When he said this, Clement did not have the slightest intention of being respectful. It was completely from the deep admiration in his heart.


Is he still a human?

Is he still a human?

From Wang Mo's words, Clement was almost certain that the movie script called "Transformers" was definitely a sci-fi movie script that would amaze the world.

If it was filmed, he had no doubt that it would cause the madness of mecha enthusiasts around the world.

The domineering power of Transformers is irresistible to any boy!

The key is that Clement knew that this kind of mecha movie was not only easy to achieve results, but also the easiest to make a sequel. As long as the box office of the first part was good enough, the second, third, etc. could be easily filmed. It was equivalent to sitting and robbing money.

In other words, Clement was sure that the "Transformers" movie mentioned by Wang Mo, as long as it was filmed, the box office revenue it generated would be as high as billions of dollars.


More than billions!

The more Clement thought about it, the more frightened he became.

How could it be that there was only the revenue from the movie?

There are also a large number of figures, animations, games, books, and other peripheral revenues.

In other words, if the operation is good, the IP of "Transformers" can create more than 10 billion US dollars in value in the future.

It has to be said that Clement's vision in this regard is good enough.

In the previous life, the IP value of "Transformers" was indeed as high as 17 billion US dollars, which is more than 100 billion in Chinese currency!

A movie can generate more than 100 billion in value, comparable to a 100 billion group giant!

Who is not shocked.

Even Yuan Xiong next to him was dumbfounded. He just thought that with Wang Mo's ability, it should be easy to fool Clement.

But he didn't expect that Wang Mo would come up with a big move.

What the hell is Transformers?

When did this guy have such a movie idea again?

However, since he didn't know much about Hollywood movies, Yuan Xiong didn't judge its value, but guessed from Clement's expression that the script of this movie might be very unusual.

And Clement's heart was completely captured by Wang Mo at this moment.

His mind was full of the appearance of the Transformers mecha, and his beard stood up with excitement.

"Incredible, incredible..."

Clement could not sit still, so he stood up and walked around the room.

After a few minutes, he finally couldn't help but speak: "Mr. Wang Mo, I have an unwelcome request."

Wang Mo smiled and said: "You say."

Clement: "After I finish filming "Iron Man", I hope you can let me film the movie "Transformers". I know this request is presumptuous, but I really want to film it. I don't need the director's fee, and I am willing to be the director for free."

He couldn't resist the temptation of "Transformers".

He even believed that no science fiction director could resist it.

So he had to grab it as soon as possible, otherwise if other Hollywood directors saw it, he would not have a share.

When Clement was waiting for Wang Mo's answer with great anticipation,

Wang Mo was embarrassed: "I'm sorry, Mr. Clement, I appreciate your attention to Transformers. But I'm leaving this sci-fi to our own director, sorry I can't agree. Let me tell you straight, this is why I let Peng Chen be your assistant director, I want him to learn from you, and then come back to take the lead." He said this very bluntly. Especially when he said "leave it to our own director", he deliberately emphasized the tone, just worried that Clement would not understand. Clement was anxious when he heard it: "Can't give it to him, he can't shoot it well!" Hey! It's really low EQ. Who would say that? But Clement didn't think there was anything wrong with his words, and continued: "You have to believe me, even Thompson can't shoot a difficult mecha sci-fi like Transformers. I'm sure I'm the only one in the world who can shoot it well..." Wang Mo interrupted him: "I can't shoot it either?" "This." Clement was dumbfounded. If it was half an hour ago, he didn't take Wang Mo seriously at all. But at this moment, after seeing Wang Mo's strength, he found that his proud director level was nothing in front of Wang Mo.

Because he couldn't imagine that a person could create a perfect movie scene just by imagination.

This ability is like God.

Wang Mo smiled: "So, it doesn't matter if Peng Chen doesn't shoot well, anyway I'm here."

Clement's face flushed: "But...but...you are of noble status, how can you always instruct Peng Chen. What if you can't take care of it, maybe a classic movie will be ruined."

Wang Mo said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, he is from my company, if it is ruined, it will be ruined, just as a practice. I have a lot of movies like "Transformers" in my mind, enough for him to practice eight or ten times."



Clement's brain was like thunder exploding.

If it is ruined, it will be ruined?

As a practice?

Like "Transformers", there are a lot of movies in his head?

Clement just stared at Wang Mo blankly, almost going crazy.

But finally, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and his eyes lit up: "You mean, as long as they are employees of your company, they can direct your movies at will?" Wang Mo nodded seriously: "Of course."

Clement said excitedly: "Then I join your company, will you agree? I happen to be alone and will not have any ties. Moreover, my director ability is definitely better than Peng Chen, and I will definitely be better than him. Excellent. Well...as for the salary, as long as it can maintain my current life, it's about half a million dollars a year."

After saying that, he was even worried that Wang Mo would not agree, so he added: "Well, if you think the salary is too high, we can discuss it again."

Yuan Xiong looked at it for a while.

His original intention was to let Wang Mo impress Clement, and then he would move him emotionally and rationally, and use an annual salary of tens of millions of dollars or equity to attract him to Yunhai Media.

But now, before he even opened his mouth, Clement asked to join.

And what the hell is an annual salary of half a million dollars?

A top Hollywood science fiction director, this is what you pursue?

Even looking at Clement's expression, he felt that the annual salary of half a million US dollars was a bit too high. I really can’t imagine the kind of exploitation the other person experienced while making movies in Hollywood.


Yuan Xiong was about to speak.

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Mr. Clement, for a great director like you, of course I am happy for you to join. But I do have some objections to the annual salary you proposed."

Clement's face turned red when he heard this. He hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, I can accept an annual salary of at least 300,000 US dollars."

Wang Mo shook his head: "I'm not saying that you drove too high, but that you drove too low."

Clement was stunned: "Too low?"

Wang Mo held out a finger: "If you join Yunhai Media, on behalf of the company, I can give you an annual salary of five million U.S. dollars and equity worth 100 million Chinese dollars. In addition, I will also give you 5% of each movie you direct. Dividends. What do you think?”

"How much...how much?"

Clement's eyes widened.

Wang Mo repeated it with a smile.

Clement opened his mouth wide: "This..."

Wang Mo smiled and said: "What do you think? If you are not satisfied, you can still..."

"Satisfied, satisfied!"

Clement finally came to his senses, and the fifty-year-old man beamed with surprise. He just stared at Wang Mo, for fear that Wang Mo was teasing him.

In fact, he has seen this kind of thing too much in Hollywood.

I don’t know how many people gave him a blank check and made him happy in vain.

Wang Mo understood clearly and looked at Yuan Xiong.

Yuan Xiong immediately said: "I will ask the company to prepare the contract."

Yunhai Media has always been efficient in its work.

Half an hour later, Clement signed the contract, and the terms of the contract were even better than he imagined.

If he is willing to settle in China, the company will provide him with a house of no less than 200 square meters in Shanghai for free. If he does not want to come to China, he will receive a substantial housing subsidy every year.

Other benefits are also available.

Of course, there are requirements.

That is, Clement must direct a movie for the company at least every three years, and within the scope of his responsibilities, he should guide Chinese directors to adapt to the Hollywood film shooting atmosphere.

These requests were no problem for Clement, so of course he agreed wholeheartedly.

Just signed the contract.

Clement's address to Wang Mo changed: "Boss, when can we start filming "Iron Man"? I can't wait. Also, when will the script for "Transformers" be released? And what you just said You have a lot of movies like "Transformers" in your mind, can you tell me a little bit about it?"

When he spoke, his eyes were filled with anticipation.

It has to be said that Clement has a level of persistence and fanaticism in directing movies that is hard to match.

Perhaps this is the reason why he can still become a top international science fiction director even though he has been cheated countless times by Hollywood capitalists and peers.

Wang Mo felt dizzy when he heard Clement's bunch of questions.

He coughed: "I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry. Tomorrow, we will leave for Europe to attend the Cannes Film Festival, so after the film festival, we can start filming the movie, how about it?"

Clement knew he couldn't hurry.

But he still said: "Then I will choose suitable actors and assemble the crew first."


Of course Wang Mo was happy to see Clement's impatience.

Clement then showed a satisfied smile and was about to turn around and leave. But when he walked to the door, he suddenly turned around and said: "Boss, Cannes Film Festival can't do it. Give me a year or two, and I will take "Iron Man" to the Oscar podium."


This old man!

The emotional intelligence is still so low, but it sounds quite exciting.

The next day.

Wang Mo, Yuan Xiong, and the crew of "Kung Fu" boarded a plane to Western Europe to officially participate in the Cannes Film Festival.

And of course Hao Mingxing.

Wang Mo brought Hao Mingxing with him for two reasons: first, Hao Mingxing could ensure his own safety; second, it allowed Hao Mingxing to see the world. After all, he was about to participate in the filming of "Iron Man" and could get in touch with the international community earlier. The level of film-related activities will definitely be very useful to Hao Mingxing.

Although Clement looked down on this activity in his words.

But it is indeed one of the three major international film festivals in the world, and it is also the most famous and popular film festival in the world second only to the Oscars.

The biggest difference between it and the Oscars is that the Oscars is a North American film festival. Except for one or two international awards, the others are limited to North American films. The Cannes Film Festival is a film festival around the world. Any film can participate in the event and anyone has the opportunity to step on the red carpet.

This is why a large number of clowns appear on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival every year.

In particular, many celebrities and Internet celebrities in China are "famous around the world" for their ability to rub carpets.

Therefore, every time Cannes organizers and on-site security guards see stars from China, they become inexplicably nervous.


This time Wang Mo was an exception.

When they just got off the plane, the organizer sent a luxury motorcade to pick them up.

The leader is a man in a suit with a high nose named Oliver.

Oliver looked at Wang Mo with eyes full of excitement and admiration: "Master Wang Mo, I'm glad to meet you. Our whole family likes your music very much. Especially "For Alice", my daughter is especially fond of it. Obsessed, can you sign an autograph for my daughter? I think she will jump with joy."


Wang Mo smiled slightly and signed his name.

Seeing Oliver carefully collecting the signatures, Wang Mo asked inadvertently: "There must be quite a few Chinese people coming to Cannes recently, right?"

Oliver nodded: "Yes, a lot. There should be a lot every year."

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Then please take care of them in the coming days."

Although he knows that most of the Chinese stars who come to Cannes go to the red carpet.

But he is a Chinese after all, so if he has such an opportunity, of course he has to say a few words to his compatriots.

Oliver understood and said quickly: "Okay, I will definitely do it."

At the same time, he thought to himself: It seems that this time, I have to say hello to the security guards at the scene, and don't let those guys drive people away randomly.


Wang Mo thanked him.

He knew that with Oliver's words, this generation of Chinese celebrities would no longer be forcibly evicted by security guards when they were on the red carpet.

After arriving at Cannes, Wang Mo asked Oliver not to follow him any longer, and instead took Hao Mingxing, Yuan Xiong, and Peng Chen to wander around the scene.

"So impressive!"

Although the opening ceremony is tomorrow, the entire town of Cannes has already gathered celebrities and Internet celebrities from all over the world.

Celebrities are filming documentaries in all their glory.

The Internet celebrities were holding selfie sticks and live broadcasting.

There are also a large number of unknown directors who set up a stall on the street, hold the disc high, and sell their self-directed and starring movies to passers-by at the top of their lungs. They hope that their film will be picked up by a passing director and soar into the sky.

Wang Mo was very interested in watching several people's discs, but in the end he left disappointed.

There are almost no eye-catching works.

Even most of the movies are shot in such a bold and open way that they are difficult to watch.

"International film censorship systems are much looser than domestic ones, and almost all of them are tainted. And these unscrupulous directors, in order to make their films more eye-catching, go even further in this regard."

Yuan Xiong explained.

Wang Mo nodded to show that he knew.

Eighty-nine out of ten Hollywood movies that enter China have to delete some plots. This is an example.

When several people were wandering around, they didn't wear any makeup or cover up, but no one recognized them.

Yuan Xiong smiled and said: "Ah Mo, your reputation is not good internationally."


Wang Mo spread his hands.

In China, he has long been known to everyone as a top figure. From an eighty-year-old grandmother to a three-year-old child, who doesn't know him?

But internationally, although Wang Mo is already a piano master, few people can recognize him.

For example: Do you know who is the most famous pianist in the world today?

It is estimated that 99% of the people are confused.

Therefore, if he only relied on his achievements on the piano, he would never be known by international friends in real life.


In Wang Mo's heart, he silently said: "Two years."

According to the current plan, it will only take two years at most before I can go to Cannes, or even to any prosperous place in the world, and my face will probably be covered tightly.

On this day, the group spent more than three hours wandering around the town of Cannes.

Along the way, Wang Mo just saw two roadside directors and scripts that he was slightly interested in, and asked Yuan Xiong to ask for their contact information to see if they could get anything done.

Then everyone returned to the hotel.

The next day.

The Cannes Film Festival opens.

at the opening ceremony.

To everyone's surprise, it even caused bursts of screams from the Chinese people present.

Because the performer at the opening ceremony was Wang Mo, and what Wang Mo played was not the piano music that had been passed down in the past, but a guzheng music.

Yes, guzheng!

The whole place was in an uproar instantly.

"It's the Chinese guzheng."

"I heard it at the International Music Hall Night. The sound of this instrument is not inferior to that of the piano."

"Yes, it sounds good."

“For China to win this year’s ‘Hometown of Music’, it must have extraordinary musical heritage.”


This is the result after China obtained the "Hometown of Music".

If in the past, Wang Mo played the guzheng at the Cannes Film Festival, all foreigners would probably be confused. But at this moment, many people recognized this instrument and were excited to follow the unknown people next to them to learn more about it.

This is how a nation's music slowly becomes international.

Wang Mo believes that in a few years, various musical instruments from China will quietly penetrate into every country in the Blue Star. Maybe it will not reach the level of coverage of pianos and violins, but at least in the future, when people in the world mention China, they will You can know that this country has an extraordinary musical heritage.

This is enough.

"The rain on the banana window is for you all."

This time, Wang Mo played the guzheng piece "Rain on the Banana Window".

He prepared three guzheng pieces and played whichever one suited him.

Coincidentally, it happened to rain lightly in Cannes last night, so Wang Mo decided to perform "Rain on the Banana Window".

The beautiful melody made many people intoxicated.

"sounds amazing."

"I am becoming more and more interested in Chinese music."

"No more talking, I have to buy a guzheng shop and come back."


It must be said that Wang Mo's playing skills are now superb. Under the light rain outside the window, this guzheng music almost made everyone sink.

Coupled with the movie scene specially created by the organizer to suit the artistic conception of this guzheng song, many people were amazed.

It can be called an audio-visual feast.

People who can come here to participate in the Cannes Film Festival basically understand music.

Because of this, everyone was shocked.

Many people were not actually amazed by Wang Mo's performance because they had already heard Wang Mo's more amazing music. What shocked them the most was Wang Mo's ability to play new songs at will.

This is the scariest thing.

The performance is over.

Wang Mo returned to his seat in the front row, sitting in the same row as a group of top international directors and international superstars.

An international director smiled and said: "Mr. Wang Mo, thank you for your performance. You let me know the beauty of Chinese music. But fortunately, although you are far better than us in music, we are better than you in movies." One chip.”

Hearing this, the others also laughed.

"Jack, are you not giving Master Wang Mo face?"

"But actually Jack is right."

"You have to give us a way to survive, right?"

"If Master Wang Mo is better than us in making movies, it will be a shame for us."

"We can't make music. But you can't make movies."


Wang Mo smiled and said nothing.

Although his movie "Kung Fu" made more than 5 billion Chinese dollars in China and 100 million US dollars at the international box office.


First: He did not direct the movie.

Second: China’s box office has never been convincing internationally.

Third: A mere US$100 million in international box office is nothing in front of these great directors.

In other words, the international status of "Kung Fu" is not worth mentioning.

So when these people say he can't make movies, it's not irony, it's a fact.

And for award ceremonies like the Cannes Film Festival, box office is not really important, what matters is the depth of the movie.

This also made Wang Mo think a little: "Should we make one or two in-depth movies to compete in these top international film festivals?"

This is necessary!

For any top director or screenwriter, even if your movie has the highest box office, if you don't win several top film festival awards, your reputation will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, if Wang Mo wants to let himself, Peng Chen and Chai Qing be recognized by the international film circle, he must make some artistic films that are not just commercial.

Although this time "Kung Fu" was shortlisted for the Cannes Film Festival.

But Wang Mo knew that the organizer only let him be shortlisted for his own sake and to perform at the opening ceremony, and the final result should be that "Kung Fu" would not win any awards.

Although the music in "Kung Fu" is good, it still has a strong commercial appeal and it is difficult to be recognized by the judges.

Thinking of this, Wang Mo nodded secretly.

Ok, deal!

Next to him, Jack, the international director who had just spoken, saw the change in Wang Mo's expression and joked with a unique Western humor: "Mr. Wang Mo, judging from your expression, you are not satisfied with what I just said. Are you going to compete for next year's grand prize? "

"Ha ha."

Other directors and stars smiled heartily.

Someone even said: "Jack, don't look down on Mr. Wang Mo. If he really wants to compete for the Best Music Award, wouldn't he just win it?"

Jack's eyes widened: "That's right, Mr. Wang Mo, I was wrong."

Facing everyone's ridicule, Wang Mo smiled slightly: "Everyone is right. I think I can give it a try next year and see if I can win a few awards."

"Ha ha."


"It seems that Master Wang Mo is still moved."


No one took Wang Mo's words seriously.

But they didn't notice that Wang Mo had closed his eyes and sunk into the system.

Let’s pick a few movies first! (End of chapter)

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