My House of Horrors

Chapter 40: New nightmare mission

Enter the forum account. Just log in to Chen Ge and find that his account name has been upgraded to purple. I can understand it after looking at the background. The 30-minute video that he posted before was reprinted and recommended. So far, there are nearly a thousand people. Reply downstairs.

After a cursory scan, Chen Ge did not find anything useful, and most people watched it.

"Dead horses are alive horse doctors, if you fish out a knowledgeable one?" Chen Song re-edited the post, added some detailed descriptions of the monsters in the mirror, and then used the privileges of the purple account to initiate help.

"After playing the game in the video, I found the monster in the mirror wrapped around me! Ask how to get rid of these things!"

It didn't take long for the post to be sent out. Someone responded below.

"Lord, are you still alive?"

"I suggest you use black dog blood to pour it, or raise a cock. The rooster sings in the sky, and the dirty things don't dare to get close to the cock."

"The play is too deep, it is recommended to turn left to the neurology."

"Ghosts are memories of people who are stranded in the world. You are a ghost, you have to hurt your own yin, and there is no end to the sea. It is better to take a step back."

"Is it up to the ghosts upstairs?"

"Maoshan seven killing ghost orders, authentic Tianshi produced! Taobao number to see my head! The success of the order is also an additional gift of five ghosts of the law!"

" Mix the soybeans, white rice and cinnabar, then infuse it with salt water for fifteen minutes, soak the beans into a soldier and find out."

"I once watched a video about a man being entangled in a female ghost. He bought a gun to get rid of the female ghost. When the female ghost came to harass him at night, the buddy took a shot directly at himself. Later, he dragged the female ghost into the bedroom..."

"The landlord, no joke, I tell you a really useful way! Find a knife, it is best to kill the knife, the blood knife, the ghost is a special magnetic field energy, such a knife can hurt it !"

Chen Song looked at it for a long time, and it was more reliable to use the iron knife to cut the ghost. The rest is not in the crap, or it is difficult to achieve. He also knows that black dog blood and **** can exorcise evil spirits in folklore, but let him go to get those things in the middle of the night.

After retiring from the forum, Chen Ge threw his mobile phone aside and sat in a chair in a daze.

Fighting with an unknown monster is a matter of your own safety. He must not pin all his hopes on those ambiguous posts.

Around a circle, Chen Ge took out the black phone again. At the crucial time, he still relied on the black phone, and only the black phone could be 100% trust.

However, the black mobile phone pursues the principle of equivalent exchange. If you want to ask for it, you must first pay.

After these days of trying, Chen Ge also explored some hidden rules in black mobile phones, such as task rewards.

Simple and general daily tasks of two difficulty levels, the rewards are usually the props that assist the haunted house management, and only the rewards of the nightmare task will directly affect themselves, giving some special rare abilities.

It doesn't make sense to deal with the things in the mirror to complete simple and general difficulty tasks. Only the rewards of nightmare tasks can make a difference.

What makes Chen Song contradictory is that the nightmare level mission is inherently dangerous. The monsters in the mirror are not removed, and new things are attracted.

"What do you want to do? Fight one, or wait?" Chen Ge flipped the black phone, zero has passed, and the daily tasks are all refreshed.

“Simple difficulty: If you want to give visitors a very scary experience, first of all, pay attention to the rhythm of the tour. The actors and institutions appear too early or too late to cause tourists to lose their interest, so I suggest you install a sound detector in the haunted house. Monitor and control the progress of visitors."

“General difficulty: You have already got a chance to expand the haunted house. Please find a suitable venue for expansion as soon as possible! Due to the restrictions of the venue, you cannot carry out any trial of the scene before the expansion is completed!”

"Dream difficulty: The bathroom in the middle of the night always makes strange noises. If you want to know the reason, just do what I said."

"Attention! Individual tasks are extremely dangerous, please choose carefully!"

Chen Ge looked at three daily tasks. He was temporarily unable to complete the general task and ignored it. The choices left for him were only simple tasks and nightmare tasks.

"If Xu Shu gives me the money tomorrow morning, I can buy all the monitors in one day, but it is estimated that the installation is not complete. The nightmare task is related to the bathroom. It is a bit strange." Chen Ge is also hesitating, simple tasks may not be able to The reward is still very poor, and the nightmare task is too dangerous to know what to expect.

He sat in the tool room and meditated. He hadn't waited for a decision. The cut sound was heard in the haunted house, and it was more harsh than before.

Chen Song looked up at the ceiling, and the sound was still coming from the third floor.

"The four puppets were all brought out by me. Can it cut something?" Chen Ge also made the dirty things in the mirror a little annoyed, stuffed the patched buns into the pocket, and carried a hammer. The tone rushed to the third floor.

Opening the door to the scene of the midnight escape, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

There are some mirror fragments scattered in the doorway, and a white mark remains on the wooden door.

"This monster is drawing a door! What does it want to do?"

There is a cold sweat behind Chen Ge. He can't imagine that when he is asleep, there will be a monster holding a mirror fragment running around. He definitely does not allow such a dangerous guy in his own horror house!

Chen Ge, who has always had a good temper, rarely colds his face. He locks the door to the scene of midnight escape, pushes the hammer into the corridor, pushes open a door, rushes into it, and puts all the mirrors on the third floor. I got rid of it.

The sound of broken glass is endless, and the broken lenses are scattered all over the place. When they reach the end of the third floor corridor, Chen Ge will calm down again.

"When the first nightmare mission was held, the monster was blocked in the mirror and could not resist; when it attacked Heshan, it only weakly affected the other side; after attacking Hefeng, this thing has been able to walk out of the mirror! It is also growing, and it is growing fast!" Chen Ge is not willing to wait any longer, his haunted house has just started, can not be destroyed in an unknown monster.

With the hammer out of the midnight escape scene, after locking the door, Chen Ge took the determination to break the boat, opened the black phone, and directly received the nightmare task: "I hope this mission reward can give some strength."

“Determining the daily tasks of accepting nightmare difficulties? After acceptance, it may cause an unknown situation to occur.”


The screen of the mobile phone flashed, and specific task information emerged.

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