"You are all said to be kind and righteous, but why don't you target me, but others?" The foreign man spoke. He had already failed in this mission, and now he had to endure severe torture, but how could he involve his sweetheart.

Lu He said calmly: "Kenneson, blame yourself."

Kennison looked up: "Why?"

"In our line of work, you can't have emotions. Your emotions killed your sweetheart. If you are not ready to tell the truth, it is very likely that your sweetheart will suffer in F Continent. You should know what kind of place it is."

Lu He spoke and acted with a kind of ruthlessness that did not match his age.

He killed too many people and had long lost his innocent soul.

Here, he is a running dog of the devil.

"Annie..." Kennison spoke...

He knew very well where F Continent was. There were the most terrifying slums, and the people there never treated women as women, but just as animals. And some women pulled sofas on the streets to sell sex in order to support their families.

Some areas were still in the midst of war, which was extremely terrifying.

His sweetheart is a rich lady, extremely elegant and noble, how could she go to that kind of place.

"What do you want to know? What does the Alpha Organization want to know?!" Kenison finally compromised. Alpha's boss is too powerful, and now he has a relationship with F Continent. If he really takes Annie away, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

Lu He sneered: "I like smart men."



"It's all investigated. Night Owl came back this time not for any revenge activities. He just asked the former physicist for something. I don't know what it is, but I heard from Kenison that the physicist is dead." Lu He doesn't understand the internal structure of the capital, nor does he know anything else.

He is, at best, a thug.


Lu He: "Gu Youxi."

Lu Chuyao rarely looked up, Gu Youxi...

This name has not been heard for a long time. The Gu family was in its heyday and was once one of the four major families, but later I don't know what happened, and it gradually declined. Gu Youxi, the eldest son of the Gu family, who was originally a proud son of heaven, also withdrew from the Institute of Physics and later retired with his wife.

Later, he died for unknown reasons.

What did Ye Xiao ask for from the dead Gu family? ?

"Have you asked everything you should ask?"

Lu He: "I don't know if there are any hidden things. I will continue to interrogate."

Lu Chuyao nodded, pinched the cigarette in his hand, and finally threw it on the ground, extinguished it with his feet, then stood up and left the damp and dim basement.

This is his hell.

All evils are difficult to invade, and gods and ghosts are not scared.

This is Lu Chuyao that Ning Sheng does not understand, and it is also his darkest side. Because he has too many sexual desires, he does not easily let others know the most real self.

"Master, should we take any action? Do we need to send someone to keep an eye on the Gu family?" Lu Qi asked. After all, the Gu family is also an ancient family in Beijing. Although it is not very popular now, it still needs attention.

Lu Chuyao smiled faintly: "The life and death of the Gu family has nothing to do with me."

Besides, the Gu family hid so many secrets in the past, and no one knows until now. Ye Xiao must have heard something to come here. Even if there is something wrong, the current rotten place of the Gu family is nothing to worry about.

The excellent people are all dead.

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