My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 450 The pinnacle figure! They're all here!

When Jiro Miyata contacted his teacher Xiangtian, Wang Mo also made a call.

"Hello? Mr. Zhao?"

Wang Mo contacted Zhao Shu.

Although it was two o'clock in the morning here in New York, it happened to be afternoon in China.

So Zhao Shu quickly answered the phone and said with a smile: "Xiao Wang, it's rare for you to call me."

Wang Mo coughed: "The main reason is that I am too busy. I will definitely visit you next time I return to China."


When Zhao Shu heard this, he quickly asked: "Are you not in the country?"

Wang Mo hummed: "I just came to North America."

Zhao Shu was even more surprised: "Why did you go there suddenly?"

Wang Mo explained the arrangement of the film for "Kung Fu", and then went straight to the topic: "Mr. Zhao, I heard a few days ago that there was a world-class concert held in New York in North America?"

Zhao Shu nodded: "Yes, it's called the 'International Music Hall Night' and is held every four years. It can be regarded as the Olympics in the music industry."

Wang Mo: "Did China participate?"

Zhao Shu: "Of course, how could we miss such a world-class concert event? Especially in the past one or two years, our Chinese music level has improved a lot, and the children are thinking about going there to show off their talents. Due to time It happens to be the sixth day after the Chinese New Year, so I am planning to leave China on the fourth day and lead the team to New York. Huh? Why did you ask this? Didn't you say you are not interested in such music events? "

Wang Mo coughed: "Don't I happen to be in New York? That's why I called you to ask about it after hearing about it."

Speaking of which.

His voice became serious: "Mr. Zhao, I am going to attend this concert."


Zhao Shu didn't react at first.

But after a moment, he said in surprise: "Really?"

Wang Mo: "Really."

Zhao Shu's voice suddenly rose: "Hahaha, okay! Okay! With your kid's participation, I will have confidence in this trip to North America. At least I won't be at the bottom like before in terms of piano. Neither will we." You may say that you have the demeanor of a great country, but it is just gaudy. Hahaha, will you come back before the end of the year? If you come back, I will come to give you New Year greetings!"

It can be seen that Zhao Shu is really happy.

He, a great music figure in China, actually said that he wanted to pay Wang Mo a New Year's greeting.

Wang Mo was shocked. Was he trying to shorten his life?

He quickly said: "Mr. Zhao, I am here to wish you a happy New Year. But it is the end of the year now, and I still have a series of things to do in North America, so I may not be able to go back."

Zhao Shu nodded: "In that case, then you wait for me there. I will go there a little earlier and leave immediately after the first day of the Lunar New Year. I will bring you some dumplings made by your aunt so that you can have our New Year's dinner abroad. .”


Wang Mo responded.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at the time. It was already the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and there was only half a month left before the Chinese New Year. Next, "Kung Fu" is about to land in North America and even the world. The team needs to continue to communicate with Kenneth and others to start promotion and film arrangement here, so he has no time to return to China.

Moreover, he planned to take advantage of this time to plan how to participate in the International Music Hall Night.

All for the sake of reputation... Ahem, that's wrong, all for the sake of the nation!

Yuan Xiong couldn't go back to celebrate the New Year.

Yuan Xiong has more things to do. When he comes to North America this time, in addition to the "Kung Fu" matter, he also needs to create a branch of Yunhai Media here to pave the way for Yunhai Media's international business.

This is Yunhai Media's official entry into the international arena, so Yuan Xiong attaches great importance to it.

The next day.

AMC first announced the latest theater schedule in North America. Many North American movie fans discovered that a movie from China has entered major theaters called "Kongfu". Although this movie's schedule only accounts for about 3% of the theaters, many fans still went to the theaters out of curiosity about Chinese Kung Fu.

The first day, just testing the waters.

Almost everyone in the industry, including Kenneth, had no hope for the movie. Although Kenneth said "Kung Fu" was good when watching the movie that day, he mainly wanted to give Wang Mo face. In his heart, he still had no expectations for the performance of a Chinese movie at the North American box office.


Something unexpected happened.

On the first day, the box office was released.

"Kung Fu" actually received a single-day box office of US$760,000 with only 3% of the theater schedule, ranking fifth in the single-day box office in North America!

Maybe it was just an accident on the first day, but until the second day when "Kung Fu" once again took in a single-day box office of 810,000 US dollars, ranking fifth in the North American box office, North American theater kings including Kenneth, and even many people in the industry revealed A look of surprise.

"Is this Chinese movie so powerful?"

"Has the Chinese booked the venue?"

"No, I have done a survey and found that the proportion of Chinese in many theaters is not high. Most of them are Europeans and Americans. They all go to see the movie for the gimmick of Chinese Kung Fu. The key is that the reviews after watching it are quite good, so the reputation is Woke up."


Word of mouth has picked up.

On Rotten Tomatoes, "Kung Fu" scored an impressive 8.7 points.

It did well at the box office and received excellent reviews.

What are you waiting for?

For this kind of movie, let alone Wang Mo's reputation, even if it doesn't, theaters will increase their film schedule.

The third day.

All North American theater chains have increased the film schedule of "Kung Fu" to 11%.

This kind of film arrangement can already be called a large-scale release!

At the same time, AMC opened channels for the global release of "Kung Fu" and put it on theater screens in more than 20 countries and regions around the world.

This means that "Kung Fu" has officially launched its global large-scale release!

When the news spread back to China.

The entire entertainment industry was stunned.

The industry exploded.

Weibo exploded.

Almost everyone was visibly seething.

No one expected that "Kung Fu" showed strong box office strength in China, and even though it almost topped the box office, it actually opened up international channels.

For the Chinese film and television industry, this news is even more shocking than winning the domestic box office championship.

There were exclamations.

No one knows how Yunhai Media obtained theater resources at the international level.

Canxing Culture and Qiming Entertainment held a core meeting almost immediately, but there was silence at the meeting, with frustration and helplessness on everyone's faces.

Because they know that the gap between them and Yunhai Media has become so big that they cannot catch up.

The era of the three major entertainment companies is gone forever.

Qiming Entertainment is okay, its foundation is still there.

However, due to the incident in "Magic City Fortress", Canxing Culture has fallen into a precarious state in all aspects, and it is not known how long it can last.

As for Yunhai Media, the top management is also at a loss.


Wang Mo just went to North America for a few days and opened up international theater chains?


Can you please stop being such a monster?

You are flying with Yunhai Media all the way!

To say that you can fly with your company is not an exaggeration at all. Because after the news came out, Yunhai Media's stock price immediately hit the daily limit, and it even reached the daily limit for the next three consecutive days!

Its stock price soared from 150 yuan to more than 200 yuan!

Yunhai Media's market value soared by more than 20 billion in three days! The current market value has reached 80 billion. Judging from the current situation, it is certain that it will become a billion-level entertainment giant.

Recalling that a few years ago, when Wang Mo collapsed, the market value of Yunhai Media once dropped to more than 10 billion. But now it is expected to become a 100-billion-dollar company.

Most of these achievements were achieved almost by Wang Mo alone.

Many people get numb when they think of this.

Not surprisingly.

The reward for Wang Mo is here again.

On the 20th of the twelfth lunar month, Yunhai Media held its year-end shareholders’ meeting.

At the meeting, the board of directors decided to give Wang Mo another 5 million company shares, with the value reaching 1 billion!

Of course, one billion is just a small thing.

Because after Wang Mo received the one million shares, his shareholding ratio in Yunhai Media had increased to 3.5%, and he officially became the company's largest individual shareholder.

In the board of directors, many people are crazy with envy, but they are willing to do so.

Because they all know that the success of Yunhai Media today is entirely due to Wang Mo alone. No matter how many shares he gets, he deserves it.

North America.

Yuan Xiong looked at Wang Mo, his eyes bulging out: "I said Ah Mo, the company gave you one billion as a year-end bonus, one billion!"

Wang Mo glanced at him: "You are no less."


There are also many Yuan Xiong.

As the head of the new department, Yuan Xiong was awarded 50,000 dividend shares worth 10 million due to the outstanding performance of the new department. However, Yuan Xiong was not very happy. After all, he had just lost three million real money. And these 50,000 dividend shares cannot be converted into money at all, and can only be paid as dividends.

So overall, he's been doing nothing for the past year.

What a sin!

After calming down, Yuan Xiong continued: "Forget it, I told you that money hurts your self-esteem. Let's get down to business. The global box office momentum of "Kung Fu" has been quite good recently. According to the evaluation of the company's professional team, the overseas box office of "Kung Fu" is expected to exceed 100 million. US dollars, creating an international miracle for Chinese films. As for its total box office, it has already broken China’s record. So the company has decided to send the film to Cannes and officially participate in the Cannes Film Festival in May."

Wang Mo has no objection to this: "Brother Xiong, you can make the decision. You don't have to tell me."

Yuan Xiong: "Of course I have to tell you, after all, you may have to go to Cannes to support these little guys like Zhong An and Chai Qing, so as not to lose face."


Wang Mo was speechless.

Brother, I'm only twenty-four years old, why do I sound like an old guy in your mouth?

However, Wang Mo was still very interested when he thought about the Cannes Film Festival. After all, in his previous life, he had seen many news about many mainland stars walking the red carpet in Cannes, and he also wanted to walk the most famous carpet in the world.

Yuan Xiong continued: "In addition, the International Music Hall Night will start in ten days. You'd better prepare some music scores in advance for emergencies. Because I heard that at this grand ceremony, the country and the There are a lot of exchanges between countries. Since you are going to participate, you must be well prepared."

"I know."

Wang Mo nodded.

After Yuan Xiong left.

He fell into deep thought: "On the night of the International Music Hall, no matter what, I need to prepare a few piano pieces in advance. Anyway, now that I have a good reputation, I will prepare ten...twenty pieces."

Thinking of this, he immediately entered the system and opened the system mall.

It didn’t take long to find the piano library.

"This song is good, buy it!"

"This is a classic, buy it!"

"Beethoven? Buy it!"

"Mozart? Buy it!"

"Huh? Violin music? Maybe you can use it. Buy it and keep it as a spare."

"Hey, symphony? I have to buy it."

"Buy, buy, buy!"

Over the past long period of time, Wang Mo's reputation has risen to more than 40 million.

Being wealthy, he spent more than 10 million yuan at one time to purchase more than 20 various music scores.

Including piano music, violin music, orchestral music, and even ballets and symphonies.

After getting the music done.

Wang Mo frowned: "The music score is enough now, but my piano skills seem to be still at a professional level, which is a bit low..."

This time he has to face a group of top musicians in the world.

So we must make the most adequate preparations.

Looked at the reputation.

Although I spent more than 10 million on reputation just now, it is still almost 30 million.

In this case.

Wang Mo said without hesitation: "System, I want to improve my piano playing skills to the master level."

Master level, 10 million reputation!

This was the first time he spent 10 million to upgrade one of his skills to the master level.

I felt a little excited.

As his voice fell, a message appeared in the system: [Received the host's request, deducted 10 million reputation, the host's piano playing skills have been upgraded to the master level. 】

"Is this the end?"

Wang Mo found that his body seemed to have not changed at all.

At this moment, he really wanted to find a piano to test his piano playing level, but in the end he resisted his inner impulse.

Looked at the reputation.

"There are still more than 20 million, so there is no need to buy anything else for the time being..."

Wang Mo was about to exit the system when his eyes suddenly froze slightly.

He saw something.

"Western Instrument Expert Skill Pack? What is this?"

System response: [After purchasing this skill package, the host can play all Western musical instruments, and the skills are expert level. 】


Wang Mo's heart skipped a beat.

Because he was very familiar with this skill package. When he opened the golden treasure chest, he had received a similar reward, which allowed him to master all the musical instruments in China. This was also the basis for him to crush the eleven countries later.

Unexpectedly, now I saw another "Western Instrument" skill package.


Not buying?

I looked at the price, 10 million reputation!

Good guy, another ten million!

Is it worth it?

The names of Western musical instruments flashed in Wang Mo's mind: violin, cello, piano, accordion, clarinet, guitar, string instruments, saxophone, flute... dozens of kinds.

In other words, only a few hundred thousand reputations are allocated to each musical instrument.

Hundreds of thousands of reputations can buy you expert-level skills on a musical instrument, absolutely worth it!

"Bought it!"

He gritted his teeth and made a decision.

The system now reads: [Congratulations to the host, you spent 10 million reputations to purchase the Western Instrument Expert Skill Pack, which allows you to play all Western instruments. 】

That’s it.

Wang Mo suppressed his violent heartbeat.

This is the first time he has been so generous after getting the system, spending more than 30 million in reputation.

He almost wiped out all the money he had accumulated in the past two years.

But it's worth it.

With these skills and musical scores, he has the confidence to participate in the high-end competition known as the world's first music festival.

time flies.

When that year came, "Kung Fu" finally exited the big screen in China, and the domestic box office was fixed at 5.06 billion.

Internationally, "Kung Fu" is still being released in full swing, and its total overseas box office has reached 60 million U.S. dollars. Although it is only more than 400 million dollars when converted into Chinese dollars, it is enough to make "Kung Fu" the number one box office in China.

Moreover, it has only been released for half a month, and it will not be a problem to exceed 100 million US dollars in the future.

In a state of joy.

Wang Mo, Yuan Xiong, and the crew of "Kung Fu" spent a not-so-busy year in New York.

I made a phone call to go home and say New Year greetings.

Except for missing him a little, my parents are doing well.

After the year.

On the second day of the first lunar month, Wang Mo received Zhao Shu at the airport, who had come from afar, and a music team of more than ten people led by Zhao Shu. Each one of them was very young, and the oldest one looked to be in his thirties.

Zhao Shu was very excited when he saw Wang Mo. He pointed at the team behind him and said: "Xiao Wang, these young people are all talented musicians who have emerged in recent years. I have to thank you because of your relationship. During the one year that the representatives of the eleven countries and Miyata Jiro taught at Yangyin, they brought too much advanced music theory knowledge, which made our music level develop by leaps and bounds. This time I brought They come to see the world, and I hope that through the influence of this music festival, they can grow up early and follow your footsteps to the world."

"Hello, Teacher Wuyan."

"Senior Wuyan."


A group of young people in their early twenties greeted Wang Mo cautiously. The look he looked at Wang Mo was full of admiration.

In the minds of music students, Wang Mo is a god-like existence.

Wang Mo smiled and said a few words, then led them to the hotel.

On the way, Zhao Shu said enthusiastically: "Ah Mo, you are the one who defeated Miyata Jiro. I think your talent on the piano is not far behind even if you have not reached the level of a piano master. So I think this time the music On the Hall Night, you can definitely lead our team to create history on the piano and win the top three or even the first place. Because I know that the International Music Hall Night has not had any music masters participate in it for several years. So as long as you go, Absolutely crushing everyone on the piano.”

Wang Mo smiled: "It depends on the situation."

Zhao Shu turned on his mobile phone: "Media reporters are always the most well-informed. Come! Let's see what famous musicians are coming to the scene this year. As far as I know, the most famous one is Jiro Miyata. ,However……"

As he spoke, he opened his ins.

The next second, Zhao Shu's voice stopped abruptly.

Wang Mo saw this and said in surprise: "Mr. Zhao, what's wrong?"

Zhao Shu had no reaction, but his face became extremely shocked.

After a moment, he murmured: "Are you crazy?"


Wang Mo grabbed the phone and took a look, his pupils also shrank.

I saw the headline on Instagram, which read in red and bold text: "Piano master Mr. Aida held a press conference to prepare to participate in the 'International Music Hall Night' four days later."

Aida is here?

Wang Mo turned around and saw Zhao Shu saying in an extremely incredible voice: "How is it possible? Master Xiangtian has not participated in the Music Hall Night for more than ten years, why did he come suddenly this time?"

Wang Mo was also extremely surprised, because last time he heard Erlang Miyata say that he was here to replace Aang Tian.

But things suddenly changed?

However, Zhao Shu's shock was far from over.

Because just when he refreshed his Instagram to see the details.

The next second, another message popped up:

[Piano master Romando finished his vacation and rushed to New York on a special plane! 】

"Romando is here too?"

Zhao Shu couldn't bear it any longer, and his voice became sharp.

Romando comes to New York at this time, what else can he do? Definitely for a music festival!

at the same time.

The global media has already exploded.

Two piano masters gathered in New York for a night at the Music Hall. This has not happened for 20 or 30 years!

How could such an incident not make reporters crazy?

A reporter stood at the airport and broadcast an impassioned live broadcast: "God! I can't imagine! I've known about the 'International Music Hall Night', the world's top music event, since I was born, but I have never seen it at an event. Masters. But this time I may be lucky enough to meet two piano masters at the competition!

Although I am still not sure why Master Aida and Master Romando came here by chance. Maybe they have an agreement? Maybe they have some conflict? But what is certain is that with the participation of these two masters, this ‘International Music Hall Night’ will probably become extremely exciting! "

The reporter spoke passionately for a while, and then said: "I already know that Master Romando's plane will land here in three hours, so from now on, let's welcome this master together! I have already pressed Not as good as..."

The next second.


The reporter dropped the microphone in his hand and he was stunned.

Just stared blankly at the airport exit.

In the live broadcast room, while all the netizens were still surprised, they followed the reporter's gaze and noticed the person coming from the airport exit.



The live broadcast room was like a volcano erupting, and the barrage exploded.

"Oh my god, who did I see?"

"That old man with the black hat, is Master Simon?"

"It must be him! It's definitely him!"

"Oh! My God! Master Simon is here? He is the most outstanding music master in the world today! His fame is still on the list of Aida and Romando!"


At the airport gate, an old man wearing a black top hat, a cane in his hand, and a suit walked out.

The old man has sharp eyes and an extraordinary temperament.

This old man is clearly Simon, known as the music master.

A person who can be called a music master is at a higher level than a piano master. Simon, a legend in the music industry, has not appeared in front of the public for many years.

But today, he is here.

The reporter's heart was suffocating, but he didn't have time to recover.

Behind Simon, three people appeared again.

When the reporter saw them, he felt paralyzed and just muttered: "Oh God~~~"

These three people are:

Music master Charlotte, piano master Stephen, and piano master Rudolf.

The four of them stepped out of the airport with an intimidating momentum.

Many people have never seen such a shocking scene.

"All here?"

The reporter's face was bewildered, and he felt as if he was completely confused. "These are the top figures in the entire music industry, and they are all here?" (End of Chapter)

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