My House of Horrors

Chapter 548: Murder house

Suddenly quiet in the bedroom, Fan Cong looked at Chen Ge's face, he had forgotten what he wanted to say.

"It shouldn't be..." After a long time, Fan Cong barely squeezed out a smile. Every time he and Chen Song were together, they told themselves that they should be calm and calm, but they would still be shocked by Chen Ge’s words and things. To: "The old lady's door and window are intact, and the child cannot suddenly appear in the house."

"Would it be that he ran into the room while the old man was out, and then kept hiding somewhere in the room, and when the old man was lying in bed at night, he would come out of hiding place?"

"How do you say that the more scary you are?" Fan Cong can't keep up with Chen Ge's thinking. This is not a horrible thing, but Chen Geyi said that he always feels guilty.

“I just reasoned based on limited clues and said the most likely situation.”

"Even if this is the case, what did the child run to the elderly at night? Prank? Steal?"

Chen Ge looked at the opposite building, his eyes focused on the seal: "Few children will play an old man, thieves are possible, but the possibility is not big, right, the old lady sees the boy is still a boy or girl?"

“Is this important?” Fan Cong recalled for a while before he said: “I remember being a girl.”

“Girl?” Chen Song looked back and glanced at the game screen on the computer screen: “Is it a small cloth back?”

Chen Ge thought a great jump, Fan Cong did not want to understand, Chen Ge then said: "The first floor of the first building is the home of the small cloth classmates in the game. If the game corresponds to reality, the small cloth is likely to be It appeared there, after all, the 'door' was there."

He no longer hesitated: "I want to go to the building to see if you want to be together?"

"Now?" Fan Cong made a sigh: "Is it not too good to go to the place at two in the morning?"

“There are many people in the daytime, and I feel very restrained when I want to do something, or good evening.”

"Chen Bo, I am not courageous." Fan Cong took a sip from the table and seemed to want to relieve his nervous emotions in this way: "The old lady died shortly after seeing the child, suddenly Sexual heart disease, when the ambulance arrived, the old man could not do it. I was there at the time. I heard the emergency personnel said that the old man was old and the heart attack suddenly occurred. In this case, it is almost impossible to make an emergency call. I didn't appreciate it, but I talked to you today. The more I think about it, the more weird it is. The old lady lives in the house. When she is sick and loses her ability, who will help her call the first aid. phone?"

"This doesn't just mean that the child she saw didn't mean to her, maybe it was just passing by."

"Big brother, are you too optimistic?" Fan Cong shook his head. "In the past, I always feel that I am not very practical."

"Forget it, you still stay here, let's call. If you see something strange on the upstairs, remember to tell me on the phone." Chen Ge said, carrying his backpack and walking outside, Fan Cong wants to persuade, but watching Chen Ge’s back does not know how to speak.

Out of the corridor, Chen Ge stood alone in the dark and painted area.

"The difficulty level of the ghost town in Tsuen Wan is Samsung and half. The final opponent must be stronger than the doctor. If I can find a small cloth and let all the victims unite, the success rate of this task can be greatly improved."

In Chen Ge’s opinion, it is only an accident that Xiaobu pushes the “door”. Although the out-of-control “gate” may be the root of the current ghost, the culprit is not a small cloth, she is also a victim.

Coming to the first building, Chen Ge entered the corridor.

On the first floor of Unit 1, there are two rooms on the left and right. The old lady lives in the west, and Jiang Long lives in the east.

Looking at the rusty, dusty iron gate in front of him, Chen Song opened the backpack zipper, pressed the repeater switch, and then took out the phone to call Fan Cong.

"Fan Cong, I have already entered the corridor. Now I have something to confirm with you."

"what's up?"

“Is there still a resident in Building No. 1?” Chen Song reached out and held the hammer handle. If there were no households in the building, or if the tenants lived on the top floor, he would consider opening the door with violence.

"I also saw the big sister on the third floor go out to buy food a few days ago. Someone should live, but there are only two or three households."

Fan Cong’s answer made Chen Song slightly disappointed. He loosened the hammer handle and pulled the backpack zip.

"What do you ask this?"

"Someone live, then I have to pay more attention." Chen Ge walked out of the corridor, carrying a backpack and squatting on the outside window, looking inside.

"Chen Bo, this two or three in the morning, you are on the window of someone, if you are hit by people, how scary?"

"If you talk nonsense, I will hang up." Chen Ge's pupils slowly narrowed down, and he used the haze to check the situation inside the house.

The house has two rooms and one hall, about 80 square meters. The decoration is very simple, but there are many hand-made small crafts, and it has its own style. It can be seen that the people living here love life very much. It is very delicate. Very happy person.

The story of the house and the song that Chen Ge knows is completely different, and it does not match the identity of Jiang Long.

"If you want to open the door, you must let a person completely desperate, from the heart to the flesh."

Chen Ge thinks that when Jiang Long first came into contact with Xiaobu’s mother, he probably promised what the other party had, so that Xiaobu’s mother really fell in love with him. When the other party was immersed in happiness, he changed into another face. Bring despair and cruel to each other.

Moving the line of sight, Chen Song saw the closet in the living room.

Outside the closet is a beautiful and happy life, but inside is imprisonment and torture.

This extreme contrast is like the game of Xiaobu. Before the style change, the sun is shining and full of color. After the style changes, there are killers and ghosts everywhere. Everything has been distorted.

“The out-of-control ‘door’ should be here.”

Chen Ge walked in front of several windows for a long time and found that the bathroom window was smashed by a small piece, which may have been accidentally kicked when the child kicked the ball.

"Just go in from here." Chen Ge took out the broken skull and expanded the gap a little. He reached out and opened the lock inside the window and entered the house.

He called Xu Yin behind him, then went straight to the living room and pushed the closet away.

"It's about the same as in the game."

Underneath the closet is a wooden board of the same color as the floor tiles, which is opened and reveals a secret passage.

"The space below is quite big."

Chen Ge studied the wood for a while and felt that this should not be the door opened by Xiaobu. He was going to enter the underground secret room to have a look.

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