This time, Wang Mo specially prepared ten paintings for the publication of "Journey to the West" and ranked them from 1 to 10.

They are all works painted by the top original painters in China.

Initially, Wang Mo was thinking of inviting original animators from around the world to create the work. After all, putting aside some patriotic sentiments, the level of original animators in Europe and the United States is indeed higher than that in China.

But considering that the European and American original animators did not understand the essence of Chinese mythology, he finally gave up the idea and hired an original animator from China.

Sure enough, his choice was right.

Although the level is slightly inferior, the original Chinese painters can restore the essence of Chinese mythology to the greatest extent and draw the connotations that only belong to the ancient characters of the East.

Of these ten paintings, the first three were used for the covers of three versions.

Wang Mo plans to release the rest slowly.

But now he has released the fifth "Monkey King" to the public in advance.

No need to follow the steps!

No need to follow the rules!





Then with one stroke, all the demons and demons blocking the way will disappear.

No one expected that under the frenzy of public opinion, instead of being humble, Xilou would use such an arrogant way to declare war on everyone.

If some rational people knew before that this matter had little to do with Xilou, it was just media propaganda and momentum building.

The news released by Xilou at this moment officially told everyone: the media was right! That’s even too conservative!

Because of this, the entire network was stunned by Xilou's strong response this time.

Don't even know how to respond.




At this moment, countless words came to their minds, but they felt that none of them could describe Xilou's actions this time.

In this case, let’s tell the truth!

They wanted to know why Xilou dared to do this!

It’s useless to say more!

The work speaks for itself!

I have to say that the response to Wang Mo's move was very good. Although it was a negative response, many people in the industry and European and American netizens who had not planned to watch "Journey to the West" all focused their attention on it, and they all felt a sigh of relief in their hearts. .

"I want to see where your arrogance lies."

"Very good! Trampling Lingxiao, right? I'll go and identify it myself."

"It seems that I have to take a look at "Journey to the West"."

"Chinese, you successfully caught my attention."



When "Journey to the West" was released on this day, countless readers flocked to major bookstores, ready to take a first look at what this long fantasy mythological novel from Xilou was like.

The first is China.

As the home base of West Tower, readers are the craziest.

Big bookstores across the country welcomed countless fans of Xilou books early in the morning.

Feng Qi and Zhu Han are two of them.

As the twin guns in the Chinese poetry world, these two people can be called the top bigwigs in the Chinese literary world. However, they lost their original vigor after being crushed by a few of Xilou's poems, and they also became Xilou's loyal supporters. .

But it is undeniable that the two men's literary attainments are still at the level of contemporary masters.

"Although Xilou is very powerful, he may be a little too proud this time."

The two of them walked into a local bookstore while talking.

Feng Qi sighed with emotion: "You must be young and energetic. In fact, I feel that Xilou's "Journey to the West" may be very unusual. It can be seen from the poem Wang Mo said at the beginning. He is also proud of his literary attainments. Capital. But he forgot one thing: he is not accustomed to the environment.”


Zhu Han nodded: "We in China actually have many top-notch literary works. However, people in European and American countries simply cannot appreciate China's unique literary heritage and characteristics. Our simple conversations may contain extremely profound meanings. Implicitness and restraint make us It’s a unique culture, but Europeans and Americans simply can’t understand it, which is why our literary works cannot be widely circulated internationally.”

Feng Qi sighed: "There is no way, it's a flaw. What's more, Wang Mo actually related fantasy novels to literary nature this time, which is even more questioned. Forget it, it's useless to talk more, let's read the book first."


The two quickly found the area where "Journey to the West" was placed.

The next second, they looked at each other and all exclaimed.

"Two versions?"

This was something they didn't expect at all. The "Journey to the West" that came before them actually had two versions, the ancient Chinese version and the vernacular version.

Zhu Han instantly felt that he had figured it out: "I see. No wonder the media said it was a literary masterpiece when promoting it. It is probably because of the ancient Chinese version, right? With Xilou's achievements in ancient Chinese, it is really difficult to write an ancient Chinese version. Simple."

Feng Qi frowned: "But if this is the case, then Xilou is indeed too arrogant. He writes ancient Chinese editions, which can make us Chinese feel literary, but foreign readers can't understand it? After all, this time, Xilou mainly He is facing international readers. If he can't conquer international readers, he has already become a legend. What's more, I can't imagine what a fantasy mythology novel will be like if it is written in ancient Chinese. Looks like nothing. "

Their expressions became solemn.

Rationally speaking, they really hope that Xi Lou's novels can conquer international readers.

But now it seems unreliable.


Feng Qi said: "I'll read the classical Chinese version."

Zhu Han said: "Then I'll read the vernacular version."

They each picked up a book, sat in a quiet place, and began to read.

Feng Qi took a deep breath and opened the main text.

The title made his eyes slightly fixed: [Spiritual roots nurture the source and flow out the mind and nature to cultivate the great way]

Then came the opening poem:

[Before the chaos was divided, the world was in chaos, and no one could see it.

Since Pangu broke the primordial chaos, the world was clear and turbid.

All living things look up to the supreme benevolence, and all things are good.

If you want to know the merit of creation, you must read Journey to the West. 】

Feng Qi secretly praised in his heart. From the beginning, it can be seen that Xi Lou's attainments in classical Chinese are indeed remarkable. Just the title and the opening poem are not something that ordinary people can write.

He even raised his eyebrows slightly.

"The writing style at the beginning is really very literary. Books with only strong literary qualities will basically not be liked by ordinary readers, right?"

Literary quality and popularity have always been at odds with each other.

Because ordinary people can't stand long and flowery articles, only popular, interesting and novel fantasy novels like "Ross's Fantasy Journey" can be liked by the public.

Sure enough, the following content confirmed his guess:

[I have heard that the number of heaven and earth is 129,600 years per yuan. One yuan is divided into twelve sessions, which are the twelve branches of Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu and Hai. Each session should be 1800 years. Let's talk about one day: Zi time gets Yang Qi, while Chou is the rooster crowing; Yin is not bright, while Mao is the sun rising...]

Too profound.

Too dry.

At this time, Feng Qi really understood why "Journey to the West" had to be published in a popular version. If it was only in the classical Chinese version, it is estimated that ninety out of a hundred readers would be scared away by the profound text.

However, Feng Qi did not think about the popular version at this moment.

Because the more he read, the more frightened he was.

He found that he still underestimated the literary quality of "Journey to the West".

Originally, Feng Qi thought that Xi Lou was forcing himself to write classical Chinese, because a modern person would be more or less uncomfortable writing classical Chinese.

However, as he read along, he found that the content was very smooth, and there was almost no trace of modern Chinese in the words and sentences.

Feng Qi even thought for a time that he was really reading a novel written by an ancient person.

Feng Qi's scalp was numb, and this feeling was really too terrifying. From this, he could feel that Xi Lou's attainments in classical Chinese had reached a peak state, which was completely incomparable to them.

Especially in the book, various poems appeared frequently and were picked up at will.

For example, when describing the Water Curtain Cave, Xi Lou wrote:

"A white rainbow rises, and snow-capped waves fly; the sea breeze blows continuously, and the moon shines on the river."

"The cold air divides the green peaks, and the remaining stream moistens the green hills; the gurgling waterfall is like a hanging curtain."

When writing about the Monkey King, Xi Lou wrote:

"The three yangs meet to produce all living things, and the immortal stone contains the essence of the sun and the moon."

"Borrowing eggs to transform monkeys to complete the great way, and using his name to match the elixir."

"Inner observation does not recognize because there is no form, and the outer combination clearly knows that it has a form."

"Everyone in the past dynasties belongs to this, and they are kings and saints and can do whatever they want."

Such poems can be seen almost everywhere in the text.

Although their literary quality is very different from the poems written by Xi Lou before, there may be a lot of poems mixed in the article, but it does not seem abrupt. Instead, the scenes are vividly described on paper through poems. Such skills made Feng Qi couldn't help but applaud.

Therefore, after reading the first chapter, Feng Qi had put aside all external thoughts and immersed himself in reading.

After reading the first chapter, Feng Qi could no longer hold back his temper, and the initial ripples turned into a big wave.

Just from the content of the first chapter, he saw that Xilou had constructed a magnificent worldview.

Many times, with just a few sentences, a vast and majestic momentum seemed to rush towards him, making people see a magnificent world of gods and demons in a trance.

What is even more rare is that Feng Qi felt the pleasure of reading a novel for the first time!

Yes, you read it right.

It is a pleasure!

For many years, Feng Qi basically read literary works with an attitude of scrutiny or learning.

But when he read "Journey to the West" in front of him, in addition to feeling the literary and artistic qualities that made him admire, he also felt the long-lost inner excitement.

He subconsciously appeared in front of him the CG picture of the Monkey King that Xilou released yesterday that amazed the world.

Combined with the picture

Feng Qi's heart was filled with strong expectations. He wanted to know how the stone monkey in front of him grew up to be the Monkey King who could fight against 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals!


While Feng Qi was reading, he did not notice Zhu Han next to him, whose breathing had become rapid.

Even Zhu Han's neck became red, and his face was full of excitement.

He clenched his right fist tightly and waved it fiercely in the air.

Even though he was in the library at this moment, Zhu Han could not help but let out a low roar: "Good! Good! Good!"

Because Zhu Han was reading the popular version, and he usually read books quickly, he read much faster than Feng Qi.

When Feng Qi finished reading and savoring the first chapter slowly, Zhu Han had already read the fourth chapter of the popular version.

His heart was boiling.

In just a few chapters, the Monkey King begins a hearty and legendary journey:

Learn the seventy-two transformations under the disciples of Patriarch Bodhi!

Go deep into the Dragon Palace to obtain the Dinghai Divine Needle!

Enter the underworld and tick off the book of life and death!

Destroy the demon king!

Thousands of mountains all over the world are crouching in the Nine Netherworld, and all ten categories are eliminated!

Just these few things made Zhu Han's skin crawl.

But the burning news is yet to come.

After learning that he had been ordered to peace by the Heavenly Court, but knowing that he had only sealed "Bima Wen", he was dissatisfied and used the golden hoop to beat him all the way to the Nantianmen, and finally left the Tianmen.

At this point, Monkey King officially appears!

"Wearing golden armor, he shines brightly, and on his head, he wears a golden crown that reflects the light."

"Hold a golden hoop in your hand, and wear cloud shoes on your feet."

"A pair of strange eyes like a star, and two ears that look over the shoulders and are hard."

"Standing tall will lead to more changes, and your voice will be as loud as a bell."

"A sharp mouth and gentle teeth, but a warm heart, and a high heart to be a saint equal to heaven."

These lines of poetry were not deleted in the popular version and were completely preserved. Many times, in ordinary novels, a small amount of poetry can greatly enhance the novel's B-level.

This is the case at this moment. A poem instantly highlights the domineering and arrogance of the Monkey King.

At this moment.

Following the Monkey King's decision to leave the heaven, he will become the Monkey King in the next term.

Heaven was furious.

The Jade Emperor immediately ordered Li Jing, the King of the Pagoda, to be the Grand Marshal to Conquer the Demons, and the Third Prince of Nezha to be the Great God of the Three Altar Seas. He would lead one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals to capture the Monkey King immediately.

Zhu Han happened to see this.

His eyes were widened and his whole body was trembling.

"What a guy! What a great sage, the Monkey King, who shocked the heavens and was captured by one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals next time. Such courage!"

He felt like every cell in his body was shaking.

This is not the first time Zhu Han has read popular novels. In the past, he had scorned such novels. He felt that they were entirely the author's obscenity and had no appreciation at all.

But now when he read "Journey to the West", he found that his feelings were completely different.

Even though the description is very straightforward, whether it is the appearance and personality of the characters, the shape of the treasures, or the description of the scene, they are all detailed and detailed, making it very smooth and comfortable to watch.

In other words, it's not just smooth.

Rather, in the opening chapters of a few chapters, a rebellious and earth-shaking Monkey King appears on the page. A huge ancient world is deeply embedded in his heart. A fantasy world with hundreds of millions of gods and demons. His mind became very clear and three-dimensional.

This ability amazed Zhu Han.

That's why Zhu Han didn't think much of it at first, but soon fell into it.


It’s so exciting!

He, a literary man who sneered at current Internet novels, was now just like those readers who liked Internet novels. He was deeply obsessed with the almost endless and refreshing plot of "Journey to the West" that came one after another like a wave.

That's why Zhu Han blushed.

In fact, he was a little worried at first that Xilou had written all the climax plots in the first few chapters.

But as I continue reading.

Only then did he realize that he was wrong.

The next plot is even more exciting!

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals cannot conquer the Monkey King!

The Monkey King fights against the gods alone.

Even though he was captured in the end and thrown into the Bagua Furnace and went through seven or forty-nine days of smelting, he was still fine. Instead, he developed a pair of blazing eyes!

Such imagination!

Such descriptive power!

Such courage!

Zhu Han has been deeply fascinated by this monkey.

I like its arrogance, its dominance, and its unruliness.

"Oh My God!"

Zhu Han didn't know how many times he made this emotion unconsciously. It wasn't until he watched Xuanzang for an unknown amount of time and saw Xuanzang appearing, preparing to go to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures, that he subconsciously raised his head and stretched his stiff and sore neck.

Glancing at his phone, Zhu Han's heart was shocked.

Unknowingly, the time came to eleven o'clock!

He came in after eight o'clock.

I actually watched it for more than two hours this time?

How long has it been since you were so addicted to a novel?

The last time seems to have been back when I was young, and since then I haven’t had any novels that I could read without sleep or food.

Zhu Han always thought that it was because as he got older, he no longer had the high-spiritedness he had when he was young.

Only today did he realize that it turned out that he had not encountered a good enough novel.

"This novel..."

Zhu Han rubbed his sore eyes with complicated eyes.

He looked at Feng Qi, who was still silent in the story next to him, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

As if sensing Zhu Han's movements, Feng Qi'e raised his head.

The two people's eyes met, and they both saw the shock deep in the other's eyes.

There was silence for a moment.

Feng Qi was the first to speak: "Tell me how I feel."

Zhu Han nodded: "Yes."

There was seriousness in Feng Qi's eyes: "The propaganda is not exaggerated, it's at the level of a masterpiece."

When he said this, his voice was extremely serious, indicating that he did not mean any joke.


What kind of novel can be called a masterpiece?

At least from the perspective of a famous literary figure like Feng Qi, a novel must have top-level literary and artistic quality, and contain classic and timeless themes and distinctive characters. It must have a large concept, rigorous plot, compact structure, and exquisitely crafted text. Only novels that can bring great touch to readers and can be widely praised among the people can be called masterpieces.

And now, the ancient Chinese version of "Journey to the West" he read met almost all the conditions.

With just one sentence, Feng Qi stopped making comments.


As a "masterpiece level", no praise can surpass it.

It's Zhu Han's turn.

There was curiosity and expectation in Feng Qi's eyes.

He knew that there must be a huge difference between the ancient Chinese version and the popular version. He was able to rate the ancient Chinese version of "Journey to the West" as a masterpiece, and the ancient Chinese version accounted for half of the advantage.

Without these advantages, how can Zhu Han evaluate the popular version?

Zhu Han took a deep breath: "My feeling is: the mountains stand tall."

Feng Qi raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

Zhu Han: "Although I read the popular version, its description of the characters' appearance and personality, its explanation of magic weapons, and its description of battle scenes almost amazed me. It can be said to have reached the pinnacle of eloquence. A few simple sentences The description can bring all kinds of scenes to life, vividly on the page.”

Feng Qi: "Originally, I thought the popular version was far inferior to the vernacular version, but now it seems that each has its own strengths?"

"That's right."

Zhu Han nodded and sighed: "But what shocked me most was not the text content, but the extraordinary imagination displayed in "Journey to the West". The thought of the prehistoric world and the description of various gods and demons have almost reached the pinnacle. Highly. I have watched "Ross' Fantasy Journey". To be honest, the imagination of that magical work is less than that of "Journey to the West", and it is not even qualified to compare. Even now, I have only watched a small amount. In part, if there is an imagination that is not weaker than the previous plot, then "Journey to the West" can be regarded as the best blue star fantasy novel, there is no doubt. "

The two expressed some emotion to each other.

Silence fell again for a moment.

They were already frightened enough, but now after exchanging each other's views, their hearts could not calm down.

What kind of novel is this?

Oh My God!

Finally, Feng Qi's eyes narrowed slightly: "I cannot make an accurate evaluation of the novel Xi Lou. But I am sure that it will become an epic-level book of mythological novels in the future. Of course, this is only in China..."

"Only in China?"

Zhu Han chewed on this sentence and frowned: "What do you mean?"

Feng Qi sighed: "Do you think foreign netizens, especially European and American netizens, can understand the ancient system in "Journey to the West" and appreciate the stories in it?"

Zhu Han thought for a while: "It seems difficult."

Feng Qidao: "It's not that it seems, but it's definitely very difficult, too difficult. The Western mythology system is very different from ours. Just a Jade Emperor would make them confused for a long time. As for the various gods and demons, I guess they I simply cannot relate to it. In this way, although "Journey to the West" is very good, it is likely to be severely criticized by Western readers and media because of its high profile. What's more, when our novel is translated into English. "

Zhu Han was shocked: "What can we do?"

He really doesn't want a good novel like "Journey to the West" to be trampled on by Western netizens who don't know how to appreciate it.

In that case, he would die of suffocation.

However, Feng Qi had no choice but to spread his hands and said: "Wait a minute, if the criticism on the external Internet is really strong by then, I will write a few rebuttal articles and have them translated into English and published in international media. Let those Westerners know that it’s not that Journey to the West is not good enough, but that they don’t know how to appreciate it.”

Zhu Han also nodded and said seriously: "Count me in!"

The two of them have determined that "Journey to the West" will most likely receive unfair treatment internationally. Thinking that such a novel that is comparable to a masterpiece will be criticized by fans like "Ross' Fantasy Journey" makes them feel uncomfortable all over.


This must never happen!

While the two were planning to write an article, Blue Star finally started to make some noise due to the release of "Journey to the West".


It's time for something to happen. (End of chapter)

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