My house collapsed from the top, and the system just came?

Chapter 94 A hidden master also appeared in the literary club?

Zhao Shu swallowed and could hardly believe his eyes for a moment.

He rubbed his brows and wanted to read it again, but found that Wang Mo had already put away the note.

It doesn't matter anymore.

Because there are only two lines of text on the note, as long as you are not too stupid, you can basically memorize it at a glance.


Zhao Shu shook his head and sighed secretly.

It turns out that what He Zhixing said just now is true, and Wang Mo does understand literature.'s not that he understands it, but his talent is no less than that of the piano.

He turned around and wanted to say a few words to He Zhixing, but found that something was wrong with He Zhixing's expression, as if he was stupid.

"Lao He? Lao He?"

After shouting several times, He Zhixing came back to his senses.

Zhao Shu smiled bitterly: "Lao He, I wrongly blamed you just now. I didn't expect that Xiao Wang also has such a talent in literature."


He Zhixing nodded absently.

At this moment, his heart had already become unstable.

He asked Wang Mo to participate in the literary exchange meeting. He originally wanted Wang Mo to show off his literary talent to silence Zhao Shu, and at the same time, Wang Mo's identity would not be exposed.

But who would have thought that Wang Mo would write such a poem.


He Zhixing made such an evaluation to Wang Mo.

What is it if it's not a monster?

He originally thought that "Facing the Sea, Spring Flowers Blooming" written by Wang Mo last time was the highest level expression of the child's years of accumulation. To rewrite a poem of the same level, unless there was a sudden burst of inspiration, at least It will have to be two or three years later.

After all, a poet may only have one or two good works in his life.

Ke He’s trip was completely unexpected.

Right here, at this student-level literary exchange meeting, Wang Mo casually wrote the second poem!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it.

Twenty minutes later, someone came over to collect Wang Mo's papers and stuffed them into a box.

People around looked a little weird when they saw that Wang Mo actually participated in writing poems.

"Isn't he a piano player? Why does he also write poetry?"

"Who was so blind as to send the paper to him?"

"Fortunately, this piano prince has a good temper, otherwise he would have fallen out."

"The important thing is to participate."

"That's right, I saw that he was brought by Professor He. Someone who can get along with Professor He has some ability."


After a while, the poems written by everyone were collected together.

The host student casually pulled out a poem from the box: "Now, let's see what kind of text surprise you can give us today. Well...the name of this poem is: Tomorrow."

She read in a measured voice:


"They have money"

'They have rights'

"And we"

"Own tomorrow"

This modern poem is easy to understand but has profound meaning. It won a round of applause and 20 votes.

The second poem is also a modern poem.

Title: "The Sinking World".

The host read:

""The Sinking World""

"This is a world that is about to sink."

"It's full of money and desire"

"Under the bright appearance is a stench that makes people vomit."

"A world like this"

"Unless we cleanse with blood"


"Destined to perish"

After reading such a modern poem, Wang Mo secretly gave him a thumbs up. He was so bold to write such a dark and depraved poem.

However, after looking around, I found that no one was surprised.

Even He Zhixing's eyes were calm.

All right.

It's him who thinks too much.

Perhaps in the eyes of literati, this kind of thought is nothing at all.

It's normal when you think about it. In my previous life, I had seen Qian Qian's "feces and urine" poems.

Even if that kind of poetry can be published, what else can’t be written?

Compared with "Shit and Urine Body", the poem in front of me, which is full of decadence and depravity, is simply not worth mentioning.

In the end, the poem received 18 votes.


The host still took out the poems from the box and read them in the prescribed order.

It has to be said that the students participating in the literary exchange meeting this time are not weak in literary attainments, and they can even be called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

When more than 20 poems were read, three people's poems had received more than 25 votes.

One person even got 30 votes.

In an exchange meeting with only 35 students, being able to get 30 votes is indeed outstanding.

Moreover, even He Zhixing showed approval for the "Mud" written by this classmate, obviously thinking that the poem was well written.

Many students began to whisper.

"This poem is so well written."

“The artistic conception is profound.”

"He is the first one today, right?"

"Who wrote it?"

"Looking at the style, it should be Senior Xiao's work."

"Unlike, Senior Xiao's poems are full of agility, but this poem is mainly heavy. I think it was written by Senior Wu."

"Looking at the smile on Professor He's face, you should know how high the level of this poem is."

Some people even got excited and ran to He Zhixing: "Professor He, do you think this poem can win the first place today?"


He Zhixing smiled and did not answer.


A few minutes later.

The host on the stage grabbed a piece of paper again and said with a smile: "This is the 28th poem we have read today. Will this classmate give us another surprise?"

The host classmate opened the paper, glanced at it, and suddenly his eyes narrowed slightly.

She rubbed her eyes and looked again.

He didn't say anything for a long time.

Seeing the host's strange behavior, the students present spoke one after another.

"Xuanxuan, what's wrong?"

"Read it quickly."

"Is the writing so bad that you're embarrassed to read it? Don't worry, it's not even registered."

The host Xuanxuan took a deep breath: "No, it's this poem... it's a little special."

“How special can it be?”

"An alternative poem?"

The students laughed.

The host Xuanxuan did not look at the expressions of the students. She took a deep breath and then said seriously: "This poem is called "A Generation"."

""a generation""

"The night gave me black eyes"

"I use it to find the light"

Two sentences.


Even when many students were still smiling and talking, the host had already finished his recitation.

Someone's smile froze on their face.

Some people's expressions became blank.

Some people were stunned for a moment.

Some people swallowed, their faces full of shock.

But the only thing that is the same is that although the host Xuanxuan's recitation has ended, many people seem to still be able to clearly hear her voice reciting the poem just now.

Those two short poems were like a bolt of lightning that struck deep into the souls of many people.

Let everyone's soul tremble.

Even after a long time, everyone still felt that their brains were buzzing.

"This poem..."

"my God."

"how come?"

It is difficult to tell whether some poems are good or bad, and even without human interpretation, most people will have difficulty understanding their meaning.

Some poems may seem good to many people at first glance, but they have no profound meaning.

However, the song "One Generation" they heard was not only easy to understand, but also became more and more charming the more they listened to it, and the more they read it, the more it shocked their souls.

This kind of poetry, these students have no words to describe its depth and value.

"Who wrote it?"

"I could never write in my life."

Someone looked at He Zhixing: "Mr. He, have you taken action?"

In the eyes of the students, no one else could write such a poem except He Zhixing, a great figure in the literary world.


He Zhixing just sighed and shook his head: "If it weren't for me, or rather... I wouldn't be able to write such a poem."

One sentence.

It even made waves in the hearts of the students.

Is it difficult for Professor He to write it?


Who wrote it?

"not me."

"not me."

"Not me either."


Logically speaking, if a classmate wrote such a poem, he would probably stand up and admit it immediately and gain the admiration of others.

But now no one has come forward, instead everyone is denying it.


From beginning to end, no one doubted Wang Mo.

No one even looked at him.

Wang Mo smiled and said to He Zhixing: "Mr. He, let's go?"

He Zhixing nodded: "Okay."

A classmate was shocked: "Professor He, we still don't know who wrote this poem?"

He Zhixing shook his head and said solemnly: "It doesn't matter anymore. Since this student doesn't want people to know his identity, then he has his reasons. Why should we dig up his identity? As long as we know the poem he wrote "One Generation" is enough. A good "One Generation" is inspiring, inspiring..."


He then left the lecture theater together with Zhao Shu and Wang Mo.

Behind him, a group of students were in agitated moods and had complicated expressions.

At this moment, in the WeChat groups and Moments of several top universities in Beijing, news about the emergence of a "piano prince" in northern Qing Dynasty is still spreading rapidly.

But no one expected that everyone has not recovered from the news.

Another breaking news came out:

[Hidden masters also appeared in the literary club]

When this news first appeared, many people dismissed it.

"Ha! Who believes it?"

"A piano prince just appeared, and now a literary master appears?"

"It's probably the fake news that was created by the students at the literary exchange meeting who were not willing to let their popularity be suppressed."

"It's so fake. When did the literary club degenerate? They actually engage in such a stunt."

When many people are talking about it.


Someone posted "One Generation" to a certain WeChat group.

A few minutes later, the WeChat group exploded.

Half an hour later, the WeChat groups of students from several top universities were completely destroyed.

Countless students looked at the simple two lines of the poem and were so shocked that they couldn't add anything to it.

It's actually true.

It turns out that a great god really appeared in the literary club.

With just one poem and only a dozen words in a poem, he conquered countless students.


who is he?

The third update is over, good night everyone~~~

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