My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 487 The Troika fell collectively?

However, Clement discovered that Wang Mo's phone was always busy, which meant that the other party was on a call.

"Damn! What's going on?"

Clement felt vaguely uneasy and dialed the phone over and over again.


Wang Mo's call lasted extremely long.

One minute.

Two minutes.

It wasn't until almost half an hour later that Clement dialed Wang Mo's phone number.

He subconsciously exhaled and said quickly: "Mr. Wang Mo, you seemed very busy just now?"

These words cleverly explained that he had been calling Wang Mo just now, but couldn't get through.

However, the next second, Wang Mo's words made Clement's heart tighten.

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Sorry, I was chatting with Mr. Thompson just now."


Clement swallowed, his old rival.

He had a vague guess in his mind: With Mr. Wang Mo's connections, it was impossible to contact him only as a Hollywood director.

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

Whatever is scary comes from it.

Wang Mo's voice sounded: "Mr. Thompson was very interested in it after reading the script of "Iron Man"."

Clement was a little anxious.

As a top director, the feeling of seeing a good script is like a foodie seeing delicious food or a hunter seeing top prey. The spontaneous joy can make every cell tremble.

Although the script of "Iron Man" is not as good as this, in Clement's opinion it is still excellent.

Although a director of his level does not lack scripts at all.

But it is also not easy for him to direct a good script.

He asked anxiously: "Then what did Mr. Thompson say?"

"Mr. Thompson is very willing to direct this movie. He said that although the superhero type of "Iron Man" is a bit old-fashioned, this type will never be outdated in Hollywood. Especially judging from the script, the plot is still very innovative. "

Wang Mo's words suddenly made Clement's expression stiffen.

It's still too late.

Was beaten to the punch by Thompson.

Sure enough, you can't take it lightly at any time, otherwise the opportunity will slip away.

But just when he regretted it.

Wang Mo suddenly changed his tone and said with a smile: "However, Mr. Thompson said that he is good at shooting interstellar science fiction. He is not good at this kind of superhero science fiction. So he recommended you to me and said that you He is the best director to direct "Iron Man". If you are not willing to direct, I don't know if he will take over."


Clement opened his mouth wide, not expecting such a reversal at all.

He didn't expect that Thompson, who was also a competitor, would hand over such a script, but at this moment he couldn't care less about it and said quickly: "Mr. Wang Mo, I am happy to direct "Iron Man"."

He agreed simply.

Wang Mo smiled slightly: "Okay, happy cooperation."

“A pleasure to work with.”

Clement responded excitedly.

Wang Mo nodded: "Okay, you should study the script first. What kind of team needs to be formed in the future, how much money will be needed to shoot the movie, and other aspects of the issue. You can summarize it a little and wait for two days. Tell me."

Clement: "OK!"

Shooting a movie is a tedious and complicated matter. It cannot be done overnight and must be done slowly.

The two chatted briefly for a few more minutes before hanging up the phone.

Wang Mo looked at the phone, shook his head and laughed: "It seems that this Clement is indeed as stated in the information, relatively honest and upright. On the other hand, that Thompson is a bit dishonest."

The other side.

After Thompson hung up the phone, his eyes were meaningful.

"Kenneth wants to trick me? Sorry, you think too much."

He would be stupid to direct a Chinese science fiction movie, although the script of "Iron Man" does look okay. But there are so many scripts that look good, why should I choose it?

The most important thing is: Wang Mo is Chinese, so this movie is destined to not follow the Hollywood route.

Unless Wang Mo sells this script to Hollywood.

But is it possible?


In this way, a movie with a North American superhero theme will be subject to various constraints in the North American market. Can it still achieve good results?

What's more, Thompson already knew some details about Wang Mo.

Although Wang Mo has scripted several Chinese movies, the box office is still very impressive in China.

But he inquired about one thing: Wang Mo once wrote a science fiction script. That science fiction script also looked very good, but after it was filmed, the box office was dismal.

Almost brought a major entertainment company to its knees.

This proves one thing: Wang Mo is not good at writing science fiction scripts.

What's more, this time Wang Mo is writing a North American superhero theme, which is more likely to be acclimatized.

Therefore, he cannot be deceived by the script, and the right way is to clear up the relationship quickly.

Shoot whoever you love!

He doesn’t take pictures anyway!

So Thompson played a little dirty trick. He first told Wang Mo on the phone that the script was good, and then said that he was not good at shooting this subject. Then he brought Clement out and asked the other party to take over.

According to Thompson's understanding of Clement, the stubborn old man would definitely take over the script and jump into the big hole.

"Sorry, Mr. Clement."

Thompson felt no guilt at all.

In the circle of Hollywood directors, there are also various competitions.

That is to say, Clement has great talent in directing science fiction movies, which is why he has achieved such an achievement today, otherwise he would have been tricked to death. But even so, the old guy Clement is living in an extremely poor life today. He lives in an ordinary house in the suburbs and cannot even afford to pay for his children to go to private schools.

For a top science fiction director, this is really ridiculous.

Three days later.

Clement contacted Wang Mo again.

He looked a little embarrassed. He found that he had agreed too quickly a few days ago. After he calmed down, he realized that there were many difficulties in filming "Iron Man".

First: the ownership of the company.

Second: the amount of investment.

Third: Recruitment of actors.

Fourth: Later release.

Any of these problems could make "Iron Man" a box office hit.

It doesn’t matter how good the script is!

But soon, Wang Mo swept away all the worries in his heart and surprised him one after another.

“Company Ownership You can rest assured that the film will be shot under the name of one of Mr. Kenneth’s Hollywood film companies, called Marvel.

As for investment, the US$150 million you proposed is absolutely fine, so feel free to go for it. As for the actors, I already have a candidate for the protagonist, and I will recommend it to you at that time.

For other supporting roles, you have full control over them. But one requirement I have is that more than 20% of the supporting characters must be Chinese. "

After listening to this passage.

Clement was almost stunned.

He thought Wang Mo was going to use Huaxia Company to invest in the film, but he didn't expect that it was Kenneth's Hollywood company that was investing.

Then this will be easy to handle!

This alone can solve more than 80% of the problems he was worried about before.

As for whether Wang Mo sold the script to Kenneth or co-founded a Hollywood company with Kenneth, it was not something he needed to consider. He only needed to know that "Iron Man" was an authentic Hollywood movie, and that was enough.

As for investment, although Clement offered a production cost of 150 million, he was mentally prepared for Wang Mo to make a big bargain.

As long as the cost is no less than US$100 million, it's easy to handle.

But Wang Mo actually readily agreed to an investment of US$150 million.


Clement suddenly became excited.

When he directs a movie, his biggest concern is the cost issue, especially science fiction movies, which are always a waste of money. Therefore, almost 90% of the movies used to be shot were short of funds.

He never thought that one day he would not have to worry about investing in a science fiction movie.

$150 million!

I get excited just thinking about it.

"Mr. Wang Mo, don't worry... I will definitely put all the 150 million US dollars into the filming of the movie, and will not waste a dollar. I will do my best to direct a good movie."

What could be happier than making a movie without having to worry about funding?


This old man.

Wang Mo smiled and shook his head. He was really stubborn.

It's no wonder that the other party became a great director, but still lived poorly.

He has never been stingy with such people.

What's more, what he needs most now is money.

Money is the easiest thing to make.

However, Wang Mo did not make any promises at this moment, but said: "Mr. Clement, I have another request, that is, I have a science fiction director here. I hope he can become the assistant director of "Iron Man"."

The person he was talking about was Peng Chen.

Peng Chen is from Yunhai Media. According to Hao Mingxing, the other party has always been eager to join the Black Alliance.

So Wang Mo planned to give the other party an opportunity and let Peng Chen follow Clement to direct "Iron Man".

Peng Chen's talent in science fiction movies is already good. If he can study with top international science fiction directors for a period of time, his directing level will definitely make a qualitative leap.

By then, China may also produce a great international director.

Hearing Wang Mo's words, Clement had almost no hesitation: "Of course, no problem! I already need to recruit a few assistant directors, you just need them to contact me when the time comes."

As long as there are sufficient funds.

Clement can agree to any conditions.

Even if he has no hope for the oriental protagonist designated by Wang Mo, in a science fiction movie, even if he is an ordinary person, Clement is sure that his acting skills will be above the standard.

At worst, find a substitute!

This is the confidence of a top director!

Yuan Xiong was stupid again.

He was still shocked just now that Wang Mo had managed science fiction movies and Hollywood companies in a short period of time.

But I didn't expect that I hadn't come back to my senses yet.

Wang Mo also said that he had invited Clement to be the director.

That's Clement!

Yuan Xiong calmed down his tumbling heart after a while: "Come on, I'll fly to North America tomorrow."

Wang Mo: "Take Peng Chen with you."

Yuan Xiong: "Okay!"

Before hanging up the phone, Wang Mo suddenly smiled and said: "Do you want to invest in "Iron Man" this time?"

Yuan Xiong's face suddenly turned red. He held it in for a long time before he said fiercely: "The labor and management mortgaged the house and invested millions... no, tens of millions of dollars!"

It was Wang Mo's words that really hurt him.

If he doesn't seize the opportunity this time, he will be a fool!

The next day.

Yuan Xiong and Peng Chen, who was confused, confused, shocked and dumbfounded, boarded the plane to North America early in the morning.

Peng Chen never expected that such extraordinary wealth would suddenly come to him. After just one night's sleep, he inexplicably became the assistant director of a movie directed by his idol Clement, and they shot "Iron Man" with him.

With Yuan Xiong's departure, the filming of "Iron Man" has officially entered the process.

And Wang Mo finally returned his attention to another matter.

Because at this moment, it is already the end of May.

Short story world.

The waves finally rolled up.

Especially on the "June Short Story Activities" special page on Instagram, the traffic is almost boiling at this moment.

Short story lovers from all over Blue Star gathered here and had a heated discussion.

"Ahhh! I'm so looking forward to it!"

"All the troikas are dispatched, my God."

"Is this a rare event in the short story world?"

"The last time the troika was collectively touched was a big event five years ago. I thought it was impossible for the three of them to get together again, but I didn't expect that they would collide again this time."

"Actually, not only the troika, but also dozens of famous short story writers will participate in the event tomorrow. For us readers, it will definitely be a gluttonous feast in the literary world."

"Tomorrow seems to be a tough time. I have to buy three magazines: Shu Ge, Mo Hai, and Literary Elegance."

"of course!"


Of course, when everyone was discussing famous short stories, many people's attention returned to the topic.

"This time, I wonder if any celebrities will participate in the anonymous track."

"First of all, exclude the Troika. They have already written for the three major magazines."

"Looking at it this way, the expectations for the online anonymous track will be greatly reduced. After all, whose work can be better than Troika?"

"Not necessarily. The anonymous track has always been a place where surprises often come out. Even if there is no troika, there are still many famous people who like to contribute to this track."

"You are right. In fact, celebrities like Nolan and Andrew are not much different from the Troika. In order to avoid the intimidation of the offline Troika, they will most likely compete on the anonymous track. It’s okay to fail.”


As for offline.

Many readers have already targeted local bookstores, newsstands, and magazine shops.


The time has come on June 1st.

I don’t know how many readers around the world rushed in and picked up the new short stories in June.

As for the Internet, Ins also opened the works of all writers participating in the anonymous track.

But at this moment, almost 90% of people's attention is focused on the semi-annual issues of the three major offline magazines, wanting to know firsthand what kind of works the Troika brings.

On the Internet, however, due to the mixed response of hundreds of submissions, not many people paid attention to it for a while.

In a manor in Europe.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a gentle knock on the door.

Lewis, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, raised his eyebrows, here he comes!

Sure enough, as soon as the door was opened, a postman handed over an express package and said with a smile: "Mr. Lewis, your express delivery."


After Louis signed for it, he couldn't wait to open the express box.

There are three magazines, "Shuge" semi-annually, "Mohai" semi-annually, and "Literature Fenghua" semi-annually.

Louis put "Ink Sea" aside. This was a magazine he contributed to, and he didn't need to read it for the time being.

The following is the semi-annual issue of "Literature Elegance".

"Okay, let's first see what kind of work Elvis brings this time."

Lewis smiled slightly and opened the magazine.

The short story Elvis wrote this time is "Land by the River."


Louis then finished reading the work.

He nodded secretly: "It's a standard work. It seems that the old man Elvis is still young. It's just that compared to his previous masterpieces, this short story is still a little less interesting. At most, it is one step better than my "It's Raining". Dot.”

Think of this.

He chuckled: "Sorry, Elvis. I won this time, because I also have a bottom-of-the-box work "Smile" in the anonymous track. I hope I can give you a surprise then."

There was a look of pride on his face.

Then, Louis picked up "Bookstore".

In his opinion, the quality of the work Rick submitted to Shuge was most likely similar to "Land by the River".

He knew his two old friends too well.

However, the next second, Lewis was suddenly stunned.

"Is this... a printing error?"

Because Louis discovered that the author of the first work in the biannual magazine "Bookstore" was actually not Rick, but Xilou.

"West Tower?"

What a joke!

Louis burst into laughter. "Bookstore" must have made a big mistake.

He actually put the works of the West Tower in the first place.

It’s over!

This time the bookstore is going to be finished.

It’s such a big event, why don’t the editors of Bookstore review the manuscripts?

Actually, the works of the West Building were placed in the first place, and Rick's works were placed in the second place.

Absolutely ridiculous!

Louis subconsciously took out his cell phone and wanted to tell Rick.

But the next second, he saw the review of the first work.

If the first work may be misplaced, then the comments from Melvin, the editor-in-chief, cannot be wrong, because only the first work has the content of the review.

No matter how blind Melvin was, there was no way he could confuse West Tower's work with Rick's.

But it was exactly like this that Louis was shocked.

Because Melvin’s comment reads: [In the vicissitudes of life, what supports a long-term marriage are precisely those things that seem useless but are the most useful. Thanks to Xilou, he made me realize again that the most useful wealth in life is love and companionship. 】

It's obvious.

Melvin's review was directed at the West Building.


There was an explosion deep in Louis' head.

"How is it possible? How could this happen?"

He almost fell into a daze, and after a while he shook his head, almost thinking that he was dreaming.

It’s really Xilou’s work that takes the first place!


Lewis picked up the cup next to him and took several sips of coffee to calm down a little.

He looked back at the magazine in his hand.

"I don't believe that Xilou has such ability."

He shook his head, preparing to identify it himself.

However, Louis did not read Xilou's works first, but turned to the back and read Rick's new work "A Piece of Cake" first.


Finished reading.

Louis overturned some of his previous guesses. He originally thought that it was Rick's abnormal performance that allowed Xilou to grab the first place. After all, Xilou had also written "A Bowl of Soba Soba", and his level should not be underestimated. But this "A Piece of Cake" is obviously a work of Rick's normal level, not at all inferior to "Land by the River" and "It's Raining."

"He is in the west building, why?"

Lewis frowned, confused.

Since you can’t figure it out, let’s look at the works.

Louis abandoned all the distracting thoughts in his heart and opened Xilou's work: "The Gift of the Magi".

Because he was mentally prepared, he looked at it very seriously.

Chew every word and every sentence carefully.

So Louis was a slow reader.

But there are only three to four thousand words of content. Even if you read it slowly, you can finish it in more than ten minutes.

Almost fifteen minutes passed.

Louis has just finished reading this short story called "The Gift of the Magi".

The initial absurdity on his face had long since disappeared, leaving only the deep shock in his pupils and a kind of horror originating from the depths of his heart.

"Is this Xilou's new work?"

he muttered.

The expression is complex.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped at Rick's new work "A Piece of Cake", and then he shook his head and laughed: "It's really not as good, no... It's not just Rick's work that is not as good as it. Even this time, my "It's Raining" It's not as good as Elvis's "Land by the River."

Talking and talking.

Louis rubbed his brows: "Very good, very good, I guess the news headlines will explode tomorrow. Our troika went out collectively, but was suppressed by the work of one person in the west building. This kind of news will probably sweep across the world ”

He smiled bitterly.

But the next second, Louis suddenly felt a thrill all over his body.

He remembered something.


Louis suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Rick, that old guy! He's trying to trick me and Elvis!"

This time.

Lewis finally reacted.

"Fake, your uncle! Rick, you bastard."

He cursed loudly.

He finally understood why Rick suddenly called him to encourage them to participate in this June short story event.

Apparently Rick had already known from the Shuge editorial department that his short stories were not as good as Xilou's new ones, but he was not willing to be humiliated alone, so he let himself and Elvis join in.

I should have thought of it earlier.

How could that bastard Rick suddenly let them compete?

It turns out that the competition for a prize of nine million US dollars was fake, and it was real for the three of them to share the shame.

"But Rick, you made a miscalculation."

An intriguing smile suddenly appeared on Lewis's face: "Fortunately, I have already prepared my backup plan. The works published in the magazine are just my confusing works, and my real proud work was published in the anonymous track. Then This work may not necessarily be better than "The Gift of the Magi", but it will definitely not be much worse. So, I still have a chance to redeem myself, but Rick and Elvis, you two old guys are in trouble. "

Think of this.

Lewis patted his chest, his face full of joy. Fortunately, I was more prepared.

What the hell.

It’s not like I can be crushed by others on an anonymous track, right?

Hahaha! (End of chapter)

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