Even though Wang Mo has never purchased relevant skills in the system, he is no novice in filming.

Because in the early days, he mastered almost all the relevant knowledge about movies.

In terms of theory, no one can be better than him.

Theoretically, he is the best in the world!

In terms of practical operation, Wang Mo also learned a lot from Chai Qing when he was supervising the movies "Fist of Fury" and "Kung Fu".

For example: how to set up the scene, how to set up the camera, how to move the camera, how to communicate effectively with the team... and so on.

Nowadays, even if Wang Mo doesn't need anyone's help, he can probably make a decent movie.

However, it is far from enough for him to shoot "Forrest Gump".

So Wang Mo did not hesitate to cheat.

"System, raise my directing level to the master level."

It's just 10 million reputation.

It's a piece of cake.

Soon, the 10 million reputation was consumed.

Wang Mo tried to shake his head, trying to find out what was different about his body, but found that there was no change in his body consciousness.

It seems that the level of a director can only be demonstrated when he actually directs.

"The director skill has been exchanged, and the next step is to prepare to go to Hollywood to shoot "Forrest Gump." Wang Mo thought to himself. Because this movie is full of strong North American flavor, it is impossible for him to shoot it in China. Even during the filming process, he had to contact the North American military and ask them to cooperate in the filming. Fortunately, Yuan Xiong, Hao Mingxing, Peng Chen and others will spend a long time in North America, so Wang Mo will not be alone. After confirming the matters of the two movies, Wang Mo silently calculated in his heart: "In this way, I will have four movies in the next filming or production. At present, at my speed, "Farewell My Concubine" and "Forrest Gump" can be released in half a year at most. "The Wandering Earth" can also be released in the early spring of next year, only "Iron Man" will be a little slower, but it will be completed the year after next." Four movies are moving forward in parallel, which is really exciting. Just when he was thinking about when to go to North America and how to prepare after going there, a phone call disrupted his plan. The call was from Yuan Xiong. Yuan Xiong said, "Amo, the classical Chinese version, vernacular Chinese version, and English version of Journey to the West have all been printed. I have asked someone to send a copy of each of the three versions. Please check if there is any problem. If not, we can find a time to sell them worldwide."


Before Wang Mo could speak, an assistant knocked on the door and brought three books to him.

Wang Mo hung up the phone and began to look at the three books.

The covers of the three books are similar. They are all painted by top domestic painters, showing a scene of Tang Monk and his four disciples passing through a waterfall.

In the front is Sun Wukong holding a golden hoop, holding a white dragon horse, and Tang Monk is sitting on the white dragon horse. Behind Tang Monk is Zhu Bajie, who is fat and big-eared and holding a nine-toothed rake, and at the end is Sha Monk carrying a load.

Because it is a CG picture, and the printing quality is extremely high, and it is also called woodblock printing, it looks extremely exquisite.

As for thickness.

The classical Chinese version is slightly thinner, but it is also about 3 cm thick. The thickness of the other two versions is more than five centimeters.

This is only the upper part of the three parts, the classical version is about 300,000 words.

Wang Mo did not read the classical version and the English version, but picked up the vernacular version to read.

He read for ten minutes.

He showed a satisfied expression.

Quite good.

The translation is very comfortable, the font is moderate, and the quality of the paper is also excellent. The faint smell of ink permeates his nose, making him nod secretly.

Then, he looked at the classical version and the English version again, which also suited his taste.

There are a total of 100 chapters in "Journey to the West", and the three books only include the first 33 chapters for the time being.

Wang Mo carefully looked at the details of all aspects again, and then called Yuan Xiong: "Brother Xiong, the book is fine."

Yuan Xiong immediately said: "Okay, now the world has started to distribute it. In this case, I will let the company start the promotion immediately and release it to the world in ten days."


For these things, Wang Mo has always followed Yuan Xiong's arrangements.

During these ten days, Wang Mo had already settled all the affairs in China and came to North America.

On the first day in North America, he found Clement, showed him the script of "Forrest Gump", and then asked: "Mr. Clement, if I want to make this movie, what should I pay attention to?"

Clement was shocked for a long time when he heard that Wang Mo was going to direct it.

But in the end, he said: "You are Chinese. Although you can make a purely North American movie, you may encounter many obstacles when dealing with the authorities. So I suggest that you find two local assistant directors and let them communicate with the authorities. Fortunately, "Marvel Pictures" is Mr. Kenneth's company, so you will save a lot of trouble when shooting.

But there is another difficulty: it may not be easy for you to find actors. After all, all the actors in it can only be Europeans and Americans, and Chinese people cannot participate."


Wang Mo nodded.

Actors are indeed a difficulty, especially the character of Forrest Gump is even more difficult to find.

In the previous life, "Forrest Gump" was a great success. In addition to the excellent script, there was another most important reason, and that was that Tom Hanks performed the role of Forrest Gump so superbly that it amazed countless people.

In a biographical drama like "Forrest Gump", the protagonist's acting skills are really important.

However, Wang Mo is not too worried about not being able to find the leading role. The huge Hollywood has a variety of actors, including a lot of actor-level actors. As long as he pays enough for the film, he is not afraid of being left behind.

Ten days.

Wang Mo spent all his time selecting assistant directors and actors. When he drew up a detailed list, he was ready to contact them.

"Journey to the West" has finally reached its official release date.

Global publicity started simultaneously.

The momentum is huge.

In China, almost all social media have carried huge advertisements, radiating both online and offline.

As for internationally.

Ins, YouTube, Msn, TikTok, Google, Facebook, etc., these top platforms are also filled with advertisements.

According to He Zhixing, this publicity will be carried out at any cost!

The state will pay for the publicity fees!

What he said was so domineering.

Even Wang Mo and Yuan Xiong were shocked for a long time when they first heard this sentence, thinking that He Zhixing was old and confused.

Will the state pay for publicity expenses?

What's the meaning?

But soon He Zhixing gave an explanation: "Our Literary Association has determined that the literary nature of Eastern mythological novels such as "Journey to the West" almost transcends the limits of fantasy and reaches the level of top literature. From this aspect To a certain extent, it can represent Chinese literature. Of course, more importantly, this romantic fantasy novel covers almost the entire Eastern mythology system. As long as it can spread internationally, then it can make the West proud. The people know our Eastern myths, Eastern gods and various Eastern divine systems, which is crucial to the promotion and promotion of Chinese culture.

Therefore, we decided to let the state pay for the promotion of your book. Because doing this is also promoting Chinese culture. "

After Wang Mo listened, he sighed secretly.

He Zhixing, the top Chinese writers, has indeed a sharp vision. Even if "Journey to the West" has not yet been released, they can judge the possible repercussions it will cause in the future.

Wang Mo knew that He Zhixing was right to do this.

This is "Journey to the West"!

One of the four great Chinese classics!

It can be said to be the cultural crystallization of the entire East for five thousand years, and contains the literary essence of a nation.

Such a masterpiece of the times, and integrated into China's unique mythology system, if it can be sold globally, it will have a great impact on people all over the world.

Of course, even He Zhixing cannot imagine the height of "Journey to the West" now.

He simply relied on his own judgment that the novel was worthy of publicity.

Therefore, Wang Mo doesn’t know how much money the state has invested in promoting “Journey to the West” this time.

All he knew was that just an hour later, the news spread around the world.

[Xilou publishes the full-length mythological novel "Journey to the West\

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