Of course, Qi Haoyu is also destined to be famous.

Many times, a performer also needs help from a composer in order to achieve success.

Just like in the music industry, if there is an ace songwriter who supports a certain singer, it will be easy for the singer to rise to fame. For example: Wang Mo’s Black Alliance swept the music scene in this way.

And now, with the help of Wang Mo's song "To Alice", Qi Haoyu has boarded a rocket heading towards the sky.

Overnight, he became famous all over the world.

On this night, countless people around the world remembered his performance on the stage.

However, no matter how good Qi Haoyu played, he could not cover up Wang Mo's brilliance.

In other words, it can't be covered up at all.

In the music industry, basically all fans are fans of singers.

But in the light music world, music lovers are fans of composers.

Just like the works of Beethoven, Mozart and other musicians, do you remember who played them?

I will only remember that Beethoven wrote the nine major symphonies.

I will only remember that Mozart composed dozens of concertos and sonatas.

As for who played it, I love whoever it is!

All you need to do is close your eyes and enjoy.

Therefore, at first, the reporters were still rushing towards Qi Haoyu, and even a few anxious people had jumped on the stage and almost stuffed the microphone into Qi Haoyu's mouth.

However, the slower runner behind him reacted.

"No, what's the use of our interview with Qi Haoyu?"

"How do I know! You all rushed over, and I followed suit!"

"Don't rush, interviewing Qi Haoyu is of no use. Although Qi Haoyu has certain interview value, the composer who created this piano music is the core figure."

"Yes, someone who can create such amazing piano music, even if he is not as good as a piano master, is not far behind."


The reporters who can come here to interview all have a high level of appreciation for music.

So after feeling the spiritual impact of "Für Elise" and comparing it with the previous piano music played by the six music kingdoms, many people came to a conclusion.

That is: "Female Elise" seems to be even better than the piano music produced by the six major music kingdoms.

Thinking of this, the reporters all went numb.

The piano music composed by a little-known Chinese composer actually surpassed the works of piano masters such as Romando and Stephen?


This discovery made everyone's hearts tremble.

Because it represents that a remarkable piano composer has appeared in China, a composer who is comparable to the world's piano masters.

Immediately, the reporters felt excited.

"Who is this person?"

"Qi Haoyu seemed to have mentioned this person's name just now, but I didn't pay attention."

"Hurry up and watch the playback on the camera."

"I still remember that Qi Haoyu said that the creator of "For Alice" was Wang Mo."

"Wang Mo? Quick! Who is Wang Mo?"


While he was speaking, a group of reporters had already surrounded the Chinese delegation.

The next second.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

At least a dozen microphones were shoved in front of Zhao Shu, and the interview began with Zhao Shu.

"Mr. Wang Mo, may I ask how you created "For Alice"?"

"Have you already reached the level of a piano master?"

"Mr. Wang, I never expected that China would produce such an outstanding pianist as you."


Zhao Shu looked at Wang Mo, who was holding back a smile, and spread his hands helplessly.

He knew that reporters all thought he was Wang Mo.


Except for him, an old man who looks mature and steady, the rest of the Chinese delegation are all a group of young people. The oldest is only in his thirties. They don't look like they can create "Für Elise".

Facing this group of crazy reporters, Zhao Shu managed to get in: "Sorry, you all got it wrong. I'm not Wang Mo, my name is Zhao Shu, and I'm the leader of the Chinese delegation. Well... Wang This is Mo."

As he spoke, he pointed to Wang Mo next to him.

on site.

The noisy environment suddenly became silent.

Everyone looked coldly at the young man Zhao Shu was pointing at. He was too handsome and too young.

In the eyes of tall Westerners, this young man is like a boy who has not yet stepped out of society.


"Is he Wang Mo?"

“Don’t lie to God.”

"Hahaha, they said that this young man is Wang Mo, and that he wrote "For Alice"."

"Don't be ridiculous, my child is still making will-o'-the-wisps at his age."


Until a few minutes later, when the reporters confirmed that the too young boy in front of them was Wang Mo, almost all of them looked at him with extremely weird looks.

Then, there was the roar inside.


Just a few minutes later, news broke out all over the Internet.

[A genius piano composer emerges from China]

[Chinese performers were a blockbuster, and composer Wang Mo's "To Alice" stunned the audience]

[The Orientals gave us a big shock this time]

[A talented pianist in his early twenties was born out of nowhere]

Of course, even though the reporters' wording in the news was extremely conspicuous, everyone was still very measured and focused on a few key words such as the East, China, and talented composers.

At this moment, reporters still did not associate Wang Mo with the piano master. After all, no matter how hard they dared to think, they did not think that an Oriental boy in his early twenties could compete with the piano master.

As for "Für Elise", which surprised everyone present, the reporters began to become rational after the initial excitement, thinking that it was just a temporary surprise.

Some piano music can naturally ignite the scene, but it cannot be circulated forever.

But the famous songs of piano masters can be regarded as classics by countless music lovers. A temporary downturn doesn't mean anything.


What happened next was beyond everyone's expectations.

This evening, a total of ten musicians performed piano.

After Qi Haoyu finished playing, performers from three countries including Britain, Canada, and Brazil took the stage to perform.

In fact, although the music atmosphere in Britain and Canada is not as good as that of the six major music kingdoms, they are still very conspicuous in the music industry, and several music masters have even emerged in history.

It's a pity that tonight, after Qi Haoyu's performance.

The performers from the two countries performed abnormally one after another, each performing worse than the other, and finally ended the performance in a hurry.

As for Pakistan, the music industry in this country is not very developed, let alone one. Many people didn't even know what tune he performed.

When the ten performers finished their performances, tonight’s International Music Hall night finally came to an end.


Don't worry!

The real competition has just begun.

Because all the works of pianists and composers tonight need to be scored by their ranking on the "Golden Sound List".

Scoring is the key.

So when the show just ended, there was an uproar on the Internet.

"Go for it!!! Beat the rankings!!!"

"Austrian netizens, please support Mitchell's performance of "Dance of the Soul" to the death."

"The piano master Rudolf's work "Silent Nocturne" must be ranked first."

“Where are the netizens who support Fusang Country?”


In just an instant, countless people around the world opened the "Golden Sound Chart" and started ranking their favorite piano songs.

After Kenneth returned home, he still couldn't calm down his hot heart.

He guessed correctly.

Wang Mo once again demonstrated his unparalleled talent on the piano tonight. Those idiot reporters thought Wang Mo was just a genius composer?


A good piano piece may only represent that Wang Mo is a talented composer.

But the three works in succession are all of top quality. That can only prove one thing: Wang Mo's talent on the piano is not inferior to any piano master.

"These idiot reporters, can't they investigate Wang Mo's previous results before publishing news?"

Kenneth cursed in his heart.

But he knew in his heart that even if reporters knew about Wang Mo's two previous works, they still did not dare to easily put Wang Mo on the same level as the piano master if the works did not have enough influence.

Especially under the premise that the West generally believes that the standard of Chinese music is not good enough, no reporter will take this risk.

Kenneth shook his head.

I started to open the website and found the Golden Sound Chart.

Then he clicked on "For Alice" and listened to it several times again. He still sighed: "It's so beautiful..."

After closing your eyes and admiring it for a moment.

Suddenly a thought came to Kenneth's mind: "The melody of this piano piece seems to be very simple? How about I try to play it?"

After having this idea.

His heart began to beat rapidly.

As a music enthusiast, Kenneth dreamed that one day he could play a world-famous song with his own hands and die without regrets.

However, it is very difficult to perform famous piano music in the world today. In addition, he really has no talent for learning piano, so he can barely be considered a music beginner. He cannot play these complicated famous songs at all.

But this song "To Alice" is different.

The melody was so simple that he could hardly believe it.

Just do it.

Kenneth immediately came to the piano room and opened the big triangle that he had not touched for more than ten years.

"Ding ding ding..."

Although I have never played it, the sound is still very pure because it has been maintained by dedicated personnel.

Kenneth tried it a few times and started playing according to the score.

At first, he was a little unskilled.

But after just ten minutes, Kenneth found that he could play the entire song smoothly.


Kenneth almost jumped up in surprise, "Hahaha, hahahaha, I can actually play world-class famous songs, oh! Buy cakes! Oh! Buy cakes!"

At this moment, Kenneth was so excited that his whole body was trembling.

Outsiders may never understand the spiritual shock of a music enthusiast being able to play top piano music by himself.

When will a music beginner like me be able to play such advanced piano music?

Never in my wildest dreams would I dare to be so bold.

"Vote! Vote! Vote to death for "Für Elise"!!!"

Kenneth felt like he was drifting away.

For the first time, he posted a notice in his company group, asking thousands of people throughout the company to vote for this piano piece.

He was almost crazy.

Kenneth is not alone.

In the UK, John was also a piano enthusiast.

It's a pity that the British player performed abnormally tonight, which almost caused him to smash the TV. He even felt that the piano music from the six music kingdoms sounded average.

However, he was fascinated by the song "For Alice".

But what surprised him even more was that when he sat in front of the piano and tried to play the piano music, he could play it easily.

"Oh! God!"

John's eyes lit up.

What kind of magical piano music is this?

It sounds so good and so easy to use, even someone like him who has only learned piano for a year or two can master it.

"This kind of piano music is definitely not inferior to any world famous music!"

John shouted excitedly.

Not just not losing.

Even beyond.

Other world-famous piano pieces can only be appreciated by yourself. But he can play "Für Elise" with his own hands and experience the notes flowing from his fingertips. Is this feeling the same?

Big difference!

John clenched his fist hard.

It cannot be buried, it must shine with the light it deserves.

What are you waiting for?


Even a proud British gentleman like John put down his arrogance and was impressed by "Für Elise".

Not to mention music lovers from other countries.


In a certain manor, a middle-aged man showed off in front of everyone.

“I’ve never been so happy that my daughter, who is in third grade, played Für Elise in its entirety. Oh, I felt like I was in a dream.”

Next to her, an eighty-nine-year-old girl who had just learned piano was full of pride.


Some music school.

“Oh my God, this is the first time I’ve played such beautiful piano music.”

"It's my first time too."

"I feel like I'm completely surrounded by happiness."

"Only God can create such a simple yet extremely beautiful piece of music, right?"


People here have a perverted worship of everything in their own country.

However, after listening to "Für Elise", many people rarely became silent.

"It's really good."

"Maybe it's really better than Breaking Dawn."

"At least it compares to the piano music of several other piano masters."

It is not easy for the people of Fusang to make such an evaluation.

And China is Wang Mo’s hometown.

It’s no longer necessary to say it.

As soon as Qi Haoyu played the first melody, the entire network became excited.

When everyone present and even the piano masters were shocked by "Für Elise", when high-definition cameras captured the shock and surprise of these world masters and celebrities.

Chinese netizens felt that their blood had turned into a huge wave, and they all turned red with excitement.

The sense of pride welling up in my heart almost overwhelmed my body.


"I want to cry."

"It has to be Brother Mo. He really didn't disappoint us."

"I'm just saying, as long as Wu Yan takes action, even if it's a world-class stage, he'll still be crushed!"

"Previously, Xilou had already made an international mark in the world of fairy tales, and now Wuyan has become famous in the international piano world. I'm so proud!"

"Brothers, rush!"

Many netizens clamored, saying that they would go to international channels to vote for "Female Elise".

There are even many experts who have shared free circumvention software.

However, when most netizens are still wondering how to use this thing.

Suddenly someone shouted: "No, no need to vote!"


Everyone was stunned.

No need to vote? What did you say?

But soon this person posted a picture. When Chinese netizens saw this picture, they almost all took a breath.

Then they all shouted: "Fuck!"

On the picture, the content is the ranking of works in the "Golden Sound List".

Just less than two hours.

On the ranking list, "For Alice" rushed to the top of the overall list at a speed that shocked everyone!

The entire music industry was intimidated by the speed.

Please note that the works on the Golden Sound List are not just the few piano pieces played tonight, but also all the light music pieces released by musicians around the world this month!

There are many works by music masters.

Because of this, it is very difficult to break into the top ten of the golden music list.

However, "Für Elise" reached the top in just two hours.

"real or fake?"

"Isn't it terrible?"


"It's a record-breaking record. I remember that the fastest song to reach the top took half a day."

“Are Chinese netizens cheating on votes?”

"Chinese netizens? See for yourself. There are not many Chinese netizens at all. It's music lovers around the world who are going crazy and are all voting for "Für Elise"."


In the music industry, I don’t know how many people’s hearts trembled when they saw this scene.

It’s really a turmoil caused by the Internet, which is a bit too scary.

It should be noted that, except for "Für Elise", all the works performed by other performers tonight are not even in the top ten of the Golden Music Chart at this moment.

Comparing the two sides, the gap is like a huge chasm.

Qi Haoyu's performance tonight stunned the audience. When reporters announced that a talented composer had appeared in China, everyone already knew that "Fur Elise" would become famous all over the world.

But no one expected that its stamina would be so powerful that everyone's jaw dropped.

All the piano music produced by the six major music kingdoms was trampled to pieces by it.

The market is the best way to test a musical work.

When seeing this scene, many people's deep-rooted ideas finally began to waver.

New York.

In a certain manor, Romando, Aida, Stephen and other music masters were resting here.

Even though it was already late at night, no one was sleepy at all.

In front of them is a huge laser screen, which displays the real-time ranking of the Golden Music Chart.

At this moment, it is on the golden music list.

"For Alice" ranks first, and its popularity has reached more than 200 million!

As for other works tonight, the highest-ranked "Dance of the Soul" is only ranked 16th, with only over 30 million hits. This result, if compared to previous International Music Hall Nights, is not bad at all.

But at this moment, the creator Stephen was not happy at all. He looked at the number one "For Alice" and felt a deep despair in his heart.

As a piano master, this was the first time that he had a deep sense of powerlessness over other people's piano works.


Romando spoke, and he said in a solemn voice: "How much do you know about this Wang Mo?"

Everyone else shook their heads.

Aida was the only one who said nothing.

Romando's heart moved slightly and he looked at Xiangtian: "Mr. Xiangtian, a few days ago you said that you suddenly came to attend the International Music Hall Night because you were afraid of losing face. Could it be that you are referring to this Wang Mo?"

Aida nodded: "Dear old friends, do you believe what I say now?"

Several masters had embarrassed expressions on their faces.

Only then did they realize that they had misunderstood Aida.

Romando sighed deeply: "But... he is too young. He is only in his early twenties and has such musical talent. It is certain that he will become a piano master within that year."

"One year?"

Aang Tian sneered: "It seems that you haven't investigated Wang Mo's background at all. Come on! Let me listen to two piano pieces that he composed two years ago but were only published in China."


Aida waved, and an assistant next to him immediately turned on the music player.

The two songs played inside were "Memorial of Love" and "Sea of ​​Clouds Under the Moonlight".

After listening.

There was silence.

After a few minutes, Simon rubbed his eyebrows and said, "They...are all Wang Mo's works?"

Aida nodded: "Two years ago."

Two years ago, that meant Wang Mo was only 22 years old.

This kind of genius, in his twenties, is in a normal state one day at a time.

Simon was silent again, and after a while he finally showed a smile: "It is a good thing for the music industry to have a genius in the piano world."

Stephen also laughed at himself: "I originally went for the first place in piano performance, but now it seems I can only settle for second place. But I am convinced that I lost to such a genius."

Next to him, Romando sneered: "Mr. Stephen, it's not certain who will be second."

Aida also said coldly: "Yes, although your work is now second on the golden music list, my Fuso country's works are not far behind yours. Maybe in just one night, Fuso country will be second." ."

Stephen hummed: "Then we'll see!"

These big guys once again responded with cold words.

They knew that it was impossible to catch up with "Für Elise" because this piano piece was so outrageous.

But secondly, no one wants to miss it.

We are all the top figures in the music industry, and we are also burdened with the reputation of the music kingdom. It's okay if we missed the first place, but it would be a shame if we couldn't even get the second place.


Must compete for second place! ! !

The eyes of several people gathered in the air, bursting out with fierce fighting intent.

At the rest hotel of the Chinese delegation.

There was a cheer.

"Hahaha, Haoyu, you are on fire."

"You will be an internationally renowned performer in the future."

"Today, your name has been blasted all over the world."

"Tsk tsk..."

Everyone is making fun of Qi Haoyu, who is in his twenties.

He, who had always been calm, was blushing at this moment: "You guys are going too far. You know clearly that it is all Brother Mo's fault, but you come to tease me!"

Wang Mo also smiled and said: "Brother Yu, you are too humble. Only a sweet boy like you who is passionately in love can perform the artistic conception of "To Alice", so you deserve the greatest credit. Singles like me Dog, if you go on stage and play it, it’s far worse than you.”

Qi Haoyu blushed: "Brother Mo, you laugh at me too."

Immediately, everyone burst into laughter again.

Zhao Shu sat in the corner, watching this scene with a smile, feeling very good.

That's when.

Ring ring ring~~~

His cell phone rang, he answered it and listened to a few words, with a strange expression on his face.

A few minutes later, Zhao Shu hung up the phone and found Wang Mo: "Xiao Wang, does Batie know?"

Wang Mo nodded: "I know."

Zhao Shu: "Their country's music delegation will be on stage tomorrow night. Seeing how good you are, their leader wants to ask you to give them a piano piece to participate in the piano performance tomorrow night. Do you have any extra piano music? "(End of chapter)

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