My House of Horrors

Chapter 728: Have a room to escape with a repeater? (second more)

“Is there a problem?” Chen Song took out two hundred dollars on the ticket counter.

The ticket seller slammed and hurried back: "It's okay, just the name feels a bit familiar, much like a friend of mine."

"Is it?" Chen Song smiled and didn't care.

The staff’s movements on the hands were significantly faster, and all the formalities were completed in a few seconds.

The tickets for the Nightmare Academy are very interesting. They are an admission notice with the name of Chen Ge.

"Get the documents and notices, please go to the waiting area to line up. You can enter the tour with five people." After the staff finished the procedures of Chen Ge, they seemed to be uncomfortable and left without a stomach.

Chen Ge took the bag and walked behind the other two tourists. He was relaxed and relaxed, just like he returned to his home.

"Man, are you coming alone?" The front door lined up with a couple, the two holding hands together and looking nervous.

"Well, it’s okay, come in and see."

"You can really cowhide, dare to come here to play. This place is very scary. I just discussed with my girlfriend. If there are too few people going in together, we will give up directly." The man is more than one meter tall and wearing A black dress, wearing a wide-frame glasses, people look good.

"If you give up, the ticket will not be wasted?" Chen Ge could not understand.

"That is more scared than being scared, and then ran out strong!" The man felt that Chen Song’s brain was very strange: "My colleague used to play this haunted house, it is very scary, and we will have to walk together."

"Okay." Chen Ge himself is to open a haunted house, of course he will not underestimate the enemy, the nightmare college can do so big, certainly have the ability to press the bottom of the box.

The man seems to be very courageous, constantly telling his girlfriend about how scary this haunted house is. His girlfriend is also very cooperative. Just listening to the man's story, his face is scared and white.

Waiting for about another minute, a woman in her twenties and three students came in at the door.

They didn't know each other. The three students were so busy that they were very excited. One of them seemed to have played this haunted house, but that time he was scared to give up when he was halfway through.

The new female tourists dress very ordinary, have no special characteristics, belong to the type that can not be recognized in the crowd, she does not like to talk, one person standing in the corner.

“The number is enough, all the tourists come with me.” The uncomfortable staff just walked out of the staff passage. She was holding a tattered red school bag and several blue storage boxes: “Do not enter the haunted house. Using a mobile phone, we will provide you with lighting tools, don't chase it, don't touch the actors, and of course the actors won't touch you."

The staff said the rules that the tourists had to enter the haunted house, and then reached into the bag and took out a small flashlight from it: "Please line up to get the lighting tools below."

When the first man and a woman walked in the past, the staff directly distributed the lighting tools to the other party, but when Chen Song passed, the staff member reached out and stopped him: "This gentleman, can you backpack?" Temporarily deposited with us, we will return the original items after the visit to the haunted house."

Chen Ge shook his head, and there were four light red clothes in his backpack. He gave it to others. If something went wrong, the whole building was estimated to be buried.

"Sorry, we also act in accordance with the regulations, and I hope you can cooperate." The staff is tough.

"You are worried that I have a prohibited item in my backpack? Nothing, I can open it for you." Compared with the staff of the Nightmare Academy, Chen Ge seems to be a lot more reasonable.

He opened the backpack in front of everyone: "I have seen your tips, and it is not allowed to carry flammable and explosive materials, knives, video facilities. I don't have anything you said in this bag."

Several people in the room looked at Chen Ge’s backpack, and their faces slowly became strange.

"What is this?"

Big red high heels and cute cartoon puppets can also be understood as personal hobbies. What is the repeater? Learn English?

The key is that you visit the haunted house, why do you come to visit the haunted house with these things?

The surrounding tourists looked at Chen Ge’s eyes and became strange. The staff was also full of questions.

"You really didn't carry dangerous goods, but..." The staff picked up the repeater, and he doubted that there was something like a pinhole camera in the repeater.

The staff pressed the switch and the tape inside turned and gave a rustling sound.

This seems to be really just a normal repeater...

"What do you mean? Come to play your haunted house, can't you bring a repeater? I have never had such a rule in other haunted houses!" Chen Song argued.

"The key they don't think anyone will bring this thing to visit the haunted house." The staff hesitated for a moment, put the repeater into the backpack, and he looked at other items.

In the backpack mezzanine, the staff also found a hand-painted horror comic and a ballpoint pen wrapped in tape.

"Are you still a painter?"

"Isn't it like?" Chen Ge did not admit it, nor denied it, just looking at each other quietly.

The staff did not know what to answer. He gave everything to Chen Ge and then returned the backpack to Chen Ge: "Get your admission notice and flashlight, go in."

He groped for a long time in his backpack, and finally he handed out a red flashlight and handed it to Chen Ge.

This flashlight has the same shape as other flashlights, but only Chen Ge's flashlight case is red, and others' flashlights are green.

Walking through the security gate, several tourists entered the elevator in turn.

"After ten seconds, your nightmare journey will officially begin. If you can't persist and want to give up, you just need to ask for help out loud." The staff member saw the visitors enter the elevator and then pointed to the hands of everyone. The admission notice showed a weird smile on his face: "You have a small number of visitors this time. In order to balance the difficulty, I will give you more tips to think about what a nightmare is?"

The staff presses the elevator switch and the elevator closes and begins to rise.

"Cui Ming, have you played before, know what secrets are hidden in this admission notice?" One of the students asked about another child next to him.

"Don't look at it, you can always stare at your own feet after you go in." Cui Ming looks just eighteen years old, very embarrassing.

"Is there such a horror?" Another child did not believe that he wanted to tear open the admission notice. He was halfway up and the lights in the elevator suddenly went out!

The darkness suddenly came, and several screams sounded in the elevator, and then the green light of the monks emerged from the elevator.

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