
What the hell is this?

Liu Yongchang felt that he had lived for most of his life and had seen countless ridiculous things, but none of them combined were as ridiculous as the scene he saw today.

I can't even eat.

Just less than a minute.

The room they were in was filled with children both inside and outside.

The whole damn thing is no more than ten years old.

Outside sentence: "I love you walking alone in a dark alley."

There is a sentence in it: "I love you without kneeling."


There is another sentence in it: "I love you and face despair."

The next sentence immediately followed: "I don't want to cry."



Liu Yongchang had no idea how he finished the meal afterwards. Anyway, he could swear that this meal became the most unforgettable meal in his life, but also the most confusing meal he ate.

I returned home confused.

Liu Yongchang always felt that he was dreaming.

So he took out his mobile phone from his body and called Yang Xiao, preparing to talk to the other party about this matter.


The call is connected.

But it was not Yang Xiao who answered the call, but his son.

Liu Yongchang asked in a kind voice: "Yangyang, your dad..."

But Yangyang shouted: "Secret code!"

Liu Yongchang was stunned: "What's the secret code?"

Yangyang: “I don’t even know the password, so I’m dead.”

Liu Yongchang was stunned for a long time, but because he was tortured by the songs sung by those children during the meal today and almost lost his mind, so he asked tentatively: "Do you love you and walk alone in a dark alley?"

"The code is correct!"

Yangyang turned around and shouted: "Tell dad, Uncle Liu's phone number!"

Yang Xiao: "..."

Liu Yongchang: "..."

The two of them were on the phone, speechless.

After a while.

Liu Yongchang lamented: "Isn't it too outrageous?"

Yang laughed on the verge of tears: "It's even more outrageous than the sun coming out of the west."

Liu Yongchang still refused to give up: "Maybe it was just an accident?"

Yang Xiao: "Accident? Look online!"

Liu Yongchang was stunned.

After hanging up the phone, he quickly turned on the Internet.


There was already an uproar.

"What's going on? My brother suddenly sang "The Lonely Warrior"?"

"Huh? Your brother is singing too? My brother is the same way."

"It's strange. There are also many children here, and they are suddenly singing this song."

"what's up?"

"Yes, why are there so many children singing it? Is it because of the meaning of this song that some schools have specially organized for them to learn to sing it?"

"It's very possible, otherwise it would be too outrageous."


At first, everyone didn't take it seriously.

I even feel that a few children singing "The Lonely Warrior" are just the result of some schools' deliberate teaching.


Soon, the rumors were debunked.

A primary school teacher: “We have never had a music teacher teach this song in our school, but many children suddenly know it and don’t know where they learned it.”

A kindergarten teacher: "Which kindergarten teaches "The Lonely Warrior"? Even adults can't sing this song well. How can we teach it to children between three and six years old?"

A parent: "I have four children, ranging from kindergarten to sixth grade. All of them can sing "The Lonely Warrior". I asked them just now. No one has taught them this song, and they don't know how to sing it. Where did I learn it? Anyway, I learned it from my classmates."

No one teaches.

Why the hell do so many kids suddenly become good at it?

What the hell? !

However, adults today still only believe that this phenomenon is just an accident, and that such an incredible phenomenon occurred only under a specific environment and due to specific reasons.

After all, what do a group of children know about "The Lonely Warrior"?

Many of the little ones are still wearing diapers.

Do you know how to say "I love you and walk alone in a dark alley"?


The speed at which things developed next began to make parents, teachers, the entire entertainment industry, and even the billions of people in China question life.

On the first day, only a few parents found their children singing "The Lonely Warrior".

But by the second day, this phenomenon had become common.

Many netizens said online that their children suddenly knew this song.

Very strange.

But apart from being a little strange, everyone still remained calm.

After all, adults have seen so many things that this little thing is not worth mentioning.

But starting from the third day.

On Douyin, funny videos of children singing "Lonely Warrior" have emerged from all over the country.

Some were recorded by parents.

Some are uploaded by children themselves.

As for the comment section, netizens laughed crookedly.

"Hahaha, who taught you this?"

"Do they know what a lonely warrior is?"

"I don't know anything, but I still act like I'm not kneeling."

"It's so funny. Maybe some parents were infected by Wang Mo's speech and taught "The Lonely Warrior" to their children."

"That's most likely the case."

Until the fourth day.

It's like a spring breeze.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

Across the country, almost all kindergartens, early childhood education institutions, and primary schools...the voice of "The Lonely Warrior" rang out.

When people wake up from their sleep, they almost think that the world has changed.


A certain kindergarten.

A group of children who couldn't understand what they were saying were singing loudly on the playground.

"I love you walking alone in a dark alley."

"I love the way you don't kneel down."

Magic City.

A certain elementary school.

During recess time, groups of children gather together.

"I love you and have faced despair."

"I refuse to cry."


Somewhere on the way to school.

Usually children hold hands with their parents and jump to school.

But today is different.

The children here say: "I love your tattered clothes."

The kid over there immediately answered: "You dare to block the gun of fate."

Then the two sides started singing duet across the street.


Star City.

From big cities to small cities, from urban areas to suburbs, from suburbs to rural areas, from prosperous areas to remote places, from east to west, from south to north, from home to school, from buses to subways, as long as there are children The song "The Lonely Warrior" rang out everywhere.

As if overnight, the entire China has been drowned in the songs of children.

This scene is no less popular than the square dance that became popular in China overnight.

Even this time, it was even worse!

After all, Auntie’s square dancing only happens in squares and communities.

But this time, the children’s singing was so pervasive!

Songs of "I love you and walking alone in a dark alley" are popping up in homes large and small, in all public places, and even in the toilet at home, wherever children can get into.

Even when taking a bath, a child can burst out with "Fight? Fight, with the humblest dream...".

Even, it’s not just limited to offline.

Online, tens of thousands of children took their parents' mobile phones and posted their own singing of "The Lonely Warrior" on the Internet, and started asking for likes or PK mode.


Douyin fell.

Station B fell.

WeChat fell.


The family fell.

Kindergarten collapsed.

Elementary school collapsed.

The mall collapsed.


The whole network was completely blown up!

On Weibo, netizens were already in a state of shock.

"Crazy people, meet here!"

"You idiot, meet here!"



"The world is taken over by children?"

"Holy shit! What's going on?"

"What the hell, why are there kids everywhere singing "The Lonely Warrior"?"

"I'm going to choke you up. When I woke up after a nap, the entire internet was flooded with "The Lonely Warrior"?"

"No, why are all the children around singing 'I love you and walking alone in a dark alley'?"

"Around? Brother, you have become too small. Is there any child in China who doesn't know this song?"

"Not only do they know it, but they all know how to sing it!"

"Can you believe it? My one-and-a-half-year-old brother, even his parents can't understand, can actually sing "The Lonely Warrior".

"I believe it! Because I also have such a brother in my family."


The netizens were all blown away, and each one was so shocked that they almost lost consciousness.

too crazy.

How ridiculous.

Naturally, the trending search exploded.

["The Lonely Warrior" is popular all over China and is loved by hundreds of millions of children]

[In a few days, "The Lonely Warrior" conquered Chinese children]

["The Lonely Warrior" has become a common password for children under the age of ten]

[Kindergarten children: You can’t even sing “The Lonely Warrior”? 】

[This song even surpassed the spread speed of "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style" and "Little Apple\

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