.


No matter which side they helped, the winner was already decided.

Things turned around on Tuesday, when a piece of news suddenly broke out on Weibo: [Gao Qi quit his job and started a new life]

What the hell?

Countless people were confused when they saw this news.

Details of the news stated: After Gao Qi finished singing "Once Upon a Time", he quit his job as a delivery boy on the same day, then bought a motorcycle and began a life of riding around China. He said in the interview that it was "The Past You" that allowed him to find his lost youth and regain his former self and passion. He said he wanted to realize his boyhood dream of traveling across the world with a sword. In the past, I rode bicycles every day to make a living. I rode for more than ten hours every day, but I couldn't ride out of a city. In order to survive, he imprisoned himself in the city. But this time, he was freed, and he broke out of his own circle, for tomorrow, for his dreams, and to live up to his years! He truly started walking around the world with his sword!


When the news came out, it spread like thunder across the entire Internet.

No one expected that Gao Qi would quit his job because of the influence of a song to pursue his dream!

"Oh my God!"

"is this real?"

"I was stunned."

But the real shock was yet to come.

I only saw it after the news fermented.

Countless netizens have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

"What's the shock? I've resigned too!"

"Hahaha, yes, add me in. After listening to "Once Upon a Time", I felt so passionate that I just said it naked. At this moment, I am running towards National Highway 312, looking for the lost youth!"

"Naked words +1, I have lost my love, and I don't want to lose my freedom again."

"I originally had the dream of quitting my job and traveling to the far end of the world, but I couldn't make up my mind before. After listening to "Once Upon a Time", I made a decision instantly. While you're young, go crazy! Brothers, see you on 312! "

"Hahaha, here it comes, here it comes, I just resigned! For my dream!"






Countless netizens have come forward, saying that after listening to "The Way You Were", they have embarked on the journey of their dreams and are swaying their youth wantonly.

That is the sound of freedom!

No regrets for the future!

Especially on Douyin, videos are popping up one after another.

“Travel freely and see all the great rivers and mountains.”

"Walking around the world with my sword in hand makes me feel so beautiful."

"Thank you Wang Mo, thank you "Once Upon a Time", I finally regained my freedom today."

"Listen... to the voice of freedom."

In every video, people walking on the road to freedom are shouting happily. Many people have even earned several times more advertising fees than their jobs because their videos have gone viral.

Now, freedom and money are all there.

Envy others.



Instead, the melody of "Once Upon a Time" resounded across the Internet.

Every time a song sounds, a free soul is taken away.

It seems that this song has a powerful magical power and brings out all the passion in everyone's heart.

Especially the sentence "I once dreamed of traveling to the ends of the world with a sword" made countless people feel swayed when they heard it. Many people cannot restrain their inner impulse, grab a backpack and start wandering around the world.


do not care!

Youth is important!

Are you still working?


Go indulge!

Even as time went by, a wave of resignations swept across the entire network.

Especially now, those born after 2000 are not as loyal to the company and conscientious as those born in the 80s and 90s. What they want is a life of passion and indulgence, and what they want is a day of blooming freedom.

But now, the song "Once Upon a Time" and the phrase "Dilililidilililidenda" instantly ignited their inner passion.

There is a song.

The dream is there.

What are you waiting for?

Why do people with low wages suffer such cowardice in the company? Resign!

Those with high wages have 50,000 yuan in labor savings, so why are they still busy? Resign!

Being single, Mud doesn’t even have a girlfriend. He should quickly go to the Northwest to vent his emotions and resign!

Couples, just take this opportunity to have a vigorous love and resign!


In just a few days, this song has already conquered the entire professional circle.

The whole internet is going crazy!

I heard that traffic jams are rare on the vast National Highway 312.

On the top of every car heading northwest, there is a loudspeaker, singing "The young heart is always a little frivolous, but now you are at home everywhere~"

Many people stood on the roof of the car holding a guitar, roaring like savages.


As for countless companies, they want to take off Wang Mo's skin. This damn song has made the human resources of countless companies crazy.

Liu Yongchang, Yang Xiao, and Wu Rui were all stunned when they saw the frenzy on the Internet.

They were all dumbfounded.

Isn’t this more bullshit? (End of chapter)

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