My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 92 Yes, it’s the piano music I wrote (first update, please subscribe)

Basically all the students who came to participate in the music and art activities this time knew Zhao Shu. After all, Zhao Shu's status in the music world is like He Zhixing's status in the literary world.

Uncle Zhao...many students called him this in private.

The title conveys kindness and respect.

At this moment, seeing Zhao Shu enter the classroom, the onlookers, after obtaining the consent of the classmates from the literary exchange meeting, followed Zhao Shu and filed in one after another.

Their curiosity is even stronger than that of Zhao Shu.

Everyone can see that for Professor Zhao to have such a big reaction, perhaps they have underestimated the other party's piano level.

When I first entered the classroom and saw Wang Mo's true face in Lushan.

Everyone's hearts are in confusion.

"Damn it, Dashaibi!"

"Even if you are handsome, your piano skills are still so high? Do you want to die?"

"By the way, can anyone recognize who this person is?"

"Why do I think he looks familiar? He looks a lot like my future husband."



Especially many female students, their eyes were straight.

When a man is focused on doing one thing, that is when his charm is overwhelming.

But if this man is very talented in this matter, and even crushes everyone, plus he has a handsome face, then for college students, it will be a blast.

However, they did not expect that the real killing spree would begin.

When the melody of "All I Think of is the Galaxy" sounds.

These students did not react as quickly as Zhao Shu. At first they just felt that the music score was a bit unfamiliar.

Until He Yan, who was following Zhao Shu, covered her mouth and exclaimed in a low voice: "Is this song new?"

As a top student at Yangyin, it can be said that she has played all the piano music that is slightly famous in the world.

Even though she had not deliberately memorized the scores of many piano pieces, she could recall them as soon as the melody sounded.

But I have never heard this melody before.

He Yan had just finished exclaiming when she saw Zhao Shu's expression and movements.


He Yan felt an electric current passing through her whole body, and she felt numb. There is only one possibility for Professor Zhao to be so shocked!

Other students also thought of this possibility one after another.


"Isn't it?"

"Could it be that this is an original piano piece?"

"This young man is a bit scary."


Of course, at this moment, everyone suppressed the shock in their hearts and did not make a sound.

The classroom became even quieter than before.

Except the sound of the piano is getting more and more melodious.

Wang Mo was already immersed in his own world, playing the piano as if no one else was around.

The sound of the piano is beautiful, ringing in everyone's ears. The deep and dreamy melody interprets the beauty and mystery of the stars, as if one can hear the breathing of the stars and feel the vastness and infinity of the universe.

Uncle Zhao just stood there, listening to Wang Mo's performance without moving.

Hearing the subtlety, his face even showed excitement and he clenched his fists fiercely.

Until a minute or two later.

Wang Mo finally finished playing "All I Think of is the Galaxy".

"Sure enough, the professional-grade piano skills provided by the system are extraordinary. Playing the piano feels much more enjoyable than before."

Wang Mo had a smile on his face.

At the same time, I am extremely satisfied with the piano piece "All I Think of is the Galaxy".

Although it is not a world-famous song, and its popularity among ordinary people in its previous life was not very high, the vastness, lightness, and beauty displayed by this piano piece all indicate that its quality is quite high.

Just a little shorter.

Just over a minute.

But Wang Mo didn't care.

It's better to keep it short...because it's all about the essence.

He gently placed his hands on the keys. When all the sounds disappeared, Wang Mo let out a breath.


He suddenly realized that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere.

Why is it so quiet?

Damn it, who is this non-mainstream old man?

Why are you looking at him like this?

Also, why are there so many people behind the old man?

Wang Mo finally fixed his eyes on He Zhixing and smiled shyly: "Mr. He."

He Zhixing asked in surprise: "I didn't expect you to play the piano so well?"

Seeing Zhao Shu's expression, He Zhixing could tell that Wang Mo's piano skills were extremely high. But he didn't know that the reason why Uncle Zhao had such a big reaction at this moment was not just because of Wang Mo's piano skills, but mostly because of the piece of music Wang Mo just played.

"Bounce whatever you want."

Wang Mo said: "When I was standing at the door just now, a classmate probably recognized the wrong person and thought I was the pianist. I happened to be a little bored, so I played a few wrong songs."

As he said that, he saw Luo Hui with an apology on his face: "This classmate, I hope I didn't cause any trouble to you."


Luo Hui instantly blushed and wanted to dig a hole and get in.

This is a big deal.

But who would have thought it was such a coincidence? Forget it if you admit the wrong person, it just so happens that this young man can also play the piano, and he plays it so well.

When others heard Wang Mo's words, they all had different expressions.

Just bounce?

You are too casual, so casual that even Professor Yangyin Zhao was alarmed.

Zhao Shu, who originally wanted to say hello, turned to look at He Zhixing in astonishment: "You... know this classmate?"

He Zhixing was about to introduce Wang Mo's identity to Zhao Shu, but soon remembered that Wang Mo's identity was sensitive, so he just nodded slightly: "We know him."

Zhao Shu could no longer bear it.

He grabbed He Zhixing with his left hand and Wang Mo with his right hand, and strode out of the classroom.


The three of them came to an empty office.

Uncle Zhao's eyes were bright and his voice was filled with excitement: "Old He, there is no one here, you can always tell me. Who is this young man?"

Wang Mo also looked confused: "Mr. He, who is this?"

He Zhixing said to Wang Mo: "This is Professor Zhao Shuzhao. He is the leader of Yangyin and a famous music artist in China. He is an expert in piano, composition and other music."

It turned out to be a big shot!

Wang Mo was secretly surprised and quickly said respectfully: "Hello, Professor Zhao."

After introducing Wang Mo.

He Zhixing looked at Zhao Shu with a smile: "Old Zhao, have you forgotten what I just said to you? I said before that I would introduce you to the songwriter of "Heaven and Earth Dragon Scales", you..."

Zhao Shu immediately reacted: "You mean, he is the creator of "Heaven and Earth Dragon Scale", Wu Yan?"

He Zhixing nodded: "That's right. You know, because 'Wuyan''s identity is a bit sensitive, I didn't say it in public just now. You should also be careful about this and don't say it everywhere. Because his real name is 'Wang Mo'."

"Wang Mo? Who is Wang Mo?"

Zhao Shu looked confused, obviously he had never heard of this name.

He Zhixing had no choice but to explain.

After Zhao Shu heard this, everyone was confused: "The little fresh meat of the collapsed house?"

His face was full of absurdity, it felt so outrageous.

He Zhixing smiled and said: "Let's not mention the past. Anyway, Wang Mo's identity can only be kept secret now, otherwise public opinion is likely to destroy him."

Zhao Shu frowned: "The current network environment is really messy. The relevant departments should have taken control of it long ago."


His eyes immediately fixed on Wang Mo, and he excitedly asked the question he wanted to ask the most: "Xiao Wang, where did the piano music you played just now come from? Is it a piece you composed?"

Wang, who was thick-skinned and silent, said without changing his expression: "Yes, it's the piano music I wrote."

"As expected! It is indeed your original creation."

Zhao Shu was so excited that the braids on the back of his head trembled: "Do you have a name?"

Wang Mo said: "Everything I think about is a galaxy."

Zhao Shu closed his eyes, as if he was reminiscing about the piano music just now, and opened his eyes after a moment: "What a "All I Think of is the Galaxy", you can create such high-quality piano music at your age, your future achievements are limitless. Can you please give me the music score later? I am going to take it back and give it to the students of Yangyin to study hard."

Wang Mo said modestly: "This is my honor."

Zhao Shudao: "But having said that, now I finally understand why you were able to compose "Dragon Scales of Heaven and Earth" in the first place. The profession of composing is inherently one-size-fits-all. If you can write good songs, then you may not be able to write good songs by drawing inferences from one example. Good piano music. Xiao Wang, in my opinion, your talent on the piano is actually stronger than that on songs. Have you ever thought about continuing your studies on the piano? If you are willing, Yangyin can always..."

It is not easy to create a good talent in the piano industry.

Especially a genius like Wang Mo, who is both comprehensive in performance and composition, is even rarer.

That's why Zhao Shu started poaching people.

"Eh eh eh..."

He Zhixing was smiling and listening at first, but the more he listened, the more he frowned. Finally, he couldn't help interrupting Zhao Shu: "Old Zhao, you want to poach Xiao Wang to Yangyin in front of me. Are you too shameless?"

Zhao Shu raised his eyebrows: "Xiao Wang has such a talent for music, so coming to Yangyin is the right way. What? Does he still understand literature?"

"You're really right!"

He Zhixing blew his beard and stared.

The other side.

When Zhao Shu dragged Wang Mo and He Zhixing away.

on site.

The crowd who had been quiet for a long time finally broke out into a huge noise.

"Oh my God, what was the piano music that boy just played? It was so good."

"I was so drunk when I heard it."

"His piano skills have reached the performance level, right?"

"More than that, He Yan just said that she is better than her teacher."

"So terrifying? He Yan is a talented piano girl from Yangyin. I've long heard that her piano skills are at the performance level. Is this person better than her teacher? It's incredible."

"Where did this monster come from?"

Countless people talked about it.

Soon, the topic of discussion came to the identity of the boy.

Someone said with certainty: "It must be us from the Qingbei. We in the Qingbei have always been crouching tigers, hidden dragons."

at once.

Another person laughed sarcastically: "I don't deny Qingbei's strength, but when it comes to music, we at Yangyin are the ones who take the lead. If this person wasn't a classmate of our Yangyin, I would stand on my head and eat shit."

As soon as this was said, more people refuted it.

"Tch, do you think our Huaxia Conservatory of Music doesn't exist?"

"If you want to have fun, just say so, and you even give such a ridiculous reason. Yangyin's music major is great, but not every musical genius comes from Yangyin."

"If the piano is good, it must be from Yangyin? Can't it be from our Beijing Film Academy?"

"I am not convinced by the National People's Congress!"

"I, Lan Xiang, don't accept it!"


Finally, a girl said weakly: "Why do I feel like I have seen this boy somewhere? He looks a bit like Wang Mo?"

The girl next to me asked: "Which Wang Mo?"

The girl said: "He's the one who said Yue Meng was Yue Fei and ruined his house overnight."

Girl next to me: "Who are you insulting?"

The girl quickly said: "I must have seen it wrong. If you're not sure, take another look."

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