The hands of the leader, holding the global pass, were trembling. Finally, he asked helplessly and respectfully: "Miss Ning Sheng, I would like to ask you, where did you get this thing from?"

Ning Sheng saw their expressions and knew that this was no ordinary thing.

"This is a gift from the owner of the underground casino." After Ning Sheng finished speaking, she looked at the expressions of several people.

The expression really changed.

It seems that these people are also members of the underground casino, and the things I got from that person last time are actually of such value.

The leader: "Boss... underground casino..."

After finishing speaking in a confused manner, he kicked the two younger brothers: "What are you doing standing still? Why don't you untie Miss Ning Sheng quickly and send Miss Ning Sheng to sit on the main seat? You idiot, what use do I need from you!! "

Brother 1: "..." Isn't that what you said?

Brother 2: "..." We are also innocent, okay? ? ?

Ning Sheng was confused: "What is the use of this card?"

At the beginning, the person told herself that this was a global pass. She thought it meant that she could have unimpeded access to underground casinos, but for herself, she would never go to underground casinos again, and it was useless to hold this thing.

Leader: "???You don't know the purpose of this thing?"

Crazy? Don’t know what this thing is used for? !

There are no more than five people in the world who can get the Global Pass, which can be counted on one finger. And as long as you have this card given by Lord Juan, you can mobilize all the people in the underground covenant at will, including underground casinos, underground arsenals, underground auction house.

Ning Sheng got this thing like Shang Fang's sword, but didn't know how to use it? Could it be that Lord Juan is crazy? To give a girl such a lethal thing! !

Ning Sheng shook his head: "I just think this is a good-looking card."

That's why I keep it in my bag.

After all, she still owes that person a promise for this card.

The leader's mouth twitched: "..." What kind of god? ?

"Miss Ning Sheng... No, aunt, we are blind, and we didn't mean to kidnap you. If you have a lot, just let us go." The elder brother who took the lead was already panicking.

If the masters knew that they had done such a thing to people with global passes, they would most likely be ripped off and cramped, which was completely unsatisfactory.

It was so terrifying. Thinking of that scene makes me feel horrified.

At this time, let this aunt extinguish the fire!

Ning Sheng was confused: "Should I let you go?"

The leader said: "We really didn't mean it. We just came here to disturb you with money. If we knew you had a pass in your hand, we wouldn't do this to you even if we were beaten to death."

Brother 1: "Yes, I really..." He slapped himself, and then said: "It's really my fault. If I hadn't seen Taishan, my mouth should be sewn shut." ”

Brother 2: "I am guilty too, Miss Ning Sheng, please let us go."

Ning Sheng didn't expect this card to have such great power. She was surprised to find that the thing that person gave her really had some benefits.

She looked at the three people and asked, "Can you untie me?"

It's still tied up! !

"Okay, okay, untie my aunt right away!" the leader brother said. A smile on his face.

The younger brother immediately went over to untie it.

Ning Sheng glanced at the three people and asked, "Can you tell us now what exactly happened? Who wants to kidnap me?"

This question is very technical.

The leader was confused for a moment, and then said: "Well, we also have professional ethics."

The remaining two younger brothers nodded, this was something they couldn't say.

Ning Sheng heard this and nodded: "In this case, let's be fair and I won't embarrass you. Let's fight. If I win, you will tell me. How about it???" This is the most direct and effective way. There is no solution, there is nothing to say.

"You mean you want to fight me?" the leader wondered.

Isn't this crazy? ?

"No, you are our aunt, we can't give up on you!" the leader said.

"Idiot? Who told you to give up on me? I don't know the specific function of this thing when I get it. Let's have a fight and I will get the information I want with my strength. What do you think?" After finishing speaking, he looked at it. Suddenly, the two boys on the side were asking for their opinions.

"But, we still can't do anything to you."

The leader opened his mouth and was joking. He didn't know who Lord Juan was, so how could he dare to do anything casually?

"There's so much nonsense, why don't you tell me instead?" Ning Sheng said.

Since the other party wants to deal with him, he can't just give up.

These three people are witnesses.

"We thought about it briefly, but we still can't take action." The leader said.

Ning Sheng saw his coy look and punched him directly.

Before, she had been accustomed to using her right hand, but since the last strength test, Ning Sheng started to use her left hand. Because the strength of the left hand is stronger than the right hand, she just hit it with her left hand. .

The leader didn't react, he had already been attacked.

For a moment, the whole person retreated, and finally fell to the ground.

The two younger brothers looked confused, what was going on? ? ?

Miss Ning Sheng actually made their boss fall to the ground like this. She was so powerful that it was really incredible.

"Miss Ning Sheng... We have professional ethics."

The leader still kept his principles and was not prepared to say it.

Ning Sheng looked at the younger brother behind the leader and said, "Will you two fight with me?"

"We dare not."

The two shook their heads aggrievedly.

Ning Sheng said, "Then I will take this certificate to find your boss? Ask him if he can let you speak?" She held the black card in her hand. The Global Pass should not be fake.

The leader immediately stood up.

"In fact, in our business, reputation is not that important. I must tell you this." The leader immediately spoke honestly, without any hesitation, but spoke very sincerely.

The two younger brothers immediately said, "Yes, yes, we will tell you too."

Ning Sheng said, "Are you really not reluctant at all?"

The question was very kind.

The three of them said together: "We really don't force it at all!"

Ning Sheng smiled and said: "Really not forced?"

At this time, when Ning Sheng smiled, he looked like a very cunning fox, with a beautiful face and a dazzling light.

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