My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 436 One person takes the top ten! ! !

Internationally, major media outlets are all abuzz.

Countless news poured out.

[Xilou VS 26 fairy tale writers, the results are announced today]

[The top ten fairy tales, crushing other stories at a cliff]

[Unprecedented PK, unprecedented fairy tale explosion]

[Whose work is "Snow White" will be revealed soon! 】

[Once the author of "The Daughter of the Sea" is exposed, he will definitely shock the world]

Originally, fairy tales were just a niche industry, but now they have become a global hot spot.

Conservative estimates suggest that today more than a billion people are waiting for the results from the Children's Literature Association.

Of course, the Children's Literature Association has also officially announced that it will launch a global live broadcast on Instagram to instantly announce the real author of each fairy tale.

Netizens around the world were excited.

"Ah ah ah, hurry up and announce it."

"I've been waiting for it for a long time."

"Ha! Today, let this arrogant guy from the East in Xilou know what it means to be disgraced."

"After today, he will know what shame is."

"Joshua, are you still so humble to this day? You should admit that "Snow White" was written by you earlier. As your die-hard fan, I called on the whole family to vote for it hundreds of times. Are you touched? "

"Mr. Gabriel, I spent all of my month's salary to promote your "Cinderella". I also severely suppressed another work that copied your style, "The Magic of Little Zebra". At what level do I dare to imitate you? So, can’t you give me a set of autographed books?”


Various comments flood the Internet.

In fact, at 10 o'clock in the evening in China the day before, the Children's Official Association announced that it had stopped voting, and began to synthesize the data from all over the world, such as the number of votes cast, the number of readings of the works, the reputation of the works, and the number of people affected, to make final statistics. .

At this time, the referee team was once again shocked to discover something:

The data in all aspects of the ten works including "Snow White" have all reached a terrifying height.

The first is voting. The lowest number of global votes for "The Ugly Duckling" actually reached an astonishing 60 million.

"Daughter of the Sea", which has the most votes, has exceeded 100 million votes!

As for the number of readings of the works, the lowest number on the entire network has reached one billion!

The reputation of the works is all above 9.0.

The radiation crowd is even more exaggerated.

Needless to say, in Europe and the United States, with the support of a group of crazy fans, even an eighty-year-old lady knows about Cinderella and Snow White. Even in China, these fairy tales have been widely circulated.

Not to mention Snow White, even characters such as the Ugly Duckling and Cinderella are talked about by many children every day.

"This... is too scary."

Matthew's eyes were staring straight.

Because according to this data, in just one month, these ten fairy tales have all met the qualifications for inclusion in the "Global Fairy Tale Encyclopedia"!

In fact, Matthew knew how good they were when he first saw them. But I still feel that one month is too short. No matter how excellent these works are, it will be difficult for them to qualify for inclusion in the "Global Fairy Tale Encyclopedia" in such a short period of time.

But now!

Not to mention being selected, all the data even crushed the fairy tales previously selected in the "Global Fairy Tale Encyclopedia".

"What to do?"

"what to do?"

Matthew and other people from the Children's Literature Association felt for the first time that there was trouble even if the work was too good.

Originally, their association's initial decision was to select one or two of the best works from both sides of this duel and include them in the "Global Fairy Tales Encyclopedia".

But now...these ten fairy tales all meet the qualifications!

Trouble is coming.

Because the Children's Literature Association has basically determined the qualifications of 20 works to be selected into the "Global Fairy Tale Encyclopedia" before, and now adding these ten fairy tales, it is far beyond the standard.

what to do?

The matter was left to the president to handle.

Matthew continued to return to the position of referee leader.

At ten o'clock in the evening China time, he and all other referees started a global live broadcast on Instagram. Some countries and regions that were unable to log in to Instagram, as well as countries with language barriers, broadcast the live broadcast.

For example: Huaxia Weibo prepared this live broadcast and was also equipped with a translator and a host.

Translator translates Matthew's words in real time.

The host is responsible for controlling the scene.

When the live broadcast started, countless netizens from all over the world poured in. Including the live broadcast rooms, it is conservatively estimated to number in the tens of millions.

Instagram live room.

"It's coming, it's coming. I've finally waited for this day."

"Xilou, just wait to be judged!"

"I'm ready to set off firecrackers to celebrate."

“After a month of hard work, it’s finally time to reap the rewards.”

"Hahaha, Xilou, what are you going to fight with?"

"The top ten fairy tale votes all make Xilou desperate."

"Hurry up and announce it. As a fan of Joshua, I can't wait."

China Weibo live broadcast room.

"We've done our best."

"There is no way, the top ten works are too excellent."

"Yes, but as long as half of Xilou's ten fairy tales are in the top twenty, he will become famous all over the world."

"That's right. This time Xilou faces the best fairy tale writers in the world. He can't compare with the top ten, but as long as he can beat a few other fairy tale writers, he will be the winner."

"Xilou is already good enough, don't say anything discouraging."

Yunhai Media.

Wang Mo was sitting in the office, eating melon seeds and watching the live broadcast with a faint smile on his face.

After more than a month, it was finally time for him to reap the rewards.

He is looking forward to how much fame it will bring to him in the future.

What is the best fairy tale?

What breaks out into the international community?

Ultimately it's all about gaining more prestige.

And at the same time.

In many places in Europe and America.

Joshua, Lucas, Gabriel... but many other international fairy tale writers looked pale and stared at the live broadcast.


Several people muttered something silently in their hearts, their faces gloomy.


Matthew cleared his throat and said to the camera: "Dear friends, as a member of the Children's Literature Association and as the leader of the referee team for this duel, today I will make the authors of the 36 fairy tales public and announce that this is Which side won the final victory. Regarding the results I will announce next, as the leader of the referee team, I will be legally responsible for the authenticity and be absolutely fair, just and open. If anyone questions the authenticity of the results, I can be interrogated and even prosecuted by anyone at any time."

After saying this.

Matthew continued: "Next, I will publish the final number of votes based on the 36 works, starting from the last one and going to the first place. Now, let's announce the work with the fewest votes..."

In all live broadcast rooms, netizens almost held their breath.

Because the work with the fewest votes is: "Fantasy Journey to the City of Dreams".

In the past month, many media have analyzed that the author of this fairy tale is Daniel, a North American fairy tale writer.

Now, it depends on whether everyone’s analysis is correct.

The next second.

Matthew said solemnly: "The author of "Fantasy Journey to the City of Dreams" is: Daniel."



The live broadcast room exploded.

"It's indeed Daniel."

"Hahaha, you guessed it right."

"It seems that our judgments are all accurate."

"It's just a pity Daniel."

"Yes, it's a pity. Although he is not the world's top fairy tale king, he is still an outstanding fairy taleist in North America. This time his work was originally very good and could at least enter the top twenty, but his fans are not It was awesome, but I was crushed by the fans of Xilou, and I only got the last place in the end.”


Someone sighed.

Someone was surprised.

However, for international netizens, it was more of a surprise than a sigh. Because they have confirmed one thing: since they have judged Daniel's works correctly, other fairy tale writers are also right.

Can’t be wrong!


This wave is stable!

In excitement.

Matthew finally gets around to announcing the penultimate author.

This time, he glanced at the work, then at the author, his pupils shrank slightly, and he sighed slightly. It seems very helpless and unacceptable.

Netizens, on the other hand, have already been excited.

"The penultimate one is "Crystal Princess", hahaha, it's the work of the guy who imitated Gabriel."

"I want to see who is so bold as to impersonate Master Gabriel."

"Mad, even a blind person can see that "Cinderella" is Gabriel's work."

"Hurry up and find out who it is!"

"Wait for the fans to salivate!"


Matthew glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, shook his head helplessly, and then uttered a sentence: "The author of "The Magic of Little Zebra" is: Gabriel."

The voice is very soft.

But it was like thunder exploding.

Just for a moment.

There was dead silence among the tens of millions of netizens in the live broadcast room. Everyone looked at the screen blankly, thinking they heard wrongly.

He asked after a moment.


"What did you say?"

"Didn't hear you clearly? Say it again!"

"Is that wrong??"

Matthew had no choice but to repeat it again: "Listen up! The work created by Mr. Gabriel is "The Magic of Little Zebra"."

The magic of little zebras!


This time I got it right, and heard it clearly because Matthew deliberately slowed down his speech.


Countless netizens in front of the live broadcast room were stunned for a moment, their heads buzzing.



Even the guest who was working as a translator in the Weibo live broadcast room was confused for a long time before he stammered and translated Matthew's words.

At that moment, it was as if time stopped for a moment.



The news announced by Matthew was like an earth-shattering shock, which directly shook the world.



"Oh my god?"


"How can it be?"

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!!!"

"It's fake, it must be fake."

Everyone thought that Gabriel's work was "Cinderella", and even many fans were convinced that "The Magic of Little Zebra" was a counterfeit of his work, and then suppressed it hard, so that it was stepped down to the second to last place.

But the current result left everyone stunned and reversed, almost suffocating.


Before everyone could recover from their sluggishness.

Matthew has once again announced the ownership of the next work: "The author of "Flower~Garden~Spirit~Spirit": Joshua~Shua~Ya."

This time, in order not to distract everyone, he not only accentuated his tone, but also slowed down his speaking speed several times.

Third from the bottom, Joshua?

"Garden Spirit", the fairy tale that was attacked by Joshua fans, was actually the work of their idol?

? ? ?

! ! !

Another thunder.

The explosion caused everyone's consciousness to go blank.

Especially Joshua's fans, their pupils were shocked and they almost doubted their life. Many people just listened to Matthew's words, their lips were trembling, and they sat transfixed in front of the screen.


What is this?

how so?

Matthew's voice continued: "'Kingdom of Shadows', Lancelot."


Another world-class fairy tale king, and now ranked fourth from the bottom.

Everyone is numb.

Just like a sculpture, I listened blankly to Matthew's reading.

"Captain Ghost's Treasure, Ilea."

"Garden of Dreams, Steven."

"The Mischief of the Elf, Lancelot."


One, two, three... When all the more than ten people who voted at the bottom this time were read out by Matthew.

The entire network has already become dead silent.



All live broadcast rooms are so silent that there is almost no barrage, as if there is no one in the live broadcast room.

However, the hearts of tens of millions of netizens around the world are all blown to pieces at this moment.

The world-famous fairy tale kings they were familiar with, and all the most famous world-class fairy tale kings who challenged Xilou this time, were all reduced to the last ten or so.

This result is no less than an earthquake for the fairy tale circle.

Countless people were stunned like this, their souls were sucked away, and their whole people turned into shells.


"Are we all wrong? Are we all wrong?"

"how so?"


Many people want to cry without tears and doubt their life.

But a more serious question soon arose: since they were all supporting the wrong one, who were they supporting?

What the hell!

Who is riding the horse in the top ten? ! ! !

Not Joshua, not Lucas, not Steven...not any of the top fairy tale kings they thought. Could it be that the top ten fairy tale authors are all Frederick, Ryan and others?

All these people broke out?

In Europe and the United States, countless netizens are pulling their hair.

Almost crazy.

Only Chinese netizens laughed.

"Idiots, they are all idiots. They support the wrong people and they don't know it yet, hahahaha~~~"

"Sure enough, these European and American netizens are not very smart."

"You're laughing so hard, you're stomping on your idols. They're all talented!"

"Joshua probably fainted in the toilet from crying."

"And Lucas, Gabriel...these fairy tale kings all died at the hands of their fans, oh my god!"

European and American netizens are stupid.

But the fans in Xilou were all dumbfounded.

They have never seen such stupid fans who trampled all their idols one by one. In fact, if it weren't for the fans' crazy support, the final result would not be so tragic based on the quality of Joshua and Lucas's works. However, who would have thought that his fans would become his murderers. Where does this make sense?

"We are wiser."

"Supporting Xilou starts from supporting the last ten."

"Even though we couldn't get into the top 10, it's a huge success now."

"Of course, Xilou has defeated all the world's fairy tale kings. It's a joy to congratulate."

"Xilou, rise up!"

"It's your honor to have fans like us."


The next second, the clamor of the fans in the West Tower stopped abruptly.

Because Matthew has already begun to announce the authors of the 11th to 20th fairy tale works, and almost all of these works are believed by Xilou fans and even the entire Chinese netizens to be written by Xilou.

Now is the time for the results to be revealed!


Matthew's voice came out: "Deep Sea Warriors, Brett."

cloth! thunder! special!


It's not the West Tower, it's not the West Tower they thought it was.

Fans in Xilou were stunned for a moment, with blank expressions on their faces just like the European and American netizens just now.

They worked hard and supported the work for a month, but it was not written by Xilou?

It was the turn of European and American netizens to mock mercilessly: "Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. I thought you were so amazing, but it turns out you supported the wrong person?"

Just the next second, a basin of cold water was poured down.

A netizen said coldly: "Laughing to death? Are you stupid? "Deep Sea Warrior" is more terrifying if the author is not Xi Lou!!! Because since it was not written by Xi Lou, it means At least one of Xilou's works is in the top ten. So don't laugh like an idiot."


The laughter of European and American netizens stopped suddenly and fell into sluggishness.


Since "Deep Sea Warrior" was not written by Xilou, under the premise that there are only 19 works without revealing the author's name, it proves that at least one of Xilou's works has entered the top ten!

top ten!

The top ten of that fault!

The top ten that made everyone suffocate when they saw the votes and made waves around the world!

"Xi Lou, is there really a work in the top ten?"

" could this happen?"

"Oh my god?!"

"Lucas and other world-famous fairy tale kings didn't even make it into the top twenty. However, Xilou has a work that entered the top ten. This... this..."

"We originally wanted to see how the West Tower was crushed, but it turned out to be the other way around?"

"Fortunately, although Lucas and others had their crotches pulled, other less famous fairy tale writers broke out this time, which saved us a little face."

"Yes, I estimate that in the first ten miles, Xilou only has one work. The other nine are all from Lan Fang. Although this result is not very satisfactory, it can be accepted reluctantly."


Under discussion.

Matthew has already begun announcing the author of his next work: "Legend of Gemstones, Ryan."


Still not the West Tower!

Now, Xilou fans, who had been calm at first, could no longer sit still.

Did they vote wrong again?

So how are they different from fans of Joshua and Lucas?

However, at this moment, European and American netizens no longer have the intention to laugh at them, because since "Legend of Gemstones" was not written by Xilou, it means that two of Xilou's works have entered the top ten!

Two articles! ! !

They want to cry.

What is this concept?

Even one of the top ten fairy tales is enough to amaze the world. You, Xilou, wrote two of them by yourself?

at the same time.

The 26 fairy tale writers who challenged Xilou also became confused.

An unknown fairy tale writer from the East, a little person they didn't even bother to challenge, wrote two works that were enough to shake up the fairy tale circle?

Many people's minds become rigid and unable to think.

Dan sells.

Frederick's face was full of bitterness: "I understand. No wonder Xilou dared to take on our challenge. It turns out that he has such ability and the ability to create the most top-notch fairy tales. It was me who overestimated my abilities..."

North America.

There was no arrogance in Joshua's eyes anymore: "It's a top ten work... I'm not as good as it."

Lucas: "I lost, completely. Just because he had two works in the top ten, I am far inferior to him."

Every fairy tale writer who participated in the challenge lowered their proud heads and looked decadent.

They originally thought that this was the limit of what Xilou could do.


Little did they know that the real shock had just begun.

Matthew’s voice continues to be heard throughout the world through the live broadcast room.

"Dream Keeper, Damian."

"The Crystal Princess, Frederic."

"Mystic Melody, Jennifer."


Seventeenth, sixteenth... eleventh, tenth...

Not the West Building.

Still not the West Tower.

None of it is Xilou.

When only the top ten works were left without author names, Xilou's name still did not appear.

However, the names of the 26 fairy tale writers who challenged Xilou were all announced.

After seeing this, many people almost felt a throbbing of their souls in their hearts, and their expressions became extremely exaggerated.





There are even many people who can't control their bodies and tremble in front of the computer.

Netizens don’t need to say anything.

Even in the fairy tale circles around the world, after realizing something, they felt their hearts beating violently at this moment, as if their hearts were about to jump out of their chests.


"He's the one in the top ten?"

"Absolutely impossible."


Countless people murmured to themselves, their throats dry.

Many people are even wondering whether Matthew's announcement was wrong. They are waiting for Matthew's correction, waiting for the last glimmer of hope and expectation.


They didn't expect what they expected.

Instead, a storm is waiting for the entire fairy tale circle, and even the entire world.

Matthew's voice was high-pitched and solemn, as if it was a trial:

"Author of "Snow White": Xilou."

"Author of "The Ugly Duckling": Xilou."

"The author of "Little Red Riding Hood": Xilou."

"Author of "Cinderella": Xilou."

"Author of "The Little Match Girl": Xilou."

"...Author: Xilou."

“…West ​​Tower”

“…West ​​Tower”


This time, Matthew never paused again, but read out all the top ten fairy tale authors at once.

The sound was like thunder, exploding in everyone's ears and even deep in their hearts.

Whole network.



fairy tale circle, and even the entire literary world.

After hearing a series of "Xi Lou" names, everyone felt the hair on their backs stand on end, as if there was a chill going from the top of their heads to the bottom of their hearts. (End of chapter)

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