The story continues.

As Melvin watched, he imagined the possible reversal later.

There is still a heart-warming plot ahead.

[The hot and fragrant Yangchun noodles were placed on the table. The mother and son immediately gathered around the bowl of noodles and started eating with their heads touching.

"It's so delicious!" said my brother.

"Mom, eat it too!" The younger brother took a chopstick of noodles and brought it to his mother's mouth. 】

It can be judged from this that the three of them were starving, but they only bought a bowl of noodles because they were short of money. So the boss's move to add more noodles touched Melvin even more.

There are not many such kind people in this society.

For an average noodle shop owner, if he sees three people asking for just a bowl of noodles, it's fine if he doesn't roll his eyes.

Where else would you take the initiative to add noodles?

Melvin originally guessed what would happen to the noodle shop next, and then the mother and son came to help in order to repay their friendship, but in the end it benefited them instead. This kind of reversal is in line with the main point of the short story.


He guessed wrong.

Nothing happened.

Even in the work, it is another year later in the blink of an eye.

It’s also New Year’s Eve.

There are the same three people, mother and son. Even the clothes the mother wears are exactly the same as last year. She even only ordered a bowl of Yangchun noodles like last year.

The lady boss looked at them and seemed to realize something.

["Hey, daddy, give them three bowls, okay?" the landlady whispered in the boss's ear.

No, they might be embarrassed if that happens. "

The boss said, grabbing half of the noodles for each person and putting them in the pot. 】

See this.

Melvin's heart skipped a beat and his expression changed a little.

He had some thoughts before: Although this boss is kind-hearted, his kindness is limited. Since you added noodles, can't you add a little more? It would be great if the mother and son could eat well during the Chinese New Year.

But now he feels a little ashamed.

It turns out that the boss not only showed his love, but also maintained the possibly fragile self-esteem of the mother and son. Therefore, even though he wanted to give the other party three bowls of noodles, he still did not do so.

Melvin breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he was warmed by a little story.

A warm current surged through my heart, which had been dull just now.

"Could it be that there is still a third year?"

After seeing the mother and son leaving, he thought to himself.

Just as he expected.

Sure enough, the next sentence is that as the noodle shop's business is booming, the third year of New Year's Eve is ushered in.

[From nine-thirty onwards, although neither the boss nor the landlady said anything, they both seemed a little uneasy. Just after ten o'clock, the employees left work. The boss and his wife immediately turned over the price tags of various noodles hanging on the wall one by one, and quickly wrote "Yangchun noodles 15 yuan." In fact, starting from this summer, As prices rise, the price of Yangchun noodles is already 20 yuan a bowl. 】

See here.

Melvin raised his eyebrows again.

This story really reveals every aspect that makes him heartwarming.

Obviously, he, the reader from the highest position, knew why the boss and the landlady were upset and why they changed the price to the original old price.

"It turns out that short stories can be so attractive when they don't satirize the dark society, don't worship money, and don't have sharp criticism."

An idea came to Melvin's mind.

At this moment, he was also looking forward to the arrival of the mother and son.

The proprietress even put up a "Reservation Seat" sign at table No. 2.

Until half past ten, there were no customers in the store, but the two of them were still looking forward to it.

They were not disappointed, mother and son came.

The mother is still wearing the faded short coat that is out of season, but the clothes of the two children change every year because they have grown up.

A simple sentence is more poignant than long descriptions in many novels.

Just this time.

Mother ordered two bowls of Yangchun noodles.

In Melvin's opinion, it was most likely because his two sons had grown up and a bowl of Yangchun noodles was not enough.

But the boss was as warm as ever and put three bowls of noodles into the pot.

This time, the mother finally explained clearly the family situation of the three of them when talking to her two sons.

It turns out that the child's father died in a traffic accident early, but he owed a foreign debt, and the pension was still not enough after paying off the debt. So the mother can only slowly repay the loan in installments, which is why they are so embarrassed.

I was so embarrassed that I could only eat a bowl of Yangchun noodles on New Year’s Eve.

The two children also understand their mother's hardships.

["Okay! Mom, brother, from now on, it's up to me to cook every day!"

"I will continue to deliver newspapers. Brother, let's work hard together!\

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