After closing Msn, Wang Mo blinked with an intriguing look on his face.

Of course what he just said was not just talk.

"How about I also try the dual track?"

Wang Mo quickly made up his mind.

Two tracks are the only way to be safe.

Although he was very confident in the short stories he purchased in the system mall, the competition this time was too strong. He couldn't take it lightly.

Just like in May, although he won in the end with "A Bowl of Soba Soba", he had read the works of Nolan and Andrew and found that the other's new work was not embarrassing at all, and was even excellent.

Otherwise, it would not have appeared. Although the sales volume of "Bookstore" in May crushed "Ink Sea" and "Literary Elegance", readers did not belittle Nolan and others, saying that their divinity has collapsed. Because the quality of their works is indeed excellent, but they just ran into the bug Wang Mo.

Especially after Wang Mo read the representative works of the Troika these days, he was even more impressed by their works. The words are sharp, the sarcasm is on point, and the twist is unexpected.

Even if these short works are placed on earth, they are of the highest level.

Therefore, Wang Mo believes that if he only participates in the open circuit this time and submits a manuscript, he really has no guarantee of victory.

"In that case, let's participate in the double track!"

Wang Mo no longer hesitated.

He quickly fell into the system mall.

When I was selecting short stories last time, I already knew almost all the related short stories.

So this time, in less than half an hour, he picked his favorite short story.

It's three stories.

The first one: "The Gift of the Magi".

The plot of this story is also relatively warm. To a certain extent, it has the same purpose as "A Bowl of Soba Soba".

Wang Mo chose it because of this.

"Well, submit this short story to Melvin, perfect."

A smile appeared on his face.

Since the two stories are both heart-warming, after seeing this story, Melvin will definitely feel that it is in line with his usual writing style and will not be too abrupt.

It's just that the story's final twist is even more unexpected.

The second one: "Death of a Small Civil Servant".

If in the first two stories, Wang Mo was interested in warmth and kindness, then this story is completely different. It is an extremely sharp satire and vividly depicts officialdom.

By using such a short story to submit an anonymous track, he believed that no one would be able to guess his identity.

The third one: "Chameleon".

In fact, this short story has many similarities with "The Death of a Junior Civil Servant". It is also an attack on society and a satire on officialdom. It's just that the entry point is different.

It is no exaggeration to say that "Chameleon" almost takes the irony to an extreme level. It is not at all warm and slow-warming like "A Bowl of Soba Soba". It can make almost every reader who reads it for the first time feel a rush of bitter irony.


Wang Mo quickly wrote three short stories.

"'The Gift of the Magi' was voted to Shuge, while 'Death of a Civil Servant' and 'Chameleon' were chosen to be anonymous."

Wang Mo said secretly.

Three short stories, triple insurance, is enough.

This matter has just been determined.

Fu Hong found him: "Ah Mo, Brother Xiong is back."


Before Wang Mo responded, he saw the dusty Yuan Xiong coming in.

After Wang Mo left, Yuan Xiong stayed in the beautiful country for more than a month and did not return until now.

Wang Mo was surprised and happy: "Brother Xiong, why didn't you tell me in advance? So that I could pick you up."

Yuan Xiong chuckled: "Your kid costs hundreds of thousands a minute, how dare I ask you to pick him up?"

There was a pause.

Yuan Xiongcai continued: "Actually, I haven't finished handling the business in North America yet, I just left it to my deputy for the time being. After all, China New Department also needs me to take the helm. In addition, there is one more thing, I have to come back first ”


Wang Mo asked: "What's the matter?"

Yuan Xiong said: "It's almost June. In mid-June, the Cannes Film Festival will open. Last year, we reported "Kung Fu" to the organizers. A few days ago, the Cannes organizers sent us an invitation. Went to attend the opening ceremony.”


Wang Mo raised his eyebrows: "You were actually personally invited by the organizer of Cannes? Is it true?"

He knew in his heart that although the Cannes Film Festival is the most relaxed award ceremony among the three major film festivals, anyone can go there and use the red carpet. But for the organizer to take the initiative to invite, the amount is a bit large.

Logically speaking, although "Kung Fu" did well at the box office, it was still not enough to be favored by Cannes film organizers.

But now they were invited.

Yuan Xiong smiled and said: "The movie "Kung Fu" is definitely not qualified. But when the other party called to invite me, he specifically said: I hope you can also attend the ceremony."

Now, Wang Mo understood: "Did the Cannes Film Festival send out the invitation because of my face?"

Yuan Xiong nodded: "That's right. It was obviously you who single-handedly helped Huaxia win the honor of the 'Hometown of Music' a while ago and became a world-renowned piano master. That's why they made such a choice. I I doubt they would like to invite you to perform a piece of music at the opening ceremony. When they make such a request, will you agree?"

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Promise, why don't you agree?"

Playing music at the opening ceremony of the world's three major film festivals is another good opportunity for Wang Mo to earn prestige, and he doesn't want it in vain.

Moreover, he can also take this opportunity to establish a good relationship with the Cannes Film Festival officials and plan for the future.


Yuan Xiong nodded: "Then I will reply to the other party and say that you will lead the "Kung Fu" crew to participate in the film festival on time."

After finishing speaking.

He continued: "The second thing is that the filming of "The Wandering Earth" is already halfway through. Thanks to your precise guidance and supervision, it is estimated that the filming will be completed in about a month. However, the post-production special effects will take time. But we are looking for The special effects company has experience in the production of "Fortress", so as long as you provide enough detailed requirements, it is estimated that the post-production special effects can be completed quickly, and it will be released next year. "


Wang Mo knows that the most critical aspect of science fiction movies is special effects production.

Under the premise that the plot cannot be modified, special effects can best reflect the shock of science fiction movies, and they are also what attract movie fans most after the movie is released.

So there is no rush.

In a previous life, "The Wandering Earth" took several years to be released.

Now, because he can give precise special effects requirements and give the best modeling advice at any time, the production time can be greatly shortened, but one year has already reached the limit, and the standard will drop any faster.


After Yuan Xiong left, Wang Mo frowned.

One movie a year is still too inefficient for him.

In this way, even if I make movies non-stop in my life, I will only be able to make twenty or thirty films.

This number of movies is totally not enough to watch.

"It seems that after the Cannes Film Festival, I want Xiongge to expand the company's film department. It is best to buy a film company in Hollywood and start shooting multiple films at the same time."

Wang Mo thought.

The next day, Wang Mo sent Melvin an Msn message, telling him that he had sent the short story to his mailbox.

Far away London.

After seeing the news, Melvin subconsciously rubbed his eyes.

"Isn't this... too fast?"

He just called Xilou in the morning, and now less than a day has passed, and Xilou has sent the short story?

Of course he knew that if a novelist had a sudden burst of inspiration, it would be normal for him to finish a story in one or two hours.

But even after the story is written, the novelist has to revise it countless times and strive for perfection before submitting it, okay?

Unless this story was written by Xilou long ago.

"It should have been written long ago, right?"

Melvin guessed.

Otherwise, it would be too scary to write a short story in half a day.

Taking a deep breath, he couldn't wait to get on the mailbox and opened the email from the west building.

"I wonder if this time's work can still be as good as "A Bowl of Clear Soba Soba"?"

Melvin muttered in his mind.


He had already seen the title of Xilou's work.

"Magi's gift..."

Judging from the title, nothing can be discerned at all.

Melvin took a sip of coffee and looked at the text:

[One dollar and eighty-seven cents. It's all here. Sixty cents of it was collected in copper coins. These coins were obtained by begging one or two at a time from grocers, vegetable vendors, and butchers. Although they did not say it explicitly, they always felt that this kind of trade-off was too stingy. , his face turned red at that time. Della counted it three times. After counting, it was still one dollar and eighty-seven cents, and the next day was Christmas. 】

Just read the first paragraph.

Melvin smiled knowingly.

Familiar taste.

Although the background of the story has moved to the West, the content still tells the lives of middle- and lower-class people.

"It seems that Xilou likes to write this type of writing."

He continued to look down.

A few more glances.

Melvin was even more sure: It’s the style of the West Building!

It still tells the emotional stories of ordinary people.



At the same time, it also reveals kindness and warmth.

"Well, now it seems that "The Gift of the Magi" is a short story in the same vein as "A Bowl of Soba Soba". The two have similar story backgrounds and similar social classes. The only difference is that "A Bowl of Soba Soba" "The Face" mainly reveals the kindness of the boss and the landlady, but this time it writes about the emotions between the husband and wife. "

What followed confirmed Melvin's guess.

[Christmas is tomorrow, and she only has one dollar and eighty-seven cents to buy a gift for Jim. For several months, she had scrimped and saved everything she could, but this was all she could get. An income of twenty dollars a week is useless. It always cost more than she budgeted for. It's always like this. There was only one dollar and eighty-seven cents to buy a gift for Jim. 】

Melvin nodded secretly.

He has read so many short stories in his life that he can almost guess what will happen next.

"Based on the characteristics of the West Building, the next step should be that the hostess spent all her money to buy a cheap but meaningful gift for the male host. The male host felt his wife's affection. Although the life was difficult, it was warm."

Well, that must be the case.

Melvin felt that he had seen through Xilou's writing style.

But now he frowned again.

"Although the story is written in this way, it is heart-warming, but with the example of "A Bowl of Soba Soba" in front of it, can readers continue to accept this kind of heart-warming story? Will it feel that Xilou is following the same old path and making old things?"

For short story writers, the same routine can be scary.

Because it represents a writer's exhaustion of inspiration.

Although Melvin knew that "A Bowl of Clear Soba Soba" caused a great sensation in the short story world, even after it became popular, many short story writers imitated it one after another, resulting in a proliferation of emotional short stories in recent times. come out.

But the more this happens, the more readers will feel fatigued.

At least.

That's how Melvin feels now.

He had read several paragraphs, but it was still bland and tasteless, not at all the refreshing feeling he had when he read "A Bowl of Clear Soba Soba".

Fortunately, the next development of the story made his eyes light up a little.

Because the hostess is not going to buy cheap gifts, but is going to cut off her hair and raise money to buy the male host a watch strap that is worthy of his only luxury gold watch.

"It would be strange if Jim took one look at me and didn't kill me," she said to herself. "He'd say I looked like a Conney Island diva. What could I do?" Alas! I only have one dollar and eighty-seven cents, what can I do?\

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