My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 499: Evaluate this team with one star

In addition to Wang Mo's desire to be on the music stage, there is another important reason for his participation in "Dream Voice". That is: he wants to promote Su Xueyao, Ye Yuanhang and others to the international music scene! Now, although he has become famous internationally, he is the only one. It is too weak. So Wang Mo thought that he should promote Su Xueyao, Ye Yuanhang and others to the international stage as soon as possible, so that these people can keep up with his pace, so that he will not be alone in the international arena. In addition, Hao Mingxing is about to participate in the filming of "Iron Man". If Hao Mingxing can become famous in the North American music scene before the release of "Iron Man", it will also have a great boost to the box office of the movie. Otherwise, if an unknown star from the East participates in the protagonist of a Hollywood movie, the box office will certainly have a certain impact. Wang Mo thinks far ahead. Farther than Yuan Xiong. So, after receiving the news that Su Xueyao and her group are coming to New York, Yuan Xiong was so anxious that he found Wang Mo, and he was shocked: "You mean, you don't choose any European and American singers, but you want Su Xueyao, Fu Zhuang and others to be members of your team."

Wang Mo nodded: "Yes."

Yuan Xiong was anxious: "You can't act on impulse. The six of them have never sung English songs, how can they take on such a big responsibility on such an international stage? Well... maybe their strength and talent are really good, but they are only limited to China. This is the international music scene, which is completely different from the domestic one. I know what you mean, you want to give them a chance to show their faces on the international stage. But you have to think about the consequences, right? The system of this program is extremely harsh. If they don't perform well, you will be eliminated.

You are an international hall-level musician. If you are eliminated on "Dream Voice" at that time, where will you have face in the future?

Of course, I didn't say you did it wrong, your starting point is good. But I suggest that you only give three places to domestic children, and the other three places to select singers internationally. Do you think this is okay?"


Yuan Xiong said a lot.

He was obviously really anxious.

Wang Mo kept smiling and listening until Yuan Xiong's throat was dry. He smiled and said, "Brother Xiong, you don't have confidence in me."

Yuan Xiong spread his hands: "I only ask you one question, what will you do with the songs when the time comes?"

Wang Mo: "Write."

Yuan Xiong: "You?"

Wang Mo: "Yes."

Yuan Xiong: "You can also write English..."

He closed his mouth halfway through.

Only then did he remember that Wang Mo could write and sing songs about polar bears. At the beginning, Wang Mo was on the stage of the Masked Crossover Singer King, and he amazed the audience with a song "Opera 2". Even now, after this song was released internationally, it has become a representative work of Dolphin Sound and is praised as a classic by countless singers.

So, it doesn't seem strange to say that Wang Mo can write English songs.

It's just.

Yuan Xiong paused before continuing, "But this time, "Dream Voice" is not something you can handle by writing one or two songs. You have to prepare at least one song for each of the six singers, right? And the styles of the six people are different, so the songs you write must also conform to their styles, and they must also adapt to the international community and be accepted by the European and American public. Have you ever thought about this difficulty?"

Wang Mo nodded, his expression unchanged.

Yuan Xiong knew that Wang Mo had made a decision long ago.

Although he didn't know why Wang Mo was so confident, he had seen too many miracles in Wang Mo, so he didn't say anything more, but took a deep breath and said, "In this case, let's go according to your ideas."


Wang Mo responded.

Yuan Xiong looked at Wang Mo deeply for a few times, and then hurried away again.

Since Wang Mo's team members are all Su Xueyao and others, Yuan Xiong needs to do much more than before. He needs to make a more detailed plan for this program.

As for Wang Mo, he sank into the system.

"What song should I choose?"

He muttered in his heart.

In Yuan Xiong's opinion, writing songs for six singers of different styles in a short period of time, and English songs that the other party has never touched before, is almost hell-level difficult.

But in Wang Mo's opinion, it is not a problem at all.

In the system mall, all kinds of songs are available.

Wang Mo only needs to customize the songs according to the personality characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of the six people.

Su Xueyao's explosive power.

Hao Mingxing's smoky voice.

Fu Zhuang's majestic.

Ye Yuanhang's affection.

Miao Xiaoxia's high notes.

Cao Bin's difficult skills.

All six people have their own significant advantages. So Wang Mo just needs to pick out suitable songs in the system based on the advantages of several people.

Wang Mo was about to sink into the system to choose songs, and suddenly thought of someone.

He pondered for a moment and dialed a number: "Sister Qi."

Xu Mengqi's sweet and clear voice rang in his ears: "Brother, you still remember that you have a sister like me."

Wang Mo chuckled: "I've been a bit busy lately."


Xu Mengqi hummed, then chuckled: "Okay, sister, I know you are really busy. You are busy with international affairs now, so I don't mind if you don't contact me. Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Wang Mo said: "Sister Qi, have you ever thought about developing internationally?"

Xu Mengqi was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Wang Mo briefly talked about his participation in "The Voice of Dreams" and serving as a mentor, and then said: "Sister Qi, if you want to develop internationally, I will leave a place for you."

When Xu Mengqi heard this, she was very moved: "Brother, you really speak to my heart. It is probably the dream of every Chinese artist to be on such an international stage."

But after a while.

She still sighed: "But I can't go."

Wang Mo asked in surprise: "Why?"

Xu Mengqi said helplessly: "First, several of my companies are in China, and I can't live without them. Second, although my performance in music is okay domestically because of you, it will definitely not work internationally. Third, My singing skills have been somewhat neglected recently, as you can see from the fact that I haven’t asked you for songs for so long. Fourth, if I go, I will squeeze out one of your places and be unfriendly to your children. "

After Wang Mo heard this, he knew that Xu Mengqi would not come.

He knew these reasons, and to put it bluntly, they were all excuses.

If Xu Mengqi really wanted to come, none of them would be the reason to stop her.

Wang Mo did not force it, but said seriously: "Sister Qi, no matter what, if one day you want to come to the world to have fun, just call me. Whether it is in the music industry or the film industry, it will do."

Xu Mengqi chuckled: "I know you are the best to me, brother, no problem!"

Hang up the phone.

Wang Mo was silent for another moment, then shook his head and laughed.

As for Xu Mengqi, he always knew that the other person was really good to him, so much so that he truly regarded him as his own brother.

But I never knew why Xu Mengqi did this.

Wang Mo didn't believe it was because of his own charisma. There must be a secret behind it that he didn't know about.

It seems that now that I have time, I should inquire about Xu Mengqi's past.

Thoughts return.

Since Xu Mengqi refuses to come, she can just choose songs for Su Xueyao and the others.


He sank into the system.

"This one is good, um, buy it."

"This song is very soulful, and it's better than Ye Yuanhang's."

"This song is so explosive, give it to Su Xueyao."

"Well, the high notes of this song are given to Miao Xiaoxia, which is absolutely a perfect match."


Wang Mo's selection is not limited to English songs, but also includes some classic songs from other countries.

Because he knows that on the stage of "Sound of Dreams", as long as you have enough confidence, you can sing songs from any country.

Wang Mo originally wanted to select a few Chinese songs, but gave up after hesitating for a long time.

This time, he didn't come here to show off his skills. His main purpose was to make Su Xueyao and Hao Mingxing famous internationally.

So it's better to be cautious.

When Hao Mingxing and others become famous in the international music scene, and they are allowed to sing Chinese songs, the acceptance level of European and American fans will be much higher.

Obviously not now.

Finally, after two days of screening, Wang Mo carefully selected a dozen songs.

Next, how many songs these people can get depends on their performance on the show.

Also on this day, Su Xueyao, Ye Yuanhang and five other people arrived in New York on the same flight, and Hao Mingxing also came from Hollywood.

Six people gathered in Wang Mo's office.

There was excitement and excitement on everyone's face.

"Brother Mo, we are here."

Wang Mo looked at the confident crowd and said with a smile: "Okay! You go and take a rest first. Tomorrow we will go to the program team of "The Voice of Dreams". After you pass the review of the program team, I will give you Let me practice your songs in advance. Don’t embarrass me.”

"Brother Mo, please don't worry!"

"Absolutely not."


Hao Mingxing, after hearing these words, his heart became intense.

How long has it been since each of them received a song from Wang Mo?

The most recent estimates are Miao Xiaoxia and Cao Bin. They once got a song written by Wang Mo on the Peak Songs program, but this was only last year.

As for Hao Mingxing, Fu Zhuang and others, Wang Mo has not written songs for them for several years.

That's why they were so excited.

What's more, this time they knew that Wang Mo wrote songs for them for the "Sound of Dreams" program.

This is the world's top music variety show!

Targeting a global audience!

If they can achieve something on this show, it means they will have one foot outside the country and enter the international music scene!

Think of this.

Ye Yuanhang chuckled and approached Wang Mo: "Brother Mo, what kind of song have you prepared for us? Let's get to the bottom of it. Is it an English song?"

Before Wang Mo could speak, Su Xueyao had already said: "Of course it's an English song. Do you still want to sing Chinese songs in the program "The Voice of Dreams"? I guess no matter how good we sing, the audience won't appreciate it."

Hao Mingxing nodded: "Yao Yao is right. I have been staying in North America recently and deeply felt the huge cultural differences between the East and the West. That is, only part of Mo Ge's music can be compatible with the East and the West. As for the music that is popular in China, I let Europeans and Americans listen to songs such as "Ten Years" and "Lonely Warrior", and they were completely indifferent. The songs they liked were really different from our style, so if we wanted to do it in "The Sound of Dreams". It’s hard to achieve success on stage by singing Chinese songs.”


In the past two days, after knowing that he was going to participate in the show, Hao Mingxing did relevant research.

This is what Wang Mo appreciates about him.

Wang Mo showed approval in his eyes and nodded in approval: "It is true. It is difficult for Chinese songs to be appreciated and recognized by European and American people internationally. So for you and the show, I must follow the trend. But I have prepared more than just It’s an English song.”

The others' eyes lit up.

"Are there other songs?"

"French song?"

"German song?"

“A song like ‘The Opera’?”

"Is there any Fuso song? I want it!"


Everyone was talking about it, and everyone was even more excited.

Wang Mo smiled and said: "Don't worry, what kind of songs you can get depends on your performance on stage. It's useless to say anything now."

The next day.

It was the third day proposed by the program team.

Wang Mo took Hao Mingxing and six others and drove to ABC's headquarters in Times Square, New York.

As soon as they arrived at the company, a tall professional woman with blond hair and blue eyes took them to the 13th floor.

"This is the program floor of "The Sound of Dreams". Our chief director, Mr. Kevin, is waiting for you, Mr. Wang Mo, inside."

The woman said respectfully.

"OK, thanks."

After the woman rang the doorbell and the door opened, she walked in.

What came into view was a huge office, in which sat a white man with thick hair and a high nose.

Seeing Wang Mo come in, the man's face showed surprise. He quickly stood up and greeted him: "Hello, Master Wang Mo. I am Kevin, the chief director of "The Voice of Dreams". Nice to meet you."


Wang Mo stretched out his hand and shook it.

After a brief exchange of greetings between the two parties.

Kevin said excitedly: "Mr. Wang Mo, it is our honor to have you come to the show as a mentor. I think having the greatest musician like you in the music industry today will definitely make the show more exciting."

Wang Mo smiled slightly: "Thank you."

Kevin said: "I wonder if you have chosen your team members? If not, I have a few suitable candidates to recommend."

Wang Mo turned sideways and motioned for Hao Mingxing and the others to come in. Then he pointed at them and said with a smile, "Director Kevin, I have already found the team members, including them."


Kevin's pupils shrank when he saw the six unfamiliar oriental faces in front of him.

He rubbed his eyes, almost thinking he was hallucinating.

After a long while, Kevin swallowed: "Mr. Wang Mo, you... aren't you going to find a European and American singer?"


He quickly explained: "Don't think too much, I don't mean to discriminate. What I mean is: it seems that this is the first time that so many oriental faces have appeared in international variety shows. I'm not sure whether they can be compared to European and American ones." I don’t know if the songs they sing will be accepted by the audience. This lineup is really risky. I hope you can think about it carefully.”

"I have decided."

Wang Mo's words made Kevin swallow all the words he had yet to say.

His expression was complicated, but he still didn't continue to persuade him for a while.

Instead, he took a deep breath: "In that case, Mr. Wang Mo, please take your team to do a simple review. If there are no problems, we can enter the recording process after completing the contract."

Wang Mo raised his eyebrows: "Are you just waiting for me?"

Kevin smiled and said: "Yes, the other three mentors and their team members have already confirmed that the program was supposed to start recording a week ago, but in order to wait for you, we postponed the recording time. But we can wait until Wang Master Mo, your joining is worth everything.”

But Wang Mo didn't see that there was some bitterness behind this smile.

After Wang Mo left with six people.

Kevin's expression suddenly became solemn and he sighed a few times.

Next to him, assistant Mia asked: "Mr. Kevin, are you dissatisfied with Mr. Wang Mo?"

Kevin shook his head: "No, how could I be dissatisfied with him? This time we spent a lot of money and even delayed it for a week just to invite Wang Mo to join. Because he is the youngest pianist and music player in Blue Star today. He has single-handedly promoted Huaxia to the position of the hometown of music. He is young, handsome, and rich. Such a person is naturally an idol for young people, so I paid a lot of money to invite him. His joining will definitely make the eighth season of "The Sound of Dreams" shine in a different light."

Speaking of this, Kevin sighed leisurely.

"But I didn't expect that. I guessed that Wang Mo would join, but I didn't guess that his patriotism was so serious."

The assistant was stunned: "Why do you say that?"

Kevin asked: "Do you think Europeans and Americans have feelings for the songs sung by Chinese singers?"

The assistant shook his head without hesitation: "No, I remember that after Master Wang Mo became famous, all the songs he had sung in China were published by his company on international music platforms, but there was one song that received a good response, even that one The song is not a Chinese song yet.”

"That's right." Kevin said, "Chinese songs and European and American songs have very different styles and characteristics. It can be seen from Wang Mo's experience that even the songs he sings are not cold to European and American people. But this time, Wang Mo brought six Chinese singers to our show, how will the audience accept this?"

Only then did the assistant react: "What should we do?"

"I have no idea."

Kevin spread his hands: "I now know why Wang Mo suddenly agreed so readily when we invited him. Most likely, he wanted to use our program to promote these Chinese singers to the international stage and let them They had a chance to showcase themselves in the international music scene, but...he never thought whether this would work.

Originally, I was very optimistic about Wang Mo's team. His talent and several good players will definitely attract attention on the show.

But now, he may be held back by these Chinese singers.

It's even possible that if you don't pass the preliminary round, you'll be eliminated! "

The assistant was surprised: "Is it so serious?"

Wang Mo is an international music master and piano master, a legend who has surpassed Simon, Romando, Aida and other music masters. To ordinary viewers, a person like him standing out from the crowd when he becomes a mentor.

But it would be incredible if you were eliminated at the beginning.

Kevin nodded solemnly: "It's just that serious."

The assistant exclaimed: "What about us?"

Kevin took a deep breath: "We can only activate the emergency plan. Tell the emergency team to immediately find one or two more mentors who can replace Wang Mo. They can replace Wang Mo immediately after he is eliminated."

He was very depressed.

As the director of "The Sound of Dreams", he originally wanted to use Wang Mo's fame and ability to take the show to the next level.

But I didn't expect that Wang Mo actually wanted to praise the Chinese singer for his own selfish reasons.

Isn’t this nonsense?

There is no weak hand among the other three mentor team members!

All are top-notch seedlings.

If you ask these people from China to fight against those people, there is no chance of winning!

It’s useless no matter how powerful you Wang Mo is.

Therefore, in Kevin's opinion, Wang Mo will most likely be eliminated in the first two rounds.

Wang Mo is great, but he can't stand up to his team members.


Kevin took a few sips of coffee, but then he thought about it. If Wang Mo was eliminated, it would be a different kind of breaking news for the show.

The other side.

Just an hour later, Hao Mingxing and the other six successfully passed the review of the program team and signed the contract at the same time.

Although they are well-known singers in China, the contract they signed this time is very inconspicuous and is completely a rookie contract.

None of the six people cared.

After all, they are not here just for the quality of the contract.

After signing the contract.

An assistant took them to another lounge and said as he walked: "Master Wang Mo, I will now take you and your team members to meet the other three instructors and their players."

Wang Mo asked curiously: "Who are the other three mentors?"

"The first one is Kristiff, an international singing star and a godfather-level figure in the music industry."

"The second one is Natalie, an international diva and the most famous female singer in Blue Star."

"The third one is Brooke, a palace-level songwriter who has written songs for more than twenty first-line international singers, kings and queens."

The assistant's words had little impact on Wang Mo.

But others were screaming in surprise.

Obviously, the fame of these people has a great impact on everyone.

When Wang Mo and the others went to the lounge.


Kristiff, Natalie, and Brooke were sitting on the sofa, talking to each other.

Kristiff smiled and said: "I heard that the fourth mentor has been decided."

Natalie asked curiously: "Oh? Who is it?"

Kristiff: "Wang Mo, music master Wang Mo."


There was a gasp in the lounge.

"Master Wang Mo?"

"God! Is it him?"

"We are actually lucky enough to compete on the same stage with a music master."


Even Natalie and Brooke's eyes widened when they heard the news.

Although they are both at the pinnacle of the music industry, their status is still a little lower than music masters like Wang Mo.

Especially when I think back to the various top-notch music Wang Mo has created, that is the difference between gods and mortals.

Suddenly, the three of them were under great pressure.

Brooke's expression was a little solemn: "It seems that this time in "The Voice of Dreams", we have met a five-star opponent..."

The words have not yet finished.

I saw Wang Mo and six of his team members stepping into the lounge.


Everyone's eyes converged.

Brooke's eyes glanced at the six Chinese singers behind Wang Mo, and he swallowed half of what he said. His heavy heart suddenly felt relieved: "Okay... I said it wrong, although Mr. Wang Mo is a five-star level opponent. But a team like his deserves one star at most.”

Kristiff and Natalie also looked at each other and smiled, and their expressions became relaxed.

All of them are quick-thinking people.

Seeing Wang Mo's team composition, I instantly figured out the key to everything.

The team of six Chinese singers in front of them was absolutely no threat!

Giving them a star is all for Wang Mo's sake. (End of chapter)

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