Some people are excited.

Some people are looking forward to it.

Some people are looking forward to it.

Some people are screaming and shouting, asking Nick to announce the result quickly.

In the semi-finals tonight, although everyone guessed that the first place would be between Su Xueyao and Ethan, no one dared to make a conclusion until the final announcement.

Even if Ethan's performance has already amazed many people.

But Su Xueyao once again subverted everyone's eyes with this song "Rolling in the deep", allowing everyone to see the terrifying strength of this Chinese girl.

"Who is the first in the semi-finals?"

"How many votes did Su Xueyao get? Announce it quickly!"


Although many people know that there is not much difference between the first and second in the semi-finals, because they will definitely advance. But everyone still wants to know which of these two singers is better.

"Sixth place, Su Xueyao, 68,000 votes on site, 103 million votes off site."

Nick's voice has sounded.

Spread throughout the venue.

Heard by hundreds of millions of people watching the live broadcast.

However, the audience was slightly stunned after hearing the number of votes.

Because Su Xueyao's votes were almost the same as Ethan's.

The number of votes on site was only 0.01 million less than Ethan. The number of votes outside the venue was 0.02 million more than Ethan.

Such a small gap made everyone confused.

"Who wins and who loses?"

"I don't know."

"The gap is too small, it's impossible to judge."

According to the rules, the on-site vote accounts for 60% and the off-site vote accounts for 40%, so after the votes are out, only by calculating the detailed percentage according to the detailed votes and then summing them up can we know the winner.

However, what Nick announced just now was just an approximate number of votes. If others calculate according to this number of votes, there is basically no difference between the two. In this way, I am afraid that except for the program team, no one can know who wins and who loses.

On the stage.

Looking at the eager eyes of tens of thousands of people in the audience, Nick was helpless and thought to himself: I don't know the winner either.

Because according to the rules, the semi-finals do not need to be rigidly determined, only the top three need to enter the finals.

He calmed down and announced directly: "According to the votes, congratulations to Su Xueyao, Yisan, and Hao Mingxing for successfully entering the finals. The three of you will start the final battle next Saturday. As for Miao Xiaoxia, Margaret, and Bo Luo... Unfortunately, you were eliminated."


All three sang a farewell song.

Miao Xiaoxia sang the first song she sang on this stage, "God is a Girl".

As for Margaret and Bo Luo, they both chose a soulful song.

Although the three were eliminated, they lost with conviction. After all, the other three were not the ones they could beat.

When the three sang the farewell song, the semi-finals of "Dream Voice" finally came to an end.

And at this moment.

The international network has already been abuzz.

Many people are struggling with one thing: In the semi-finals, who won between Su Xueyao and Yisan?

No one can figure it out.

Unless the program team of "Dream Voice" gives the most detailed vote count, the result calculated based on the current vote count cannot be concluded at all.

"Who won?"

"I can't calculate it, I can't calculate it at all."

"It will probably become a mystery."

"Dream Voice is too cunning, can't it give a result?"

"Ahhh! I'm going crazy with curiosity."


Even thousands of netizens have flocked to the official account of "Dream Voice", demanding that the official release the most detailed voting data. You don't need to calculate it officially, just announce it, and we netizens will do the calculation!

However, the official did not respond.

Everyone in the industry knows that the official will not respond.

After all, this is the semi-finals.

First, winning or losing is not important, just decide the qualifying places.

Second, if you really want to distinguish between winning and losing, it is very likely to cause a fight between Su Xueyao and Yisan's fans, which is not worth the loss.

Third, if the victory or loss is announced now, it will greatly reduce the audience's expectations for the finals. If it is not announced now, everyone will be more curious about who will really win on the final stage.

The finals are the most important.

Many industry insiders even speculated whether the "Dream Voice" program team deliberately adjusted the voting results to make Su Xueyao and Yisan's votes equal, and then cleverly increased the suspense of the finals.

Very likely!


When the Internet was still abuzz.

Wang Mo had returned to the hotel and called Su Xueyao and Ye Yuanhang: "Congratulations, you have entered the finals."

At this moment, the two of them were also excited.

Although they were extremely calm on the stage, they were still very excited when they really knew that they had entered the finals.

After all, the current "Dream Voice" has become a world-class stage. The two of them can enter the finals and compete with Yisan for the final championship. This kind of glory can be imagined.

Ye Yuanhang smiled and said, "It's all thanks to Brother Mo."

Wang Mo: "It's okay, just give me half of the money you get."

Ye Yuanhang's smile stopped abruptly.

Wang Mo took half, the company took half, um... so I can't get a penny?

"Brother Mo, spare me."

"Okay, okay."

Wang Mo smiled and shook his head, then said seriously: "For the next final song, do you two continue to choose your own songs, or do you want me to choose for you?"

Ye Yuanhang's expression also became serious. He pondered for a while: "Brother Mo, I want to choose it myself."

"Okay, what kind of song do you choose?"

Wang Mo expected Ye Yuanhang's choice.

This guy always has his own strong subjective opinions.

Ye Yuanhang seemed to have thought about it a long time ago. He took a few deep breaths and said: "For the song in the final, I want to sing "The Lone Warrior."


Wang Mo was really stunned.

He never dreamed that Ye Yuanhang would say such a thing.

Even Su Xueyao next to him opened her mouth wide, her face full of shock.

Wang Mo was stunned for a long time before he said, "You... want to sing "The Lone Warrior"?"

Ye Yuanhang: "Yes."

Wang Mo: "Why? You should know that it is not appropriate to sing it on this stage, and most people will not understand it. It may even bring you a lot of negative public opinion."

Ye Yuanhang smiled and said, "Brother Mo, it's okay. In addition, I may make some slight changes to this song. I hope you agree."

Wang Mo stared at Ye Yuanhang for a few seconds and found that although Ye Yuanhang was laughing, there was determination in the depths of his eyes.

He thought about it and said, "Okay."

Although Wang Mo didn't know why Ye Yuanhang did this, he respected his decision.


Wang Mo looked at Su Xueyao: "Xueyao, what about you?"

Su Xueyao looked at Ye Yuanhang with a complicated look, and then said, "Brother Mo, choose the song for me."

She knew in her heart that Ye Yuanhang did this because he probably knew that he could not compete with her and Ethan for the championship, so he indulged himself.

Perhaps doing so would have a miraculous effect.

But she couldn't.

If she did the same, she would hand over the championship to Ethan.

So even if Su Xueyao wanted to choose the song herself, she finally gave the decision to Wang Mo.

Wang Mo nodded: "Okay."

After that, Wang Mo continued: "In addition, on the final stage, when the competition is over, the program team will invite all the people who participated in the program back, and each team will sing a song together. I will be the main one, and you will be the auxiliary one. Put an end to the program. I have told Brother Xing and Brother Bin that they will arrive tomorrow. I will give everyone a song at that time, and we will practice together."



The two agreed.

Ye Yuanhang asked curiously: "Brother Mo, what song shall we sing together?"

He felt itchy in his heart, wondering what kind of song Wang Mo had prepared.

After all, in Ye Yuanhang's view, the last song sung represents Wang Mo, the team, and even their entire Chinese music scene, which is too important.

Wang Mo blinked: "You will know tomorrow."


The next day

Hao Mingxing, Fu Zhuang, Cao Bin and others all returned to New York.

At this moment, Hao Mingxing looked exhausted, but his eyes were bright.

Wang Mo smiled and said, "Brother Xing, has the filming started?"

Hao Mingxing nodded: "Yes, Director Clement is very fast, and he has strong connections in Hollywood. He doesn't have the Chinese way of choosing a date and killing chickens to worship gods, so he quickly started filming "Iron Man."

Wang Mo: "How do you feel?"

Hao Mingxing said solemnly: "My acting skills are still lacking now, and I am working hard to improve myself. But Director Clement is worthy of being one of the greatest directors in the world. He has helped me a lot. I think as long as I have enough time, I should be able to play the role."

"That's good."

What Wang Mo is most worried about is whether Hao Mingxing can keep up with the rhythm of the crew.

Because he knows that although Hao Mingxing's image is very suitable for playing Iron Man, this kind of science fiction plot still requires strong acting skills, and Hao Mingxing is not a professional, so he may not be able to handle it.

So after a pause, he still said: "Brother Xing, if you really have difficulties, just tell me, don't worry, I can solve any difficulties for you."

I have a lot of reputation now, so it's easy to buy some skills in the system mall to improve Hao Mingxing's acting skills.

Hao Mingxing hummed: "Okay, Brother Mo. I won't be stubborn."


Wang Mo learned about the current situation of Fu Zhuang and Cao Bin.

The two were eliminated by the program team and immediately received a large number of invitations to international variety shows.

Now, Fu Zhuang went to a TV station in Yingjili and prepared to be a mentor in a music variety show.

Cao Bin, because he is good at North American country music, joined a North American country music association and planned to launch his own album in the shortest time.

The development of the two is also in full swing.

As for Miao Xiaoxia, there is no need to worry. This girl, who is now known as the sweet little queen of the music world, is favored by the industry far more than Fu Zhuang and Cao Bin, so her future is definitely bright.


Wang Mo was very happy, "Everyone keep working hard, and also try to help domestic singers. If there is a chance, help them to break into the international music scene."


"We will."

"Don't worry, Brother Mo."

Everyone agreed.

Wang Mo then took out a stack of sheet music from the table and handed one to each person: "That's it, let's practice the songs for the chorus in the finals first, and make the "Dream Voice" program a perfect ending."


The finals are here!

These days, the international entertainment news is almost dominated by "Dream Voice".

[The "Dream Voice" finals are coming, who will win? ]

[The most important music variety show in history]

[Even the Grammy Awards competition is not so fierce]

[Ethan said: Very stressful]

[Su Xueyao, can the Chinese girl become the queen of the international music scene? ]

[Ye Yuanhang, who should not be underestimated]

All media have made their headlines very eye-catching to attract the attention of netizens.

After all, everyone knows that such news has the most traffic in the past few days.

Netizens are also very excited.

All major social platforms are full of discussions about the program.

"Ahhh, who can win the championship?"

"It must be Ethan, I support Ethan."

"Definitely Su Xueyao, she is too strong."

"Don't you think Ye Yuanhang has great potential? This oriental youth has always been not to be underestimated."

"Anyway, I think anyone can win. Each of them is a powerful singer. On a stage like the final, everyone has a chance to win the championship."


There was a lot of discussion.

Each has their own supporters.

Especially China, the entire entertainment industry is almost in a boiling state.

Countless fans were so excited that they could hardly sleep, and they were screaming one by one.

In the past, how could Chinese singers have such a good time?

And now, on the final stage of "Dream Voice", out of a total of three places, Chinese singers actually occupy two places: Su Xueyao and Ye Yuanhang.

The opponent of these two people is the world's top singer Ethan.

What a pride!

What a glory!

"Su Xueyao will win!"

"Ye Yuanhang, come on!!!"

"Chinese singers, conquer the world."

"You will win."

"So excited."


During this period, the reputation of Su Xueyao and the other six in China has reached a peak. At this moment, with the arrival of the finals of "Dream Voice", Su Xueyao and Ye Yuanhang are even more popular than all other entertainment news.

After all, nowadays, the significance of this final has far exceeded the victory or defeat of ordinary music variety shows, reaching the height of the East-West showdown.

Regardless of who wins or loses, it will basically cause turmoil in the international music scene.

So at such a critical moment, in order to support the two of them, many Chinese fans, in addition to spontaneously climbing over the firewall, have also carefully made tutorials on how to climb over the firewall, so that more netizens who don't know how to access the Internet can follow the tutorials and wait to vote for the two in the finals.


Under this heat.

Time has come to Saturday again.

On this day, the finals of "Dream Voice" officially began.

Su Xueyao, Ye Yuanhang, and Ethan will start an unprecedented music variety show at the Metropolitan Stadium. (End of this chapter)

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