Inside the Metropolitan Opera House, the seats were already packed.

Celebrities from all over the world gathered virtually.

Countless celebrities will not miss the opportunity to appreciate this world-class music bureau. Especially after knowing that this event brought together almost all of today's music tycoons, these upper-class people were even more motivated and flocked to the event.

According to the grapevine.

There are 4,000 tickets for the Metropolitan Opera House, and the price of the VIP seats in the front row has soared thousands of times, but it is still hard to get a ticket.

After all, for these top people, a ticket worth hundreds of thousands is about the same as a meal.

However, if you miss this music festival, it will be a lifelong regret.


Although celebrities dominated the scene, the general public could still enjoy the concert via live broadcast.

This "International Music Hall Night" will officially be broadcast live around the world, and will be broadcast in more than 80 countries and regions!

In addition, the official will also launch online live broadcasts on Instagram and online platforms in many countries.


When music teams from major countries entered the opera house, the live broadcast rooms became abuzz.

"Ahhh, it's our polar bear team!"

"Australia, Australia! Always number one!"

"Fuso Country will definitely win the title of 'Hometown of Music' this time."

"Where is the Music Master? Where is he?"

"I want to see Master Simon and Master Romando."


In China, the Internet is also abuzz.

The entire event will be broadcast live on Weibo and Douyin.

So although Wang Mo and the others saw their country's bus receiving a cold reception at the scene, there was a stir in China's live broadcast room.

"China is mighty!"

"come on!"

"come on!"

"Brother Mo, Brother Mo!"

"Ha! Let these people look down on others. They don't know Brother Mo's interests."

"That's right, I see that these media have been praising Jiro Miyata, but they don't know that Jiro Miyata is actually the loser of Brother Mo!"


Wang Mo's participation in this music festival was not hidden in China.

This is also what Zhao Shu meant. He said that with Wang Mo's influence in China, if the news of Wang Mo's participation in the music festival is released, it will definitely create another wave of enthusiasm for the domestic music trend.

Now it seems that it is indeed the case.

But netizens also learned about the participation of a number of music masters in the music festival, and everyone was emo.

"Fuck, Brother Mo is out of luck."

"Yes, if these old guys don't go, Brother Mo will be the first person in the ceremony to make China suddenly emerge. Now, all his glory will be taken away by these music masters."

"No matter how powerful Brother Mo is, he can't compete with Master..."

"There are so many top music figures, but Brother Mo can't stand alone."

"Oh, time is also destiny."


Although Chinese netizens have strong confidence in Wang Mo and think he is a more talented pianist than Jiro Miyata.

But in their opinion, no matter how evil Wang Mo is, there is no way he can compare with music masters and piano masters.

That's a master standing at the top!

Over the past few decades, only a few have appeared in the world.

Even now, none of the young musicians under the age of thirty in the world have reached the level of a master.

From this, we can see how noble the identity and status of the master is.

Everyone was aggrieved while watching the live broadcast.

8pm New York time.

In a massive music orchestral performance, the "International Music Hall Night" officially began.

The sonorous and powerful music made the blood of the whole audience boil.

Wang Mo listened to it and secretly praised: "Top music, top performance."

This piece of orchestral music is the "Opening" written by the Austrian musician Friedrich three hundred years ago. Its melody is somewhat similar to the "Admission March" written by Strauss in his previous life.



It can be seen from this orchestral piece that Blue Star's top musicians are no worse than those on Earth, and the top tunes are also passed down through the ages. Only in this way can the madness of the music festival be created.

When the orchestra ends.

A host in a suit walked onto the stage and said with a smile: "Welcome to the night of the Music Hall, where you can hear the most beautiful music in the world and enjoy the edification of the soul by music. Although we say that music is a The most healing artistic activity for the soul. But if there is no competition and duel music, it will only make people stagnant. Only if there is competition, will more beautiful music be produced. And the International Music Hall Night is where Come.

Since the opening of this music festival, many world-class musicians and famous compositions have been produced at the festival, making outstanding contributions to the development of music.

I think everyone is looking forward to it. What kind of surprises can this music festival give us?

Next, we will enter the music performance and competition that everyone is most looking forward to.

The first round of competition is: piano performance.

The rules are: 1. Cooperation between composer and performer..."

Wang Mo already understood the rules.

The so-called piano performance means that the country that signed up to participate in the piano performance selects a performer to perform on stage. The music to be performed is up to you.

The music is divided into new original piano music or existing music.

But piano performance is not just a matter of performers, but a combination of composer and performer, and the composer and performer cannot be the same person.

Because the score of piano performance is based on a points system, the full score is ten points, and the score is divided in half by the composer and the performer.

Composer: High five.

Performer: Top five.

If a performer performs an existing piece, regardless of the composer or performer, the maximum score is only 3 points.

And if the performer performs a new original piece, the maximum score for both the composer and the performer will be 5 points.

This mechanism is to encourage performers to perform new songs and not to rest on their laurels.

In this case, the cooperation between composer and performer is very important.

If the two of them cooperate well and get a high score of seven or eight points, they can play a decisive role in the outcome of the game.

But if the cooperation is not good, or some small countries cannot get good music and can only perform famous piano music in history, then no matter how good his performance is, the full score will only be 3 points.

Many netizens lamented.

"This is the strength of the Six Music Kingdoms."

"Who says it isn't? The composers and performers in their country are all top-notch."

"Especially this time, with so many music masters participating, the performers will be even more powerful."

"Alas, except for them, other countries can only eat ashes."

"The strong are always strong."

The six major music kingdoms refer to: Beautiful Country, Australia, Austria, Germany, Italy, and Fusang Country.

Almost every one of these countries has produced one or several music masters, who have made significant contributions to the history of world music development.

After the host announces the rules.

More than 20 countries started drawing lots, and then started the showdown.

Maybe it was luck.

When the results came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Playing order:

First: Austria.

Second: Germany.

Third: Fusang Kingdom.

Then there are the beautiful countries, Australia, and Italy.

In other words, the six major music kingdoms actually won the top six!

Instantly, the netizens who were watching the live broadcast were in an uproar.

"Fuck, God's will, right?"

"Is this a sign that the six music kingdoms will occupy the top six places in piano performance?"

"The country behind is trembling."

"Except for the pianists from these six countries, the others are nothing compared to each other. Just appreciate them."

"Hahaha, it has directly pushed other countries into desperation."


But Chinese netizens were dumbfounded.

Because Zhao Shu didn't look at the almanac when he went out, he got seventh place in the draw.

Now Chinese netizens are numb.

"What luck?"

"Mr. Zhao, are you too lucky?"

"After the six major music kingdoms have performed, if we go up again, it will be nothing. We will lose in terms of momentum."

"Even Brother Mo can't save the situation."

"What can we do? This time, all our hopes were placed on Brother Mo's piano, but we didn't expect that the lottery was drawn. It's over, it's over."


Zhao Shu was also almost depressed, and said helplessly: "I'm so lucky."

Wang Mo smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, no matter which ranking you win, it's all a competition."

Zhao Shu shook his head: "If you are the one to play, then I won't worry about you. But you have to participate in the original piano solo later, so I can only send Qi Haoyu this round. Although he has a good talent in piano playing, but Compared to the talented young talents from the six major music kingdoms, it is far, far behind."

Wang Mo smiled and said: "It's okay, didn't you leave the composing to me?"

Zhao Shu sighed: "No matter how good you are in composing, there's nothing you can do if his piano playing skills don't improve. It may even ruin your good music."

Wang Mo raised his eyebrows: "Don't worry! I have a sense of discretion on this matter."


Zhao Shu still had worry on his face.

The pressure on Qi Haoyu, a young man in his twenties, to come on stage after the performances of talents from the six major music kingdoms can be imagined. In addition, Qi Haoyu's performance level is only a little above the professional level, so I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult. oh.

I hope it doesn't make too much of a embarrassment.

He didn't place any hope on Qi Haoyu, he just hoped that the other party would not make a fool of himself and embarrass himself.

All his hopes are still in Wang Mo's final original piano solo, which is China's most promising and eye-catching program.

As for Qi Haoyu?

Although Zhao Shu knew that Wang Mo would cooperate with Qi Haoyu, the two completed the piano performance together. But no matter how good the music given by Wang Mo is, it doesn't matter if Qi Haoyu can't perform it well.

It's like if a chef is not good enough, the lobster and abalone dinner he makes will be unpalatable.

When Zhao Shu sighed repeatedly.

The scene suddenly burst into warm applause.

It turns out that the Austrian pianist who was drawn first has already taken the stage.

In an instant, netizens were excited again.

"It's Mitchell!"

"Austria's most famous pianist."

"I heard that his playing level is almost the same as that of a master."


At the same time, Mitchell, who was wearing a suit and tie, also smiled and said the piece he was going to perform today: "I am performing a new piano piece "Dance of the Soul" recently composed by my teacher Mr. Stephen. Please give me your advice. "

Wang Mo's pupils narrowed.

Good guy!


Wang Mo weighed Mitchell in his mind and found that his playing level was probably equivalent to Lang Lang in his previous life.

Even slightly better than Jiro Miyata, but Jiro Miyata is a composer and performer, and is more famous than Mitchell.

And his teacher Stephen is a piano master.

The two are an absolute king combination.

Sure enough, after hearing Mitchell's words, the scene became agitated again.

"Mr. Stephen composes the music!"

"Oh, this is the benefit of having a piano master in your country. Master Stephen composes the music and Mitchell performs it. It's really awesome."

"Wow! Mr. Stephen's new work? Looking forward to it!"


The noise in the theater disappeared and the whole place was silent.

Mitchell sat in the center of the massive stage and began playing.

The soft piano music spread throughout the audience, and many people's faces immediately showed intoxication.

"Sounds good."


"Close your eyes and enjoy life to the fullest."

As the head of AMC theaters, Kenneth was also present, listening carefully to Mitchell's piano performance.

The piano music of "Dance of the Soul" is an affectionate piece of music. However, he, who has always liked this kind of piano music the most, listened to it absent-mindedly.

Next to him, a celebrity glanced at Kenneth in surprise and whispered, "Mr. Kenneth, are you out of sorts?"

In the entire upper class society in Europe and America, who doesn’t know that Kenneth is a true music enthusiast?

Not long ago, he spent a lot of money to invite Jiro Miyata to perform alone with his small private group.


Hearing Mitchell's performance and hearing Stephen's new music, Kenneth will definitely turn into a fan.

But now, listening to the new piano music of the piano master Stephen, who has a better playing technique than Jiro Miyata, Kenneth did not show any enthusiasm at all, but his eyes were empty, which was really surprising.

After hearing his words, Kenneth frowned slightly and shook his head slightly.

The celebrity didn't know that Kenneth's heart was extremely confused at this moment: "How could it be? The piano music "Dance of the Soul" played by Mitchell was actually similar to the "Memorial of Love" I listened to a few days ago. But " "Memorial of Love" surpasses "Dance of the Soul" both in terms of melody and artistic conception. Is Mr. Wang's level even better than that of Master Stephen?"

This discovery left Kenneth haunted.

He originally thought that the last time "Sea of ​​Clouds Under the Moonlight" surpassed Romando's "Beauty in the Clouds" was just a coincidence.

But the second piece is even better than Stephen’s piece.

That would be a bit scary.

The key is.

Wang Mo is only twenty-four years old...

Kenneth subconsciously glanced in the direction of the Huaxia Huaxia delegation.

There, the three representatives of the Chinese delegation were sitting in the corner, very inconspicuous. It is in sharp contrast to the dazzling media surrounding the six major music kingdoms in the middle.

"This music festival may be more exciting than imagined."

Kenneth suddenly said something.

Next to him, the celebrity who just spoke was stunned: "What did you say?"

Kenneth shook his head and stopped talking, but his heart became hot for no reason.

A few minutes later.

Mitchell's performance ends.

There was thunderous applause.


"Mr. Mitchell is great."

"It's so beautiful. This piano music is so beautiful!"

Guest seats.

Stephen also showed a proud look: "Everyone, after more than ten years, my level has not dropped, right?"

Romando gave a thumbs up: "Beautiful!"

Simon praised: "A rare masterpiece."

Rudolf also expressed emotion: "In this competition, it seems that Austria will get at least a high score of eight points or more. And no surprise, there will be another classic in the piano world in the near future."

Aida was the only one who remained silent.

Romando glanced at him: "Mr. Aida, why don't you express your opinion?"

Aangda smiled slightly: "Not bad."


Stephen snorted slightly, feeling that Aangtian was not giving him face.

Just nice?

Wait and see how good your work becomes.

Aida did not explain. Instead, like Kenneth, he subconsciously glanced at the direction of the Chinese delegation and sighed secretly.

As a piano master, his feelings were much stronger than Kenneth's. In his mind, Wang Mo's "Memorial of Love" completely overwhelmed Stephen's new work.


No comparison!

In fact, this is normal. Even if he is as powerful as Beethoven, it is impossible to say that every piece of music he creates is a classic among classics.

However, the two piano pieces Wang Mo presented are both known as one of the top ten piano classics on earth. How can Stephen compare them?

If the new works Stephen creates can match the quality of "Memorial of Love", then he will definitely become the greatest musician on Blue Star.

However, there is no if.

After Mitchell's performance, the judges did not give a score for the time being.

Because we still have to wait for this piano piece to perform on the "Golden Sound Chart".

The Golden Sound Chart is a global pure music ranking list.

Works released by all musicians around the world will be displayed on this ranking list.

Its gold content can be imagined.

Generally speaking, only if the music played at the International Music Hall Night reaches the top fifty will it be scored. If your work doesn’t even make it into the top 20, sorry, just wait and get nothing.

To get a high score, the ranking must be at least among the top ten.

So, as soon as Mitchell's performance ended, his fans began to howl.

"Create a list! Brothers and sisters, help Mr. Mitchell do a list!"

"All fans, put "Dance of the Heart" in the top ten."

"Top ten? Must be top three!"


There is already a turmoil on the Golden Sound List.

On the spot, the second round of performances has already begun.

The second time was the performance of German pianist Raymond.

Raymond's international reputation is slightly weaker than Mitchell's, but his strength is comparable.

The piano music he played was "Silent Nocturne" by the piano master Rudolf.

Another strong alliance.

This is the strong strength of the six music kingdoms.

When the performance ended, applause swept the audience.

Music lovers around the world who are watching the live broadcast are also filled with emotion.

"Another rare piece of fine piano music."

"It's so shocking!"

"What a rare occasion. Every piece of music is composed by a piano master."

"As a music student, I listened to it on my knees the whole time."

"When will I be able to sit on a world-class stage and perform?"


on site.

Zhao Shu always looked serious at the beginning.

But after listening to Mitchell and Raymond's performances, a thought suddenly came to his mind: What's going on? When I used to listen to these musicians, I always felt out of reach. I feel that the gap between China and them is like a chasm. But now after listening to two piano pieces, I think it’s nothing more than that?

Do you even think that the music composed by Wang Mo is better than theirs?

"It's over? Am I in a bad state, or am I drifting?"

Zhao Shu shook his head vigorously.

When the competition is coming, it would be terrible if the person leading the way cannot clearly see his own status.

When Zhao Shu was in trouble.

Finally it was the third person’s turn to appear, the representative of Fuso Country.

Not Jiro Miyata, but a performer named An Tengcheng.

What An Tencheng performed was not a work by Aida, but a piano piece called "Breaking Dawn" composed by another Fuso musician, Shinichi Nakajima.

After listening, Wang Mo showed an expression of admiration on his face.

Although he has always hated Fuso, the musicians in this country are indeed far better than his own. It can be said that the song "Break of Dawn" played by An Tengcheng is not at all as beautiful as the works of the previous two piano masters.

And An Tengcheng's playing level is also top-notch.

"This is the confidence of Fuso Country. I don't know when we will catch up with them."


Zhao Shu sighed.

Wang Mo smiled softly: "It will be soon."


It will be soon, he thought silently in his mind again.

Looking at the worried look on Zhao Shu's face next to him, Wang Mo suddenly felt a sense of mission in his heart at this moment. For the first time, he felt that he couldn't do something just because of reputation.

After the piano performance in Fuso Country.

Next, representatives from the United States, Australia, and Italy appeared one after another.

Six musical kingdoms.

Everyone shows off their magical powers.

Performers from six countries all used the new piano music in tacit agreement!

Almost every performer is a world-class pianist.

Almost every piano piece is a classic among classics.

Just tonight.

The works of three piano masters and three top pianists emerged.

For music lovers around the world who like piano music, what moment can be more blissful than tonight?

Many people trembled when they heard this.

When all the performers from the six music kingdoms are finished.

Social platforms around the world are already making huge waves.

On Instagram’s live streaming platform, the barrages have already exploded.

"Oh, God!"

"So many piano masters show their talents online."

"What a fairy-like enjoyment this is."

"It's so enjoyable!"

"Kneel down and listen the whole time."

"It gave me goosebumps even through the screen. What would it be like to be there?"

In the overwhelming barrage.

Someone said: "I feel like it's enough to listen to these six countries for piano playing, and you don't need to listen to the rest."

Immediately, many people agreed.

"Hahaha, it's true. Other countries can't compare with the six music kingdoms."

"Only one or two countries are worth mentioning, and the others are not interesting at all."

"I declare that tonight's palace night will end early!"

On the boiling international network, no one cares about the country that will appear next. Many people didn't even pay attention to which country was coming next.

Except China.

Except for the Chinese delegation led by Zhao Shu.

Because it's their turn next to appear. (End of chapter)

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